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Show LAYTON, UTAH, NOVEMBER VOLUME NINE (Approval of Relief Work Now Codes. NUMBEIt TWELVE Agronomist Gives 10Q Gives-!- Post Offices to ' Advice on Proper . Thousands Jobs Being Done Is For fn I n ' 1 vxtl Supply NRA Winter Storage Complaint Forms Farmington People Requirements for a good storApproval by President Roose velt of codes of age place for vegetables are varappa- ied: yet. they must conform to the for. the fire ratus manufacturing industry and .needs of the particular vegetables the asphalt shingle and roofing that are to be stored, says ProAt a meeting of th towrr board industry brings the total number fessor J. C. IJogenson. extension held dasf pight, L. E. Ellison of of approved codes to 100. . Esti-th- e agronomist of the Utah State Agri q cultural college. eonntv central com- - matd prompt results on have codes which The places most frequently under a exgave plvmet very thorough planajtion of the emergency work been given Presidential approval used for storage arei house cellars, enrth program that is now bfdftg carried H,irin the past fetv days are as 6ut in thh . County and the re- - follows: pits and basements. For successThe roofing code is expecte.d to ful vegetable's stra.ee place four spective towns jfct cities of the . provide 15 per. cent more workers important factors must bo congounty. - sidered: indusin the were employed than Vird Postmat ohrrsoft and 929 . ar 1. Temperature control. . Cook, who are direetihthe tfork tryin th Pak In the town of Layton, were pfes-- l crease in pay rolls of the men si 2. Moisture control. and .belt 8. Ventilation. ftt and asked Nr. Ellison many. Sorter, suspend ' 4. Convenience. indflstrv is expected to in relation to this pro.- factoring . thfi cent. ef most 25 control is the Sponsors Mr. te which pgr Temperature able Ellison was grart, floor and wall ilav tile manufact important factor in good storage, fully explain. Mr. Ellison made ft clear tWring industry estimate aft imme- - Most persons guard against was aot a program for to give diate employment increase of 15 ing temperatures only. Aa a re- wages suit the more obscure losses dne everybody work or for the purpose Per cert. Their minimum of making numerous improve- as fixed hv the eede are said to be to high temperatures are greater ments to make those who caftnet 70. per cent higher than the aver-hel- p than those from freezing. Among themselves to provide thetn- prior to June, 1933, and from these losses may he cited loss in selves and dependents with the 1 to 15 Pr cent .above the 1929 weight and quality due to growth common necessities of life. so. that scnJe. Ten percent increase in em- and to other vital activities: the no one will perish of starvation ployment is estimated hy the fun-pr- more rapid development of decay supply industry. .Under the and the loss in weight and crispduring the winter as this may. be the only chance to pu provisions code it. is the plan of this Industry ness dug to evaporation of Water in the larder for winter as county td exceed by February 1934 the from the vegetables. Smashes pumpkins and sweet funds for this purpose are ex- peak of employment in 1929 Avhausted and charitable institu- erage weekly .pay in the asbestos potatoes, aro the only vegetables tions are unable to render ftssis- - industry in May 1933 was $17.49. which retain their quality in Warm Under the code. .the average' has places. These varieties undergo tance like they did last year. Great economy should be exer been increased to $19.48. with a rapid decay and the storage period is a brief one at best. Growth vised by those who get this money cut of JO hours per week. I is estimated by the . rock takes place in response to modto make it eke out until next; crusher industry thht the hours erately high temperatures. Potaspring. Single men are not discriniinaf and wages provided in the code toes will not sprout unless the d against like in many proerams will- increase employment 20 per temperature of the Ftorage reaches need rs the basis .pf eligibility cent and average incoipd per em- - es 42 degrees E. Potatoes 'onions If a single man is not a prodical ployee 22 per cent' over that of and root crops are best stored at spn and is in absolute need, he is Jun6 16,. 1933. An increase of 6G temperatures between 35 and 41 just as eligible for a job if all of per cent over employment over the degrees F. Moisture control is also 'an the preliminaries.; such as, having average of 1932 and addition of at the proper time, etc., $850,000 in yearly pay roll was portant factor and can best be have been compiled with, ho fall estimated- by the novelty curtain, 'regulated by proper ventilation, . draperies, bedspread and' pillow Root .vegetables require' rather get work. - industry. With reduction from 55with large amounts of, moisture in the People property may proRbe counted in as eligible if to 40 hours per week, increase of air of the storage, while Onions erly A.L . .. !4 --J '! J!l.. !t Am nliirm otif !m , J f maVimiiaI a) The National Recavery has sent fo postmasters forms for the use vf the public in reporting to complaint boards all cases of violation of codes of In Nunn v hnnrl Adrf.in-istratio- I teemployment Agreement. In the announcement was it stated! This action was fa?en fol owing receipt of .thousands . of otters Complaining of ' 'chiselers' and code violators. It! order to iscourage rompTakts, spite' space is. provided on the prjnted forms .for notarization or certification by ne or more witnesses :'amiliar With the facts.1 reem-mitte- cel-ler- public s, or f manu--questio- ft fair competition or the President's emej-evnc- out-of-do- At a Mass Meeting na A Manless ! Man-0-w- ar j Among the amazing developments of the last few years is thrtt of the- radio robot, or mechanical device controlled by rnd'io. which las assumed many forms, from a talking and moving mechanical d man to a battleship. So far, the most remarkable pro ductiqn in this line js the . radio control equipment installed on a Iritish battleship, whereby it movements may be governed by transmit ter? carried by a destroyer two or three miles away. As described by Dr. F,. F. Frect this radio control .enable's the distant destroyer commander to cause these functions to be performed aboard the battleship: . Start and stop . the engines, change course, tht'ow up a smoko screen, and even regulate tluv play ng of the. ships phonograph band all without n- single- man aboard, . . thp vessel, ; Many experiments, more or loss' successful, have been made in America with radiq controlled airautomobiles, and planes, tanks, motorcycles, as. well as radio .directed naval'. ships dpring target practice. . It would suit moftt'of us if in the next, war it were possible to send out, machines alpne to do the fighting, while humans remained behind the fines attending to their lie si'ciet of ibis oue, third front the left Pcauty tle blue-eyebusiness U out ! And lt' simplicity In the front row-explAnd Itself. They It kll to fanned thU expert said Inadequate diet pineapple. deny many women the vitality they At bust, that's wtut one gather must have to bo really beautiful. .front the girls win ni:tl;e up the eye She said that radiant health hi the attraction of tlu munlral omu-ily- , foundation of real beauty and dally Take Chance." A I lie show be- eating of two slices of cnnned pine-- , gan Its lung torn! tour with ttm at- apple oc a cup of the crushed or tendant wrinkle tiiatiing worries of tidbits as a source of those Vitamin B Slid G amt five essenyushlug from theater to train nd thlggs-- A, sketchy rest In sleeping cars, these tial minerals will help. Wasnt It girls' developed ft "beauty diet to break that. she recommended otue maintain the radiant vitality of thing we nil like?" health which the fooii!;,?ts demand. And so the tired business man And topping the li.- -t of 'Vauty from Maine to California will get afds" is Hawaiis golden pineapple I hi 'beauty glorified ns over even We. went Ints a huddle with If It Is nil done with the 14 of lit canned pineapple. dietician, Shirley Mansou-t- he '1 d tt - i at . - ained. - Voted For Sewer A very wt attended and mass meeting of th users of the proposed sewer for Farmington City was held Wednesday night at the city hall. Dr. Buchanan of the health board gave a very interesting talfc. on city sanitation after which a vote was taken authorizing administration to . proceed with the preliminary work of securing the necessary-datfor the . project. They were also authorized t pro'eoed with Jthe request for th loan if it was found to be within the' estimated cost. There are 1S4 hdmes in th "proposed district with 100 homes already signed up. This is in addition to the business houses most of which are. ready to sign for tha service. . 11 -- th-cit- radio-controlle- Beet Growers To Receive $1,500,009 In December Christmas purchasing power of Utah sugar beet growers will ba inor'easfvl who ft two Utah My $U00,000 for .bect -s com-panH- during December. The . Sugar company will majl Checks' for $1,000,000 on Utah-Idnh- d December 15 to. growers, and th Amalgamated Surgar company will issue chocks .for $500,000. Th Gunnison Su?nr company already has paid .its growers in Sanpete and Sevier counties $450,000 for t ' their 1933 beets. Of the to be paid by one national $1,000,000 is ThetC problem the. Utalp Idaho company, - Utah.' that is constantly growing jn the growers, will receive about $458,-00- 0. of industrial and business An apple a day may not always When the first payment of $4( shouli it but Iteup thejdctor away, 000,000 vas made November 20 keep the "pill box away and help to Utah farmers' received $1,810,000. keep the family healthy, especially The Amalgamated already has washed is fruit if the thoroughly This whole. program facturing industry at slightly in though. the tenaperatiire require ance nothing. paid $2,025,000 for beet deliveries necessary developments and and the skins are left on, says Elneed And is thoroughly excess of that in 1929. Three ments are the same. on hinges fn October. nutritionist additional extension ba the thus Miller, tq way open thousand workers and payroll ih- - j Carrots, .beets, turnips and par- Christian in spirit. , Under participating contracts . State Utah of the Agrieultura' employment? crease of $2,608,000 were esti- - snips require more moisture in Nor one. should become vexed-iother duties. to Willard T. Cannon sfet is laig?- - college; according securities new The tbey do npt get on, .merely prove mates fixed by the steel casting the air.tb&n do potatoes and cab- - i resnonsible for the nnnoaarnco vice president and general manis a Utah product; t; The apple your needs of assistance if you industry and 5,000 workers and bages. Cabbages requrne slightly tv,- wa is- inexpensive, is accessible .mos Sugar ager of the ft increase in the .more than potatoes; however, all jB1D,nllt-5have been and are still economical $4,500,000 pay-rowill share .in farmers 1 unwnrv of, the a has company, and nrritpef the of year 1 varjety ' -ito b. . products f with the factories-- , dependprofits uses. . ie same mps.iy.the relative hu-jgiven a turn ' ft Eaten raw, the apple gives the . The French people claim with ing' on the prices for which th It has donc that -ipiomot-crSEa-etown mnt have one or ' In saturation.. is sold. With these profits ant act. d.ty approaches b while doing it, it .has up teeth some necessary exercise pride that their country was the product . , ANSWERS TO INQUIRIES , more projects to put the men At other words, drops of moisture alTn0fit. insurmoiintab,t. bamers to polishing. shared, Mr. Cannon said in Europe to have, chattel first work at and they can work only a condense on the water pipes ahd some minor slavery declared by a court to.be father payments of the 1933 crop 0f many hinds of White insHance have, the apples Q. To what extent is the, Presi- the windows, chances certain ntimbtr of hours tf week are . that will be paid at a later date to acvaluable aecuritios which ai content; they are more' valu- ifnlawful. From Paris comes and on one project. The projects dent authorized under the Nation these crops w;H. keep fairly well. g00(i and count for any difference. re by. reputable able for their type of cellulose story of the famous case. have to comply with certain regu- - al Recovery .Act t to. enter into A additional precautions in and goundly Baid his company is paying He Doth adds needed to which bulk Denmark was the first European keep honest corporations. lations and specifications t and agreements? home cellars, beets, carrots, pars 10 per cent more to farmers this of fotd the the ami to niltion fiBaix.iOT declare rejlnar'cing moving along Bew by lpgislative act. A have to b4 approved by the coun(a) authorizes the : nip. .and trunip my be covered taVe man that all- human beings on its soil year than last, when the total paytive tract in a SepticS, enter into qgrefc- - with moist sand. Ratotoes may Ue ty gejitral. committee. And the public, which n?r, Miss Miller points out. were free. That was in 1792 and ments reached $4,250,000. ments with, and to approve volunr piled on the floor .and cabbajre ss The 'apple is one of the mas the law took, effect ten years later and freitsMf ' versntile foods. The easiest way But the legal case of John Bou:. To . to serv'e it, ahd perhaps the mos eaux. who was. set free by a nutritious way, is to give- - it French court in the time of Louis-X?' Ft w . officer $ have had Bweh a After several years of discusboth and eat. it raw. How came a thorough earlier, distinguished military career as a treaty was signed by Cansion, for who those Tike a greatever, Boucaux had been brought to has General Douglas MagArthur, lishments shall work 40 hours & concrete floor. .Although Pota - jfensive Th(? and the United States lookt and er ada more nf apthe variety work, France from Martinique, in the who became chief of staiT 0 the per week but that fpctorv Workers toes and root cfops Yeqquir.e a preservation of Niagara the mooning of, ple may be served for any course West Indies, by a Monsieur de ing, at the age in. same must work 48 hours. per moist atmosphere- fot best storage has disagreed Qwr paragraplw. United Staley a joint board recomFalls the and of The the meal, meal of for any Verdeljn, whom the negro served varj0U3 imporlani . of-- 50, the youngest ever to hold week? should not; be. wet. If P10 mended a $7,500,000 program for in they have are their Apples as the co.ok. a ami place that investor industry Remarking finally . A. .Yes; except' that there is a ture accumulates .this highest rank, this purpose, after an investigameat he was in a free throughout) the of hupcaucratic cocktails salads with the country, Boucaux tion . Since he was graduated from tolerance of. 10 per cent in the pile there is .danger of serious loss ween the devilthe'efie ft of conditions. for and has and cider .course, dessert; hand, demanded reon His masters wages. West Point at the htail of his case of office employees. es from decay and growth, espec- - dorajna,lcc erosion was of found The fate on many possibilities for delectable play was to have Wm put irf the the sea' ftf inadequate financing Q. What regulations were fixed ia.ll class in 190?, he- - has held many to be not so great aa .drinks. yif that temperature is also the other: .' . prison of the Chatelet, at Baris, by the board NRA the to as by reached the membership above 41 degrees F. In such cases .important commands, and For lri a! was .feared, being very slight on is-cocktail, select, apple Boucaux was liberated after three easy bo' make n'istakos the rank of major general a few of local compliance boards ? it is advisable to open the doors, theIt enactment side and from threa which , American cook-the which When their keep of legislation shape A. Local days, there being no law to fit his NRA ed". Rqwc, compliance wihdow's or ventilatprs. days before ha was 45. As a first to four feet a year in the HorseJorjpreun'd .without Delicious, and Beauty, he is rued his case, thereupon expe.rimehtpl lieutenant he was military aicte to board? should be composed of six But whon suefi mistakes nthan, Pearmain and Wine.sapare.niaHcr for ten years arrears of shoe. Extensive protective works cedent. member? selected by a nominatYresident Theodore Roosevelt. were recommended, however, in . become apparent, as ia.Puw. the'in this class. Balls may be cut vnflrCk During the World WTar he ser- ing committee composed of membalj-toconnection with which it is bea ip. nut from the apples by usin it securities act, came ftlnce.he case from irt French d bers the representing the interests f ved as chief of staff, brigade com. 1 cutter lieved rem-that considerable additional a ,or small U measuring much to ask that they colony, tlu? suit had to be heard mander and finally as commanding trade, labor, industry, and the or water the be spoon; .as was Marvelous the may be diverted for power he apples may of speed. edied the discovery with judges consumer. These members should cirtjby Admiralty i. general, of Ibe famous Rainbow be into cubes or triangles apd fookwithout affecting tk , sound impulses could be that d purposes court, who were compelled to r truly representative of tha fol- transmitted Division with wwhich he took part in a thin syrup until transpar-lta)- n of the Falls. scenic beauty and bim telephone radio by nearly three months lowing interests: 1, employees in m the. St. Mihiel, cnt. Much be if added Coloring may anxiety has been felt conwould be considered what their de:j'wbj0 industry; 2, employee in retail or their mere transmission BHlered. . and .Sedan offensives, as well as whole-s&l- e the possibility of a ser, if value little of cerning traveled decision Should vicbe. they It was a only trade; 3, employee in being other major eperationsj, er Punch made from the fol- of the grandeur ious of the with impairment t Jean speed sound, ordinary was who Boucaux, toryfor industry; 4, employer in retail or wounded ir action twice: natural lowing this one of If receipe, To spectacle in illustrate: e were .by great recommqnded. whole-salSan declared to have been free from Whoat rowers 0f .Utph Miss Miller, affords a good varia- the moment he After the war he served suc- tive of the trade; 5, representa- Francisco of tne tsr action the therefore to to talk .oiTtrnetsto produc stepped on French consumer, preferably in cessively a& superintendent of the a woman with tion:. for it New in we've providing York, and had soil and to be a free man from governments check, no direct interest somem. 4 cups sweet cider be . will ldillitary Academy at West Point, . loud be voice approved thi on. .noueh'to preservation now heard in our. connection with" trade or from, .commander of the Philippines di- . , nnnrooriation of approx- - . 4 tablespoons lemon juice the people of both countries. ! 6, a lawyer in good stand that distance, it would take f A 2 tablespoons visioft. .Fourth corps area, Third industry; to1? for the hours four , ad sugar wheat ly message mg withthe State bar $1q2 000.000 for 3 sprigs crushed mint leaves or orps area and the Department of These sxi members electassociation. cross the continentfor sound to a been Va has payments, and seventh a'cor...1! justment the. Philippines, 720 teaspoon mint flavoring. Chill miles travels only member to act as nermanent chair c Few Americans, ever heard of word received by Director president of the American Olym-pi- man, who should be of But, fortunately, electrical and Peterson from .George E. Fgrre I, and serve. Charles Guilaume, a French Dr. fauturti commission. Another prediction which ct-soun-d and free from connec- radio impulses travel with the associate chief of th? what sec- judgment hfe roceived scientist, awarded a recently war service his For which for of fantistic was made aoi all light, speed which practiwould cast any doubt dec- - tions special medal by the British Phymany American and foreign to the effect that time ago, - on the impartiality of his decisions cal purposes is instantaneous for tl0Contracts are being reeeived sical Society for th discovery of orations, including the distinguishfew years have or terrestrial a in distances, volume about shall Q. In what condition three important metal alloys. Yet is the Washington in increasing ed service medaL second. a miles The will run without that 186,000 . world code largest in carillon submitted the expected one of these, called platinite, is by the leather inand issuance of. checks is The chief of staff is the son of. is in th tower of the four million said to save motive power being supni: to the it the be may Incidentally, mentionAr-dustry? in proportion to increase pearly $5,000,000 anthe late Lieutenant-Genera- l dollar Riverside Church in New A. It was approved the in the manufacture of elec- from a central station by arkv-Thof contracts received. nually by the ed that so far and longest combin- number thur MacArthur, who alho had a President on September York. It has 72 bells with a range tric light bulbs. idea is advanced, not' radio conversa- Checks are written by BPecl ed telephone 7, 1933 notable Army career, having been of six or on visionary, but a bell octaves, Q. Please let me know the wag- tion ever carried the largest by a regular chines which have a capaci y Another is elinvar, an improved crank a brevet colonel in the Civil war es and hours for a 20 than G. M VI. tons. was weighing between customer authority toll San 60,000 checks daily. dry cleaner used in the manufacture of alloy before he was 20 years old, later .Th the Marion eor' carillon of to A mailed tower is 360 feet watch Under the substitution for Diego. California, and Stockholm, president n Checks had been while the third is who springs; into serving in the that snch a declares which were high, NRA of distance the a eight bells in the 8,630 counties Sweden, miles. applying to the nickel-stehoisted' by electricitv iisinv steel i nvai ,a war and d.ur,ingt.hc Philippine Inproduct serious staTes no factory receiving arrangement I industry special By tiling . longer or which is practically free from ex- surrection. cables automotive factory or mechanical worker or distances have been covered. C0VntT. " to scattering went pension or contraction by change leading Three bells to this p rf .ei:v-ana in world tire artisan shall be paid less than 35 Many improvements in telephone According the Nebraska. Missouri, in temperature, therefore of a cerfc. than of the When it is said of any country cents Per hour in the northern and radio communications will be Iowa, have bell larger would bass West Virginia, Virginia, Maryland the carillon, but big has great value in the manufacture of and byjt in the world: My poor are hap- area shall be paid less than 35 made in the future, but there will deepit the New York. distress cents est tone. Ij is about eight feet metal surveyrs tapes, clock pendul switch a generator hour In the northern be no increase in speed. Always andContracts py; neither ignorance nor received from per in I its clapper alone weighing urns and other articles requiring ing is to be found among . them; my area in cities of 500,000 hih, the sounds are transmitted with of length. stability of as much as would pnsoners are the supply f empty station rny)nor lesg than 3() centg in the speed of light, the speediest jails Liberty Bell, about Scientists like Dr. acceptance unit, comprised a ton. I Guilaume are four universe. streets of beggars; the aged arecars might in the 100,000 and Many statisticians, thing work-er- ,, . so long tower and carrillon are the laboring constantly to adapt new ot in want ,the taxes are no op .leS3 thvn 21 cents in ciJiefif or 2tatfeUerxtcnsion .Jh diners less my-new tand world is forces rational materials of to carried the John He be D. could the The by In load pressive; than 100,000. the southern area Rockefeller, Jr. The complaint has often been and four: (arm and his father are the largest con- service of mankind, and the ad- responding generator. friend, because I am a friend of not less than 20 cents interested hour. per many in made of by civilization is due largewhen these things These classes of tributors to the new church, of vance good its happiness We do not vouch for tri 1 employees are government that not enough peoto their skill and patience. can he said, then may the country limited to 44 hours coun.n-ffiSSlfcSltt- " which Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick ly the ability of this suggestion, I week; ple vote at election. In a represenare entitled to is all reThey the the boast of its constitution and its provided, however, that perwhere pastor. it on as an ind.: a tative form of government such as rheat wards and honors which may be pass Riverside government. Thomas Paine. its work with week may happen. In azy t what great church, is in effect the our it is necessary that a approved shorter represen Two major problems face the hours shall not be increased. is a recent notable addi-tio- bestowed upon them. the daring cc. carillon, illustrates of sentiment be for payment tative expression to modern the people of this country at the pres-no fine the engineer. I. of religious many when about edifices of the nations metropolis. idea r the ent time. The people who have and John L. N.orman, 72, of Seattle secured buteligible vote thishalf of that is can It say that for reported the year the people is not to V- -' made be dav money would like to know how "Hie lived with his wife 40 China 1932 kept her expenditures anmp years, but possible. IIow would it do to as- where they could secure some. Mrs. income. her Vera within left the head a Kansas she at Spokane, when Mitchell of dishes unwash- - sens everyone tax of $3 China, by the Thieves like 1 people who have money would to ed for 30 days, he filed suit for .which would be returned if City fell 100 feet over a cliff and way. is the country usually refer- mantled a power line ar which the safe in a way to know ? red to as the background nation. 000 feet of cooper rrnv. suffered only a few bruises. I divorce. person voted ft? our lives. Pale? invest it. Throttling:' Industrial Nutritionist Urges Expansion Use Of Apples . 5 1 1 X1 - - In Diet '. 1 f 1 The First Slave Trial - ll n tbe I Utah-Idah- o H . - non-irritati- i The Armys Chief "au fthe smtis js sKr ; - pre-ro- Save Niagara Falls ; i? co"la;.cs & - half-centur- y Jgal-talen- be-st- to-th- e Ai-m- - j . be-U'a- y. i -- j -- . The Speed of Light o 11 de-e- Meuse-Arjjron- ne and-desire- d ffvXSn SflSt- Deserved Honor Auto Power by Auto an-.jMS'- Riversides Bells r:. s ar".:-mobile- f. e rv Spanish-Amenca- dry-cleani- W5? el Jh ee-ftee- p. 1 wave-lengt- h r wave-lengt- h J ciJ.brj coS wave-lengt- rein. n StWiS"1". -- h, !' j I) 1 |