Show HUMAN MARVELS A days ago a drenken tramp was locked up in baltimore I 1 on being marched earchel ear ched at the police station a leather wad worn warn and matted was found on his bin person it contained 1860 in each cub in maine an old lady who was kr keown own as an inveterate beggar died a short time ago her bank account showed to her credit besides she he bad a mania for collecting bedding material and left enough to stock a couple of hotels but tennessee must be accorded the palm for modern marvels the other day a person who served twenty five years as a faithful I 1 farm laborer died after death it was discover dis coved the person was a woman the doctor who examined the corpse said she was a well developed woman who had borne children in early life wild man evans aged 65 a tennessee maniac also died a short time ago he was crossed in love in early life then took to living in a cave and laying aside clothing A thick coat of hair grew on its his skin which later assumed the thickness of cowhide he lived on the wild fruit and other provender picked up in the woods but the memphis maiden who murdered her lady companion because the latter refused to marry her surpasses anything in this extraordinary age of strange developments |