Show WHAT IS THE CAUSE OF NIHILISM IN thle united states we are in the habit of pointing to nihilism a in in russia asa asa necessary result of the existence in tins this advanced age of an unmitigated despotism which is the extreme opposite to our own As people become en lightened they become filled with an unquenchable desire to demolish tyranny and establish the principles of human buman liberty and do not stop short of murder and self immolation to further or accomplish the aim this is the way we talk and generally wind up with a flourish about the stability of our awu system if murderous nihilistic plot agrow out of the existence of rule what la Is the kind of soil that generates and produces similar social enormities in this thie nation take for example the ezo ez ex o ordinary tra and startling incident that occurred in the office of russell sage gage the other day of course some people will brush the matter aside by stating that the explosion was merely the act of 41 4 crank but wha about the numerous crop of cranks of a similar kind who bind themselves under ironclad oaths to establish their barbarous ideas of freedom by the use of dynamite here we have the most moot glorious constitution and the freest system of government ever yet within it to is the same stu sinister ister murderous condition that agitates despotic russia and in every civilized country between these two extremes of government ern orn ment the same dark and threatening social anomaly prevails tails in some lel extent form to a greater or less extent this being the case cam it to is not necessarily I 1 a r of ef any kind of government but an outgrowth of tire the general condition of humanity it is a species of diabolism in the hearts of men not sub cep tible to eradication by any reasonable process for it to is impossible to give those possessed of it satisfaction the evidences of the existence of the dangerous class referred to in the united states state are cropping out numerously at the heels of the terrible outrage in russell hussell sages office comes the statement that governor hill has a body guard consisting of three detectives who keep within convenient distances of the dieling dieting distinguished official when heis he is out of doors this is a du duplication tiou in miniature of the situation of the czari attempts are now and then the n made to settle labor disputes by the aid of dyna mite an incident of that thai nature Is related in the telegrams as having occurred at the pratt mine near Brazil Indiana dlana the fan cylinder was blown into scraps by a bomb placed near it by strikers it was bythe by the merest accident that human life was not destroyed by the explosion as well I 1 athe country approaching a of terror if not what is going to stop the tendency in that direction |