Show 0 death of A J stout allen alien joseph stout sen died in rockville bock vi lie washington county december 1889 of old age and debility Aebi lity he was born in mercer county kentucky december ath 1815 but passed parsed his boyhood in clinton county ohio where his parents located when he was was three years old removing to missouri about the time the saints migrated to caldwell county the subject of this sketch with his brother hosea and sister anna embraced the gospel in 1838 he was on ona a of the 60 prisoners taken by general federal dark clark at par far west and listened to the 1 bitters speece in ID which he be declared that their fate is fixed their die is cast their doom is sealed owed 11 while in fin the custody of the soldiery he was close V associated with apostle P P Kat Prat tand kand often spoke of I 1 joking over the batters lat shoulder while he was writ tiute tair the hymn found on page of the hymn book I 1 torn from our friends and captive led in nauvoo he was prominent eDt as an officer of the nauvoo legion and as one of the city police he enjoyed the confidence and personal friendship of the prophet J joseph and the distinction of being one of his body guard during zhe the dark days of peril he snared shared in all the privations suffered by the saints in their expulsion from nauvoo crossed the plains in 1851 and ten years later formed one of the number of hard hardy pioneers who settled southern WI utah tah where he has since that time resided since the completion of the temple at st george he has spent much of his time in laboring therein brother stout was widely known ap a a man of untiring industry a faithful friend a kind husband and father and ever zealous and determined ter mined in the defense of right re he survived his two wives by whom he became the progenitor of 17 children and 62 grandchildren nearly all of whom are yet living |