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Show . . I - - i layton:.-- . e r the weekend. ' wa given tVK-h- r it dll with .scarlet fever. . . . Mr. apd Mr. - Hodsoii 'retZenas Beftiteit were ' and Mr. .Mr. , .Sftnday dinner gyests M Mft and urned horn law week from Kioto- Mr?. Mathew Holt at thei toan in gaft where they j'urch.sed a new car. . . Clearfield. Koelo IVt..m L Id Rictoarda Joe are Mrs and Ms. . home, ofpprent-toaby girl the pro'ud A woddmr r ,e. j horn last Saturday afternoon at fof Mr. and Mrs. .Richards . Mrs. Bill , hospital. n Ogden ;; i piveu Wed tefire nesday was Mias Virginia Evan ? th Latona hftlL " . . . The fan!;.-- , marriage. tier Im Wall have all Mr. and' MV. George Blase, Jr. been ill with .. fever, but Sunday evening almoRt better of .t now. . tetumed honje from a tetj day trip to ; Detroit. Mrs, F.. W. IVt it entertained Mr. Arthur Myer and son, They purchased ' new ear and drove it homes Donald, cf Sait l ake last Sunday. ft Mr and Mr r,. ,( ge Goddard of Robert Sihimons .uttered ' severe hCmofago of th nose last Ogden are pnrning t build a new home on th Maintain road in the Saturday afternoon. Mrs.- Annette1 E. SteVenson went near future, ; , to the hospital at Ogdfen Tuesday. rrospeets 1 n fin fruit crop on She will undergo an operation for the Meuntv road the best ' ' ! f r years. foot trouble the latter part of tie t , gave, toft-fine- d, ' . breakdown, .Sire.' Ray . Matchiftskjr rf ?5an Francisco arrived her yesterday, few days with Wr. afid ti spend Mrs. John Matchinskjr. .M8 Thora Naider JrfitertaiUed IS ytoung .girls at the horn of hep parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Raider lavt. Wednesday nt .honor of . tha Ma-i- n birthday anniversary wf Miss RCTvdua r-- Oi-'T- n -- ea-Jet and-Mr- . . week,, v . . .s 1 !, -.- iVa t. ! troVa rt. whv Mrs. Golden F. Layton Is order, h now aisle to u.; little, '. of Wei!, eliseries her a at nnv.. f bet r amt parties, tairing Mr.. Ia..t."n' ! ?. lied will be and Thursday, at her horn-hi- r - tost for both days include. Uje puorT g on by hev ;.r 1... Keith Barnes, Mrs. ('!: T.ovr, at her Joe Hay, Mr. Eugene Diamond Adams, Mis rcoV.- : lV t r. ThaU-horAriz. Ad-Mrs. Viv Mt; pie Leyton, Cperecr " ,bii hoMo rfu-- a - bay, wile. Leonard Iayton, VC in i Fpcnd. Ellison, Mrs. Frank . - voek in Fait Mrs. Cion, '.hi.Layton, house,. Mahvodd Layton, Mrs. Oil K .uu'.li'ers, Mrs. ; . M i r. l eeot.t Crrn, Mrs. Clair tVhitesvte Mrs. 7. Mrs. Sterling Sill, Tracy Uoun. Maddux. and Hush Darker of S!t ' Mi t re trtggi fit- tv. '.VI ,i Lake City. f vr.r Ogden . . Miss Thor Raider entertained :l I met t'; o:lay evening. ' . .16 girl fi feuds at the home of her '. i'u. tens and Miss Alvin NaMer Mrs. an.l Mr. Carol Miller of parents, Hynim, Utah, were in honor of Mis Maxine Wiggill' Sunday gtu'd ' f Mr. und Mrs. - ? A.t!an-,'..''ir3- . - f i - 1 i birthday. . Mrs. Laura Smith of SmithficlJ i spending a few days with her . If You Cnlcl Only Cook One The M SvOGEltS - .- - Vird Cook. , Mrs. Laura Egbert was tendered a surprise, party at her home Wednesday afternoon by her daughters and' her sister. . Ferris Junior Hampton and 'Evans, who are attending school at Logan, visited their parents over v BIrs. mmittro; I.co Gioop, tcic.phoiuJ ehajrwomnn. Social puosta for the afternoon of were Mr. Frank W. Fom-os- e Salt Lako;'St;ie Chkirwo.man, Mr. Wallaet West, ajsii of Pair Lake, anil president of . the Depwcratia 'W o .. " . t -- ' :v ' A.-i- took tnoro lli.in just yio. win vep r.n.s I'wril S in less tbun four year. It ait kitid.vt I'rrforiuiuuv Ibid did it! '. rnlircljj different ItV mifine, first Mid foremost. Tim fitithrr in traflie. It cffortlesi of 85 b)v its Itorscjxnm-- . Its ph . pull In tlih open and on bills. For jounm't exjunt any les modern ciipitic to feel like n t njiringlraso of 1 2d" TJ'icu tlicrcs ridinj eomfort Tlierek the why it almost ft foot. longer lhank.s mid feel on turn it Ford keeps. rough road let ft .type of chassis not found anywhere else in flu' world. IT4,fi()0,(K)B 1 t, V-- tbe-V-- .' . . 'Why not, try these advantage ear git Ihe iuon;z all ears 7 VOUKOW.A CAil FKOM YOlJU FOUD - l' fed' Ihl yea. V-- S DEtl.-K- I 7 '. - 'j, Jf - I - v . i . tVrforniuiirix . nllh Jicouoijny -- Terms as low as $j$' a month,. after down- payment, imder UCC i a month plans. filO.nnd op, PfJH .Dettoit, .iie1gi!ng Untiligliout in c'vcrj.-bojM;ty ipmip extra. ' ' . at . line,. 2G0 V M. "A it- ' V '') , f 't ' 21 Wby risk your money on mere get the proof that Frigidairc produces much more cold for much less current cost. That (jXS&cff Trigidaire dares to build dp It keeps 52 . Food-Safet- y n the PltOOri. C, . - . ' p't'j ilJ.CO T0 3 U ' LUIPJEAlRlv Ji lfcTXW F011 Y0U?. OLD ICE BOX IE EHecSpic IV3 ' . ry.S.) 1 dercci. , s faster . . . And that the sealed-imechanism is protected fof -- xper for only Five Dollars included in. the purchase price See the proof of revolutionary convenience. too, ia this marvelous Indicator right into tbe cabinet visible proof that food Tempera-CUXre kept t Safety-Zonbelow 50 degrees and e foodsbctt(-r,Ionger...rrecze- more ice refrigerated pantry." It provides much more shelf space in front, a Portaole UtiHty Shelf, Full Width. Sliding Shelves and secret of other d vantages. Yet Frigidairc costs- less to own! Were waiting to show- you J . J . S r" ,. 0 . Mome Appliance Company f SAVd-- Ilnin'ilul :ti V- -- A 'll, M-- (os. -, si t, ff- ! :V . i. 'Ston1 (1f OF-- TRUUKING-u-H- v Tcephmo ces-po- 5 ol. lt - y Phone J2.JJ. 4: A'.v I f; f r j ' v' f 1. '4 7 f f'Z,: 1 I - v: $y q ' . ,7"j'1 ' ry Rr Ci 7 A n v7 'V yi :.& A di'. VVJyWMtfAdr k ... ' r. 7 ; . . . .. ' ' 't:-:- SALE Two first clas Jersey cows; fresh with 2nd calf. Wm. W. Tingey. Centerville. If WILL BOARD and care for six good raddle horse for occasional use this summer. White Met Flegaf 2703 Summorride Ave., Salt Lake. Phone Hy. 3302-IQ WANTED Girl to do light work marvelous opportunity to advanc for person with talent; small wag to begin with. Apply at this ofTice. FOR SALE Unspoiled baled straw, 70 to 80 lbs. per bale, at 25a each. First crop alfalfa hay, J7.50 per ton. One half block west of Five Points, Bountiful. Orsoa Ellis. 7. R. :: . ; , Y. A 10- - , FOR : Vr' 1 i'. - - W, I ' ..St 7- - ! ;, : j . FOR SALE Young sow pig also a hog for ?ali or service. Phone 7- Bountiful 177-FOU SALK Good used Oakland car at r Lnriruin price. Inqufre at fhe Union Furniture Co., Bounti-fJ. ui e. tun SALE large roomed trade Fiv ten acre Ur h m-'- and of land.' East beuh, Emily Hansen. 4. ' Fwlt SALE Four wheel trailer truck frame with 14 foot bed; good strong hitch for tongue or for track; good rubber, JiJ5. B. Y. Srarr. 14 East, 8th South, Salt Lake City. Phono Wa3. SS34-f 2-- ffZZSXZ. 7"r , s H toUC-- ji r n??'? f' v iWtiiJ W J LikilOi vm ot cb!. only r?ny your boily ! can frnni o;ir mvl p'i)r,on-"iH mlilli-del'enm Ivf tin, Is thru lube or Illtem, but bewnr of rlr.i.-tiIrnlMiliiK drujVH. s il functlOBM uril.o you Kldn'cy or U u .l.lf-- dii.nrdi-rNoryoa-n-.-In Nigtn. iui'fer from ileum icIim-HOI'lii-lo1' In. Itr !i s. L" lr. K'ca. Dlatnves, Hhoomallo Ih.i.4, AUu-ity- , or don't Burning, UmnriinR s gunrun-t..o- d tiet lh Kocior toko oolloil CBd-iWorks fimt, urn ttd sorn. lit 4 I n1 hours ft niunt hrma now vltnllty, frunrsnlred to fix you P in ono wsnlt or monoy back on return of omply pucka. Cyslex contfl only o a dy at druggHna elf-n- o Th AoMj 1.1 c, n, . t ami XULSUAY, April 27 and 28th BROADWAY HANDICAP JMonday only REX THEATRE and the guaraotre ' 1 52-J-- WANTED To contract to dig nnd put in centic tank pnd Wm. Hill. Jr., Sam Sessions 10-resilience, Bountiful. FOR SERVICE Chester fhita boar, D. C. Mann, Woods Cross. G i p.m'i.in rhn'-.- rhf-.re- $10.50 per .ton, D. C. Marn, Wood i proved. Emmett Ticrcc, who i attending school in Loi-aFpint the w'tek-en.- d in Lo'.niJ'Ul wi'h relotives. I li s parents, Mr. end Mr. Fiii rieree v.Ik) live on a big ranch near Elko, Rev., were 'in to meet thiir ron. Eiar.k Iicrce, nso a son of Mr. and Mm. Eii Pierre and a Mis Street o? Ogden, were married last vcnk. firs. Arnold Moss entertained the Ladies Aid? fociety at her homo, Thursday afternoon. Refreshments were rerved. a quilting party. . at present tjme.riolvrrr,d, at home recovering nicely. Rosa Jenkins, superintendent f the Cudahy Packing plant, is confined to his home with sickness. Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Truelson are leaving for California, Monday. Mrs. C.'W. Stoddard was the recipient of a Surprise on Wednesday her seventieth birthday. Mrs. Stoddards daughter, Me. D. E. Jpdd and husband pf Salt Lake, also, Mf. and Mrs. Rob Holt and their daheh ter, Virginia and htr husband, Mr. and Mrs. Lawson cf Salt Lake and Mr. tod?!ards sisters, .Jane ani llulda, were .present. Mnf. Judd presented her mother with pink reses. A dainty luncheon wa rrv el ani a!i had a good time. Mr. Stoddards health is very much im- Miss Ar,n ICagie is ill with bronchial .pneumonia but is improving. Mrs. Charlotte Sedgwick entertained, a number cf ladies today at this or . ' ; ' (Jn lS-Ti- i n, N.fxv-Plat- gu-e- n. od . claims? Come in and i.i 1 . . is-a- . , 1 Greek water; rail mitt f1 v quick r;,G nU !Jv. Win, 1 iv..f, Ell U'ilinn;'L ji Avv., Salt . Lake Ciy, .. .JQ, modiirn homa IfU, SALE--Gon.t f.:vfcd.. Union Eunuturo lo Bountiful. . 10. misfortune te step from a.platform breaking hi? leg, just, above the ankle. The accident happened the t middle of the week.' lie his This Is How To Buy. . . ON PROOF! ' given l the lesctui ALL-KIND- i -- a bo All ,'aliplicailts for t course nu'.t wVri ter ' bcfwo May lfi, nt,. ) ir , i i'- -f r M j!' .' i t. Charles E. Dibble, .Cleono Adajns and Tanner, Layton; Fcrn Nelson, Woods .Cross,' Keith S. Smith ,S.unsct; Douglas Thompson, Bountiful. Aldctf Sessions, who works for the - Hardesty ' Manufacturing com. Pnyin Salt Lfcke City, had tlid j 'Ld-A Farmington; .BOUNTIFUL ' Course of in Layton. .The eourre wi.ll consist of- .ton' lessomt of one. h.o'ur . bo given duration, in groupef. The. cost oif this course will bo $2.00 pflynhh Inndvnnee, tjr 25 cenls per leskon, payable ' ,t .lOJl i 1 - planted. v vi U !i nt JVbitercaps are. in evidence In the fields here again indicating that tdmato plants are being trans . May 21,. her-hom- .whi-i- . - CLASSlEED ADS ' Thd Gli'iHr.'.girl'i of. the ward Mutual bad very sul'ccss-pi- o . Vale et Mutual Tuesday. Mil curds Vcro given ?3holarship f hmt week, at tho ldniyeisiiy Utah to flpprbximntdy' lil'-- college pludCnt?; .nccordiivf to E. Ji Ncnv ton, rcjfiamr. Tlmrc cardi yepra-seeyccpticnml txb'latic ability, recognized by'Ah? university, dyr-jr- g tfiq winter qunVter. A 2.5 average is. require- . as a. Jliiriimu.m for Scholarship attainment, a 3..av.er. age being perfect. Out of town st'u- denta ranked high in thd scholar-sbr- p at,!aimnent, said My. Norton, making up iippproximatidy 25 per cent o fthosiGwho were given recognition. Davis county student? who gained scholarship recognition were: Norman S. Cannon and Hu- Lambert, commencing- .FJemcntary Teory hvssons-wil- i J . 5I that nnd-w.il- TELEPHONE ' ; .Pettit"' nrinoupccs' Vera n - bert C. ' . .OF TEN LESSONS:'.. . o- '(.'ian.lpa. , tirotnrc-in'--rnr- VEKA M. PETTIT. . fj 11 THAT I the. liiit TO LIVE COURSE for yours Before yoil decide on any hew iiliat put the Ford first in sale V . .. .' SATISFACTION 1 . (Jj) ji . t V - . tli.m-vlicrlLnso- - 'I " V diet j " WiHiaiu Burnett, passfd away at 1111101110 in Fait Lake City, Lust veek ii an Article giving tbe mothers with the greatest' er of dutiglitira it was stated that' tfrv Elizabeth Giles Tu'tle. had eight dtt'tjjhtora, it should haiv icen (nine) daughters, . ! jt Mrs.-Clar- ierXfiSV Theatre Tlu! tame day BOUNTIFUL, UTAH XAPFTT INDICATPa wPTlf ...: liOUNTlF-ULGrine.-- May.-Marli- or V I study group at Salt l.akot ,Mfs. Cli'.r Smith. Gordon. Pti inghnn, .BIr. and Mrs. W F; Argyto, all' of Mrs. William T.ovo will honor her daughter, Mrs. I aurence Mit-(h- Bountiful. The rtext tueetirg will with n shower at her home be' held Ihe 4th Monday ip Whitesides, son' of Mr. Friday. Deuben Lame i seriously ill t and MrsCtair Whitesides, and Val Thornley, Fori of. Mr. and Mrs. Ms home. Jesse Thornky are booth III with Mrs. Glen uon Clark underwent an operation, Thursday for appen- chlckeupox. dices at a Salt Lake hospital. was formery Verna Beesley COME WHERE . . ; of Layton. '. Mrs. Marvin Tliornley and son, ; . YOU ARE " ' ' Grant, of Clearfield, rpent Wednea SURE . . day in Morgan, visiting with her daughter, Mrs, Everett. Robison. ' The Dauglitcra of the Utah PiHours t 9 a. Hi. do 8 i. m. . oneer held their meeting it a so, . Extra Ikarhcr cial at the home of Mrs. Ella Daw. Suturil'ayi' Th'o Life son last Thursday,' Sketch of Elias Adams" was given smepleYsbarber- shop LAYTON,. IJTAjt by his daughter, Mrs. Ella Dawson Tlin kt.nil t!n!da lItab,, "N1 -- Around ' t P.oai . Sbiseitif K W1LIV 1 Lt-no-- Eli t !vut. Mu- - -l. i ; jr-gja- PRESENTS COMING, ri.iv Golden Layton,, second ' ?d;ig-"iWe.voe, ni; Mr-ttea'-uverFocretfivv-enJlrsi I.co Ware, ' Kcdhcadfi.on Parade v'e.' pr s'd nt o . IVaturo Program Fri., Sa!.f and Sunday T -. to .al I Sc, Hij? - vice-prevk- : Wod. and Thursday K'-e-, firs.-- . ; Eepk' AdtrEsicn MONDAY otfi-err- flarr:s, first Well-Eno- Rroachvay Handicap MONDAY NIGHT . n CM-- h JANE.EYKB . ' . . Aprit 27 and . . . Wiggill. , Steven Call returned front lha . Dee hbspital Sunday.' .Mrs. Marwood Ly.toi and Me?. Glen Lajttort attended a bridge eup por Tuesday, given V.y Mrs Ed Brown at. her home its Ogdcfl. The ixdic . .cf the'1 .Deipderatk study croup .fuel at the home of F. Layton, s 1$ organize .and elect .fu- the'io.ning year. Mrs. 1. ! ootv ty. 'chairwoman pro. olTiocin were sided.."! ho elect ion.-o- f Mrs. fo'bnvt:' Raider, as teiv ji'Miiry. president,, with .Mrs, Mrs.-Golde- FoluBihias hig pit4(re Monday and Tuesday i? Mr and son and daughter-in-laMrs. Cliff Smith, . : Mr. and Mrs. Ronald ' Steed of Clearfield are rejoicing over the ar rival. of a daughter born Monday ' evening. Mrs. Steed was formerly Thelma Page from" Layton. Mr. and Mrs. John Blood of Kays fillej Mr. and Mrs.- Thcron Smart Midvalo and Mr. and Mrs. Ctar-enc-e of , . Peterson of Sandy were Sundinner day guest? of Mr. and Mrs. Friday, Sat, Sunday . p - ' it feds different. Daj.v it is difftTpnt! Of course -- - s wry ihtertintf talk on thtf avaiian IslarftS. ,Mra."B,ill 0)Bricn spent Monday jn Fafmirfgton as'gueel f he par-. ents, Mr.andt Mrs. Stefd. Mrs. Wallace." Gaiiey is ti! to her bed uttering witl A L,- mt L.lYTdK, VTA!!. AMllT. hlMWi It aro. S. Leo s. by-Mr- EXfftES. tVFERUV KfeWg- - 1 protv.-t- you. (Slns-Tox- ). . |