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Show THfr WBB&tY KEWg ' feCPREga. 'tA XWti. TITAff. iniii ,,' Petrslnri f,.r "! t! NO CTi in ffy mni$tKc5 ta KTlONAIr t 1 1 4 The. I,,,,.. bill. he afrt-- r elw. Is r-l- Is tla-.e,.rw- ii.e Iw.lf otK-rs- ,.f , ft . !u :j i9 V. f"t . SECRJS .' . . . . . mmunfi n;, ,..,, M((. ; ' . .t e?u Man rah Bj WlltlAM at pro iinauce ,fh fteet of V'ksVa.iw 1 FsA1S 4 sli fast if FeraaaTesn Vamhut taaitbsckl? opca Nor's drawn KSs be legatl xh f h f)tceBoifirH txfcshwll! foavey th citizens of Jerusalera an visitor tj? and down th prsglljou 4 the Holy City. a.let mctlcslly every vtsltof t Jefw-- ' salenv ttsevl tt take at least n dri U one of the tiorw eah sr ghr rles.1 They aeesuej is typleally part of tho Jerusalem scene a goi dolas 1 VrntcB or rickshas tfi ,t "" flcpTace f)Kt Gharries s.Ychktcs its Holy City o 0 fWI IHBW.111HH Tsui d niem.!,o, -l A. the addltlotnl EFRE frernt itval cwifercncf bfgin in Xmt!.q it displacement, Signed, tvj-- i.f iitvtiWry. type nf ti.o limnw r.t dlate paytnrnt ..f the iKrtWnC W thf 4 find, nrt'tirsV number vrai g lowffon concl(iio plus aijd Caliber th at, 1 futur- eof t! gi t over three Imbue, ; nn fti limiting wf ffifttspsl prett tr!wf IreatJ Agftemcnf processing tuien. wouM proximate tiundw-- of guos under f'frdwctnj tti ajoaiititjf il envat Armaments Which puts the three Inches, protNhm f,r mine toy.t.e.le, after this held to rrfvrtiTioft of a world fuvsl fc was lb fewest pe bllj tins paej ntil ing, tt trjeihi tubes am! the tin nr Wf f h sJcfcjisf raises the required of out aircraft which CUM tie tarried. by Any a at billion and a half were smeerti'n ultti waf t?mids Ifooditig over When the keel actually laid me rest year Condition!' the amount spent for relief m addl- an- - ttce must to tried lately be given, nf , EttfopAs Asis Atid Africa. And with Japan already, having It liuM 1 impu NEW NAVAL THEME an mukmmuiiiiwh . ii. United States, Britain ami' France Sign Pact t Inform (hie. An- ' "otlicr.oIAnmwl Construction; Italv M;iv' Agree.' ln.f 1, C JAPITAt; Field ii. !!, shortly f S tan, j.j, dlaxr. rUaf . Tfo' .aisitaja Him Aww njs?nff itU the I ' NAlQI.E.Os ehar? ftooat !i eo- eflously being tlquo txeg t Ftattcts-i'russiatwaf . . Jderef bjt 4 considerable qumbes hat. of the perimeot Arrpancc'Uuit Cost rnfottuvintiiTy fo tint calk drlreri f enatof qnd sheraber whateve' show! him his crowft, nnijfilatingthe . toils . K cancer (lowevvf, tho stT; city street ffl d the Uguor legal t tnis nay SccsvttJ vhat Empire,,' w hile making a .Iently wef asphalted foe the benefit ho 1 of a'utriuinbilo tfnfiU. As a resnlf th f U Tbe Industry remnnuissane'e o'u 'German lot has been hal Ilf cab tireatb f aful when a slipped smk t tin of tli farmer at comwegjtn hpuse atdp ' bumum for the Ircvetitlow TV fell as appateatly dying moonshine ond fioclely pleted, If during the ctifitiiructlon the. for the cCjvyVivg vJtfkt. put tip . EobdofS fACtl. Animals . t and Intervened In tootle industry tt being manifested. thnt, for rongrrss tm b,vn KMng I tbgloft of Cruelty cbutiges dcalgu of ntiy aldp are guest rtMim.' Cum th dawn, f )ut OldS-1- 1 t tv season this th fiiad . tot hen whole nttered. over werw reprcaciit.afJoij.v eorrect appropriations alhddfrtf M , rolled TM iiotitlcntloji must u budget fstj-- j predictions, pinjiuity .ctyiug I ta th wltlfdrawaj f resultlnj 'flerr .Cook move 1 that the national legtsla-tor- s mates all the wny dwn the line, the which gentlemen' agree, given for theae changes treaties were scrapped at 'St. James' ar river cl roffve, grabber, hotiw drSB'A cvh front 'th streels. this Face maintain th naval parity wreckage f neat' Not ifliMt ton j iv.i coming up tot tt Jdiaaelf, aerved, csnifteoualy, declin,ut Deficit tipd Huge wot excise Mrs t the United State afraid wf Frefic'tk gold 1ft fall ere ,ro ships of tbe am illary type, shell ing all offers prlhdpl between th forw, Mhen rongroM tj. es the budget I which taxes recommended by president Tlu'mmon. the' flitltlng VI"1 and Great flrttalrw they bnv In na boaplfiil ships, rcpulr alitpa, taok-or- a, give fair proinle next January. It will face tog aolutlos t th problem of lore quattem been suspected of floosevelt, and Its addition find that tnumpotts and the like, or xixra porof drew frinu Ms walstiont. a deficit of a h Corporation ta 'plan auggested my bus sum, even I meeting changing International cruft of less thnn Mil tona buMew. silver full JewVlod watch,' made bring. In effect, an ut and out the t laws between th two countries. I'xchnnges of lUta of all sucti minor sedate bow, and hiindtd U. tji d s operating. J dltton ever the years- - problem j the White House must be riddled One part cfitit wilt bethenwhatever : ' with exemption unless it la to pta the whlcb 11 low often render longft o ships lire culled (nr, hoe ever, whe.n host.anutale, f government figures It mil term treaties with rigid Imitation ftavoc with business. Following Kodlili, .NapftJwiv Ul ilkaritiv foimt ut. M 'fupxo lml ttit treaty goe4 luti clVeet. the following yen, beginning sjnd . . dtcated.. Th;4Jefwiat nmf Ula frnti July impractical, Vartou different amount of In th treaty ttirif unit jwevide any Powutitia Coit kriluirj salted for he. United States, Bet-- ' Most 1, 10H7, for relief. Another Item . crease are being considered. Eves nror Important I th ten- important remits, ft imporancs lirt, The ' YOUCISK BLQ0&P03S.0NING IftYOy DQf limitations will be which about giri.tvni.tMi the treuty t& tied lu Wljironotrt nftd ralkfiil a fainnei'til te the I nets Irani f da way rathe, in thought on the dency f th new plan popular, apparently, sizes Sa2or tlnposea of tfie caustic liquids anj Itarsl be debt and to Jneurred next year with natlonir Inherent diatrust ip.n ships avh!c tly consisting of two Son ttnd rue f distilled it aiiublixhrt. ( boostinl the tax . Hastens rq dangerouA The sqfe, ttiolr sre to guns the reduce Increased despite A tax MU, r to . Mjwehous& defined, and daughter,, removing Jlocwrrs no ratio ns farther. Under Its precept th gallonT which would t Jlijnor quick way to remgv com' is wit . the cost of competition !n rmviil third will be the Increased approboulslarm, w iillq the .children parish, New Der JLqi Dr. fSoholl's Zirp- make tt 13 on domestically produced . It more building, by milking priations, congress Indicating no were yet la ltorfs.. Albert, the pads. They inftanjly relievy pain; .' Uquoc, and 5.50 oa imported ihjuot. Idea whatever of Those limitations era nso'tlllod eldest of th economizing. strip shoe Pressure! soothe, bsul and pre famous. ion, And along with this to boost the Vent shea tors and blisters. Flesh colon by a number of escape" clauses finest Imrsemen arid hekt pistol stroti This Is why the President did not to $4 swsterproof j drint stick to slocking. Sold beer from federal tat which are to Inserted make " want to put nil the new taxes on of fill time, died 1'p Ids .it kit drug, shoe sad department store barrel-.- ' , . . . , for extraordinary this son, Jhe.'siH'ond time. tternurn, wanted year, corporations lie Fed-tael:. ' . . Whereas, Some tlm such ns war. after running the gauntlet of frt-tte- r erst Alcohol Administrator Joseph to leave a little fat for the next s Ac If r cortime. inma-fieitabe fniluta t Store, nil on activities thnntglu big .early. It of the put It. Choate, Jr, urged forcefully that tuna fihin thts before it porations ready Ji'pvuiU time, election, hoi youth, finally' tt r.nl into theMninhcr t even the present federal tat of $2 the lAoie the urlt b ere mht bvisItieaS, to petietrnt'lng'coglons where nations, able 4i,i Republicans might orgallon should be reduced In scare n iiliin if i ifunlitntiea j slrtlo forcstw of cprny, sulll l)U voters the ttnt this fall by pointing tot, In Co crush out the .bootleg' der limitation i vf the Unity. Sfumfit Japan j Coming, ' out the certainty thnt another fax agnlrist ln-- j tons Dtit.fr'ii'kj Uustryf ; ' MU was coming, and make the BX anij Saw, to. Ill limila-theie fiarn Jraituull, f')l iepiut vasjou, point turn h'ave fn1y on, lipat'. At that time Mr. Choate satd : As next time the only place to get her he w mmU (iHihTirtf, it It thnt tiont it frliMfil," for' the tfhm snuaj tariJ ' ftritv Pioneer bay, concerns liquor, the United States nJmoit ret tain that the worth of the1 the would be from the small tnotiejr uifile Lx . him; is Jiving In a fools paradise. We Income lief In flommi,)n tw niW1.it bf treaty uimlil he reduced for the tnit-e- M taxpayers. l .. Snow that .Prohibition's Frankerv- ftnrned family, enjoying As a matter of fact, Senator f.a State t ami ('.rent llriiain era not come ppoit I Is eteln monster. the bootleg trade. Is Follotte hns been Ms that due, re;Mii roonly ayreeit to maintain lire 5 Insisting for more etlll with us, but we refuse to see ll'd by beeping pare with Jnpan'i (In conqueror of the cypnfs ywam;, than a year now thnt this Is the Its size and power. Particularly we beard hi stories .of- the lrp ve to get the ad hiiihiing, but 111 aihl hats I Je.iirn logical are blind to the enormous growth dltlonnl place anyhow when (lie pJoneefiS Jrelikvd Into thvit Hew buititing ptigraml to tJiri money needed to run the new plnre su'd grnbph'if wltji 'nu of the main body f the monster. the no It in the rom not far fa f. would that government, petition licit distilling, compared to which take much tur In (Ire faw, and .marveled that the critics slzt limit for bjiftloMitp Th by persuading direand Industrial atcohol b dramiijlc.. an ern roiifd-b, imngglln of the New Ieal to throw a general at Iirijssi tons, heenliso of th ex-' mere been Wllh.Ruoli have cnirtal version ulicnncern. viewed trifling a scare Into a very large group of nee'd for ttuit type of stilp In tire crescences on Its gigantic frame Indeed,. Hvrnmnn Cook, for all. Ure United States mivjv with Ms ex group large enough to awing n bo displayed, lidllng'.oB emotlriii same statement Mr. most of the doubtful statps. Pater (n the row ft lines to defend; Miniheroic llinie clislr; rncnrdlng .Choate recommended 1 "There should eny r limmum Is 17,fii S tons. Him Actually the President has tin ' ns well have te suchi reduction In taxes and Ini- - thought ited t ltlnrh slz tentatively; It yeiterdays, might Jiwta of recommending a ta liew yvny to been ftlwHt elmltlRg port, duties as will enable the le boost for the smaller incomes.. ' Japan' fiow ulilps rnrry Id me It was like hot! to But art egg. '.a gal producers and Importers to guns, trie Hufft will Move tip tw tntervIdW with Marco ah . Game having compete. Popular Incties, . .Cmlief Jail DunUM llooije, or 1olft ., 'the who's 1 got button, In..a Button, Bwom? nf a Thor thoroiigl)ly civilized lnhd evea category Import Duty Cut When tny.bro(jir A.fliert rind J button? promises to become a faniduls are appetizing... Iho hns Jail wlili'h bnltleshlp Since that statement the fecTpro- - vorite were kl j up !fl Jlbrolioiise pnrlsh," The In Washington. will who ganio fo nation the purse Cat treaty, with Canada resulted In h mild, "ll via a country act ln-District Supreme court solemnly not permit lire giant eapltsl s.filps. a wtldarneif tut 'yet cxplorejl a reducing Import duties oil distilled holds. In the llcnrst telegram Bult.. This R" fntegpry- eoiiqirlsej Blilps doinlnlon with wild game liquor from alt countries from $. that It could enjoin the federal comcrawling ton wHIi pf not ruor than ' A of every ort liidlgenops to thnt gallon to $2:50 a gallon. Hut the munications commission, but could of at least JOIneh dimension guns federal tax bn domestic liquor Ims not cou. The .mad ware glunttf. In enjoin the senate, another ' f Hotidky, stnture and la aidrlt, nffd the' womf tills is added branch of the government.1 ; remained unchanged division nf light to the tariff duty on Imported liquor, en fit mates to share wjth .then tinder lb of the heels . This on the Supreme j 7 come tlm' of course!, while actually the tax claose: vessel" the ordrul fif Hfd. Wo shot deer a United States giving the of Court ft. Cestvoyena 'Chillis and 8haw.teln j Hew Ffqns PhUadsIphl ton lO.WHt has Increased In niatiy states, due on our trout juirches, henr In the to curryShip (a) tip In i.mclrnis and In Fliek J Ifioreasstf, fJavVard from to a general tendency to Ihcrease ships Ibnekyqr'd, (bj guns; Ing squirrels, quail, fox, coons, In . which, J. ; qulsltorlal bureaucrats. to 8,000 Mm oirrylng not over Ipossiun and the like, by Die 3,(H charges. Maryland, for Instance. some folks here suspected, the Mx J KI1LS INSECTS 10 quantitative1 limitations prejigitory tmtlonii, 'rathe tins added a amall manufacturer' guns-- and c)' skip's under load. JlorseiiuiuHlitp and the use Justices who concurred In the naVal to tlielf tuitions be fire not scribed, bulldIhg'prograuis likely I last feur FRUITS j of firearms was. second natfire. MJr 3,000 tons cartylng hot ve AN FIOWCRS , tax peygalloa within th Jorlty opinion had their tongues In 0fen becailse such programs 'ar offended by being regariled as InA Ihfirt, mounted, (jould run tuonths. brother. . VEGETABLES ft SHRUBS ,s- gunq the about their cheeks, talking out wlth treaty 'limitations); ferior. Neither wilt nutlrins which Nn coTurtnjcflon will bft permitted down q deer at. full gallop, sejze Secretary of the Treasury Henry curltles and exchange soiunilsslon, furnlsh-oDamrtnd original leafed another wltl 'complete sign tire treaty be- restrlded fropv Mdweim th minimum of 17,f0() toii the crcaturfi by the antler! and cut. . Morgefithau, Jr, la not In sympathy bottler, from your dealer but thinking of the l.lnck comm- information ehch year as to the en- building ever quantitative- limitafor capital iihlpd and the top limit li throb wlth the move on Capitol Hill .to ute. UVff tire building programs' which they tion. should hey:fini themselves of cruiser of 10,000 tops. Klne a boost' liquor taxes, tie thinks It 'Gigantic Wl-l- Boar..' So the situation is something like plan for that y?ac: Into a war.. Unplunged siuldeply on'the been tins declnr.pd Uollilay' might easily defeat tire drive, hith- this. Lower courts admit that they ftwampa In Morehouse par- -' the Washington" end old Lon- ronslruetlwn . f4 'of 10,000 ten cruiser 1h''iTiq Limit. . ,' der erto fairly successful, of the n- - might have the power fo protect fin uatittiv nteralIy aIjve wltft wnd don treaties tile signatory nations PARKERS ' forcement for at years, tlm , Under lh 'Informational" plan .Were bound to bucUs ln liave.BWn.rn!!or. agencies to break up. the individual whose private telegrams BALSAM HAIR wltldn certain 'wtoy Hair Vailtnc lUtnoTM i Illegal traffic, nucaler wglldwlng and were seized by. the federal corn mu-- there ara no limit! on the. number limits regardless of, the wqy in c'ouotleg .The Impart Color and ton. (too 8, If the build-bu- tton f.nt of Incan commission, cation nlcatlons any Faded Hair .ships Baautr lo Gray and awlmnilngihe bayouy, the.yurface Representative of the legal which their relation with tuo and II iw at UrtiirruiU. on-o although Stales,; which .prefers of t;e Wutof brokpir far. ns the there, are limits' upon tbe wqre quickly passed dustry here are vecy much V Y. Wka.. rh.m during might tpitlons J of rTulAcr, wjll hcglu ulldtng, size pi tlje ships, put whea.tlla the inf hp p had .been well pleased thnt by (lie time the individual-at- for . Ideal SHAMPOO FLORESTON oa of the Bpnn tren.tles, cJuss when..., some of-- the. 10, ' connection with 1arkora Hair Balaam.Makeatha with Morgentbajia succ.ess la re- - traded a courts attention tome bulging Information ls submitted juu'lH, especially the boar!, weigh mail or 60 at rmiU by hair aoft and fluffy. . the "holiday" 1A 'over, Treaty lhelr .Illegal eomiretltors, senate or house committee Is icfu- each jVrar, it Is believed .thaA the Uiacox Chemical Worka, Falchogua, N. Y . Moving lag close to 750 pounds. In my boylimit declare a for The aew will last While nirting.lreatii'i the various naUony will treaty able tp ef- -' V but fear 'that fllth.the tremendous tlnlzlng the telegram. Its Just hood,:! saw one that weighed at , St, of J,J5ft'feni, but thir hdt been thrown least 1,500.' It Is. a curious fpet that boosting (rt profits for moonshiners bad. Nothing ran he done about tt. feet annual-- agreements which will Six, Tears, .Of course the Henret case, th Ilia Mutually satisfactory. To thp lay, ' and .bootleggers, which the threat- swimming- - wild, hog, If suddenly hwwwowi ' irtrlcken with panic, will lash out i ctied hew tax Would bring, tlietr which came this oplnjdn by the Dls- j observer If .might' appear that the t ' own business Its front feet. wllh suchr violence 'would; suffer heavily. trie! Supreme court, will be taken, notification principle might hasten a of Appears, jnaval race rather, than detec It. But and- xupldlty as to cut Its own As a matter of fatt, fome tt. the to the District Court and then t the Supreme court, o delegates to the otldon conference, throat,' and, bleed to Teath. . .officials wbo have to do with tlhat hvere not tvprd, the inclined Is to Be Sure They Properly the view, N5t; however; until engaged In the present opposite ieU the wrlte'f 'privately of fact If a matter as Cleanse the Blood I but did come Jogs tomberfng Norman .Cyprus II. that they do. not believe 'an Increase Davis, the Amdrlcan .(to 'appreciate thq mighty forces of delegate,-saita tax would put a single additional slohal committees that tire foremost dc-OUR Vf kidneys ire constantly filler- on a fc nature or thp vastness of the outwaste matter from the blood compllshments of the new tr.eaty .dollar Into, the treasury that the get thelf clutches Ing Lwerd "the doors. With a crew of negroes numa letter, or a report It d?;8n-nkstream. But kidneys sometimes lag In provisions which ecid- shrinkage In legal, sales VouW their work do not act as nature inor nine' much difference what may be prl9nclnje hundred I eight flr8t. tlme bering tfae ,ntroduce Additional tgx per. tended fail to remove impurities the! the ' and ed out by later of Morefelled Cr.1' .brought . gallon. :'of advance .notification of building idenceofthls . liest poiton the system when retained. and Terrebonne house parishes, J programs combined with a rigid and The '.'buyera' strlVe Attitude f Then you may suffer nagging backf feet .of logs per annum for readlijg. detailed system of exchange of in-the' public agalnsfa'ny sharp-pricache, dizziness, scanty or too frequent I T to h period of 11 years, building hun. foraaUoii. urinstion, getting up at night, puffincss falsq Is filed. Also Teqr fhat.lt Ilcarst'e telegram Dos-the formej editor of miles of canals and clearof Jr.; dreds llama, under the eyes; feel nervous, miserabecome a "sinart" fo Might "The fear of what Jour neighbor knqw edl- ble ton Transcript.' and now Hearkt endless . upset. bayous. ing bootleggCr'a 'phone number. about to do causes dlstruyt and Don't delay? Use Doen'i Pills. forlal writer,, on the fidofi pf the Cypress Kings Loss. "the senator's and. representwhich may In turn lead suspicion McSwaln Doan's ar especially for poorly funchouse by Representative "Pn one' occasion while hauling 80 ative cant he jvorrlpd rfbout all this. of South Carolina weoks befort to a competitive . increase In arm-th- e tioning kidneys. They ere recomtrees through, the swansps aments. We mended by grateful users the country ' to eliminate this They wand to put tbrouglj so.me hope . tire emirt, 7. decision bf t over. Get them from any druggist on in a cable fear . . . of ort of, tax bill and go home. armaments over . respect running . navql under steam a Is drum each by other telling and the Importan! power, frankly ;What Restore-Excir'fakes In advance of our Inten-rea- d logs stuck and started to sink. Pow. .The fact 'that the telegram; was honestly . Iroerless to save either the logs or the tlons. We believe Is that such an act , President Roosevelt wUllnsIsCpn so publicly Is not what there was no alternative but will tend so to la cable, . fbe senate's What the excise situation. regulate rapidity restoring the ports nt In this let- go all hold to Is and construe-seizeand give up, ohtto of txes the development when take of the the Is anything that , place Important - tlon of one nation Within the hour those 80 logs and tawed processing taxes which he It cannot Mnvestlgathat congressional by 3,000 feet of cable, the latoriginally suggested for the new tax tors R ls passed all over Capitol HIM be regarded aa a menace to others." ter weighing about alx tons, had bfll, but which the house ways and for the Intefest of an j member of Hop wn, sf- Aneans committee baa thrown over completely disappeared, the end the house or. senate. presents wa I 'sned by Great vanishing Into the mod like a board. telegram, for Instarice, France -d the United mighty angle worm returning to Present expectations are that he ;fl?le"d by Mcswalm He la not Led by Is Its lair. Total loss $2,000. That was Milee Home Five Fleet Long will get his way In the senate, des a member of the. Black committee, States. Japan la going to sign the British of Parade submarine protocol agreed to dur. la Terrebonne parish where I Giant H. M. 8. Renown. SYErHGIiY OHCEISTRA plte the fact that Individual sen- He Is not even a senator. He la a negotiations. Italy, it Is cleared a Cyprus stand 17 miles ators are no more anxious to vote member of the house. Yet be ob ing the will sign the entire treaty 1942, It will provide for constant into the discard because France and long by three wide. It was there (100 Man) to Impose taxes which may prove talned possession of tbe telegram, before the la out It Is hoped consultations between tbe powers. to that limit that we captured with the steam nf year did never agree for Italy seized congressionare in their than states Documents unpopular will of that built also It. Japan have and a deslroyert shovel sign already loggerhead turmembers of the house. But there al committees are always passed LEOPOLD STOKOWSKI During the firtt four months of each tle from which ten men over a peare several reasons why the senate around. Always were, and always Assuming that the proper bodies year each tignalory nation it now re- considerably larger rise. m CONCERT Aircraft carriers, formerly limited riod of five day had three menla will yield to the President, and why will be. The investigators, natural- ln each of the algnatory nations quired to tend to each of the other cut been now We have a day. Sponsors) didnt know the r the house wUl then yield to the sen ly, are political appointees. They will ratify the treaty, it will become tignatoriai complete Tut oj ell the to 27,000 tons, guns. was concealed In the muddy 'ate. are seeking to curry favor with tbe effective January L 1937, which is naval building which It plant for that down to 23,000, with now Sslt Uko Tftfcsrnsclft the ab depths until he came up In the Jawa is n One Is rather obvloua. The house men who have the power to give the day after the treaties of year. It h to be expected that there Two thousand tons of the scoop. Some fishing, Il say, ln 1920 and London ln 1931 lirtt will ba "padded T every year 10 solute limit of all submarines. has already Indicated a determine them better Jobs, to have their sal 8:15 p. tlon to write In so many exemp- arles raised, and to have them fired. expire. Ratification by the United that the actual loir in any bargaining It would be hard to find any real And those were days when one tions In the tax on undistributed So If one of them notes something Staten senate is expected, although which follows io0 be unimportant. merit ln the new treaty other than man could stow two pounds of meat Seat Sale Opens April 29 a was some senators on enemy, there alarm on this point four months before the the trend away from secrecy and at every meal, which means 300 earnings of corporations that It has which reflects Farther, Glen Brother Music Co Salt Lake become a Joke as a revenue pro- the senator Is pretty apt to have a because of notes exchanged by keel of any fighting ship Is laid, the suspicion which nearly always pounds of mammoth terrapin out of "d $2-one shell." $1.12, ftl.es,INCLUDING Anthony Eden and America's all signatories must be duly notiducer. In fact. It Is pretty well copy of the document pronto. arises from It TAX PUCKS WNU WNU Copyright. Sarvlo. Beryle. While Davis. tnloa. notes Copyright the G Waatarn NarpP agreed now that the present cor ostensibly fied as to Its Intended category, Its Washington.-- - ost-p- i re-u- tI t. as-)tln- f,-- 1 w .. ;5s; 'fis";:;:.":!: , Shjn. r !t. &oil,-halte- 1 .' horses-continuall- . , XS si- . . ate 1fi I 1 & t J.ilH fc gover-men- i bay-nien- t. bring-situatio- n cos-wit- h c ncf roff . - -- ftar-gami- tint-form- M'-on- e j s prnvl-ston- twenty-aev-ent- li xliruni-stuiices- f d swnmp-gunrdo- l tlie.-wel- old-da- 11-- .. s vot-crs- ten-Bl- v liw-t- i . . been-create- 1 1 Lr-Crui- .wise.. sur-fac- e ... - tongue-lashin- J g lu-c- cart-6.1-ln- than-'CMv- ch 1 I , I S.l-lnc- h u t ,' - .... I - . J Uandnilf-Htop- I jg and.-.17,WK- , - 000-to- Lt 5i. 1 ta I.-fn- - 1 drug-giat- a. expiring-on-December I - I - g d e ?na? e E 1 11 r ' e i . ' !. 1 00-fo- ...... 8,000-foo- tomiMsI - d. lV4-tnc- P h the Deseret News JpB treJ Tit Philadelphia d, , 750-poun- d . mon-ate- 6.1-Inc- (RCA-VIct- or h Wash-tngto- Tcssr.!:y5,at Dri-taln- 'a 2 I a 2 I |