Show BRIGHAM YOUNG MEMORIAL to the people A proposition which has met with general favor has been made to erect a bronze statue of heroic size upon a suitable pedestal in salt lake city in memory of brigham young the suggestion to erect such a memorial has been received with favor bif all classes and strongly advocated without a dissenting voice by the press of our community so confident have the originators of the i ea been that it would meet with popular approval that a central committee commit ee has been appointed consisting of some twenty six persons for the purpose of bringing this matter to the attention of the entire people it is with this object in view that this circular is issued it was not necessary to dwell upon the character of brigham young his fame has reached every corner of the land whether we think of him as a religious leader or a statesman or a pioneer or a city bt builder jilder in whatsoever capacity he is regarded he is the same grand personality sona lity time serves but to increase the tribute paid by the world to his genius and the grateful love tendered his memory by the people he so faithfully memorie led T the value of a monument is not to be measured by its pecuniary cost but tv bv the motives prompting its ita builders were this thia not true our grandest memorials would not depend so BO much upon the services to mankind of those whose lives they are intended to commemorate as upon the wealth of the dead or that of his surviving friends with this idea in view and feeling that brigham a rig young in life belonged not to his family and intimate friends alone but to the people of Uta hand to the entire west it has been decided to make the subscription a popular one to every anan wo kanand child throughout our mountain home it is designed to extend an invitation to contribute something toward the erection of this monument to him whose genius has left its impress in every part of our beloved utah no amount however small is to be refused for as above stated the purpose is to have the statue erected by all who love and revere the memory ol of the illustrious dead the time seems auspicious for the purpose of such a work for while no arbitrary arrangement has been made and no unchangeable design adopted we have now in our midst mr 0 E dallin a young man born in this territory who wh has attained an enviable reputation as a sculptor he has had the benefit of the instruction of the leading sculptors of paris and his hia works have had the stamp of their approval as well as aa that of the leading artistic people of our own land B bis is services can be secured for the completion of this great work and no doubt be will if employed give us a monument worthy of his reputation and of its great subject the association will appoint sub com in each county and they will doubtless as necessity may require ap other subcommittees committees sub so that every person in the comm community unity may be reached YOUNG MEMORIAL association M WELLS JAMES SHARP secretary chairman SALT LAKE CITY dec 18 1891 |