Show psychological PHENOMENA THERE are many psychological phenomena the real nature of which remain a profound mya mystery tery that they exist cannot be denied although no one has been able to explain them one of these is the facility of perceiving distant object or events as if they were actually present to the outward senses this faculty seems to some extent to belong even to various an animals hAals many insects are able to determine the tha direction in 14 which to go for their peculiar food even if they have no perceptible organs of smelling storks swallows and other birds will find their nests after an absence of mouths months seabirds sea birds the polar bears and seals will find the nearest shore edep even when they are miles away out on the trackless ocean the came camel if left to himself is sure to take the shortest road to the clear spring even in regions where he has never been before and the pigeons are sure to return to their homes without behag inconvenienced by their having been carried away in closed darkened baskets these are only a lew few facts which can hardly be explained on the supposition of the existence of wonderfully accuse senses in connection with human individuals divi duals this faculty of perceiving objects not actually present to the outward senses has manifested itself in various ways abbe rihard richard astonished in 1863 the whole of europe on account of the facility with which he be could find pure drinking water A hungarian newspaper relates how mr richard in a little town Debre czin pointed out ten dif different places where there was water to be found at considerable depths on the shore of the rhine in the vicinity of bon there is a high plain which on account of lack of water had bad been uncultivated richard here pointed out a place where a well could be bored and water was found at a depth of seventy feet count had in hit hid garden three wells which all were empty one of these was feet deep richard designated a spot in the garden where water enough could be obtained and on boring it was found to flow copiously at a depth of twelve feet the great so called in breslau suffered from the lack of a well and many futile attempts at finding water had been made before the directors called upon richard to give his opinion he came and walked round on the promises premises of the great prison but evidently wit without hout finding what be was looking for he left the prison grounds but just outside the gate he stopped and exclaimed why right here her you will find enough good water at a depth of thirty four feet this proved afterwards to be the case many of our norwegian readers will remember a peculiar looking individual who used to wander about from place to place living seemingly more in another world than in this thip he conald never wear a his head nor could he have any money about his person because they threw him into a fit even if they were placed in his pockets without his knowledge ile he had fiad such wonderful sensation of the presence of water that wherever he went and happened to walk over a spring beneath the surface of the ground he be could point this out with never failing certainty he was generally known as wise knud and BJorn bjornson BJorn sun has thought it worth while to preserve the memory of this person in an ably written pamphlet other persons have displayed a similar faculty of perceiving hidden metals and others buried corpses friedrick v schiller felt once when he ass was out walking in the neighborhood of meiningen beiningen Mei that there was a corpse hidden in a certain place which he designated an in proved this to be true david strauss says that many per sons feel very ill as soon as they walk over graves and he relates the following about a certain person named billing the secretary of when he walked over a grave he felt a shook as of electricity and if it happened to be dark he could we mee over such places a white human figure turning its face towards the head of the corpse such a figure he once saw in tile the garden of Ff effel where nobody knew of the burial of anybody but when the place had been investigated a skeleton was found A remarkable instance of perception is related of the bishop spangenberg in the life of Zeis berger by helm heim 6 bishop spangenberg had arrived I 1 in n america in order to visit the mission stations among the indians and found himself compelled to go to onondaga Onon dago by the lake ornida where che great council of the six confider abed indian nations had their headquarters he was accompanied by Zeis berger and sob seb the journey lasted for three months and was connected with great difficulties one day the travelers found themselves without provisions and laid themselves down by bya a small creek exhausted and discouraged ex pecking to perish in woods suddenly spangenberg rose and with a joyful countenance said to geisberger Zeis Zois berger my david go and get us a meal of fishes ashes the young man was won well acquainted with the life in the woods and answered 11 1 I would certainly do so but in this kind of water and at this season of the year there to is no fish I 1 wit Spa genberg replied when I 1 say go out fishing so do it this time as a avor to me I 1 the missionaries w went ent but geisberger Zeis berger remarked the dear bishop does not understand the fish fishing ing business it is not his trade v but bat how astonished were the two when they in their first effort caught a great number of fishes in his de vita paul gives the following so au count of the meeting between the two hermits Anton antonius lus and paulus of thebe Anton antonius fus had received receive da a revelation that far away in the desert there was a man holier than he and that he should go 90 and find him he commenced to walk without knowing where to igo go but he was led to a grotto into which he crept and finally found the hermit s who had been living there for ninety years the two men although complete strangers embraced each other in a friendly greeting I 1 I 1 the wonderful faculty of the human mind of which we are speaking shows itself more universally active in dreams than in a waking condition the suspension of the functions of the body seems L to leave this faculty a greater liberty of action very few persons are to be found who have not some ex peri ence euce of having had coming events made manifest to them during the quiet hours houri ot of night A great many such dreams have been 4 recorded on the pages of history both sacred and profane the church father Basi basilius liua had a dream in which he saw the mar byred macarius receive a commandment from god to go and kill the emperor Jul julian laii the apostate he saw macarius Macu Macar rius lug vanish and again appear saying lord julian hus been killed as thou hast commanded mell me when Ba basilius sillus woke he felt so convinced of the death of the emperor that he announced it as a fact to his congregation melanchton relates the following when I 1 once was with doctor jus jonas I 1 received a letter announcing the death of his hi eldest daughter edid idid I 1 did not know how to communicate the sad news to him in the most gentle manner when it occurred to me to ask him what he be had been dreaming lately he said 1 I dreamt that I 1 went home and that everybody came to chiv give e me a welcome except my eldest daughter u ahter then I 1 said your dream is true your eldest dagh daughter ter will never meet you except in a life to come because she has left this world 11 the london wines of august 29 1829 published the following dream and its fulfilment fulfillment VA in the night of may 11 one mr williams Iiams of scorrier rier house honse redruth Ke druth cornwall dreamt that he was in the of the house of commons in london when he saw a man with a pistol ashoot another man to death and that he was told that the he murdered ni man n was the chancellor he dreamt this three times in one night and felt himself very much concerned about it the person of the chancellor ellor mr Pero perceval eval the murderer and the locality were all minutely described by williams as if he had wen seen them in reality milky il though he had never seen either in the evening of the same day the intelligence came that perceval had been murdered by bellingham but this perception of distant objects and events is not confined to dreams sometimes it takege place MEL when the person is perfectly awake it has then been called the second sight Ap of tyana was delivering a lecture in ephesus 8 when suddenly he stopped and cried out stab himl stab the tyrant and then turning to the audience he said take comfort the tyrant has been killed later it was learned that the emperor had been killed in rome borne at the very hour when Ap had made the announcement was in a company at amsterdam when the emperor of russia peter III in the year 1762 died he announced the death in the following words now this moment is the emperor peter dead in his prison on another occasion then being in Got gottenburg henburg described a tion ta ln stockholm in the year 1795 kant has preserved this incident in his sines eines those that obtain perceptions through a second sight eight are for the time being in a condition of ece ecstasy tacy their senses are am turned as it were from their present surroundings and they receive probably through the medium of the spirit real perceptions that are conveyed to their minds without the help of the senses there can be no doubt that the oracles of the ancient greeks knew means whereby to neutralize the fu notions functions of the senses or to suspend them in such a way as to render themselves in a condition to see things far away A remarkable instance of this is the delphi oracle croesus wanted to test her once he sent a in messenger nger to ask what he had been doing on a certain day the oracle answered in subi substance tance I 1 canswell can smell lamb mixed in earth with leand boiling earth is laid under it and with earth it is covered croesus had that very day been boiling a piece of lamb together with turtle in an earthen pot just to test the oracle and the answer of pythia cannot reasonably be supposed to be a guess there must have been something more in it nor can there be any doubt that many uncivilized nations who practice secret arts really attain wonderful results A very interesting instance is related by one of the followers of on his expedition I 1 to the arctic in the year 1820 a translation of which will be given in a fol following loIng article |