Show THE BIRTHDAY anniversary AN OF C THE PROPHET J JOSEPH PH SMITH YESTERDAY december fprd waa the anniversary of the birthday of the prophet joseph smith the founder under of the church of jesus christ of latter day saints commonly known as the mormon church rens reds of thousands are able to testify that he be was raised up by divine power for a special purpose connected with the salvation and destiny pf af mankind As ai 41 t his waster jesus exam le ie he followed even to the I 1 ying down of his life thus sealing healing liis his testimony with his blood behas created a great stir in the earth he lo 10 variously regarded hy by his fel those aho w vho ho bellee belle bel iee e in the authenticity of his mission love and revere re vere his h Is memory this affection and regard are so deep seated that they are not susceptible of obliteration from t the he hearts of the faithful by the world generally ly he be is regarded as a frknk ra impostor while not a few almost hiss hatred at the bare mention of his name his fame has spread throughout the earth among all people this condl condition tio harmonizes with the announcement made through him when the work he established was in its incipient stages that his name would be had for good or evil among al all I 1 people no evidence however potential it may be in favor of the divinity of the mission of joseph smith has any weight upon those who wilfully steel their hearts agal against not it they conclude without searching to repudiate him and that ends the mater with them his prophecies and their exact in detail have no convincing effect his setting up ll 11 by commandment of of god of au an organ organization n the church af christ the most complete of any association on the face I 1 of the earth accompanied by the powers and gifts of the gospel is regarded as a in itter of mere human h amati ingenuity void of au inspirational basis others who hive become familiar through obedience ence with the truths enunciated by joseph anti and then from some cause hidden or apparent have turned against the system he inaugurated have sought by various subtleties of reasoning to convince themselves that ism was not true many perhaps the great majority of that class have failed in attaining that point not a few having been frank enough to confess their inability indeed the impressions and conditions that have arisen through the advent of the marvelous work established by the leading latter day prophet are wonderful in luton intensity mity as ag well as variety it t was appropriate especially under existing conditions that ahe the anniversary or of the birthday of this great and remarkable man should be bo observed in the way in which it was celebrated yesterday it was set apart as a day of fasting aud and prayer a season for humiliation before the lord a lime it aacen exila and renewal of pl deter nation naiLon mi a time of supplication for df amne vine aid to lift the clouds that seem to lu be gathering over the heads of th the saints 00 the response to the all appeared to be all that could be deb debited ired speaking of the people a as 8 it a and without taking note of individual exceptions which were comparatively ively few on the preceding day the sabbath the approach ing ng fast was the leading theme in III public meetings and in private converse little aildred ft A ildren expressed their determination to participate in the holy sacrament which had been appointed at an early hour in the morning families gathered around the domestic altar songs of praise and worship and petitions to the god of israel aspen ascended deJ to the throne of grace from the habitations of the people of zion in answer the spirit of sweetness peace and union dt descended like the gentle dew of heaven filling the hearts of the worshippers wor shippers with unspeakable joy imbued with this sweet influence the peo people peole le gathered around the altars in an holy places and in public assemblies the result was a marked manifestation of the power of god the meeting houses bouses were so far as report has bas reached us filled to overflowing the prayers discourses and exhortations were characterized by bi the spirit of humility repentance and mi moderation Aeration associated with the presentation of the wrongs that were being heaped upon the people and the injustice justice iii with which they were still threatened there was no call for the lord to inflict vengeance upon those inflicting the injuries the trend of wh rivas spoken was in the form of a bestre that the eyes of the executive lawmaking law making judicial and other officials of the natio nand those of the people at be opened that they alrey may set sec the latter day saints sainta in their true light and their hearts be inel inclined I 1 ned to do them justice that they might believe the truth concerning them anti and refuse to accept as true the lies and slanders that are circulated for the purpose of ing tills this community the ae lord was asked to bestow a witness to the effect that he had not forgotten and would not neglect zion and the testimony came by the still small voice of the spirit speaking peace comfort and strong assurance to the souls of the ali e worshippers wor shippers bishop joseph 8 black of deseret who emerged yesterday morning from th we e penitentiary after having havig served a term for breach of the edmunds act was at one of the meetings h ere h he e stated that the brethren afi ahat that institution had petitioned titio ned the warden for the privilege of engaging in prayer duding the day the request was granted and the ft was kept by those who are incarcerated in prison the spectacle of a devoted god fearing people leopie including men women and an dc hildren children devoting a day to such a purpose as that for which yesterday was set apart was of a nature to move with sympathy even the hearts qt of those who have occupied the place of the scoffer many of the worshippers wor shippers shed tears of joy under the melting influence that hat prevailed the prayers that were offered entered into the ears of the ird of aoth who listened to the cry of the people and assured them by the voice of the spirit that he had not forgotten zion neither would he neglect her in the hour of peril |