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Show 0 O THE WEEKLY NEWS EXPRESS? LAYTON. UTAH FAMILY MONEY u BUM L .uiMmajMim inn annm species belonging to the catfish group and more than 50 species closely allied to the carp. Some of the cattish run well up to six feet. The tiger fish Is one of the most voraclius fish In the world, equipped with powerful Fine Sport Afforded Anglers Jaws and armed with formidable teeth outside its mouth. The tiger in African River. fish Is able to bite In two heavy leaders of Iron or copper wire and will A new sport has risen In Africa, often break the strongest three-incmore thrilling than the killing of steel hooks. New York World dangerous wild bensts. It la the pursuit of the huge, savage and Incredibly swift fish found In the great rivers hundreds of miles Natures Adjustment from the sen. While hot water bottles and autoSportsmen who have slain Hons, mobile tires are made from rubber the dreaded cape buffaloes, elephants produced in many parts of the world, and rhinoceroses say thnt the bag- use of the latex of the rubber trees ging of these beasts does not com- was well known to the Amazonian Inpare with the excitement of fighting dians long before the time of a gigantic fish in these wild rivers. the first white man to navigate The thrill of a lions charge Is the Amazon, according to Doctor soon over, one way or another, but Dahlgren, famous ethnologist. Dethe thrill of fighting a huge, leap- spite the fact that rubber Is In no ing fish that can Jump from the Rense a food, Its Importance to manwater like knngnroo, and whose kind Is so great that ft deserves mouth lined with something nkln honorable mention among the many t short iron, may last for hours, vegetable products which were unSome of the gfeat African fishes have known to Gie Old world prior to the 'tl like wolves and can bite or discovery of America by Columbus. twist In two the heaviest Iron or cou"The rubber tree was discovered pe; vl rw leaders. They tenr fish along the Amazon, states Doctor weighing two of three pounds from Dahlgren, "but Is little grown there the hook and often brenk strong today. It seems poetic Justice that hook. They can breast the swiftest South America, hnving lost rubber, wor g millpond, gained through Introduction of the rroflj M Afclc aroma to Jwfve more large coffee tree from Europe. Coffee has wage anlnmls than any other coihi- - become the full equal of rubber In t no economic Importance." tflf ,nfl the flsh excvptlon. IVIm'b the rivers go dry In Llot, (h, t flgh congregate In U.wp twmi. They soon clean out all NILE FISH PUT UP REAL FIGHT The IFdDUHPttllQ . h By THEKESE BENSON WNTJ 8rv1w eAa.AA SYNOPSIS She But we haven't a thing la common. Following th W'eddln? fcr He We can hold your fortune In niece, Clntra, which elie fu, we. can't common, Matilda Smith financed, Ixntly ("Smlf,M hy her own Insistence), youngest and physlcallj the we pht-leHOTAIR of the four Lovely finr herself ln( decidedly straitened circumstanced. She has made (lane for the future, however, ehleh the refuses to divulge to her sisters, Bromlnent figures In New fork society. The Levely estate, tve l Virginia, la owned by Smif hut he ie llvlna brother, Bill-LeIn Chile, white the estate It tented to a Mr. Jolinatotie Nesblt. Kmit, dearest wish la to own agree that Smifa perfectly sane, not that I wouldn't try 0 have her restrained If I thought it either necessary or any use. It Isnt, Lucy, so put that Idea out of your' head. Moreover Its my opinion you'll be safe In following rty example and Just not worrying. 1 dont believe there's anything fe Consider what she worry about. proposes to selL Comfort and common sense,' Who In the world woud pay a penny for either of those?" Susan Ikelps, whose wealth and Influence were both great, was Smlfs most enthusiastic sponsor and adviser. She had experience of I st ltr, e, CMAPTfR III -- "What kind of flcttoa does D write? Fake "Mainly premiMory notr 0: U.a. aed I CIRCUS TOPICS CeMlaual toulcf use down ter times. mu mii ).. ihilr unM save Tenw. f.!: t.nvo-lyle- a iiimd-ag- e It. You Aon? make riotiey If you're a missionary," I.ucy offered (Ms argument at conclusive. Wlip aald I waa going ? fie missionary? Not that It matter. The kind of missionary I mean to be eaft make money, f jotw of It I Intend to be a missionary to the rich exclusively I aald Kmif. "I apent tan years and most of tny money establishing our niece suitably, and now i refuse to submit to anothor burden of boredom gratuitously, if Ina bored, tome one Is going to pay me for it Ive to one to consider t eua tn .Vuilf? 'I u afraid I diV' iJiura returned In t it just the sort of thing she tatUod of luncheon that day? If this is what she's doing she tiinst - stopped, it would simply mr.igt (.vrit. i mean he Is so particular about til professional stand lug it would slutply kill him." "MVi-probably agitating eur--!- . needlessly, Laura patted Mr wMer on her shoulder to "Anyway, any nothing about It especially to Louise, I'll ' Smlf tomorrow and And out wluit she's doing with herself." 'lou'H mi her tomorrow without . I ticy implolcd I shan t tuwr 4 iou.eo until. 1 know, jou I- to-he- t- m ? know.' luthout MV taurfc promised Ilit the time she was up nnd ktoge-scUln- uni iisi-n- : nothing against rich people, I aup-- . After all, theyre human, pone? arent they? We hear a lot about the deserving poof, while no pne has a word for the deserving rich! From wow on, mean ta devote toy energies to thelf relief. "Smlf, pleas don't be tantaliss urged, understanding ing tire better than the otliej, "tell w straight out what you inia to tlo. "H require explanation, " Smlf aid, "principally because no. one baa openly embarked 9a It before aa a profession. There are loth of e people skirting the edge of tt, on oe mere the loss who prey Traveler I want t ark yea of all kinds who rich, kangeea-ofueatlow. have n thought ef giving any Ticket Agent Tea, madam. . for the money they exact Traveler Cai I tend eultcane Whereas for yeara where l am conhy A trunk line? cerned the boot has been on the. ether foot The rich have CQme to REMINDERS me and dumped their troubles on my shoulders and Ive given them sympathy, advice, pluck to ctfrry on with when their burdens grew too heavy; my time, my companionship I could all free gifts ao long afford It Now I cant afford It, and I propose to make them pay for Just those things. Im going .to announce myself s a Little Sister t a high rate .per ef the Itlci re-tu- ra 0f course you have forgotten all that tVeuty you owe me." How the 16uce can a tnan forge? II when you ate all the time harpin . boirt itr. I ' 1 . ' . '.RrpicuLpus ;i H . ' .Your mistake, my dear, Smlf Jve several assured her amiably. clients already. And, whether yqu believe ft or ttot. this enterprise will fill a want- There are people In heed of exactly wiiat I .can glye. Ivg had It In mind for years." poesnt It occur tp you thRt you are likely te coftie In contact with ndes!;aWe people?" some very asked. Lucy wH Smlf, "almost "Certainly ure to, In fact ; and, looking on the bright aide why not some teif desirable ones as well? At all events; they'll bq new, and I pine for novelty after years of Cintras monotonous beauty. Why, girls, m meet women and men too who've not led our cramped little lives, all crowded against our neighbors and their prejudices like plants without room to grow ant wholl be none the worse for that, although they may have their own I honestly believe that troubles. to sell them will be have I what worth all Ill ask. But what have you to sell?" "Please tell me that Lucy walled. - pot-bou- Miss Wrinkles Dont you think It horrible to ask a woman 'a age? Miss Trinkles Tea, and Ita often yo unnecessary. STOCKS BOOMING r , i wl Say Youv Beetr Giving Him M9ney, avtnue dressmaker vttio had contributed very satisfactorily to her nieces trousseau. MadameGeorgettewho swept out to meet her, greeted her formally. Madame Georgettes French ended with her namp. SJhe w'as Irish, with ar laige heart and a fine flair for(the next fashion In clbthes. "Madame requires, phe began el; egantly, Instepd of with the usuai shop formula: Can I help you? Then, seeing whR her customer was, she changed her tone: "Youre always fi sight, for sore eybs, Miss Lqveiy, and these days mine are strained looking for luck. I hope Its a trousseau youre wantin for yourself this time." "Not a chance of It," Smlf laughed. 1 Just wapt one frock, durable and reasonable." "Ill jnnke It as reasonable. as I can. 1 dont mind telling you Im glad to have anything to keep the workroom busy. Ithat It costs me and no mor, If yon find a model that suits you, and I think Ive Just the thing." A couple of girls received orders to dress and while she waited, Smlf talked casually. . "Is business really so bad?" she asked. TIs useless for me to try to hide It when yeve only to look around Madame Georgette answered. ye. "The bottom of me purse Is stlcktn out of the top. I took a lease on the three lower floors of this building when everything was on the up an np. an thats why Ive more room than I want and no help for It Her heart beating rapidly, almost unable to believe her eyes, Smlf stared around her. They were on much. the second floor of the establish"Comfort and common sense," ment and It seemed designed exSmlf replied without hesitation, pressly for her purposes. "worth every penny theyll pay "What part of the premises do me. . . . And now Im going, leav- yon wish to reserve for yourself?" ing my reputation for sanity be- she asked breathlessly. "Could you you dears. Dont get along without this floor?" hind me. Good-by- , have to. than more you "As apy as yed get along withworry When the elevator door closed be- out a hollow tooth." the woman anhind her Lucy exhaled audibly, as swered eagerly. "Do ye know of If she had been holding her breath. anny one whod like to take It oft this business of losing me hands? Well, Clntra has affected her brain. .To .. Again Smlf looked around her. "Not with your fittings, Tm protect her, she ought to be shut Hubby You apend altogether too up." much money. Dont be silly." Louise, under Wirey Not at all I The tronbl la stress, asserted herself strongly. Ton don't make "Smlfs ns sane as you. Dont you enough. agree with me Laura? Persistent coughs and colds lead to serious trouble. You can stop them now y itli Greomulsion, an emulsified creosote thnt is pleasant to take. Greomulsion is a ao- new medical discovery with two-fol- d tion; it soothes and heals the inflamed membranes and inhibits germ growth. Of all known drugs, creosoto is recog--. sized by high medical authorities as ono of the greatest healing agencies for conghs and colds and other foma of throat troubles. Creomulsion contains, in addition to creosote, other healing elements which soothe and heal the infected membranes and stopthe irritation and inflammation, while the creosote goes on to the stomach, is absorbed into the blood, and attacks the seat of the trouble. Creomulsion is guaranteed satisfactory in the treatment of persistent coughs pa colds, bronchial asthma, bronchitis, and is excellent for building np the system after colds or flu. Your own druggist is authorized to refund your money on the spot if your cough or cold is not re-- ' lieved by Creomulsion. (adv.) g afraid." "To be sure not. TIs more than I could expect Theres little here but draperies, an they can be packed away. The lounge chair To." twy Interrupt. mlnutlve Infhnt was officially entitled iliit'ton and entered Inta his duties with enthusiasm. Smjf had ueea little of tier sisters during her period ef preparation andk hearing nothing of tier activities they took It for granted there were nona El t lie the had given up her foolish plans or had exaggerated be .situation, ft was like Smlf to make ta amazing story out of nothing. It was Doctor Ktanhard who brought about the revelation. Ho and his wife were engaged te dine at the IlamnjersH'y uid ho was called out professionally at the lnt moment so thnt Lucy was obliged to go on alone He came In, however, befot the cocktails were finished. "Im glad you wereni deLalnM, Cyril," his wife groeted him. "Noth! ing serious, I hoi? "Nothing at all, you might say," he snapped, as If the fault were hers. A fool who wants a doctor to hold her hrnid and tell her she looks younger than she did whpn she was nineteen everj trim she Frln-kldiscovers the, hLglnnlng of Ive always thought that A man wag Justified In tiding Ma tiresome patlentst to psjyhnantSlysts and such people athla Madame Saltou Reeves Blanton Is so keen . on." . . Cyril fumbled fh his. pocket 'and drew out a couple ofcards, "Blanton gave me several of. these and advised me t& use them," he said. "Shes not a,pyc.hov-alyst- , as I understand, It. Shea Just a pollyanna sort of person. Big and Jolly and fat .Rather, laughs people out Qf their silly fads and notions. I take It" There was a swift exchange of glances between the Blstenj. A horrible suspicion had struck them at the same Instant . Lflura reached for the e&rds and pawed one to Lucy. e. -- : per-siite- hnrd-Wiithc- ptp-pl- Ideas absurd." One Sure Way to End Coughs and Colds 1 i.o-ii- eonsuKatVm." "No ne will erme to you under edeb conditions, Lucy sniffed, "the ! . leu tors. . Mi had o, j man-eatin- "Im thinking how to explain ?! Ie you," she aald at last. "Youve ' I ' Utlvely. MAYBE BY AIRLfNC Orel-lan- telephoned the Badminton Miss Liorly had gmi. for the day Ill they know where Miss lively 4hp BnwlIo flKh could he reached? With deep rtvgret, the clerk ured lief that ha (ltd nof. Laura hung up. She wished she, ,U'I nl could find Smlf. There was nothing irnl,MU !,tprs th f061 to PIl'eM for more annoying than to be kept In lnmu','i; lor? ;0, the African rivet; fishes, pnr- And the way to end thnt (huiip occurred to .her. She took tlcuhiriy the terrible tiger flah, are related 0 the up the telephone again and ordered lovely Inf car. She would go to sue piranha, which th late President Theodor Roosevelt described In Ms Madam Saltou. Id Journey to the River account of n tier ay lo tfmke he ctill, of Doubt In the 'wilds of Dra211. Iwura tied time to reflect and to Its not pearuffer ninny qualms. Slunthl Madumc Though Ihc Nrur.Hlnn fish e large ss Its African cousin, It ly Salto prove not to.be Smlf, wlmt iu frch.Ied by the scent, of blood, nnd 1011M she y to her? There was wLll tear even ah ox to pieces nothing she waited to consult her Is drawn fronj the creature. blood Kh shout. finally decided to ask Th fish In the Afrcnn to hvi her horoscope .drawn. It elver largest U the glgnnlic Nile perch. might be amusing, pnd If Mnfluma hick Is not a perch, nf nil but a rep Saltou were not a hooscoijst U of the ocefyn bass family,. eseutitl would provide an easy escape. Tids fish hire been known gigantic The Miotor drew up as heat the To weigh .!() It Is pounds. nnmlior she had given as the crowd tremendously strong and of cars parked at the curb would She descended, apd locat- active and delicious en.tlng. . permit. ft) the Nils system are elyiiosj S00 ing the number she was searching for on a tail pnrrow building, she walked past It twice before Bpe entered the vestibule lending fe th mldgrt Li gelng to get a fi but myself." totce from the fit lady." "What are Jon going ?o dof "What are the charge? Lucy wailed. "You talk and talk Oh, I auppoM fifty crate U without telling us anything." Srnlf puffed hr cigarette auedi-- , mil, children half price. "The sus- - 4ouT for a moment think 111:1 Thvn't aay ynuv fcorti yWln- - him money, too?" Lucy Inter runted. "When be Would take It, Smif returned with the utmost serenity, "The way he was left wn most unfair, and Im afraid liell never make a business man. So, If la te eome hack late the family, ril have t hr the on le shance of sharing her I'ldot.w. The womans quick brain loot 11 details In m flash. f me think theres annj chaw rentin It, Miss Lovely? It mVlt ipake Just the difference to me between Blnkfn of swlmmlu, I don't mind tellin ye that Im oweloaiVd. Miss Clntra dretaes was a i.iiut help in Ref (igitafluft m? swdiVn In.;.. Madame Georgette mat imtitdifg. Smlf stopped her nioderate price for a troV fix once wvve settled that. I'll - ll and, you whnt i have In mlud for this really spar it." Smlf Influence In cnJmlng Chap-Lie- floor If ywj Mitdatiia Oeorgette, red, In twittering nerves. Iler Charles, of the doubtful niece mm credulous, a persuaded she to whom ho venture, wti.-- nt was devoted, was a tiresome, reiv of so.vnusual tltioue, (jagging little man vlth last he wnA weft over, throw herthe kindest heart In the world and, self wholeheartedly Into tu detail and now that Tain wtrs of marriageable of lumlslilng the uw : . Suilf both saved too Incidentally found she herself ocefipled age, to lleten to bis reiterated complaints npd. annoying delays. Tim word Lovely having nn un and conjectures. Smlf was assured ecmjiotatlon, from the In fortunate a start substantial sum of from the from eensuUattous with Charles cepllon wf the plan Smlf hud known Chat shempst take a business name, Phelps. Nmlf had arranged to sublet her and finally she struck on the name old apartment and rent for herself SnltOH, Jt was In no known lantwo rooms with a toy kitchenette guage. jit did not mean anythin)!, la the Badminton, jun apartment ho- but U sounded as if It Might, nnd before shQ bad expoeted tt, Smlf tel on Madison avenue. She had told her sisters the lit- found herftelf launclwd si Madame eral truth when she had said that' Saltou. the gown she wore was the only .Her staff consisted of fine email good day dress she possessed. Since boyt fie was dresspd In blnck with it was useless for anybody with her many gilt. buttons. A round braided figure to attempt to shop In the or- cap of "Jftde groan, poised over on dinary department stores, sheer ne- ear and held by a glided cliln strap, cessity directed her stegs to a Fifth lent Wm Icturcsqueges. The di s S Twvduld ei A Quicker Way To Ease Headaches , recognized .Madaine Georgettes shop, and Its prttxlpdty reassured her. The elevator slid into sight to discharge lts freight; a girl, pretty In spite of thp cheap make-uwhich hid her fresh ytung skin; a messenger boy; fhcwlng s If hk) Job depended on U; gum nd t worried looking rton.wlih' large horseshoe pin of enn'ynlds ! doming his expensive hecktle.. was sure laur the emeTralds were real, snd immediately, while aotJng no more of him than the pin, enst him In Hi r61 of gunman. Whqn the elevator boy asked, ".What floor, plense?" he nld, "Madame Saltou relurtnntly, as though she were disclosing a compromising speret. And he was no whit reassured when chpdrlly ."Second floor," and ushered her out of the- - cnr. ' she had. time to resist. In front was a d'oo Directly across which was a' bar. on which was printed for all the world .to read: Oblige by uslnfe the entrance at Hie font.. No name was at . ; heke of 1 on fARTY aMm. a eij THAT BAYEfc ASPIRIN YOU iao headaches, what IDO? My CAN 2 BEFORE THE. DINNER. DifjNea HAND.'.. AND ANOTHER, SUGGESTED IS SIMPLY WONDERTUL MY HEADACHE WAS ENTIRELY H GONE IN A FEW MINUTES EVtRTRY BAYER ASPIRIN? TAKE 2 TABLETS AND YOUR HEADACHE WILL BE GONE IN A JIFFY J I KNEW IT WOULD BE... BAYER ASPIRIN WORKS SO FAST J Ire-fo- Ukbd. . Discovery , .Nothing more.1 Here she paused .to quiet her nerves. Of course .It was Smlf. VVJiy.uns she hesitating? Yct he opened the door with a hint of vlo lnt haste, so fearful was she that her coufngo might evaporate At once she found herself In the most cheerful and modernistic ef' foyers, dAne In emerald green and citron yellow. A boy In livery with red eurls pushing out below his nntty qip, sprang to attention. ' Wotild Madame be seated while be Inquired If It would be possible for Madame Saltou to see her? Madame Saltous time was heavily" taxed. "Tell Madame Saltou It Is Mrs. James Hammersley. She will see me. . She said It haughtily, placing the slightest shade of emphasis upon the last word; and the next moment regretted the Impulse It, at had led her to give her If the woman were a blackmailer khe had heard of such things. The boy returned. Madame Saltou mlnntoahnrM P At thg moment .Now comes amazingly quick relic! headaches, rheumatism, neuritis, neuralgia . . th 9 fastest sqfe relief, it is said, yd discovered. ' Those results are duo to a scientific discovery by which a Bayer Aspirin Tablet begins to dissolve, or disintegrate, in the amazing space of two seconds after touching moisture. And hence to start "taking hold of pain a few minutes after tailing. The illustration of the glass, here, tells JLhe story. A Bayer Tablet starts to disintegrate almost instantly you swallow it. And thus is ready to go to , work almost instantly. When you buy, though, tee that you get the Genuine BAYER Aspirin, tor Buyer Aspirins quick relief always say "BAYER Aspirin. . from Laura told "Highly mysterious! herself. A few faltering stops brought her to another door uncompromising ly Uhelcd. "MADAME. SAITOU." -- thats Bringing Fast Relief to Millies HAKES YOU LOSS Make No Mistake Fat la Ak Your Doetor Dangcrou Drop a Bayer Tablat in a alas of wster, Not That BEFORE jt touches bottom, it has started to what It does In thl lass it doe in your stomach. Hanc it fast action. Does Not Harm the Heart . Polar Icecap It Receding expert has discs?, ered the polar Icecap 1 receCz He found the ground In the of Mount Mezen was no longer tlnually frozen as It had been years ago, , if To take off fat take one half of Kruschen Balts in glaae of hut water in the morning befor breakfast one bottle lasts 4 weeks get it at aby drugstore in America. If th& first .5- - fat Reduces From 154 to 128 HLoi than wrvk aco X started takla Kruiirhro. I writ: hcdl 5 aad W tired eW ail the while, tiow I weigh Its I feeloat s I ran't Ifrm lo work fogj she toll of energy M ft HAmlltoiif Mrt enough1 firtunf iii i was engaged. pn. , If Laura was nervous, Smlf at losing fat with Krus-chcRA While the back of the establishment was you gain in physical t- tractivenese yon look snd feel less so. Plainly the hardly of more g&s, younger-- no MADAME SAITOU war with her family could betug n ore constipation. ecidity post- mm, Rich the of Little Sister no poned longer. 000 Fifth Avenue The upshot of such medltntlo: Terms high. was that she used Madame GcorPARKERS Special appointments, double fees. HAIR elevator to summon p!!vate BALSAM Banom Dmdnrif StowHafc that kindly woman. "Surely Its a Joke," Lucy cried.. saw Laura My sister, Mrs. Watching her, however, Hammersley, is the fingers that held the card trem- here, she announced without dismissed ble and at once skillfully since Madame FLORESTON SHAMPOO ItUtl alGeorgette Saltou. Parker the subject of Madame ready knew that her family were In connectionwith iHttrBigQ,i( buff Wmta and by mail or at hair aoft j. Not till she went Into hP? ",fiTter8 Ignorance of her HiacoiChnicai Wocka, Patnhoy) gala. occupation. room to put on her wrap did Lucy (TO SI CONTINUED.) n - ASPIRIN WORKS SO FAST A Soviet Arctic DIIIIEALTIIY FAT SAFE and HARMLESS way your money returned WHY BAYER Motherless Calf The word "dogy" (plural doglea")' ik Is pronounced as doejee. Accord-to-g to Websters dictionary, It Biflea a motherless calf on the FAOgea in the western part ef tlla country. etj Aa Old Wedding Preset! ; Archeologists digging at E ; themesh In Palestine ntzz found a scarab which the Ptutri Anstnhotep gave to friends att ' lag hla wedding, about 1400 D. CL la Sogdiea Leagaege A esnuscript in the Sogdlxn probably 100 yeara tIJ, found In Central A?t, 11 la 23 lines on a place p1 nper. I t? tt ( , ""V , |