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Show ' ir-y- y t Scooters fa 70 IDEALS 'fa 98 Motorcycles with toilet and heater $1,695 98 Scooters 98 Motorcycles & Motorcycles ., 16-ft- tandem axle following Item is being sold to he hianest bidoer to settle es'ate: 1970 Yemana motorcycie, call Continental Bank and Trust, ext. 373. $2,895 tandem axle $3,395 Bonneville Brake Co. CENTER BUILDERS SPECIAL!!! 60U S. STATE Buy Now 1970 SHASTA Complete Close-Ou- t No Reasonable Offer Refused '66 Shasta, '57 Stanley $1 t. KEN GARFF international 4 HD. rubber, BRAND NEW 12-6- and 'A BRAND NBA heaterdefroster, Travel top, .'66 Ford ( and camper v I Low Down Payment 71 M-V- i, t OPEN ROAD CAMPERS 's 70 Toyota Std.Wgii Air Immaculate 1 - rand., '68 Jeep Wagoneer !r cond. Cvttom, aute., Std. trans. lavel Trailers '66 Jeep Wagoneer Std. trans. '68 Jeepster Wgn. Radio, hubs, H.D. '67 CJ.V-- Universal "OPEN ROAD" Motor Homes "OPEN ROAD" Min motor BUICK 2298 r WllO, tt O'.'C, 7i Itvl. tanks , , I r walk-i- 9" n r walk-l- n " 4 i 5 1 Eraonrai' refrlqeret- polar ipgS p b.. i J V;4. 81.998 3tfpcU ND 2 TONS IARGER boom truck with util. 163" W b. WU air 153" W.B. t Qhev. T-, V fieo tandem-- full air, 5x4. Dodge Ford X AS. IS, SPECIALS SAVE $AVB SAVE units ns is yene Dm C, auto.cvl.- I utility, DDGE; V-- , Camkvo. V- , - $498 S7C8 fCRD, dual spted, MC cono4 wheels S?98 $798 T 385 W. 1300 So. 487-107- 1 :heyyland special SALE TRUCK tEW VWon 1 'Ey. 4X4 EPSTER euto. E V. E V. rLPD fr,R RD EV. - dr., hubs, V8 ton V4. i hEV pd. auto., air custom 4sod. IE TRUCKS ARE ALL PRICED tl E LLt COME IN AND AAAKE FRl arrange Financing itsc; S-- I - t CHEV. Stale dlel AMOND T cab and s. 4 rod , 2 tod , air brakes. oggin work, 81,050. :'6g5i. .V cab trans., B., 361 v-- engine. power sfee'inq, 20,000 lb. winch with dual drum, 1,600 actual piles. Factory warranty. , 2 REO ARMY 6x6 Bennett Ford Traveland 650 S. MAIN RENT new oickuo 32225581. Budget 485-3182 CAB CAMPER. i69FACTORY-bull- t 10'Vft. 94A 6 1968 Trailar pickup insulation, Homos '63 Econoline Panel, $595 MOBILE TRAVELER PROWLER-LAYTON-TE- MECH. SPECIAL IT USED TRUCKS $2,495 $1,195 fr AIRSTREAM ,5, '69 CHEV. $2,275 '67 GMC $950 $595 village $2,275 CENTER ft Jeeo ton with '66 Chev. 327 erg., dr., good running cond.! plot ft. TravelQueen camper. Make cr262-640- j. fferCaJ! Bob, Vj ' 1963 FORD -- TON, V-- 8 long wide bed. Custom cab like new. $2,050. 50 East Wilson Ave., Murray '66 FORD cab and chassis, Budd 90Ca?0 , tires, wheels. Sacrifice, $1,59$. new 4,800 miles. Tara Trucks, Staje, LIKE '64 CHEV. VTON. 65 AR DODGE ' Dart convert Wll $595, excel, NEW TIRES, ond. vs trade fur truck of compar. RANGE TERMS. 2010 SO. STATE.! d!9 bays, itm ttiohtf, ELS-221'68 CHEV. ton, camoer special. ; "7 Ford pickups, test price in r. b p.s., auto., Irg. ires, exra oas ; e orice c and W Motors, Coal- at must sell. Bargain 2?: ' 6. - on, '67 FC-Diamond T diesel cab and S97r. rune's and pemt worn, , , air brakes. hes s aood mech., 4b 9324, 2782951. 6 cyi . very oood '6? CHEV E CAMINO SS 396, PS, cone $650 or rrake eff ar. 5800 So. too, sport i.ner too, Turner Dr ( 155 East. ffe., vi . owner, trade. with anow- '59 JEEP picku" f65 FORD Econolme $690, new dow $795. soecibl I pamf, 9ood cond. 1104 S. 2nd West. '68 FORD Ranger I I paint. Set ft aoorac. J MJlJtilAJMlill Apartment 3-- G MARY'S By Alex Kotzky BRIGHT, smith! she shoulp EN0CXJRASE9 TO SO ONTO COLLEGE WOUIPNT PUSH HER .H AMY ONE GIVE HER AREA TIME TO SEEK OUT SOMETHING ON HER CMN I 547 & VERY viun no 61 VE M A ces State. ALUMINUM, wholesale coils or sheets. 98Motorcycles 5 WE ARE BUYING USED TRAILERS ABSOLUTELY TOP DOLLAR PAID TRA'LER CENTER 3180 S. Redwood Rd. 4 CASH For Used Mobile Homes I. Main TAKE FREEWAY te Undon Exit, then 1 mile east CORBET TRAILER SALES 562 N. State, Orem, Utah wTlPEClALIZE In financing house trailers and campers up to $5,000 with low or other security as down pymt. Call M r, Johnson, WILL take aporoxlmateiy $3,000 In mobile home on trade on new in southeast home area. COLUMBIA mobile home, 10x60, dbf. exPando, $4,950 Includes skirting, porches, railinas awnings, air cond. CaMj621484L TAKE housa equity, truck, etc. es mobile part pymt. on '701 home 277;7913,277-66428x45' TRAILER, good cond. throuqhout, new gas furnace, pneed lowS61341.21 10 S. State, Midvale. FT. Champion on 1 acre, buy equity and take over payments. 1964 QUICK'S, INC YAMAHA 71 MINI AND ENDUROS BEST ENDUROS'' SELECTION, HELLOWEST PRICES TIRES, METS, RATTER IES,ETC. and CLOSE-OU- T - to Choosa From $489 $379 $939 aose-ou- T ALL USED MOTORCYCLES SOOcc 50cc, 80cc lOQcc ALSO IN STOCK SK IP'S, 4708 Holladay BNd. CL 950's, CB 350's, CL 450'a CB 450's, CB 750'S BEFORE you nuv any minTbike, ee ALL AT SAVINGS Brown the ELECTRIC bikes Warner Sales. No gas no noise. CENTURY MARINE CORP. Kearns Shopping Center. HONDA HEADQUARTERS 70 HARLEY'ELEC. GLIDE, 1300 CC, 5665 S. Slat full dress, low mi., perf. cond. A Bank Terms steal at $1,995. o BULTACO OF UTAH, featuring only. 2293 S. 11th East (Rear Ttw fuff lint Complete Strvlet of Fairmont Bowl). Farts & Accessorial 169 HONDA 350 Scrambler, $600 or LOWEST '70 CLOSE-OUpest offer. M Ramona, Apt. D, PRICES FROM $36 p.m. weekdays S'30-1970 T.S. 90 Suzuki Honcho. New 600 trail sprocket hel, extra 11hp mi., 4001 So. Staff met. 4665221. 1976 HUSOVARNA 250 CROSS $830 1959 HARLEY Chopper. Going Into 7 service. Must sell Idaha Falls. 1969 YAMAHA 250 trail bikt low mileage. Cali 578-- 1 530. 7 BIKE trailer, 850 or best cftr, '68 TRIUMPH TR' HY 250, good 2C15 W. 3300 South, 2985153. after 4 cond. 2661865. p m. 500 cc, 3yl., new HONDA scrambler 1965, exceU runs 1970 KAWASAKI green metal flake paint 1,700 mi. pert. make offer, 1967 ITALAN lightweighf, .8750. cycle, BONANZA mlni'bika wlh Hooaka pood cond. t22S. 100 trans cc 10 h.p. ena , '68 BSA ROYAL STAR, hilt tunad. perfect cond. mus sail, call 250 ENDURO, $475, 68 HONDA 90. axcal. cond.. 1970 YAMAHA low mi. 8195. 461896. , good FOR SALE, Tote Got, ;96? TRIMUPM 500, 8758 cond., hasjixtras. $1 80. CHOPPER, '67 Triumph Bonneville, HONDA 450 CL 78 bestoffer. Call $790. KAWASAKI Boss 100, Trail 69 HONDA 350, axcal. 1970 low ml f ma cond 8595, call lew 305, 37 hp , Vsod 60 SUZUKI, 1970 HONDA 350 Motoaoort, TiE 277 0071. ml. $455. KAWASAKI Motor Sportsland trt IJJ3870eredise. 3 your dollar. Furnished 'tTYAMAHA 250 Fnduro Hkt new.! Marettt. $3300. Call Jim 4852750 or466-2677- . Rudd Chopper, MIN! bike, 10x54, unfumlthad. '69 '6? DETROITER 75 STRETCH pood mabl KAWASAKI models In Stock See us at the Salt Palace SKIP'S SPORT & MARINE 4708 Holladay Blvd. (23rd E.) VESPA SCOOTERS SALES PARTS SERVICE BATTERIES ACCESSORIES ECONOMY SCOOTER SALES 117 E. 6th South m 8x28 AIR UTAH HaS HEATED AIR CRAFT STORAGE 1968 KAWASAKI Bryan Ave. cond. BIKE $350. 1126 Limited number of hangar spec available. Contact Mr. Mendenha.i,' phone 1970 BARON, 194 hrs. TT, KMA 20, King Digital ADF, duel King KX 170. Glideslopa. King Txpr., King DME, Alcore. Cargo door, added baggage, 6 seats, oxygen, alcoholic, accumulators, always hang-arespotless. New retail 886,600. Bob Valline 859,900, Sale price CHARTER SERVICE Commercial Instruction, '71 kof er2 99A Auto Stervica ' new. used, 2lst So. W. 940 100 Airplanes 24-H- Ali '69 KIT mobila home, turn. used 1 yr., 12x50', 2 bdrms. taha over pay ments or finance. 17734178. ntw, 8595. 10v45. 2 BDRMS.. turn., .c?rpeted, $2,500. 2623268 aft. 1 skirting, drapes,Sat.-SuYAMAHA, 250 Endurgy 8871 or 6 wkdavt., all 7 att. 5. batt otfar, 1 2'x50'. 970 SOLITAIRE, 2981583 or 1970 -- 175 YAMAHA Enduro. ",200 n a mos Lived miles, axcal. cond. 8550. '69 CB 390 Honda, excel, cond. $600 mobile x45 FT. Norseman 1 or best offer. 2555718 70 YAMAHA, 250 Enduro, $600 call 5 b.m., aft. fun 10x50 GREAT Lakes 68 TRIUMPH 650 Trophy. 365 North skirted, excel, cond. 12th West, Apt. 3. '31655. state 175 YAMAHA, elec, start Ilka new, SINGEF.S $195. MOBILE homt, mpvlnfl aervice $2800 or beat offer. '54 NATIONAL trailer home good cond. DRIVELINES reoelred. MODELS 9th East & Scooters HONDA 175 K4 HONDA 100SL HONDA 450 K4 71 KEN GARFF SALES 877 NOW1 1971 TOTE GOTES RUPP retail, Wo MMclallit American-mad- e trail cycles. WR IGHT'S. 4080 SO. STATE 1970 250 S. State . III hitches, $9$24 Furna- 1522 SO. Installed free. 6601 S. STEWART'S HONDA REED'S 484.7114, 178 East 31st So. 150 UNITS IN STOCK DODGE, alum, van, 14 axle $450 sues 14 ft. to 77 ft. ft., pwr. gate, JET or best offer. 1970 Caret stock of used units. 1963 CHEV. panel 6, rad., htr . pood camper, needi work. SAVEWA, TRAILER SALES cond. Can be seen 1763 S. 2nd West Cert Merv Warner. . 4175 $. State auto., TON Fork pickup, V'A S '69 11 9 3200 5. State 267 West 3rd South. wbeel Branco, 175 Wheelbase, Cob and OURDOORSME 466.4384. DODGE-TOYOTSi A MENLOVE wxxjrand., V-- 5 Diesel Engine, Chassis, Slim From Across DODGE, 8 SPORT VAN Hlohwav Q!(j Trans. and 48;5411 Inspect eur display of 1971 models Olson, Bountiful. tow Take the demonstration ride 8450. 1945 JEEP. Good condition, an AIRSTREAM YOURSELF BEAT THIS!! INSURANCE FINANCE EL CAMINO SERVICE PICKUP, V-- 8 Engine, .ft. full cabcwtr,' tid dlnttto, fully OPEN parts 3901 RiVERDALE RO. ooulooed. Stick Shifty Michelin Tires. V-CLOSED SUNDAY, PHONE INTERMOUNTAIN TRAILER CO. UTAH OGDEN with sleeper '61 FALCON Rancher ANGELUS CAMPER overhauled eng. excel. 2669905. lj-To- n QOSE-OU- T Heavy-DutPickup, 4795 SOUTH STATE see iCric r67 TUX. Jeeo, 11,700. Must 99 seifcontaineo Cartcords V-66 FORD Diff., 8.25x20 at 1056 E. 480 South. good cond.. Engine, B Saving 81,350. with cab over, 4 sleep-t- r, Tires. '63 JEEP disDStcher 4x4, hubs, freyl. 8575. SINGER'S East. meti cab. ,W5. 4310-itDATSUN-TOYOTIH 48M409 V6S t. state i 1965 GMC pickup, y-end! WATCH FOR BARLOW TRAILER Iona wide box. 4775. Call fully Insulated EnModel CO 1600, 6 ONE-pASPECIAL BOUN 8600. 9B22 Bron- - aSuwed. Weiohs 740 pounos. '65 DODGE i;fluelsi LOT ONLY. gine, F've and Two, 9.00x20 Tires, Breck. $850 t. 1962 FIREBALL, heater,oven, offer. of Lonq Wleeba'e 67 JEEP, lots ANGELUS CAVPER VILLAGE, extrj, next excel, cond. 4u77514 1162 Emery 6235 West 3525 South. STATE 6795 SOUTH St., $750. TRUCK soe-Cio.b 390 h o , air, auto, trans., 13 STEWART'S $269 SATURDAY'S! THIS LOOK FOR body. 6601 8. State. camper. Sleeps FROM BARLOW TRAILSPEwtA' 2nci West jjqq oram 1966 IHC, ER SALfeS IN BOUNTIFUL. 76. bed and hoist, 801 '65 GMC truck, '65 Security camper, SAVE AT STEWARfS SALT LAKE both in with sleeper. Very low mi., heater. Intercom 65 EL CAMINO low mi. clean asking $2,200, top cond. TRUCK SALES INC. '60 TERRY G '57 FORD USED or DmscI pickup, 4spd. $275. 816-f- t. Rancho El Rae. $895 si ,1 75, trade ?, 7 1765 S. 2nd Welt 404 East South Temple. t. Golden Eaqle, self conbest SLEEPER, $125 factory built long NEW 63 DODGE tained, furnished. 83,995. bed. OUTDOORSMAN SPECIAL offer 5950 S. 2nd East, 1954 5 S. Redwood Rd. STOCK 1971 SCHULT $20. 2X (1JL723-641- 2 S 2220 So. warranty. 14x70 BARLOW'S Motor E carb tunnel ram with 660 carbs. Brigham '63 352 FORD angina, stick or autol & 3777 3480 marind fR HOME CHRIS DRAAYER MOTORS beautiful and all mod-a- 872 So. Stato 1750 E. 7408 South. MINI BIKES TOWN AND COUNTRY MOBILE HOME PARK y for Xmas now 3751 t. Redwood Rd. Adulta. 16 new wild models from $119 Mini Bike Headquarters JOE'S MOBILE HOMES IN motor trans. good cond., 57M99. '59 FORD parts, mags, slicks 4.57 and 3.70 qeers, Bw 277 3682. 7 Hurst, tach., 427 FORD Wedge. 4 bolt main bear inas, 425 HP., completely rebuilt. $495 or best o'fer. Steve. FORD engine, 240 cu. In. good cond. WRECKING '63 Ford convert., good body, 530 Stringham Ave. shifter $20 327 HIRST 90 1966 INTERNATIONAL with BG241, ESTATES, sealed roof no wind banging, added sa. 94-Ca- SAFE-KOT- SIEBERLING 4 Seasons tires on slot chrome rims. New. For Jeep, Bronco. $200. 2 COMPLETE sets Chev. or CMC drive equipment. Front dif. transfer cases, all new. MUST SELU-Lo-w ml. 428 $400. with enq. Hydro. 4 MEADOWS MOBILE A MOBILE HOME WITH AUTOMATIC trans. service and ex 1623 South State Auto change Jouth State IN WANTED Wrecked '64 or '6S Valiant for parts rets. 235-425- FANTASTIC $4,495 bunday. Sales, $3,495 tions. Join our $3,495 1631 $. Staff 5. Main rear end Foreign, 1 S. STATE SEE THEM SALE HOME LOTS underground utilities, fully improved. SOUTH STATE TRAILER SUPPLY. Open I a.m. to 5.30 p.m. except Service and Installafre discount club BUY NOW! 6835 GRAND OPENING sidewalks 5 Bee, 426 motor intake with BARLOW'S Trailer, Mobila Hama Sp. 96 Near Murray, KEN GARFF SALES THE TIME IS MACH trans., with 10-OPEN Sun. Weekdays M. Compi. line auto parts, body shop supplies, recond. suopiies. Jensen 1480 S. Auto Parts, State. CRANKSHAFT grinding. American WOLVERINE and KAWASAKI , Edelbrock, . '67 Volks. Sgoarabeck. all MARLETTE 12x60' with l.v.t. Last Itim 700 mllai, mint rand. WRECKED or part. d kilch.n and 2 bdrmt., and iiv. on on last It Don't won't tbit waft rm. tip but, partially Rebuilding, Resurf adno --e Ton. 188. So. 8th West, 87.600. Ph. SELL CORVAIR PARTS-BU- Y, MOBILE HOMES 877 eves. 2554605 '63 GMC pickup, LWB, extra tanks, split rims, new rubber, excel, cond. 57offer, FORD, W ton, new Mint, battery, after 12 noon, 1166 West 5th brakes, $395. South. During our fall clearance salt. Over MUST SELL THIS WEEKEND, 1967 '65 EL CAM! NO, 295-676- 2 100 Travel trailers, pickup coaches Ford Falcon van, radio, heater, and truck covers. AM reduced for auto., windows, $1,350 or make 66 FORD l Immediate 7667. offer, call 364 make otter. CR SAVE UP TO $1,000 1968 FORD pickub, 300 engine, '64 CHEV. wide Ceil $1,275. , pood cond. bed, extra tank. Full power hubs '68 WAGONEER cue-ton 445 cherry cond. Park City. t best V4, $3,000 firm. cab, long bed 5 van 6835 S. STATE SALE Insulated Ford, offer. r58 . van bed, very good cond. $600. Insulated UTILITY KIT COMPANION trailer, new urakec 1st 81,350 takes. ford, parts 1989 97 Trailer Truck Supplies IN BOUNTIFUL RECREATIONAL SPECIALISTS 2920464 S. 500 West. Bntfl. 5 WANT THE BEST? Best Buy Used BARLOW'S 410 truck 70 MOBILE Rd. t ONLY $1,595 S. Main 877 f bdrms. '64 Kit. 60'xl2', Frontier 55'xlO, 3 bdrms. Skyline, 55'xlO', 3 bdrms. '55 Spartan, 45'xS', clean UV2 KIT 3644U34 2nd West 66 1963 INTERNATIONAL Travelall, motor, runs good, body rough, $300, also '52 Chev. pickup '57 olds. 371 hydro. eng. gopd shape, CHEV. 3165 S. state 3955 S. Redwood Travel Trailers 5 4674401. 2950023, '69 DODGE, Super new Enduros, including Mini Endu-r- o and our new 650. (these '71 machines will cost vou more next soring.) 1751 W. 3500 South KEN GARFF SALES CHEV. 327 anq., $175; '65 Chev, eng. $125; '67 Chev. 396 enq. $375b trans., complete 283 IN STOCK 71 Price Increases on '71 machines are we can make you up considerably a substantial savings on '7l's in stock now. Come and test ride all 60'xi2', 3 bedrooms, HS baths, 84.995 washer and drver 54'x24', 3bdrm family room, util, room, bath and 54 813.500 SINGER'S self- Saturday $pecial& Lindner & Wood, Inc. r65 MACHINES 54'xl2, - 4C for the unbelievable Enduro's price of (379. galley NEW-F- OR camper. home, 40'xl3' 2.bdrm kitchen 64'xl2', AMERICAN MODULAR HOMES PARKWAY bus camper, VW or EL CORTEZ motor contained, must sell. dr. excel, cond. Call after S p.m. 66 FORD truck, IMi-foverhead camper, excel, cond. $600 or best $445 Ali Tops Them front STOUT'S 830 So. Main 0 '49 TRADE TERMS truck, 8' FH COE Slnale axle trac1 tor, short WB, diesel, trans. rear axle, tilt tleeper, as la. Special, 85,500. 1967 EXTRA CLEAN Open till 7 p.m. weekdays 2309 SOUTH STATE GMC 8 custom Vwton 383 '66 JEV -- $2,295 67 Dodge $2,995 and chassis 122 484-875- rd save monv ' t ton $198 S3V8 ton Aspeed. H ton $730 Ficrd 4,500-wa- tt mileage. hdtp., FORDS cabover Wood, Inc. '61 SCOUT p roof, power enqine, Bi low mileage, auto, factory Chorad from 1 W South Main Detroiter i. J8:295L VW floor oan. $75: '65 VW front end, $50; '64 VW enalne. $150; '64 VW trans. axle, $75; seats $10 each. Caii 27M92L FOR sale 327 Corvette F.l. Cam and solids $45; 2 G M. black bucket seats, $10 for both; '57 Chev. l nq $10; 235 E. 9th South. 2 UNIVERSAL maqs. to fit '68 fhrouQh 71 VW with 0 wide oval tires. Four 14" four wheels. On 1 hev. wheel. '65 WRECKED Corse Corvair complete drive train and other oarts. See and make offer PLAZA CYCLE Brings you a special on '70 model cc Yamaha's, due to Quantity we can otter vou brand-ne- Homes C23 295-- 565 328-313- PAUL'S $8,250'. 8495 new Vlstallner, Budoet camber. NEARLY 95 Mobil ; non cabover. w best t. etc., $300; oickuo, long wide bed, new390 - 70 (2) i Icebox, rloset, ot(er!29!j008. Bountiful 2220 S. Shamrock, Orchard Dr., Boontiruf, Utah. BODY 'MAN SPECIAL '67 CAMARO SS hd'o.. 3S trans , positraction, eng , wheels. Or $795. rally parti. 1045 S. Main Faaturing eoJlpped, 4 peers forwerd, better , then eox cond. NICETl-vr.-ol- New Main Motors MOBILE HOMES WE overbuilt (or the deer hunt, now we must sell ail remainmo camrers end sleepers in stock. OUR LOSS ALSO IS YOUR SAVINGS' MAJESTIC CAMPERS 445 W. 3410 South BIG SELECTION, OVER 30 USED 9 AND CAMPERS 1650 S. Redwood Rd. MOTOR HOMES ON SALE. PRICES BELOW DISTRIBUTION COST, DAN'S CAMP- E RS,6210SLST ATE. Vlstallner Excel, shape, ha raised front kitchtskina 81,095. Would like 64x11 heater, slide-l- n model sleeps. In (reds. en. Beautifully carpeted. Spanish . decor. 25S474 ) CAMPER '44 Falcon but, full tong WB chb FREIGHTLINER, N 1969 RANGER and chas. 81" tilt sleeper, NH250 Cummins, 44,4 trans., SQHD Bogie, 390, auto., p.s. factory air $2,450 ID new can and paint. East Wilson Ave., Murray. 307. $2,200 70 CHEV. or oest offer. a.m. to 4 & weekends. p.m, or 4 712 5, 2nd West '69 INTL. PICKUP long wide $19$. 6y! refrigerat-- Econo, l Low dual '69 Ford PAI NE L S SStiS ULkBf nsSL ik T van $9,575 DodgeMotor Home, si 498 dlani. 195 Lindner 8, VILLAGE ANGELUS CAMPER SOUTH STATE 4795 '42 Only Travco contained, sleeps mount, air cond., VANS REFRIGERATED V ev. 4on Ad body V rev. Mon 1 Weekend Specials :869 spd e CAMPER VANS . DRASTICALLY REDUCED '66 VOLKS. '69 CHEVY 71 2 DECK MOTOR COMPANY CENTER shar. r ' 1 af TONS H 9, Cruiso., r t B50, Mod., S' utility 'Is.fiiO, r ttvl. ViC, $600 TRUCK & MOTOR HOME $1,398 $898 $1,598 ' stvl. SBJ , V fl',0. 65 CHEVROLET V-short wheel base, utility bed In real good shape. HINCKLEYS Jlruckland $1,595 '44 GMC S. State 7 1 fen nett Ford To-B- HAYES BROS. Open Until 10:00 P.M. 328-313- Here's Your Chance ; Choosy! A SELECTION OF 4 " 6 1045 South Main 7 toilet, fumact. Broodmore'fc 4 JEEPS: t 'Your Recreation Headquarters". Vi-T- ANGELUS Sid. ontry, flushina VAN DYKES Across From Slim Olson's 295-233- TPT 71 STOUT'S 830 So. Main SO. STATE . COLUMBIA GUYS" LITTLE BOUNTIFUL 1,688 Total Financing ll'j-FT- Finest truck sleeper on market, removable cargo door or llftuo door, year end factory discount, "THE LAST OF THE mode, radio, htr., 1,888 j 1,288 tires. . $7,550 "JONITOP" Travelall heater. 8 tt box w ; carpet throughout, er ,nd dryer. G.E. shag DAN'S CAMPbRS Dodge-Toyo- ta '69 Ford I with bath end V:, incl. wash- 44x12, MOTOR STATE Fleetwood 5 SALES HOMES CAMPERS TRAVEL TRAILERS RENTALS 1,688 '69 I 3125 SOUTH camper village angelus S. STATE MEN LOVE end camper $488 ' oounds. RECAP SNOW TIRES $8.95 snow tires starting at $17.95. W Headquarters 350- s- 450- s- 750s" Recreation Headquarters" MOBILE HOMES 4795 10 Ford goou runner M88 $850 full cabover, fully end Insulated. Weight 935 New eauiDoed SAVE 100's '68 welding snd machine shoo. Eldon Pugh Machine Shop. 929 S. West. CHEV. wagon, auto, trans., S7S, Olds. 98, air., $75. '53 Chev. stand, trans , $45. '53 Ford good dump bed no tear end, $123 or otter. Low Down Payments CLYDE'S ELMER'S 4th '57 '59 Parts-Serv- ice Bountiful GET DRIVELINE BALANCING LIMITED OFFER FROM $1,695 2772 S. Mom AS ADVERTISED 64 GMC SEE $666 from. TRAVEL-LAN- D YOUR COLORS Selection is Great 0iev.Camper tires SECURITY ADVENTURERS 2,588 63 TON PICKUPS TO UlS So. State 350s $2,49$. 95 Mobil Homes READY FOR YOUR Golden West, Magnolia, Townhouse FINAL ASSEMBLY, EASY TO DOII and Champions from $8,900. All Instructions. ALSO Complete SINGLE WIDES Windows, Doors, Screens and Misc. from Victor Wayside homemaker, Parts Are Included. $J,995. Reconditioned we have sanitized, several lovely 3 and 3 bedroom mobile homes ready for you to choosa -- warranty. e TRAIL BRAND-NE- FOR THANKSGIVING It's time to have e new home wth a Kita. For AH 8' beautiful new stove refrigerator. A Complete Pre-Cnew furnace, new furniture, A5-- S new Long, Wide Bed Truck. YOU carpet, everything!!! We will furE M B L E, Save Money. Thi nish the turkey, ham, roast and all choice to the make your trimmings Winter. Custom Assemble Your 1970 Thanksqiving and Chrstmas Own Camper. Buy Direct From the warm happy and memorable. Factory. ALL SECTIONS DOUBLE WIDES CAMPER SPECIALS, DUDES ;scout 100,000-mil- $688 70 Months Financing times. SCOTSMAN, sleeos 6, butane water storage, used one season. $771. 6245 Hiohland Dr. 18' IDLER fully oas-eierefrlo., heater, many extras, like new, $2,295. NEW Gcioen 15 NEW 0 HARD IMPORT CAR PARTS heat, Eagle, 2,988 90 15' Special Purchase CAMPER For Auto Parts? Give us o tryi Water pumps, fuel pumps, rinqs, bearirqs, qaskets, etc. PERFORMANCE AUTOMOTIVE $499 $099 New. $1,740, now $1,299. 6601 S. State. EVERY SATURDAY BARLOWS OF BOUNTIFUL HAVE WILL A SUPER SPECIAL. WATCH FOR TRUCK SALES PIUS ' folding trailer, J dinettes, slove. sink, 20al. water tank, LP tank. warranty. 10W)00-mi!- e V-- Tired of Paying High Prices CT 175s StreeLJBMn. Ute I sleeper, NEWEST DEPT. 63 West 7thSouth BRAND-NE-W BRAND-NE- W $2,660; 30' U 1970 20' STEWART'S 4 COMPLETE BRAKE JOB! Passenger cars only. (disc braKes no! incl.) STATE INSPECTION $AES S. Main 35W18S BEAUTIFUL oold 1969 El famino white vinvl too. Bucket seats, floor shift, air lift shocks, 40 000 mi. belted polvgias tires, dual giasspae mufflers, carpet covered bed, metal sleeper shelf, 18,600 mi. 307 enoine. Used $19.95 & SAVE 295 $625 ., 77 3! Scooters t 21,2-f- MEN LOVE & THE 18v2-ft- ., BRAND NEW CIS The Salt Lake Tribune, Saturday, November T, 1976 Travel Trailers 94A "' iff('- g if "'(lif"Tl nprBrp y wrWjy wr9f iqjr 'ny THOMPSON SERVICE, FLYTING INC. Years at Salt Lake International 47 Airport, Lowest Rates Anywhereil Annual O'hauls, Fuel Ini. Turbo ncl detail Freo Inter and del. Free plck-u- no ANNUALS competitive prices waiting, 1 Day service If necessary Loaan. Corp. Airmotlye Valley Cache Airport. BEECH TRAVELAIR, low total time, always hanqared, dual InteDME. New paint and MR. BARLOW rior. Call for details. cub, .400 1959 PA 1$ 1 Super new interior new paint SMOH, fresh license, new 'Geneva rad o. 3 Valhne Robert $5,995, IMS PARTNERS WANTED Cessna Turbo, 20, 64 FR panel, 3 blade prop.. OX. Cal Dick, 487J)75li CESSNA 182, total engine time 800 hrs., 2P hri. since chrome top, $7,560. Call Mr. Brown, American Fork, or Mr. Brailsford Lehl, Utah. Full V39B, 16 W $32,500. (970 Mark door, BONANZA, i 195 hr. TT, teats, cargo ADFT12C, gat. fuel, auo. p.iot. Vallina Bot 801277-587- available, Twm PARTNERSH'P ; Mom nos) AW. JorCommanctie. (Noon) Ogden, gensen, 773",672 Clearfield. . W accelerated GROUND private 13. 14, 20, SCHOOL 21, $ a.m. to 5 p.m. Key Ayiation, 5. LX., 359 2085. ISO for Commuter 1969 CESSNA sale, less than 450 hrs. orig. eng. Excel, cond. $4,500 . ERCOUPE. 299-274- 3 MOONEY exec tlye flub, best hi ft . stete.MGSimcox,246-OCI5STINSON toe-3- , rebuilt rabric. make otter, 150 Club, full Hr., wet, sudent O K. CESSNA 99A-A- uto $ t -i UM efloine. need pan. Service AUTHORIZED NEW CAR SALES AND SERVICE Take Yowr Car Home for Service ond Repairs t |