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Show ::sL .WEEKLY facture of lactic 0acid nfl vinegar I . and supplies substances used inW leather. tanning oAbout Well, it lboks as YI & repw.day Blfbjeci of 'debt loonj were dawning for com end for oif the, my ml horizon Such use not only corn American .homemalSep. is ghouijgrowers. today Quite apart frimi eliminate surplus crop "hat , economic vslu. rightfully proud of the food sur- - have the manifold questions bound ; . plus .stored way in her pantry bookseller fntcUsH with the consideration of w.tr A and sellar, particularly that these sad legacies of strife 0f Napoleons love letters to Jose debts, he- tmn of it which he has made POTg wliich so greatly concern. 'the pWxft for 20,000 outbidding this tlm.e, ilitrrc rernmns A c." nd Frenc.V the fact that piany individual are Behind he bountiful vegetables! facing a situatiem in which their vxain III supplies fof . cojd weather and assets peem Lnadeqcuto to aus t the liabilities they bave ijicurrvd., ijainy days is "the educational work conducted ty the United Sates ' Ot'tent as .a result of depewiand States Department of Agriculture. currencies, they sea (he alu uf One by one, new processes relating continually" . October their possession . and. begin to; questing: to better and ppre foods and the the'Btability the"y" etrz rce.pled preservatien of foods are Studied; a a flxled standard. ' and information on the subject dis- fnaily years miftor.ifi l.t' 1? 'helpful ta feu have by the Bureau of IIoftie ditiofis n the farm area Economics. Because of this, vast 'beeh'reflected in sale l the mail uttecancas oft de$t in tli lfgM quantities of fruits and vegetables 'order., houses, particularly in the which . Chrhtian Scienqv throws' which could not possibly' be Used cofn .and Wheat belt adjacent ta upon then.' 7h first .Menlimi' he. right away are saved from waste Chicagfi, where the head quarters occut'st tahi tlje prtyer tawhich iWpons'e disciples . j of these establishments are locat- - gave every year. to thsle that b,6 should Recently the bureau turned its'ed. Despite reports of strikes of teach themrequest ' .to pray. The Mastef's to the making of jams farmers in that region. reporta attention as and jellies, a household art which just mode public vcve.a.i that mail- - words; "Forgive w out debts," t e wonwe omc forgiye' debtors, has delighted and puzzzled house- order sales during October 1933 by the spirwives for hundreds of years de- were from 11 to 30 per cent above derfully tlldmlnatei w itual tilth llaiT, Interpretation them when the results were those for October 193J. Montgom Dak e lighted bai vtven fhtm in' Eddy and them & satisfactory, puzzled Co. sold $23,000,000 ery, Ward ScUn'ee And Health with. Key to when they werent. Why did jellies in October, compared with $16, tho (p. 3 1): - "And jell sometimes, and fail to do so 000,000 In September. The October Lore Bcrtptures" rcJJmtcd in fere.- . '. it upon other occasions? Now we figure was 16.2. per cent increase Lovtr, thea, la'Uw prlmery ilu-iio- n are told, by the bureau, that over October of last year and the of this question of debt-th- e pectin is a substance that forms September sales exceeded those of love of God for IIJa .children rein the pulp of many fruits as they September 1932 by 13.4 per oept. flected by thew to one another. ripen. It causes cooked fruit to During the 4 weeks Jesti' evidently aW the need of ending Novthicken and jell. ember 5, Sears, Roebuck & Co. eruvUfylng this aubjevt iti. A. way But, as every housewife knovs sal?s weve 28,000,000, an increase that would be vastly wn'ders.tdad by experience, this pectin content of 20.9 per cent over tfie corre- by Ills hearers, far. he ltitcv exa parable. wies frsm fruit to fruit, and from period of 1932. Sale of pounded it by meana of vondition of the fruit, being more sponding .vflio. BCfvant told He thenrpf C.. J. Penney Co. for September Owed & vast turn- - which' ho was than in 1933 were prevalent in under-rip? a gain of unable to pay. At hie 'fully ripened fruits, more abund- 24.8 .per cent 16,000,000, over 1932 appurcntly September ant in the same fruit some years and rafuCRt ho'wvvivv Ills 'lord request. for October f933, $18,000,000 forgave him fhta.dfcbt. than others. On this problem the ye.'.redd bureau has this ta say: Nowadays a gain of 11 per cent' oyer October that this arrtant then. wentout, 1932. The three firms which ell tmd finding a who however, pectin extract can be ad- ded'to the juice, ntid jelly esn be farprely to farmers, sold erprox-- . owed him a. compArntlvely sjuall Worth vf .amount,,,toqK,Mm .by tlo throat, made from many fruits which too- -' lately . $70,000,000 tnerly were not used because they merchandise during October, i ain&..Pay me. that tUdu owest. .' et gain of move than 1(1 per And rtissegordinfe the d.obtorB plea would not 'jell'. for patience, .he, cast him. Into .. . ceflj, over lust year.. .A FUTURE FOR CORN prUou. Thir lord, howeyer,' Jw Uncfe Sam Talks . o VS THE r 9 Order. m puring Fr -- e 9 d'etouou of which we are capable e owe to God, who Is LoVe and (he very source of all being, thw meaning of the parable becomes .apparent. Our obligad can be fulfilled only tions tv our love and to the measure voiapasua fur. nr fellow men. The mental sirangle hold of love an hatred. . uiuunierstunding. eavy, or prite expressed in our thought ef our blether m hinder hipi from giving us the appreciation which w believe to be due fronj him, and from restoring thak which he ovyS. If we (ail to roall about iled he fote rf GoA capac. the channels of eur ity to give .wMI hecojttb hhckfd It Ji selrfshiess anti li'tb. The paj will he the Thespian fliiihl tind spo- club, and thn .p . hv- the present- - " presfd rv,tfK,,Jun,1rfon attractiveness oj bhb reoms. The small son ef Mr. and .';, port t.initial chlld-bS- M. vo.dayss paid, he had forgottlhrh it .was., lf ?-- WATER-EXPELLIN- - ii u;!5d..r . ; m .Tlierp td yreftt heed of vUtify. lng our thinking. nd refusing i accept a tfi os meric sueuertlow of annpyance or 'fear v hlch distort nut viewpoint of one Bft- other. Thought Wust te lifted t perceive the infinitude of i j iitu:il Ideas, which are always ai baiuS to supply tho tntm.ow iiiuiiemn.. flenifitul of th lav To. Jesils collector 'or the need of the i n:l titijde- - presented no dir.li iilty. h, well the all. cauqe'.lwvknew- r nature ef fit. I .embractng cairn? cognizant of the Bftfiaflon loye. He o'bthined w hat was nires. and withdrew hjs pardon, requlr E.vy. ooijsrioiin was tie e? whni Jng tho ?riedUor to pay his qwn Mrq. Eddy 'has called the fiellift debt. law that supply InvarUMy inert It i Intertstihg 'tt notlc tfrat demand .MlsctltAtnoii Writings, neither of these debtors protested p. 40). lhlt W'ould this finve been hls. inability to pay or "asked for th$ cash .Trad he vltowci! tile 'the tunotint to be" reduced? They .thought .to become clotided witA both prayed tie creditor' fo.r .pa- resentment toward any of Ihosv tience, pTomi&lnk to pay the full xlth whem ho was ARsorlfttod? wmouni owing. In tht first, car.e The flattened and compAssInn ra it is tecomded tlra.t his lord '.hat continually manifested by Chris compassion en tho Vicrvant ahe JCsQs are beaded today In full "forgave him his debt;, while Jn the measuFe;-anIn addition to ihesv second the creditor took his fel- .the of steadfast trust and quality low sdrvant by the throat, or, assurance that our Father will ' estabmetaphorically speaking, ppen to .us the way ta meet our lished Such, a strangle hold up.on human pbllgattotis. Mrs. Eddy ha him. as to reader It Impossible for made the insfilred statement that him "to free hLraself.- - It Is' clear the right way wlm the right of that the hisntaV qualities ef pa yfk y, even-lhway ef Truth and tience and compassion extended to Love whereby, all eur debt arv one Who is in. difficulties reassure .mankind Messed, and Oof and help him to win his freedom, paid; (The First Church af glorified attiwhile a'. cruel and. unmerciful tude of thought ohly. tightens his . . t R'CHf'.STRA Let ps job. ReaSoff-b- l price. .Melodian orchestra. 9 Box 202 Layton,. Utah FOR SALE Modern brick bun. calow 1 t blocks weift of Bountiful State bank; six . rooms, newly im pored, p equipped, full base lawns and ment, tavelv flowers. For particulars call DANCE play yvur I "1'state of Anna Fishur divniserf. fmiitots will piwonl claims with vouchers to the undcrsigncil nt Uytoa, Utah, o or liefove the i!3jd day of January, A. It., . . . . yi - -- - were'-served- bu-ftia- n- Stato-efis- . ? kofidd. When, fra realize thaC, all Xhe Monitor. - - and was on ol 'the most iniypic- - .terson of this place fretv married ational ' programs that has. ever" by Bishop .Frank Hyde last Sat- been put on by tve Primary as- urda.y evening. A family dinner . sociation. . . followed the ceremony at the Ie--ters- home. t Insure Your Cake Success With Careful Measurements . t - left . for they will make' the': son. home'. While cutting wood last Friday Alvin" Lor.eflzo' Scoffield of Roy George .W, F.waft cut off the tnd and Eljen LaVorne Colehicrg. of. of his, thumb. this palce took out. h marriage li - i" Dr. ,11. Z. Lund of Salt ?xke . efise in (Jgden, the. first. (spent Bunds v here as the guest of Exercises given at the Kaysville his. sistor, Mrs. H. J. Barnes, Mr. and Mis. Darvel Miller cn Ward Primary conference, held here, Sunday, .Nov. 19 more than tertained, st a dinner party, fct home Iot Saturday. three, hundred children .jtook part.-- ' "th The president, Mrs, Fred A.. "Shef- , ' Mfg. E. Chipmaa entertained field had charge of .the meeting,. her brid)e club at her homo last Themes iver .given by .the chi- Th.Ursda jcvwiing. The members ldren and several musical numbers f the flub and thoir husbands en.rendered under the direction joyed a dancing party in Ogden of Mrs. J. W.' Thornley with Mrs.. Saturday evtning. The Kaysville fir department Robert Eirkin as accompanist-- . Mr.orfd Mr A Jay Gam ,of Salt. resji.ondcd Luji CP.1 lrt Sunday Lake '"spent Friday at the Come of morning to .the home of Mr. and Mr.s.'Garns parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Clifton Blood Sparks from set fire to the reef, , Henry. Grahapi. , , the The Cottrell 'family, held a a small portion was burned. Mr. and Mrs. Howard TVoinas genealogical, meeting at the home f Mrs. Jame's Cottrell, lat Stnj-da- are spending the Thanksgiving holidays here with Mr. awl Mr Mrs. Amos 0ld underwent an W. D. Thomas. ones returned Mrs. Eleanor operation ffir appendicitis .at the From "an Ogden hospital Monday Dee hospital, Monday morning. Mrs. Earl .Rumel and Mrs. .Rul-o- n and is ht the htme of . . Fisher of Salt Lake spent Sun- Mrs. II.W.. King. Hheir trMt of as isii?iproi,Jn Mr, Joseph day gpests parents, Maylin hs recent sickness. and Mrs Robert Green. , fhi place and Kelton (XJtrell Mrs. Alpheus Harvey entertain- ed the Evening Brfdg& club at her jMfss Merle Gibjis of MarysvaJe home last Thursday evening. Mrs. were "married in Spanish 'V f.8 Wendell Barnas will entertain the Friday by Bishop Arthur MtKall. Mr. and JArs. Ralph Bvans and cltbat Jier home next Thursday. Mrs. W. E. Bennett is suffering daughter of igalt Laket spent Sun-oday with Mr. and Mrs. Fragk II. kidney trouble. . Mrs. R. if. Kilfoyle entertained Blamires of Canute Barnes, fcrnall sod ffll the officers and teachers of the 3- - Bwnes, is II. Mr. Mrs. and Mutual Monday evening. The as. sisting hostesses were Mrs. Morris at tho Barnes home. Barton, Miss Edith Layton and 0 t . v. rms N. j- KAYSVTTJ.K Fir. wmj Mrs. Ithr where . Mwneyvil'r, si-st- ai r I m rnHE . ' ., , . !. , , . , . , s , , . a i , 'You cant have, too . much of a good thidg. doesnt PPPiy to cake baking. Knowing that baking poPwder leav- ens cake It is natural to assume 4p&t ahalf teaspoon more will give a cake ,"' . , adage, , i , greater lightness. Tbe sad, strange fact Is that too much baking powder may, cause sinking in the center.-.- , coarse, dry toughor gummy crust, over the pan cake that runs cruihb, m dismal cake failure. Let us rule out cake failure by fol- -, lowilfg two simple baking powder rules. First, always use amount rec- ommended on your baking powder can. This proportion has been worked out as best for that particular baking powder. Second, measure carefully os excess of any type of baking pow- -' dsr gives undesirable results. A level teaspoon means that you must level off with a knife. Make one of these cakes by these kules you'll be surprised I Caramel Layer Csks (2 Eggs) ltt cups sifted Vi cup butter or cake flour other short ening ly teaspoons combination baking powder 2 eggs, well l beaten 1 cup sugar teaspoon 44 cup milk vanilla Sift flour once, measure, add baking powder, and sift together three times. Cream butter thoroughly, add sugar gradually, and cream together until light add fluffy. Add eggs, then flour, alternately with milk, a small amount at a time. Beat after each addition until smooth. Add vanilla. Bake In two greased layer pans in moderate oven (375 F.) 25 minutes. Miss Dorothy Robing. Spread caramel frosting between layMiriaip Barnes, daughter of ers and bn top and sides of cake , Mrs. J. George Barnes, underwent an operation for appendicitis, Mon Creole Fudge Loaf day evening in Ogden.. . (1 egg) . ' Mrs. G. F. F&til)o left last Sun1 sifted 2 cups cup sugar day for California where she will cake .flour egg, well be the guest of her daughter. beaten 2 teaspoons Miss La 2 squares unMrs. Julia Warren, combination sweetened Vina Anderson and Mrs. Phillip baking pow-chocolate, der Forbes attended the funeral sermelted teaspoon salt vices for Parley Anderson held In cup milk cup butter Burley, Ida., last Friday. 1 teaspoon or other Mr. and Mrs. Vernal Swanger vanilla shortening have moved into the James Smith Sift flour ones, measure, odd bakhome. ing powder and salt, and sift together Attorney William II. King will three times. Cream butter thoroughtomorrow morning for the cream and leave gradually, add sugar ly, together until light and fluffy. Add Pacific northwest on a business egg and beat well; then add choco' trip. late. Blend. Add flour, alternately Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. Barnes with milk, a smell amount at a time. and family of Salt Lake were Beat after each addition until smooth. of Mr. and Mrs. A, M guests Add vanilla. Bake In greased pan, Inches, in moderate oven Barnes, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Green (325 F.) 1 hour. Spread boiled frostBides Greens of and cake. When were guests of Mrs. ing on top frosting Is set, pour on mixtures of 2 mother, Mrs. Cora Buckway, Sun- squares unsweetened chocolate and 2 dfl v tablespoons butter, melted, letting Mrs. George Young of Salt Lake chocolate run down over sides of Saturday here with Mr. and spent cake. Double recipe for two large Mrs. Harry Barber. A layers. William Pehrson and Laura Pe- ch ' 8x8x2 ' e Bountiful 10-- , JOHNSON BROS. Automatic Sealing- . Improved Cement Valuts . Water & Vermin Proof . No Sunken Graves - J. 41 "Lw. Pfiice your orders for. ntid ; ti reword with" th Kurnil lire Cp. Bountiful.. Many Women Suffer Needlessly kindling Union 41. FOR SALK By owner Fordfton traitor with rido pulley and John Scientist Perfect Remarkable Fore ripen two-wa- y plow. . l'hon mule That End Nervoua Hy. 5. 2180 or Bountiful 4t' and Headaeha-- . wohaen are called on t FOR SALE By owneV,' Many deceased;" at certain suffer times aevero Bountiful modern in home Creditors-wal- t i.ieQm present elftim fine nervousness, pain. Irriheadaches, location, large sleeping pofth to the v,ilh voucher, undersigned nuto and tation task yet depression, and garage malt be Knysville, Utah, on or before all In porch, large coop work dona. and al- . performed A1 lots condition, shade, 28th thl '.day of December, A. P.4 so A remarkable new scientific lawn, fruit, garden, plenty 'watW3 . . now bslnx prescribed by ter. Bomeville water paid off, John. r. . . and nnrtea, Qnlckly rre. doctors reasanable terms, Haves the One off th of the unvncuinbc.red, nervousness, pain, irritastate of Eliza. .Marie Stevenson, E. P. Durham, Bountiful, Utah tion and depression experienced .Wiseman will pay deceased. . at certain times by every woman. Foote '& Jayvspfl, Dttorneyv.' price?, for gll kinds of poul- It le pleasant to take, atianlatlnc. 504 Walker JBank Building, try also livestock. Phono Bountiful and yet It dose not depress the 200-J- . 42- - heart and Is Lake City; Utah. absolutely harmless. First publication October 2d, tD33. FOR SALE Good used Great factories, telephone offices. gas range. Apply t.o- Mrs'. Fred Mann, department stores and shops 4 block west of Noticfc Penney store Ploying many women ns .. V their doctors and Bountiful. 40- - j dally through : nurses becauss thsy know It Is sofa finv ? 81-JJ- pra-vqlptl- on . oailey, 1 j id te , - of Special Bond Election Town of Layton, Davis County, Utah . AT CRATTv-riJYqT- ssar WANTED Work, putting in neuralgia and period pains, s W recommend septic tanks, digging to thoso or d the old typo pain rsllets William Hill. Jr., at w trees.; topping Pdilic notice is hereby grvea rcnidcnes of .William 11 Bot axree with them or produeo ill, Sr., (hot on Thursday the 28th day of Bountiful. . the desired results. December, A.. D., J933,a "special CAUTION; A lumber 0 ( Ixfertor Your WEAVER is locateJlf blks plcctiofl Will bo held wrthin tbe sad In many Instances hsmfsl sub east of now 2 r.od or. blks west limits of. Layion, , Dayis County, m, Utah, for th .purpose of s'tifimil-tin- of stats highway in Shepherd lane, North . Farmington. Bring youi to !fiuch 'qualified .electors of l a vm said Tqwn ;aa shall hav.o paid s property tax theijein ih the year next preceding such election,, the following question, towit: L cess-pool- - . 40-4- 1 rtltuta.re 1 u' g, ' '.Shall tjie negotiable" cou- V pon bonds of the Town of Layton, DaviS Countv,. Utah, in. th .sum. of Fifty Tausand Dollars ($50,000.00, payable . within' twenty-fivyears 'from, date of issue, bearing inter ' ,et at the rate of .four per e cent (4) able and sold per annum, '.Hcmi-annuall- fur pay- bq issued the purpose of SALES AND SERVICE .defraying tho expense of xc-- quinng, extending, ahd improving a waterworks System for.the said Town for the e of supplying and distributing water to the inhabitants the Vame to be owp thereof, -ed and controlled by id , municipality? At Baid felection the torn of ballot shallbe as fallows; BOND ELECTION BLLOt ." '' pur-.pos- .' . ' , Promptly and Courteously and Wrecking Seriv c in a Lloment's Notice 17 Yes Foe thetissue of water bonds-- ' BRIGGS-LAYT- If the voter desires to vote for the issue of said bonds, he shall place an X in the space after the word YES. If the voter desires to vote against the issue of said bonds, he shall place an X in the H Ly . scholarship D?rVsutf aJS registered at to word cultural college, according just received from the reg office. Mr. Born. coBeg scholarship to the of outstanding work done members of .the Future : as a Fanner organization. Mr. Bu.ro JIure ?ricjltuhre ered as a vocational student at the collie. James ju. son of Bishop :BsSd.y .Acl wo h ward conference was Sunday in the Bountiful f."4 Second Layton, Utah, At said election the polls shall be opened at the hour of seven (7) oclock A. M. and closed at the hour of seven (7) oclock P. M. The voting place for all qualified ejectors of said Town shall be: The Layton Hotel, in said Town or Layton, Utah and the Judges at said polling place Bhallf;e,on be Ada Sandall, Wm. D. Robn8 and Leona Hodson. Dated at th Town of Layton, County, State of Utah this 20th day of November, A. D., 1933. . LEONARD C. SANDALL, President of the Town Board of Layton, Davis County, , P? the J. C. Mr Graham attended m held Ogden, Attest: convention Pnney thiKTckkInH, an interesting play " - " OW ; PHONE 100 LAYTON, UTAH i Incorporated : bountiful of jountiful, j -five - Bountiful. . . ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTES to 114 SOUTH MAIN. Hy. 2500 pound pigs, $1 apiece. H. Child SALT LAKE CITY niiios eff?i. PowerIy llause, SALt?-thii-ty.- space after th word NO. On the reverse side of said ballot shall be the following; . . Official Ballot for the Town r of Layton, Utah, Special Waterworks Bond Mr. and Mrs. Bill CtonwB. the Election, Thursday, the 28th who had lived im this ci for day of December, A. D., 1933. past two years, ft. GLEN DAY, Salt Lake for an h11 Facsimile signature of A lovely daughter was John Mrs. Town Clerk, Town of Monday to Mr. and NJCamest0C. Burns winner of the . - 17 . ( next-danc- EverVU Nofinoft, " it 'looks as if a bigger and more prosperous, future is being made ilia". Lulu Reading . njftd Mrs. . for corn, and that the sun w about to break through the clouds which Leona Ilogftn honored their mothhava darkened the day's' of tho eorn' er. Mrs. Phoebe Evans, 78, birth-flaof giving her a dirtner phrf.y growers .and curtailed the use of which to the following guests Were . . this tern-formerly bidden to partake: Mrs.- Caroline modity. . The American Chemical .Society, Harris, Mrs. Frankie Randall, Mrs meeting jn Chicago, was told that Lyle Coombs, Mrs. Punrelia Smith mhrfe than 29 chemical use . for Mrs. Etta Forth Mive Marie DalMrs. Horton Evans; Mrs. Da. corn hav.e been found. Converting ton, Mrs. Mary D. RocKwood vid "Smith, into starch and then into dextrose, it was explained, improves cArbon and Mrs. Celia Roberts.' The.hmjses ted beVerages and retards the es- -, was. decorated with chrysantha-mnm- , and a very pleasant after-eape of the gas. Thus eorn not only was Coon spent ix chatting .about increases the food value of soda. Mrs. Evans has'spcht of days yore. ealt drink soft them tonic, pap, whal you will but permits.' the her vrhole'lift i Centerville. Mrir. Caddie Parrish entertainfizz ta linger longer i bottle, ed . in hfino? of her young grand- . gullet, and grizzard. Walsh. Setty Jean . People who do not care to ' have daughter, 12 and boys .will be glad Therg.were their gullets trickled young games to learn that dextrose chemically fir Is. present. They played . . and refreshments la identical with the sugar- in. PorT. Nathan blood, can he utilized by the; Recent visitors) h system without digestive change, ter Los 'Angeles; Don Carlos Mr. and daughter, Alberta; and beneficially can he taken into and Mrs. Ligo Norris, Mrs. Mel , the body in different ways. Dextrin, .another corn produet, vie Callistef, all ef Salt. .Lake, .finds use in tho glue oh postage Mrs. David Smith of Murray.' of The Primary association stamps, in. finishing fabrics,, and their Seoond Centerville gave thickening colors used in printing It puts the glaze on rice nual conference Sunday evening, 19th. with Supt. .Ninfi W. grains and coffee beans, and just! Nov. as if: that didnt make the worlcL Walker in charge. The music teas direction of Mary F. bright, enough, enter the manu ' under the facture of Fourth of Jaly spark1 Rigby and Areta P; Rigby while smooth 'th .dramatization work was taken ler$ It gives ice cream .texture," helps in making artificial care of by Lucille L. Fora. The silks look real, aid in the manu- -' meeting was very well attended . . w" . . : CLASSIFIED ADS Notice to Creditors i.n.mt matejlal obtlKitidns iiuuii. : G Cement Burial Vault . issu T 4 b. I t To know that our dead rest in undisturbed peace and safety the years, is one of CMVM. throughout . rtnU ft iit 192T m. London. lifes greatest comforts. Yet for a nominal expenditure, E. S. jfiryn, municipal jiidgij all this can be accomplished bind recorded in' Eug'ene, One.," the use of v through "for failure to sap at a JOHNSON BROS. AUTOMATIC thtvugV (tract. SEALING ; , : AND REINFORCED Grfind flnriviAK Lajiiotka , of Rapids was held RP by a tnrtiv firm Milk Jbotfrle am robbed i with of V2ii. , which carries the unreserved Georg Hazcltihe of Loa AtJger endorsement of leading Under Ion disposed pf his $5.00, 6lt) estate cemeteries everywhere in will penciled on the hem of a takers and . white petticoat. i- -u The of tk mecfiug Owe o wan any Wasatch r.ffUi "writfe. Oil auxiliary ClH vra thing, .tiitttf low eit held afternoon at ffte and QhrlsthVn Science vearhw it home Thursday of Mrs. Glea Kentdeb. o debt thl low ptuflvnts thal must bvvnld'by each nnfi all h8 Thonms Jordan pf Waiuiswoctk, would fijid Milo CnfUtn rirvaia admitted he stabtul Mr. El Eng., f splr.ltua.1 supply. feu Hurley, but said he did it rrlmstily! thei, whaf ! ntede cwuse sho pulled out his ftilse oth by aaHoha and by indli Id. uafs tqday Is the rvmipassitmata anl threw them away. understanding which refuse tt A Girard. Kan., resident was chi accept goel rpiuvou s s lew point of to six months in jail when tewed a er debtor We rmltto. flther rit 1 are all debtors to Cod. And m we begfin'fij lfiy down our hiw cf . no1 A persenal posscSslbu, tliv tight grip which fastvqi on. nihttef and m a. md .Guardianship NotWcv terlal possessions will tiecome lost FoasuU County Clerk t.r Respective Rr e-- A Perfect Burial For The Loved Ones autq in the street- iVavin'g hi.s &. it fined 0'f ".Chicago, . day in an automobile aecidert-iuq-'1- ' taininr iniuriev t his head and sr. R -- : ill . -- solf-seeklu- vC nodney Stvinrfmin nt her hpme 40-4- 38-FO- tr ninnr Ute autumn flowers added allot-o- n i Th9 proceeds all be given to thv urtd &r thf nnual Comvnunit3i Cbristjfias ''a-- Mrs. a housed his federal, jrelief J ment to buy whisky. . . o Christmas orders now. Good service and reasonable prices.' Mrs. 1 Alma P. Robison. Six used leather bed Davenette Walter F. Zimmer of Chicago tea .divorce suit that he to.be sold at once prices $5.00 to jn 15.00 one third their value. had to silrn ejery letter he wrote f Union Furniture Co., Bountiful his wife Vours nhe'dientlv . SALE OR RENT Good Thomrh Kc is woi;th thousan balance berries, fruit, farm, 5 roomed brick home, .of doling, Robert Darskin garden. chicken coops and outbuildings. Dovlr Eng..1 prefers to five in tl where he pays for h poorbptlsc, Henry W. Stahle, Phone' 29-- J 38-or-. . . 119-jce P ' 50 tflH by Willard Mack presented the stodge of the Bountiful First vard amusement hall Dec. loth fello'w-servan- t, I o EXPRESS, LAYTON, UTAH, NOVEMBER 30, 1!B3. Dissolving indebtedness Jelly Making , ' o 9 o o Seal u- - GLEN DAY, Town Clerk. 11-1- 5 '( TRY OUR PRICES sddflie lov r. vebrEjtoyatyourlo of pefi D tz !:w overt::? ANSI E: K |