Show INJUSTICE TO THE MORMONS THE new york truth seeker in a recent editorial couples the decision of judge zane in the church property case came and his article in the forum on the mormon question it endorses the latter and disagrees with the former it thinks the forum article shows conclusively that applying the law to the mormons cormons and not to other christian sects is an act of infamous iD injustice justice 19 rhes may be quite true but a judge on the bench has to administer the law as aa as he be finds it and cannot change it in the interests of justice his honor expressed his opinion as to the impropriety of es cheating the parsonage known as aa the gardo house but had to comply with the decision of a higher court in reference to the case the truth 71 uth seeker makes some quo lations from the lorum forum article and says the only reason that the authorities can jaive for breaking up the mormon church is that its members were immoral in icing cing p polygamy with any other X doctrine of to the church the state has admittedly nothing to do but this institution has haa been abandoned and the mormons cormons are now like other sects except that they are a little better morally than most christians Christi Christ iams anas 14 these are the people whose property is atken away from them while the other sects not a whit more virtuous virtu ons may keep theirs theirs la ia the catholics E pisco episco and methodists each own several hundred dollars norih of property in salt lake city alone but no effort is made to confiscate it by the pr ting attorneys jt this treatment of the ons shows c conclusively that poly a as not their only sin they op opposed ased the he christian church by being more christian than the christians and they had to be put down polygamy was a good club to beat them down with but now that it has been removed the mormons cormons ought to be given the same chance that other sects have there Is ie a great deal of injustice in and much of it is ie sometimes wrought in the name of the law it would not help the mormons cormons Mor mons I 1 how bow lover lever if the same game laws jaws that are applied to them were enforced upon other re igloos bodies the mormon church has never asked for this we cannot say that the sects have never encouraged the attack upon Mor mormon mow church property however we can afford to bear the wrong if they can afford to aid in its perpetration we have no doubt that the time bime will come when the treatment of the mormons cormons Mor mons will be condemned by the country as much as it was boned right bight will yet come uppermost and justice will one ode day be done |