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Show WEEKLY Veekly News-Expr- Economic Highlights DAVIS HIGH. ess , I'lfr.r: i&jssttjys be able ipA-re'-;tnek- L - S: -- - Yn : on part of the livestock interests, favorable price reaction when the of the cattle growers, the U. S. but we should keep in mind that under way; sleutmng Meat Code gets vey has gone sleuthing and that in the meantime we haveit gangsters, not such gunmen, things going time takes to for facts, get wrora-SUkidnappers or racketeers,Amencan to deal with the heavy seasonal run of cattle from the Northwestern of to MWm h. ranges and that after all the law3 of supply and demand are bound to Garni association. have their play. The obvious decreases or tnen situation seems to be progressing, although a good The industrial waterfowl has led many conserva-beemany unexpected obstacles have arisen, but it is reasonable to suppose an increasing including tionists, that they may be overcome and that we are really on a forward march. number of sportsmen, to PP Y. Another thing to keep in mind is that fundamentally hogs only practiced in wild are included in the Code, and it is question of what side agreements fowling. Dr. W. C. Henderson, can be worked out with respect t& other classes of meat food livestock. association chief of the survey, It seems reasonable to say that if the low prices prevailing on cata't recently. tle and interfere with the carrying out of the avowed purpose of In order to make a study of the Act,sheep is it permissible to place under control any commodity that d of the. effect upon wildfowl interferes with the carrying out of the plan. Within the past thirty days to gather as much infor- the Eastern markets have reflected an advance of 50c to $1.00 in mation as possible in the use of prices, but we are qquite a ways off yet from the basing price of hog the live decoys, repeating shotguns, pre-wwith the fall and winter movement of hogs to- market period, in and other methods, employed as wellas staring us in the face. taking, ducks and geese,information along to the Finally, the question is of passing the product to gather all possible kinds of meet food people. all of Our retail is that information prices products in regard to the relative abundance have been increased but apparently the packer has not reof both waterfowl and shoyebirds, ceived his materially share of the increase, hence the grower is stll holdng the the survey has detailed twelve bag. How this situation will continue Is a quqestion. The whole long investitomake field trained men is situation in- stratefraught with a great many ifs, but We must have confgations of these subjects, idence to believe that with the underlaying spirit that exhists among gic areas throughout the hustirrg the people as a whole, we ape going to get the job done. season. So stocker and feeder cattle business is concerned, th4 From these studies, with the demand far as the in .this territory may be called practically nil for two reasons addition of the evidence we obtain rain and droutfiy conditions pretty much throughout lack of the first, Tom our game protectors and ains not timely, hence the benefits have not been as were but they orn oifr cpoperat.onthroughout is bpne dry. California as expected. great the country, we hope to be in posis that until there is some reaction in fat prices, The second factor to sufficient information of session to be very much interested enable us to decide vhethe.r addi- .it is pretty hard to see how buyers are going two of three years. The only of the in view the of past experience should measures tional protective is- to market fat cattle and calves when e aionted. Whatever, naasures thing I can see in the so.situation stockers and feeders are concerned we far are and as they ready, be found are mav necessary, we. will have to watch and .pray for moisture and to hope that fat prices i vn the coopercclnfid:nt will the Southwest Arizona and New Mexico have had some pretty ation. of the sportsmen. improve so as to give the buyers some encouragement to believe 'If from the ebneern fof the safethat how so they are at least going to be able to- hold their tnohey together. genty of oUr waterfowl, eral throughout the country, there j .. - There is ..... bureau of biological sur great' expectation par-ticula- ed M - tt. - i certain-method- - n s bait-jprfjan- us . 1933. For Data To Aid to obtain the pins by NORA ATKINSON Christmas. WIXOM Other shipments of VIRGINIA pins will he sent for from now. un. , MARIE WELLING ion .and, international prob- til spring. lem s inseparable from, local The first of. the seven- minute installed . .. .Sound Equipment welfare., , talks were given in ' the Gospel JOHN STAHLE, JR, Mgr. Doctrine classes Monday.' Several Public Ad A very Postoffice box 202, Layton, Utah j .A not. wholly unjustified t'raconsisting of a speches will be given each Mondition has grown up both here and dress" until each student, has' had a that European diplomats- miXonhoVc,andtT(Wn('akfer has ' Subscription price $2.00 per year abroad, k. the Davia M rc prptty smooth stuff, and that R() been secured American publio men are so many auditorium. U has babies in. the woods when it comes for the benefit ot the students The annual Pro Schola ba'fiqueb to deuling with them, Its possible .seated in tb balcony as they have 24 as .held Friday November to this hear mind before in the was unable. that, that thought had. tbe new members from;after tbirty experienced distinctly thole speaking . The first Tharksgiving Day oV- f Russias shrewd, u . nT1 . initja. served in America was. that 'pro- Litvinoff when he-- climbed the corP1 vf to of Bradford House White the Governor steps claimed by with 'President Roosevelt- over Plymouth colony in 1021. the ycuf1 fee American-Russiathe of Pij-the landing recognition., following If bo, Mr. Litvinoff son became grims. During colonial days . lar observances were held qn.var-- madder find wiser. IIo. found him-Io. self confronted by . n occasions, r a suave, polite horse President Washington by proclamation set November 20, 178.trnder with U llarvert accent te r as a day of general thanksgiving. j,e pure, but a had during the early history of thelcss. When" Mr. the Republic such observances announced that no far as he was were irregular, and the several (.()ncerncd', the negotiations could states generally set their j)e concluded in half an hour, he . dates for holding them. found thent extending on throbgh It was not until 18(M, iifldcr jayg. President Lincoln, that the last, Upshot was that the Thursday was settled Pna916 breach between two of the major powers was ended, with the United Flliann, popular numbers by. Beth LAYTON, UTAH, NOV. 30, 13j matter Entered as second-clas- s Utah, t the Postoffice at Layton, 1879. March of 8, Act the under SO, . NEWS SCHOOL Happenings that affect the dinner, pails, dividend checks and tax . bills of every individual. Na LAYTON, UTAH, NOVEMBER NEWS-EXPRES- t borse-tradc- - ar horae-trade- - 10-ye- ar i ; - tating for date--, nnual a.uiri-Fw- about 1810. Each year ho wroteto all state governors asking that they name the lost Thursday in November, and gradually they fell in with her idea On the Pilgrims first ThankR- formed the Dny wild chief constituent of the feast, and ever since turkey has been inseparably associated with the days observance, - . e the famoim Sibermn nvnfl,i;tjnn t1DJ8i. Ku,uantee aSa,"3t propaganda in this guarantee country;, another against official Soviet propagandag re-o- in this country; another gimran-givintoo against thd formation bf any group of designed to change the government of the United States ; fair and prompt trials for Americans erring against Soviet law; guarantee of the fVer exercitfe of the depression religious beliefs of Americans Little mention look beneath the resident in liuss-in- . the, effect it has is made of trade relations and debut of bmp'oy-men- tails concerning them remain to fair-wil- ten-ke- steadfast determination spripgs-- l Now its time to thlhk- of tho son the gravity of the to prevent a recurrence of the penalty. Thanksgiving program nyas that was destroyed. Courts may shorten sentences $245,000,00.0 ami cbnditions present alarming for the assembly Wednes0 that to at safe Its legst of an the. say, lighten but life podevelopment punishment through Ono effect of day and proved to be verv interof the waste was entirely un- ssesses no. such charity. A mistake adequate- - and comprehensive refwhich one has to esting, Dr.. Harrison Merrill ypoke uge program afid also to provide necessary. People were careless once made- is made forever. There surface to see is on his version of Thanksgiving; with gasotne--;wit- h for tlie necessary research and. is no going back to the Land of electricity on the individual Wnroarrt Evans a student from with heating plants with ex- Begihning Again this of period and starting . activities,. or the individual in business be worked out. . lie Uniycrsity of Utah gave' a anxiety will not have been alto- plosives; They allowed waste to over with a clean slate. To the .. to reading and two number! wtre who after putting forth tlio best First American Abasrjndor is Rard It cost the. average 'per gether in. vaiq, . Dr. Henderson accumulate. .They didnt trouble djvidual who possesses , effort possilde sees his efforts present hj nisei f to knowledge given by thd, girl's chorus. day for speeches .ih eungVessi saidto correct known fire .hazards and then, errs- in' , Number in vain. of it we The spent spite seeming futility The appointments for the D eliminating Sunday, is $1,000. The'Duck Stamp Bill, nbw pend thinking they wodU do it tomor- have no remedy to propose. Ibere-of it, his helplessness to improve 1 dictator of tho world, Stalin, )ook staff are now complete.- The Iluey Long may be worth that, to' in Congress; is a parial ans- row. Tomorrow nver came but is. nothing left for him to do but his situation or to nmko any ap whose adopted name means Steel, ataff is ast follows: Louisiana but- not to the remaind- ing to Dr. Hendersons pled, offi- fire did. wer , pay the price. . prcciahlc progress exercises a will be William. C Bullit, wealthy associate editbr er of the United States. Ellisen; made- a fine start. Hut if the American Game' Ascials Y'eve effect upon young Socialite, who has written Edith crushing, blighting The assistantcost of Law; editor, publishing speeches, sociation out, and add the thats no reason-fhsitting ntill ones spirits. It requires an espechovel satirizing Evelyn Tack; business sophisticated resolutions and speeches not dc ph-- to thepoint ourselveS. manager, Now and then we meet up with. to and. .it congratulating' public nnture to help pass stand ially sturdy lip ark Avcnuites, a song Franklin Dalton; associate, bus! livened on the floor pf. congress to . establish the ' There's much more to be ' man .who .saysr advertising does a breeding under the strnin and remain calm or two; and hns been popular refuges, tlve State ness manager, Ilal Cheneyt avds called extension of remarks is administra- - and every citizen should join the not pay. It is tru6 some kinds of research and and cheerful througbt it all. This Russian expert. One of tant business managers Douglas $200,000 for the short session.. ranks to not only tion Dr. Henderson seeks,;; advertising do not pay. It is not reaction on the individual is per- dr. Roosevelts bright Extension of remarks applies young men, Thompson; clash reporter, Lucille record. better this within the bounds of reason to el- most the haps damaging thing le was instrumental in bringing Layton; cartoonist Erla Palmer; to all that material yoin congress about the depression. The man about that is . pect an- advertisementand is consider- humor reporter, Sutherland Clay- man sends you, over which yoa.are An editorial in our written withbut any thought, or . who hns his resources wiped- out ed an recognition daily pro ' excellent to enthuse. , . choice, ton; typists, Marian Sullivan and supposed can if he keeps up his heart withpounds the following: If you were study will pay. The merchant Who . v oOot Jennie Grossman; spouts, editor, in him, beat it back, but if ho lospossessed of omnipotence,-- ; that .is puts off writing his advertisement The Druggist Circular in' its ColoVful, dramatic, Wendell Adams. important, had full power to es his grip and his henft for the you until the last iniirute' 'before the current issue, lists some fifty or iizarre all these adjectives fit do ybu. (Jealjne and then .grabs up a paper pleased, jus.t battle he has lost his best resour- tho in World changes adventure thrills are ' more November munici'ad elections federal,- state, county am store : ces und most prized asset. ' . for of THE AMERI- think you would malje and which cack and scribbles a few lineB on ' city taxes a d.rqgist is requirei CAN BOYreaders They demonstrated that the Am YOUTHS COMPAN- onet would you make first.? .Our it should not expect, much from Practice games' hiiye been sche-d- u to pay on the many items 'sold ip ION, according to word just A new creditors retailor's or erican people are atill in a belli change would be to., give that kind of an advertisement. It', his store. Many these taxes .mood as they demanded ed as: fallows: . , more knowledge and undeir- - .would be 'rather, sprprising and people from of the editor ganization provides a plan where gerent yduths cannot on to the custoin. Nationa and received, a Most of the costly' mis- unusual if it did pay. A good at Davis mer. Thebe passed is not standing. , November From favorite may transfer their Administration change tbe magazine.. a year ago, they druggist by himsef of life are' made through vertisensent should have lecembor 5 Weber at Davis accounts to the organization which to the of and Haiti, aptic jungles business-ohin this tax be sells ly received "many At the time the individ- - and study put into it. If it doesnt: looks after collections. In ono west demanded and December 8 Ogden at Davis. more things which .governments from he .plateau of Asia to the Tecember 15 Davis at Morgan ern town 40 retailers are using the changes in Ynunicipal administra he was doing the right have it will not provoke thought uaj thought of liqn the editors country Africa,, consider mpfe ax have excite-men- t thing. Tbe fact that the- error was oil the December 82 Davis at' Weber appertentenly. service of such an organization. tion. Main counts, on Vhich old course a charted. of part of the reader and con conscious but not sufficiently .' to Tho cash goes to the retailej-- at machines vcre thrown .out, were December 30 Davis- at' Nephi 12 issues of innocently committed does not las- - sequently cannot bring Results. and ftm in the secure reduction of major taxes.. once when tho organization takes inefficiency, high taxes, graft. The regular teams schedulehas 1934. . . Most important-wathe election not been planned as yet. This over the endorsed note of its memAMER.Several years ago.-TR' accidents have occurred ICAN BOY Many La 'schedule .wfU be hmxmnred later. bers. The organization sees to' it., in New York where readintroduced tb its 1 1 1 1 ! H in bathtubs, but. one of the strang ! ; ; the Jimers through a regular system of col- Guardia, who has earned a repupopular, est Mrs. o. Benson befell Mafy an as erratic political genmie lections, that the customer pays tation ... CAFETERIA. NEWS Denver, who got wedged undCr 'the wlm Rhodes,- Army aviator. Those 's regular amounts each month, on ius, decisively defeated followed, his, adventures' in water taps her tub. With nq one O'Brien and the Recovery i the accounts turned over to it. In During the pflst week the "domes near to hear her calls for help through Brooks and Kelly Field, the event a creditor fails to make tickets .McKee, For the first time tic science rom bas been so imanti w'ith tho 94th pursuit Qn cross she remained there, four day's on hia monthly payment to the or in 20 yen rs the Philadelphia Rep-- , proved that it would" hops, target practice, and hardly- be neighbors finally "found and re- country formation ganization the retailer members ublican machine . was overthrown. recognized for. the. same room it til flying, will be delighted . leased her. . are immediately notified , and Republicans won in Cleveland and was several weeks to learn- that Jimmie' Rhodes has : : . has ago, Jt credit is withheld by all retailers Pittsburgh.- Nowher.e did partisan been redecorated and a returned to the ' magazine. The nuijiber.'of until payment is made to the or- spirit mn strong; thq demand new series takes him to Haiti repairs luvve been made! . where & Vevolution is impending. ganization. The organization is was for a new municipal deal, and New cifrtaijjs, made by tKedo-mcsti- c said to be valuable in cutting down the cards were shuffled The American Hot! Youth's. ; 'art students undvr the sutirelessly. Former Commissioner. Whal-- Companion, credit abuses. Also important were, .proposals pervision of Mrs. with advern the filled, Crockett, have .of New York wants legislation to hires, ' for communities to go ' into the been put with every, the craves, bpy desks wood-woran k of sale a.nd. firearms,, prohibit the It is refreshing to read, the Old power .business. Public- - ownership information he needs, and the adhavd beeji painted .and criminals that wouji the. Testament both from its literacy advocates theory vice on hobbies aniT .sports he is that governby . Mr.. Parkers manual thereby bo unable tp . get them. and historical value. It is filled ment powerbelieved, always is the jdeal pro-- , Muscle at training, utudonts, New .blinds This brings up .an old question, in sent JJrseeking, with truth. The men who lived and Shoals woulddevelopment' that insure them .sweep- have been ordered. The rqijiatrs died rascals are so painted. No vietorie.v.But whert the tfotes have bedn pointed aiid other w?h,khen ing necobituary glosses them over to th- were collided, results, were piixed, essary repairs made.' A'U these reIIow posterity. refreshing and the expected landslide . did lay cost Laila.n is the that trouble The prpfrspairs, kive, it is rn such tirVies to read the .old not vfry little. Tliey .materalize apparently the have been Jaccomplis'heil by5e?cl1: will) a sional crook would, find a 'way, epa and FrOphet Isaiah when he stood be- tax burdens educators, a,nd endorsed . brjbei-jnvolvcd caused the minimum of rxpentfe due-tor co fore the powerful King David and the shiuggling through , voters .to iin away from increas-- . operation qf Mr. Tarter and Mrs. other unlawful means; to get his by nigh, school Aiherk-a- the told him of his crookedness and ed municipal dobta. solve your Christmas Camden, New Crockett. . . his hypocracy and sent him to hi? gun anyway. Even if all firearms difficulties. wjiich is already $30000,-000-iwere required to.be reeistered.it hopping knes with his thundering ' rtThou Jersey debt, The subscription price is $2.00 gave the .city govern! ' . AOUtT would take another 'arijty of in- for are thq man. . ment permission to sVend $10,000,-00- 0 tne..year., Until January 1, Dr. Arthur L. Boesk'A ot spectors to keep track of them,, a power plant, but this for may takp out a three-yea- r yod wbuld pro-criminal 'Hie difficulty with . tVying to besides, every University of Utah will btf subscription for, $3.00, saving of control ones weight through the election principally on speaker oV tho adnjt .education, vide himself with rate .for diet is that the person inclinded the theme of unemployment re- meeting Wetlnfsdny. Dr,. Beeley osenal before the law could Iq SJ.Od.pver tlje one-yethree After years. .. 1, this ; to take on weight likes the things lief, lather than gov.ci'mept own- - will talk' on. Gov'ernmqnt effect. January and put inti? . Mr. three-yep- r stfialler Public Welfacd. Tho be .withdrawn. t will rat(t sout that produce weight and thd fel- - ership.. lit a number the by. object will Maybe meeting low who cannot add engoubh townS public ownership mayors be held at,7:!0 oclock instead of Whalep could beaccomp ished tht Mail youp order direct to THE ' 1 A. MEMBER . were elected, BOY YOUTHS . city light plants au- at' 8:00 as it'y;w , formerly, an- other wy around by making it AMERICAN weight to make his clothes fit' ri . l COMPANION,. Second 7430 l 1 1 likes the thinks that do not pro- thorized. M Bltd. for . , everybody . nounced, II Ml l.l 1 1 compulsory On the other hapd, Salt ,Lake . . duce weight. This thing of having ..SEMINARY a gun after sundown. Then Detroit, Mitl). Service on your lcSs Will' to qat the things one doesnt care City voted 2 to 4 against a light with the , the crook Mould have issue you specify. for and do without the things one plant. Spn Francisco followed suit, Orders. ba;e been tiken for Ihe vantage. . . H II I H I 1 1 1 II H iI wants and likes takes all the fun as did Burlington, New Jersey, Cincinnati and Youngtovn,. .Ohio out of eating. Loss. and various smaller . . ; , IM H oOoMerchants tell us that due to . .r When it copies to selling comthe NRA movement that all merchandise purchased after present modities, woman fs the .deciding i! . a stocks are exhausted will be high- factor. She manages the best of ! . As thv Vtoward draws its : er in price. This is one feature of al Imarktts, the American home. clnse, the National Board of Fire the program we do not understand The Admiiystration, in its drive :: vndmvritrs mak.es a heartening .. . InUnless income is generally . for higher ppiot's, is faced with : annniincement the estimated fire creased who is going to buy the definite housewifely. protest VAT the first nine months of li wore costly merchandise. : against advancing ebsis. 1933 Vas . i $245,350,000 as compar,. The housewife speaks through td with $341,050,000 in the same The most agreeable persons are the figures. Our-- ; store Period, in 1932. those who can always find some- sales, based on Department and dollar value Though a large part of this thing nice about someone and not volume, have fallen steadily. Aim-- ' arent seated to tell him about it. Mrs. American had become accussaving must .be attributed to deburnpression values of property tomed to when they dised rather than to actual reduction It is not certain which is the appeared bargains; . she stopped buying. To wore effective a dreamer or a offset 'n value of .property destroyed, i, ' inthis, the : ... ; . schemer; but the man who is tensifying its governmentto ip these, figures show definite and . . ; get campaign endued with both traits is likely to more, striking progress the greatest money into the hands of the he. a lively proposition. Progress in fire prevention made ,' public. a jf? many years. Every reduction in s for business in general, the fire loss means that wealth which Our tomorrows are built on tois so mixed as to fce impospicture ould otherwise have been totally days foundation. What tomorrow will be will depend upon what sible to depict accurately. Some So has contined to wftrk jn pestroyed . businesses are up, some are down, I foundations are laid today. channels that provide opportunity . and some are pursuing a sedate n aemployment that it has; gone ,nto the pockets of workingmen Whether one is fortunate often middle course. On the whole, innd through the tills of Jnijrchants depends upon whether he thinks dustry is substantially better off than it was when tho year opened, :; and "touched he is or not. the hands of farmers, it is reflected in the- - balance Balancing ones budget like any and heartening gains have been constant made in employment, heets of balancing act requires wages, reand ' working hours, and in profits of turn theycompanies, -- attention and a lot of practice. are able to pay their The best times are those in many large corporations. The dark security-holderIt is, in brief, a which it is most difficult to find a spot in the picture still is the strong influence in support of farm situation. parking space. - A $200,-00-- . - ; t, . in-- . steel-jawed- steel-eyed- stccl-masere- - d , - elitor,-Elizabet- . - h . - - r a done-gro- unds, ' ' Reading Fun In Store - -- for Boys ? athletics - - - . or' ,re-ceie- fd fil-s- ad-ta- thought-ignorance. - s ."...' - s E fire-eat- er blaok-haire- WH d - Get Ready Now Tam-mnny- - - - Banning xf Fireworks - .- upc-Th- e , SfASB rt'.tVdU trip Tofnn de-.cei- ve 5SKSSSS RS! ma'g-pzine-c- ...; n was-fougb- s-SkT- an .t ar iiriiaa Beauty -- of 4 n ,,.. sart .a' y National Fir, Goes Down I.., Good 1 m - III tow-nij- f:;; ; Mis -- v Shop BEST OF -- -. .' .- -.. .. Best Products Service EATS un Our. HERE. MM .. V A it'd "WE GREET YOU At a '' If reasonable prices - Staley Lunch LAYTON ' -- ift-tt- UTAH s. With A Smile ; We Should Fail To Do REMIND US OF IT DICK S SERVICE STATION a LAYTON UTAH "iiiiiiiiiiiinnnnumiMMHiiiiiiiiii-- |