Show MORE ABOUT THAT FEMALE DETECTIVE ON saturday last we published under the head of that female detective part of an article from the philadelphia press pren it was in the form of special correspondence from salt lake city and purported mainly to be a description of an adventure of miss jennie coulter tho the young woman who is credited with stuffing emigration agent obrien rien of now new york with a tissue of glaring anti mormon l falsehoods the correspondent represented that miss coulter was placed in great jeopardy on her arrival at american fork because of the anger of the mormon people being aroused against her the horrible mormons cormons Mor mons were restrained from attacking her he r however by the fear of governor thomas calling upon the garrison at fort douglas to hurl itself upon the inhabitants of the little burg the infamous fa fali lifler fier who sent the mass of misrepresentation to the press was foolish enough to men tion lion names notably those of dr and mrs brush non cormons mormons Mor mons 11 1 1 working in the same interest as that in which the truth economizing jennie was supposed to be operating the doctor comes to the front with the following lowing foi manly self de bense and refutation of the infamous slanders re referred forred to editor deveret news yesterday a copy of the N aws W was handed me and my attention was called to an article entitled that thai female detective in which was embodied a clipping from the philadelphia clining press from r rom a salt lake correspondent of which the following is a part when the intrepid school teacher arrived at as the town towa where she formerly former jy kept to vi it her mrs brush the mormons cormons became very m much uch excited and demanded that she vera lake back all she said about them or it would go hard with her it is claimed that or dr brush i 4 he husband of mrs airs brush was the instigator of the attack as he claims miss coulters remarks have ruined rained his practice mrs brush succeeded however in getting her L friend out of town safely the dr and mrs airs atu btu brush sh were established in the town through mrs Coul coulters good offices and tas bis friends cannot understand his recent action allow me to say that the above clipping has no foundation whatever neither I 1 nor mrs brush have seen miss coulter since she came to utah abe did not come to this place where we have been established permanent abr since we camo came to 10 utah we have sot t seen her for six months when miss mias coulter made the statement before obrien in new york and which was published u dished in the utah papers pere several mormon ormon people spoke 5 tome e about it I 1 told them that miss maise coulter was probably misrepresented by the newspaper reporters and that she be would likely be in atah soon and that they could interview her if they so ao desired when she arrived in utah she was called upon by a reporter of the american pork fork independent and she said that the statement as pu published blushed by the salt lake papers as a whole was not as she made before obrien in now new york in the american pork fork independent of october 24 you will find the above as the interview was published in full now allow me to say that the author anthor tholof of the article may have been in salt lake but the real author is a certain female of american pork fork a shoo peddler who is seeking a poi po i 1 tion in the schools of utah and through envy and spite caused our iiames to appear in the article we came to utah to save soul and we thank god we are permitted to work for him our motto has been do unto others as you would others do unto you and thus we treat the morion people as aa we wish to be treated anti and we get alone alon very nicely H L BRUSH MD PLEASANT GR ave utah november in response to our request for information in relation to the bogus female martyr whom w horn the press prem correspondent asserted had armed herself with a mammoth revolver as protection against mormon assaults we e have also received the following clear and succinct statement editor deseret news 1 I read the sensational story alleged to be from mibs coulter to an emigration agent of new york also the article clipped from the philadelphia press which appeared in yours of the bilth insi regarding the alleged angry excitement of the cormons mormons tib as stated staled in the salt lake dispatch I 1 am somewhat acquainted with MISS coulter also with dr and mrs brush As you want some facts in regard to the wonderful little liitle brave woman I 1 will say that she put up at ac my hotel for three months after coming from salt lake city she had neither dried fish nor sagebrush sago brush fires and aad seemed quite sane while she was here dr brush and wife came here JURI winter mrs brush taking I 1 the place of miss coulter as teacher 1 in 11 tho the pro presbyterian by terian school at this place when the new york article appeared dr brush was wars very indignant about the falsity of it and talked to me about it when miss coulter returned to utah she he landed in american fork dr brush asked me to interview her for the purpose of finding out if she had been reported correctly by the now new york prom press I 1 told the doctor I 1 was going to american fork Pork that day and would call on nor ner or would ask a re renert opre er of the independent to interview nor her which he did and she denied the article articie in the main but admitted some of the statements to be hers she did not come to pleasant grove at a all 11 neither did mr or mrs brush see her h er neither were the mormons cormons angry or excited about her lies nor was the doctors practice disturbed or lessened in the least in consequence of her falsifying the doctor is a gentl gentleman ernan so far as I 1 know him he I 1 ia fair minded enough to want the held forth about a people who have treated him as a stranger should be treated since he came cadue here he says he came here stuffed full of just such scarecrow scare seare crow stories as the one in the philadelphia press but not having encountered an any trouble with the mormons cormons Mor mons he aeu knows the stories were like miss coulters malicious humbug the is with some bogus christians in eluding miss coulter that the doctor has since his arrival here mingled in a reasonable way with the people and that course is a sufficient cause for them to lie about him if he had bad kept himself aloof from the people and continued to believe the stuff he had heard before he came here and when he visited his home in pennsylvania hadeland had slandered ered the mormons cormons as miss coulter did he be would not have been a victim of the vile misrepresentation that appeared in the philadelphia press I 1 think the doctor can trace the serpent from american fork to salt lake city and if he finds the author of that dispatch the vile person will have to hunt his hole or do some first class lyl alyine x to screen himself ro be ful ay F PLEASANT GROVE utah november 12 1890 sagebrush jennie ought to be ashamed of hersell herself |