Show OF incalculable VALUE DEEPER coring in the gas wells north of this city in davis Count Cou given further ho hope pe that natural gas as may be obtained in ouch euch volume as to 40 supply balt bait lake with all that is 18 necessary for light and fuel whether in household I 1 manufacturing or public uses A full supply would work a great tra tion here it would not only cheapen the means for heating and illume nation but do away with a great deal of dust smoke and other offensive matter and give an impetus to all kind of manufacturing In interests teresta that would lift the city almost at a bound into the position rosi tion which has long been anticipated for it in cities where natural gas is in use houses bouses are lit by it at very small expense and ana one has but to turn a tap and strike a match to kindle a fire which for heating and cooking is pre in every way to that from ordinary fuel orates grates are filled with balls or lumps of white stone and abd when whon the gas is turned on anin in a few minutes they become heated and throw out a warmth and a clear glow that is both pleasant and beautiful it takes the place of coal for f furnaces furnaces and engines and great factories and works may be run with it at comparatively little cost if it shall turn out that the great subterranean veins or reservoirs of natural gas have been tapped near lake shore bhore it will not only be a vast fortune to the p projectors tors of the enterprise but of fla calculable value to this city and incidentally to the whole territory the news seems almodal almost too good to be true |