Show A PLEA FOR THE RIGHT I 1 am no DO POlitiC politician iRD I 1 want no office I 1 have no axe to grind but I 1 am deeply interested in the progress of this city and the welfare of all ita citizens I 1 irrespective ve ot of party or creed the prospect of being made the prey of the nominees of the liberal party for city officials nils fills me with alarm and indignation there are plenty of mft men in that party who have amassed all their wealth in salt lake city la Is it Dos possible sible that there are not among them even two or three possessed poes essed of sufficient courage and patriotism to lead a revolt against the conspiracy to bind us hand and foot and deliver us over to a horde of unscrupulous adventurers there are plenty of competent trustworthy business men in each of the political parties to whom the interests of the city and its people could be safely entrusted why are they not selected shame on the men man 7 who through fear self interest or partisanship shirk their duty to their fellow citizens and refuse to exert themselves to deliver our city from a galling anti and disgraceful boD bondage dage the rev bev doniece has bravely lifted his bis warning voice and sounded the tocsin of alarm which of his bis ministerial brethren how many of the party he helped to make will bold up his bis hands why do such men as asab J R walker henry lawrence mccornick auerbach iliff and scores of others remain silent in this crisis their whine about fear of mormon rule is simply cowardly cant I 1 never allowed my financial interests to prevent the fearless and sincere though sometimes mistaken expression of opinion I 1 have not allowed self interest and duty to conflict now if rev mr clift and others named are sincere in their expressed desire to have good capable efficient honest government administered for the highest interests and moral welfare of our city let them stand by dr oe if these men will unite in a call for a c mass meeting in tho theatre or elsewhere eleew bere there explain the situation to the people and with the approbation of the audience select the best beat men from the various tickets or otherwise putting at the head J B R walker or henry lawrence or col donnellan for mayor I 1 am con confident adent that ticket can be elected for one I 1 would do all in my power for it and though I 1 have had bad no pledge from any one I 1 will vouch that these gentlemen will find many supporters porters among the best citizens of all ail shades of political opinion last summer rov rev mr thrall assured me ma hi he would woold work and vote for such a ticket will be yours Youra for justice to all people pe ople W H BARMAN |