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Show 6, 1 984 Page 16 The Thunderbird Monday, February All clubs, organizations, individuals or departments wishing to place d an announcement of an event or event in This Week or in Coming Up should submit the information to The Thunderbird at SUSC Box 384 or to the editorial offices at 529 West 200 South (across from Juniper Hall). It should not be assumed that any information not submitted in this manner will otherwise appear on this page. This Week is not obligated to seek out items for inclusion. Deadlines for receipt of information is each week at noon Friday. The editor of this page is Lanai Greenhalgh. MONDAY Womens Week begins. Noon-balloo- n O liftoff. 0 Rollerskating p.m. Newman Club Meeting, 7 p.m., Christ the King Social Hall. 7:30-10:0- TUESDAY Woman Poet Carol Jane Bangs at Thorley Recital Hall 7:00 p.m. Placement File Workshop, 3:30 p.m., T Administration 102. WEDNESDAY Placement File Workshop, 10:00 a.m., Administration 102. Lecture series, Taking Charge of Your Life, Courage Stones, Cynthia Orr, professional story teller, 3 p.m., Science 121. Back Country Sojourners meeting, 7pm BU 108. Co) C2J Womens basketball at Western State College, Gunnison, Co. Mens basketball at Western State College, Gunnison, Co. LDS Forum: My Conversion Story, Sharon Webb, legal secretary for St. George attorney, 11 a.m., LDS Institute. Learning Center workshop: Structuring Sentences and Conquering the Comma-splic- e and Other Monsters of Composition, 7 p.m., Library. 112, free. Agriculture Club Seminar, New Developements in Reproductive Management and Job Prospects, 5 p.m. Sc. 121. THURSDAY Convocation: Cynthia Orr, professional storyteller, 11 a.m., Auditorium. CoS FRIDAY Sweethearts Ball, 9:00 Choice-Sem- i formal. p.m.-12:0- a.m., 0 Girls SATURDAY a a Womens basketball game, Southern Colorado at SUSC, 5:30 p.m., Fieldhouse. -- Mens basketball game,. Southern Colorado at SUSC, 7:30 p.m., Fieldhouse. Coming up student in the country for the period He is accomplished in both black and white and color photography and is an avid naturalist. Photo workshop set The workshop will feature displays, instruction and hands-oexperience for A1 will Hartmann of the Salt Lake Tribune conduct a photojournalism workshop from 10 a.m. 6 p.m. on Friday -- at The Thunderbird House. All interested students are welcome to attend free of charge. There will be a break for lunch. The award winning Hartmann has also been a staff photographer for the Logan Herold Journal, the Price Sun Advocate and the Salt Lake Spectrum. While a student at Utah State University Hartmann won more national photography awards than any other 1976-198- 0. students. Restaurants discussed A workshop on restaurant at management will take place Feb. SUSC. one-da- y 1 1 Restaurant owners and would-b- e owners are invited to attend the daylong presenatation which is being sponsored by the SUSC Small Business Development Center and the Small Business Administration. The morning session will include discussions on the development of business plans, market research and a detailed look at possible financing. Also discussed will be menu development and honesty in menu presentation, and a look at the importance of a restaurant theme along with subsequent decor and physical layout. The afternoon session will deal specifically with personnel and management, taxes and accounting and . controls. A reduced rate is available to those who call the SBDC to register before Feb. 9. The workshop will start at 8 a.m. and end at 4 p.m. and will take place in Business Building romm 103. For more information call 586-540- Tax workshop slated Its tax time again. A non-cred- it workshop will be held Tuesday evening at SUSC for those interested in basic household money management and more specifically, for preparing to file this years tax returns. Alan R. Hamlin, assistant professor of business, is the instructor for the 6 to 9 p.m. workshop which will be held in Old Administration 204. Topics for discussion, he said, will be customized to meet the needs of those who attend. A $25 non-cred- it fee will be charged to participants. The registration fee can be paid prior to the workshop in Old Administration 203, the SUSC Division of Continuing Education or at the workshop itself. |