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Show 10 C The Salt Lake Tribune, Saturday, November 7, 53 Pets tegs, 60 Miscellaneous for Sab for Salt clipped. BEECH Special: 0i, FROZEN BRINE SHRIMP 9c TGEft BARBS .00 , RED WAG P LATHES " BLACK TETRAS 2 SI. 00 KISSERS ALBINO CATS 89c ea. 4140 West 5415 So., Kearns PLAZA THEATER BLDG., Open Sun. 12-- p.m. tropical FISH New of Florida shipment fish, including many new varieties of SWORD TAILS. MOLLIES. flatties, variatus, AG FISH gouramis. and AQUATIC TOM'S TROPICALS North TRADE in your too small tanks for larder show aquarium- - Will buv tiJ-ttanks., furmtune, etc. SALE PRICE; Silver Veil Ansels 39t ea.. Red Devils 25c, Swords and Moilvs 50c ea. Serve yourself and save' Antique House, 327 W. 7th South, 3638489. 4-PL- FISH SPECIAL Neon S for $1 Black Mollies for 9c Red Wag Sword 2 for GardenShorn Greenhagen's J SHAG All BEAGLE PUPPIES 2ione oou. in- 7.75x14, 8.25x14 8.55x14, 9.00x15 20 TIRE CENTER 355-668- HAVI Garage Sale in- Get USED LUMBER AUERBACH'S 1 'S o your friends end neighbors gather up clothing no lo.,ec , needed, furniture and appliances or any household items tnat are CHAIRS. STYLES AND COLORS V ah oo any stool. Metal Office Desxs File Cabinet Refrigerator, floor samples, maxe a bid, unfinished furniture, low prices see our gift department. Bargains. BUY AND SAVE AT ANTIQUE AUCTION collection DIAL 521-353- of oathout es- OREGON. fD,'K901B!U"N. SPiNNiWi'i WHEEL, BEDS. TABLES Rn ING CHAIRS, CHIME CLOCKS' P'SHES, LAMhsVASES. STOVES! IfIE OLD 5 Juy say "Charge it" Central Auto USED SOUTH EAST FURNITURE WAREHOUSE 3500 SINGER 1970 W. $109 NOW $219 SINGER NOW $188 " hairs. MOVED $89 Two offices, 8x14 ft. See All steel storage Terms $119. shed 4x1 ft. Cre Me DnaM?D262-6A?- l MIT'S FARM HIGH rubber used for sale $2 tires elec, ranqe, with lift lop for All kinds of apples, potatoes, dry on- to $9. All sizes. ALSO VOLKS AND cleaning, 2 only ions , hubbard and banana squash, SMALL CARS TIRES LIKE winter pears, carrots, pine nuts, NEW $6.95. fresh apple cider. 863 E. 4500 South. 187 W North Temple Pool Table 7 ft. size $69.88, ft 2.50 Red. Dei.. APPLES bu m. to 12 midnight Open 4 size $97.90. from cold storage. FRESH APPLE COMBINED family oarage sale! JUICE, $1.25 cal. Brina container. 5 Nov. 10 to Sun., a.m. 8th, FREEZER P.m. ! jiU East 1000 South,51l:0858. Clothes, furniture relaxacisor, toys, HYDROPONIC qreenhouse, complete '60 Chev. truck, etc. 945 Folsom upright model with all fast freeze for year round cardan rq, will disAve. (bet. West, Vt bik. so. of shelves and door storage for small So- - Temple) 1850 count. East South, things. Never used. Holds 360 lbs,. LOVELY old mahog. glass book guarantee, $147.98. EZ terms. CY'S FARM case, $50; pictures tapestries, FREIGHT OUTLET. 914 Main or Pinenuts, Dotetoes, dry onions, ornate mirror firepl, from Gov. 1080 East 21st South. apple cider, prunes, aooles, all Dern's mansion; carved wood door kinds; carrots. 8767 a. 7ln East. facing, rmsc., 1315 2nd Ave. No DRYER dealers. 9 to 5. NEW 69 Westlnahouse auto, dryer RED POTATOES With auto, time control and ir fluff P t ERSON FAR M L 7356 SStata setting. Handy lint collector, never RED DELICIOUS APPLES, $2.00 Sewmq machine left for repair. Pay used, $99,99. EZ terms Freight OutUP. let, 916 S. Main, or 1080 E. 21st repair charges of $9.83 With no South, Sugar House. and machine Is vouta. APPLES, RED AND (GOLD del., re- equity 2793 S. State. 1901 E. 11400 So. frigerated. WASHER C'uLl CARROTS, 50-lUSED 2 4o aockv It's the bio gne with KIRBY'-VACUU. 2 cycles, lint filter. Factory warr. $1337 cash or EZ terms. RED POTATOES 1 hundred or 50 Repossessed with attach. Scrubs, 14284 So. 1700 West. lbs. butts, etc. $59 cash or pymts. $5 Freight Outlet, 916 S. Main. mo. Williams, 1635 S. State. CUSTOM ranqe too unit (stainless LARGE RED POTATOES steel, 4 burners) on natural wood 8 SS oven with separate cabinet, KIRBY HONEY Pure, natural organic, broiler unit In cabinet. All good. 461 East Truman Ave., Must sell for only $95. Ph. with attch. .scrubs, buffs, etc. Guar2279 Hannibal St. anteed, $39 cash or $5 mo. Call credit mor. 58 Fuel, Coal, Wood SO USED TV, APPLIANCES GARAGE SALE Hand tools of all kinds, etc.; French Prov. living TV, REFRIGS., RANGES, WASHERS LOGS. rm. PINON PINE FIREPLACE step-u- p end set, tables, lamps, $19.95 and UP Free del. $34 e ton. $18 a V, ton. blond bdrm. set; odds end ends. PETE VRONTIKIS 8. SON Antique table, pictures, mirror. 4 2010 S. State 551 McAllister Ct. PINON FIREWOOD ton delivered. $35 $18.50 LEAVING state, sell REFRIGERATOR Free chips. Champien Juicer, $100, rifles, $75, 9 Admiral, used 4 mos. (reoo.), no LODGE pole Pine fireplace loos, A 30.06 Custom $100, waqon wheels shelves, dairy $50, Central vacuum $75, antique defrosting slide-ou- t ton,$17.50ue. stove for butier, eggs, milk, bar $100. FREE del. pinon, lump coal, save warr., $147.80 EZ terms. FREIGHT REG. sized crib and mattress, Porta-Cr5. 1102 Simpson Ave. JDUTLET, 91So. Mam. ib and FIREPLACE WOOD, $23.50 per ton. wooden hiqh mattress,olavmetal and WASHERS, RANGES,' REFRIGS. oen, chairs, and stroller, and other misc. babv Tested Approved, Guaranteed Parts-LabGuar. Items. APPLEWOOD loos, $30 ton delivered SUGAR HOUSE APPLIANCE CO. to SLC. Am. Fork, MODEL AIRPLANES with 0 . 21 stSouth 967E complete, reedy to fiyl Model kits, balsa or plastic! Call SLIGHTLY DAMAGED NEW 60 Miscellaneous far Salt refrigerators home freezMike Klonizos. presid-n- t. ers automatic washers and dryers. FIREPLACE screens ind access-orie- s, All Appliance Co. 122 E. 3rd South. good selectirtis, discounted ELEC. DRYER, $35 price. Soter's, 1474 S. 4th West. Bank reposs. Guaranteed. Williams, Vacuum, repossessed, balance $37,90. Trms available. 4671258, 472988, REFRIG., apt. size washer, Ironer, 1635 S. State. car stabilizer, invisible reweavin G.E. MAJOR APPLIANCES CARPET WHOLESALE PRICES course. 4800 South on Largest selection In town end lowest $3.50, $3.99, $4.99 YD. Viewmont St. n Double prices. SOTER'S 1414 S. 6th West, CENTURY CARPET SERVICE SHINGLETON'S cover buttons, belts, 167 E. 3rd Souths buckles, simple alterations, hem- ALL used, coal heater, chest deep locking, buttonholes. 1533 freeze, aDt. size range, RCA color FREEZER $69, couch and chair $20, stitching, S. lith East, TV stove $70, $35, TV, Dexter twin washer, water htr refrig. gas port. 1025 So. State, $17, metal beds 18, box sormgs and $10 TO $20 MO. mattress $39, M. and R. Furni lure GOOD USED refrigerators, ranges, 3 rms 424W 3rdSouth355-B253- . nice, solid turn. Also ranoe-refriauto, washe-- s, dryers, $25 and up. 1205 5. State. All Appliance Co.. 122 E. 3rd South. specials on new fabrics, Holiday d muslin TYPEWRITERS also have 37" new portables In IRONRiTE IRONER, lowest prices in town. SOTER'S, 1414 S. 4th West. yardage, 2 yds. for 88c, excel, for factory cartons. Reduced prices. from $39.50. Cal484-1491- . 739 $. 3rd West. 222- dtshfowels 1317. GARAGE end rummage sale, LIKE new electric TV repair equipment, RCA color test bicycles, furniture, tools, it. sc. 5800 $87 50 1 81 6 5o. iig, B ana K television analyzer, S.Turner Dr. (1255 East). BEE C HAD AMS Sam's Photofacts, aUonment equip Finest rebullts in S.L.C. GIBSON FREEZERS ment and nti&c. repair equipment. KIRBY'Squar., 5 yr. tree labor. S89 95 While Tney Last At Biq Saving, after 4 p.m. UD. Bigler's, 4915 S. State, Kedco Inc. 33 S. 3rd W. $40 WHITE portable sewinq ma- OLD RADIO SHOWS.' Sample and FRIGIDAiRE electric ranae, autochine, $15 boy's 20" Schwinn bike list, $3. Radio, 30 N. 2nd West, matic clock and timer double oven. $50 mini bike. Call Looan, Utah, 84321. homemade BEECH ADAMS 1816J.JState LITTLE girl's furniture layaway WHIRLPOOL refrigerated 18.000 BTU now for Xmas. Elmer Davis 1313 used only 1 month DOG HOUSES . conditioner, air West Crystal. $225 or offer. By retired finish carpenter USED metal cabinets with sink and APARTMENT size refrioerator and 6110 S. th West, taps, $40 each. Used carpet, $1 eq. gas stove. Excel, cond. $60 ea. CUSTOM-BUIL- T yd, and up. 36 E. 21st South. GARAGES after 5 p.m. $2x22 block oar. Install comp). $1,691 TOP all electric bed, $700 value. E NEW Speed Queen electric dryers and wheel chair. Make offer. Westdurable press, $129.32, Terms. Ray Hedberg, ern boots, 11C, 355-5- 1 A). 1816 S. State BEECH ADAMS GARAGE SALE 243 rifle, refrig., Chanel, $20; 40 bottles perfume ELECTRIC ranta $40, BASKETBALL STANDARDS $1.50, utility trailer tools. new oven Ford; works, Penman' 842 East 4500 So. mach., $25; TWIN tub Dexter wrinaer washer, FAINT Quality problems? paint, KENMORE washlnq med. $25. suit fact, price, expert advice. Latex scuba diving excels cond. S50 orofer.272d 007. inter. $3 98, ext., $4 95. GAS range, good cond., $25. Paint Mfg., 629 S. State,. 36648, SHOWER stall, basin, toilet, all Call Never used still in box, $100. 34B1 GARAGE sale Ceres Dr. NEW COMPACT VACUUM 4275 $.). 5m. aopis., ski and men's Factory Direct clothing ladies' wios, crib bar end STAUFFER reducing machine S5C iM. elec, stove, drop in, avoceao, stools, turn., tevs, noise. ec. stove $20; other misc. items $150 inch hcoa, fan.298-372cal! CLOSING OUT " UPHOL. FABRIC DEPt. HOTPOINT elec, range, $35. in Derf. SINGER sewing machine Sofa and chair, lenqths everything cond., $19 cash. Shmgleton's 1553 $. qoes S.L. Upho!., 2627 S, 2nd West. 11th East. HOTPOINT aiectric range, 820. BEAUTY salon equipment: 3 dryers RUMMAGE sale Sat. Nov. 7 10 m., to 5 p.m. 4681 S. Yorktown HOTPOINT auto, in couch, 2 hydraulic washer, chairs, 2 water Ivel control, $40 . shampoo howls and chairs, 3 mirror s, sterMjzerv v asher, UPHOLSTERY MACHINE With AUTO. Kenmore prefect cond. $100. Must sell. RATIONAL Cash Register chrome, walking foot. Shinoleton's used m cafe. We must sell $250. If 1533 S. llth East. 486-06IRONRITE 1 4 interested see at 361 W. 1000 No. GARAGE sale, small enqines, mowBountiful, Utah or call ers snow blowers oard?n tractors 1970 REPOSSESSED ELECTROLUX turn. 105 Beck St. generators, vacuum.Likenew. Books Hewcomb VORLD record auto, washfr. $35. player loud speaker system; man's GARAGE SALE Sat., 10 am. to S SPEEDQUEEN diamond ring, exec. desk. All like pm. 2 remg , turn. misc. Items. Good cond. S. 2285 East. 7th new. Make offer. MONARCH GAS RANGE .BERNINA auto. sew. machine, no 3 PENNY DECORATOR offer refused. reasonable TWO "as is" drvart $10 8$ $15. Upholstery fabric and drapery mate1533 S.JIth East. BE ECH ADAMS 1816 S. Staff vd. furn., open 7 davc a 90 YDS. rial, 50c used wool carpet and oad. wk.9-6- , 476 E.9th South., 466 8106. APT. size oas range $60, mar.qie blue $1oer vd. o $13, antique $20. VH1TE wool carpeting, excel, cord., S6 00 hab REFRIG. AND EARLY AMERICAN NEW Maqic Chf qas ranqe $116. per vd., 5 hanqinq COUCH, white naugahyde fixtures, B E ECH ADAMS 1816 S. State HAIR dryer used sink, fcjst offer. sofa, $40. Hotpomt electric ranqe $29 50. 29. .. WHOLESALE New hardwood kit. BEECH ADAMS 1816 $. State cabmefs, several fmwnes and SCHOOL bunk beds, pole desks, USED refriqeratora $45 and uo. free est. t r0U4, lamp. babv furniture, etc. 181 BEECH ADAMS S. State i 110 SOFT WATER'REPAIRS FT. CHAIN-LINfence, $35 GE AUTO, washar exec!, cond. $75. ALL .AXES. Same day service. sewinqmach.$20 686 St. E. SERVISOFT Capito HOUSE FULL of furniture. Color REBUILT COMPACT VACUUM GE stove, times $75; 9x12 rug. pad TV. Call 9 P.m. 486 8654. 3 $75 or Offer $15,19 ottoman, $5465-9395- . w7w. CARPETING, dmet set light 1 Belair stereo taoe, excel, fixture, sk equip. cond. A'so antique Early American PORT. $35 TV for sale call table. Good cond. TETHERBALL REBUILT KIRBY VACUUMS POLES Runs shmes Jike new. PENMAN'S 467961, DE Eurooean tapestry, eld Hundreds of stitches, take HAN PFAFF oid painting. up pyms. of $6 78 Shmgleton's 1533 jewelry USED vacuums, all makes. City S. llth tasf, Wide Vac. 3290 S. 13th E. SONY stereo tape recorder, hmh cham sm. a do is., chair irg. mapie SLIM GYM, $50, chest ANY VACUUM UTAH'S LOWEST PRICES serviced and $? Sell Classic Carpets, 433 E.3rd South repaired. parts, hoses, belts, brushes, bags. 1025 State 32251 3. WEDDING' DRESS AND VEIL size FLEC. WHEELCHAIR. 1011, $70. unit commode. KIRBY vac., take up payments of and breathing 4P71P02J $9 33Shinaieton484-443S- . BEAUTIFUL Philippine mahogany RAGGEDY Ann and Andy dolls for portable fireplace screen, eiec. tog Christmas. 1j5 or best offer. will 7 foot pool table SINGER walnut WANTED sowing machine, pay up to $150. 363 7163. caDinet. Good cond., ecuio to zg SILVER plaied Argentina fghting zaq etc. $75 or offer 299 243. $40. SLIGHTLY used vacuum cleaners, cocks, beige wool, 50 sg. carpeting,best tanks and utriahts. $3 58 o . $ 5. USED $150 offer. or yds., Biosch Sales, 5049S.Sae,266-0932fringed shagg rugs, Vx9, $KIS, ke skafes, d:n. set, refrig.-freeze- r, PLUSH 9x12 table lamps, brass Brigham PIANO WANTED PANASONIC FOOD JUiCER $45 NOW $88 $1 18 - im SINGER VACUUM cd KIRBY '0 Bennett 3 Primers Bullets .22 thru .30 RCBS Jr. Press With dies 61 FAIRGROUNDS IDAHO, 7 MILES WEST .OF TWIN FALLS. CONSISTING w OF A osas-- a MJRBOR,lVFTUVL-trz- e $3.99 $29.95 40 'nowNew ifir t PIANO MAKERS scr" OWNER TRANSFERRED Room Set With Sofa. Love Corner Table, Commoae. Take Over Payments Of $14 Per Month. TOWNS & COUNTRY FURNITUPB 36 S. Main 3 An Octaqo FACTORY QUITS e mat- beds, $88 complete tresses and box sprinqs, . sofa beds $39 and up; bunk beds com$77; kino size beds complete plete $109; deluxe chest $24.95. COST LESS, 1321 S. Staff Oueen-siz- $188 Bankrupt Stock Buttfo1 P. 35'' 5ca rfrj ge,$ Motorola color TvrSoldnew for $650. Will sell for $389. Looks FURNITURE VRONTIKIS FURNITURE like new. 1984 SOUTH STATE BEECH ADAMS 1816 So. State BEAUTIFUL wood game table and HARMON tt Kardon stereo chairs, $175, dimnq table, $90, buffet amp. and Harmon Kardon control and hutch. $60, orange chair $35, center, both In excel, cond., $155 pr. artificial tree, $30, bedroom set, J. Brown, weekdays after 10. sofa $135 child rattan chair 9 a.m.. after p.m., and chair, $225, misc. furniture. G.E. UNFINISHED FURNITURE Chests, desks, etc. Bio selection orices. 1414 S. Mh West Sotei-- t. 8 j Stereo and Color Large, Soter's, 1 prices eetign,'... S. 6th 4 4 1 TV fSshOd; West, B8,W combo, AM-Fstereo radio, record changer, $179 BEECH ADAMS 1816 So. Stae DYNACO SI 20, Pat-SCA BO. DUAL changer, Scott tuner-amp- ., A. Lan-sispeakers. New. counted prices. Shop now for TV's we sell with guar. Coior buy day season. SOTER'S, 1414 S. 4th Lvman TV Ub' West. 3072Uic DINING ROOM All ityles large selection at disholi- Wall Plaques and Pictures black-whit- e WESTINohOUSE TV., contemp, cabinet, excel, cond . best otter. 1970 MORSE cabinet Sa ffer' ,nd mak 57n229 ZENITH record stereo, changer, $77.50. BEECH ADaMS 18)6 So. State PIONEER stereo system turn table, speakers, amplifiers tailored to speakers. CONSOLE colored RCA 21" TV, excel, cond., $150. THE BEST price on new color tuba. Cell Central TV. TV. GOOD COND. SJ0 21 BIGGEST SELECTION IM TOWN Discounted orices. SOTER'S, 1414 S. 6th West. MOVING MUST SELL, twin bdrm. set complete, kidney shaped desk, marble gallery tier top table. Zenith color TV stereo comb., chairs and misc. Items. JACKSON FURNITURE BEST BUY IN TOWN BUY TRADE SELL 2607 S. State St. 6 NEW AND USED FURNITURE. Liv inq rm., dimnq rm., bedrm., and misc. Items. Very reas. 3388 Brock-ban- k Dr. dining rm. set, purchased new, 6 never used, cost $450, must sell be"Cassette stereos cause of broken engagement. Make Call 6 offer. Call 2UN. COLOR CONSOLE TV. REPOSSESSED '69 Phllco color TV. Excel, cond., $139. '69 Morse console stereo with taoe AM-FSAXOPHONE warned, cash or trade Silt deck, radio, Vo on pianos. 1343 So. Main. Sage guitar, MUST SELL port, stereo, detach, $10 TO $20 MO. speakers, like new. 3 rms., nice, solid furn. Also range, TV's, $19.95 UP, consoles, portables, S. 1025 State. refrig. table moosls, USED FURN. REPO. GALORE BIG STOCK USED "TVs," "$25 up. 215 S. 5th East, DA J,EMCO, Derrick Furn., 50 W. 1st So. COLOR TVs, $150 UP. e TV's, $30 uo. $159.95 DESIGNERS DEN, 4th East 17th to. WE used TVs. $i uo. SuJfonTy4973 SSfaleL 262:!7I7. LYNX FURNITURE RENTAL We rent new apt furr.itura by the SONY 660 StEREO TAPE RECORD-montER, 845 W. 2400 South. RECORD CABINETS All styles, RENrTTV with option to buv. price to move. SOTFR'S, 1414 So. S6MC0. 218 S. 5th East, Da .6th West. FACTORY SOFA SALE 65 Musical Instruments As low as $69 95 Of SIGNERS DEN, 4th East 17th Se. Giulitti Accer-diaBABY Mate safety furniture, must FOR Christmas excel, cond. Make offer. Call see to aoprec. 720 East 1000 South, Sandy, bet. L shaped sectional, like new, GIBSON GUITAR, DBLE. PICKUF. $150; sectional, $75. bom dark $300 . brown. KING E flat alia sax. excel, cond. WROUGHT iron couch, chair, end tables, coffee table, 3 lamps. PIANO LESSENS PRIVATE, 85.00 PER MONTH, DINETTE set. Liv. rm. set rocker, SAX ALTO AND PICCOLO. desks, filing cabinet, lamp, swing 3 set, Rena ware. MOVING SALE Couch dresser, FENDER P.A. system, contact Ron chairs misc. items. 1665 Hiiicrest Jaylor364-308after ! p.m. (2500 So.) CONN Director B flat clarinet fine 1MM AC. d sofa best auali-t- v, cond. $70 of offer. 35 5j43 cust. built see to epprec. VERY GOOD VERY OL5 Steinway, LIVING room, dining rm. furniture. $300. 3 mos old. Leaving state. Must GUITAR AND AMP. CLOSE-OUT- 1 sell, Make offer. 1343 So. Main. after 5. CUSTOM MADE gun cabinet order ROGERS DRUM SET like new $199 for Christmas now, on display at terms. 5805 South State. ACCORDION Hohner, Prov. cotrh, like new, $95. Easy terma FRENCH green, gold. Fender Jazz bass, like S p.m. LIKE new dark wslnut om. rm. set DRUM SET, $99, Terma. with china closet. NcEh rent. than MATCHING desk and chest antique RENT quitars. amps. microphones brown accordions. From $S mo., sectional good HAGSTROM solid body alee, guitar cond . 5755 So. 400 West, and amp. $260, MAPLE Early American table, 4 FENDER iazz base $300. 2 mos. chairs good cond., $50. 57M152. Cost. $500 FORMICA top table and 4 barrel WURLI1ZER organ, Model 4300. Will stave chairs $40. eves. sacrifice. 2050 South 700 East. BEDRM. SET, TOUCH LAMPS, GUITAR and amp., beaut. Xmas 0 iff V 75 CHEST OF DRAWERS, $20 TROMBONE, 3B CONCERT KING 6 - car - - m pm. TWIN beds, handcrafted WANT maple, drawees $47. stereo COMPLETE bdrm. set, perfect con- 60. CR drtionJ1 2 MATCHING love seats. Call after DRUM built-i- 5 n p.m. BUNK BEOS DESl G N ERS DEXEL chma glass. 2784701. just SEE US FIRST!!! VERY FINE PIANOS Jrnd new walnut cabinet At less than factory orices. I act. price $69.95. fiilc annual percentage rate, which Is Mon. S,at' Oon tbJ5 less then most bank rates. Pianos for rent, $5 oer mo. uo olus mov. STEREO ing, ltd. contract, which is less than most '69 Westinohouse. charge. See Dean Alused I weeks mond stores soon at Summerhays Music ?n' ctUL 9uar" Nic cabmen Co.. 1343 So. Main. I,-Freight Outlet, Mam. STEINWAY COLOR TV & STEREOS' Grands ard verticals now availRA88ss!sions' several models able, try the world's finest piano finance co. no gimmicks, terms avail. todayl OAYNES MUSIC FM 1000 tuner. List F,SoSfcR price 145 S. State SL mo !?SM2,used cash $150. Also Marantz SLT 12 Prof YOU BELIEVE WOULD turn table with Sure Super track d 3 ROOMS 2784)140. Easy . Financing - 440 TNT - ' TNT - ' Volmont Nordick 335 Oly N MOTOR 374-665- PIANO trade on T.V etc. PIANO WANTED 3 set SACRIFICE! Like new $150 buy ALL or PART. 40-i$88 COMPLETE SMALL console. $300. piano, PEN 4Q1 E 17th So. Terms. 2233 S. 7th E ash closet With bevelled HAMMOND organ Model M-only $795. Like new. 2050 S. 700 East.j Headquarters" "Ski-Do- o 65 Musical Instruments LEAVING must town, sacrifice $1,500. Super base Marshall amp., $260 Maxitone dual pickuo ouitar, $250. Kent dual base ouitar, ail for 1045 SOUTH MAIN POLARIS 67 Boats and Motors SNOWMOBILES $1,000. 66 Sporting offer you the best snow machine tor vour own ue. if you are thinking of snowmobile this year come out and let us show vou the reasons why we have the best machine for vou. We have a machine designed and enaineered for Intermountam snow conditons. r Don't buv trouble this winter, buy tun and trouble-fre- e q enjoyable vear. We 2 Ea. 21 ft. Hdtps., 40 hrs. USED SKIS front yard sale . All Ea. 18-f- t. Ea. 179 Ea. 17-f- t. 1 laminatsizes, metal, fiberglass ed, ski boots buckle tie bmdinqs 10 anqle step-release, matched sets. Buy skis, boots, bindings as 1st come, (ow as $35. Accessories. 1st serve. Sat., Nov. 7th 9 a.m., 4 blks. north of 5 points, 1115 So. Mam, Bountiful. GUNS -B- SELL! TRADE! 2 1 165-b140-h- Hdtps. Outboard, 135-h- this POLARIS MUST GO! ALL 24 hp., 26 hD hD-' 4Q hD.. SEAFUTE CORP. UY! 3363 S. 6th Expert, s gunsmithlng on rifles, and pistols by Swiss trained Kurt Blumer, 250 S. WOLFE'S, State. SHOTGUNS: 3" Mag. pumps 12 or 20 ga. $69 95. Big discounts on others NEW end USED. 20 pet. off on shells. Heavy duck hunting coats, $13.50 now $.95. Terms. reg. Trades. We buy guns. P-GUNSHOP 736 N. 2nd West RUGER No. 1 .270 with 7l,a Leopold Scope, $235; Reminqton 591, 5 mm Maanum with Weaver Remniqton scope $50; Weaver scope, $35, call between 10 a.m. om. jnd6. RIEKER douDle ski buckle boots good cond., si2e 9'b C, $30. Hemke red plastic buckle ski boots, like new size 8': B, $45. J. Brown after 9 a.m. weekdays after 5 p.m. KOFLACH buckle boots, size 8, 185 CNd,71.e,ahlnSSKJl''ll:r..b,lrEin?lA West 5665 S. cludes two 1971 2 snow suits with fur hoods, 2 pair boots, trailer and taxes. Total cost; ' -- ' $1,886.23 , Offer oooO as lonq as suddIv la.1v., State St. Bank Terms WE BUY USED OB GRAY MOTOR ENGINES and East 556 MARINE ... SEE WHY .,r,0Me SNOWMOBILES NEW USED WORE & CLOTHING ACCESSORIES RACING GOODIES HOP UPS' PARTS . , - CLOSEOUT Arctic FROM : 340, 399, 440, 634, 760, 793. Toe year of the Cat! $795 ALOUETTE The famous Canadian snowmobile. Available at Monroe 130 S. Machinery. 4th Weil, Dealer franchise available. Don Norman and Main, Sprlnqville, 2038 S. SUNN 100$ amp., $700. Mosrite low elec, guitar $300. Call aft. 5p.m hol0 LUDWIG DRUM SET with carrying cases used very little $350. Call BOAT STORAGE ANCHOR MARINE CO. 700 East South' on discounts motorcycles 295-1155 Vy THE SNOWMOBILE BY 1968 YAMAHA With AM The Deoendibilitv, Perform', ance, and Quality The "Mercery" . , Implies. , ANCHOR MARINE !MLN, 15' and trailer SEAFL1TE W i.O. like new, $1,995, Dr1(1255East)262-5380EVINRUDE motor, 16' SoTurner SavaTJargeSmventwv7Lf and trailer, boat needs repair. 3868 So. 4220 West. SAILING sloop, retractable PRIVATE party wit! fade nearly new Spmet piano for good used Baby Grand. JR boat, Continental engine 16x6' Used Spinet Pianos from $299 elec, starter inci. trailer, $4(0. SOUTHEAST KIMBALL MUSIC See at 3960 West 3120 So. CENTER 2166 S. 9th East CHURCH type organ with speakers AIR boat, 125 ho. motor, good cond. $350 full price, terms. 2233 S. 7th Cali 278 4153 or 17 East. GLASPAR hull and fra 'er, . $450phone,2-l44lBEGINNERS Qood elto sax, $90 or beaut. shao bfst offer 16x16 West 8th South. LS-- 1 CHRYSLER sai boat with custom trlr. yrs. Old. 264)427. LUDWIG drum set sparkle green BOAT senaraf' STORAGE. 10x20 tike new or umt. Call ELEC. 9uisr and email amplifier 189 5EAFLITE, 130 10, 2, 50, 1605 $25. Beck St. WURLITZER organ, excel, cond., ?E RKE LE'nTfrDrjnictcrvr.e. S7y. r?H after5 p.m. ELEC, guitar and amo Excellent BpAT.refinjshinq ,eoairi.;,iT , condition $75. 1971 S. 8h W. W-m- . VI r Snow-- , for the SNOW SHOW SPECIAL oniy, 1971 634 wide tracks. Were $1429, Now SI, 265 Package Specials, Terms. WASATCH SHADOWS SPORTS E.4510$outh SPORT SHOW SPECIAL Johnson skee horse New 437 cc Lite Trac. Reg $945 Now $695, Limited Quantity. THOMPSON .MARINE W. Main, KaysviMe SACRIFICE Two Ary Weave's 4679904 7 O v Motor Sportsland State 4001 S 69 CfiRICrOS KONI Omega Rapid old. Phone after Olid EflUIDfRARt room color and bia'cVanA white, 2 lenses, analyzer, canoe etc., $125. Phone after 8:30 DARK ROOM"EQUIPMENTr Erlarw Per, timer, dryer, etc. $I00' fnOxB, S7S. We need qood used cameras, etc. w 4TH FLOOR CAMERA-D235 S. Mam DARK KODAK retina reflex s, wide angle and telephoto lenses. ' . and Diamond KAPAT diamond 3 2450 SKI-DO- Best in service. Parts, snow clothes, accessories. AND LOWEST PRICE f j S350, ,r so.fel,r oeaea -- - COMPARE RUPP t'" S3M6S4 FUN AND INCOME IN YOUR SPARE TIME DEMONSTRATING SNOWMOBILES. WE FURNISH ' ALL SALES MATERIAL. IS ONE NEW UNIP ATCOST. ext. 301 TODAY.- -' 70-Je- accessories . 5oq entire fomily. G & L equipment boat 1528 SO STATE So00 CQ:; Temple SNOWMOBILES snowmobiles, and access., SNOWMOBILES V MERCURY $945 $795 $259 $395 $459 52. 0 8. 500 West, Bountiful 751 241, INSIDE STORAGE for boars, campers and trailer, 689 So. 2300 ' t '. SPORT SALE- S- 4 tN$IDE.277-643- 1664 Utah SALES, PARTS, SERVICE (RENTALS) Free suit with purchase' AND Huoe Rlver,On' VsKiTjoo' 105 W. No. Temple ?Hc FOLLOWING item Is beinq SKIP'S SPORT & MARINE sold to the highest bidder to settle 4708 Holladay Blvd. (23rd E.)276-262estale: HydroSwift boat and 100 motor. trailer hp. Evinrude NEW SNOWMOBILES Call Continental Bank and Trust FOX TRAC OR SKIDADDLER ex,. 373. 197 FIBERFORM, BELOW DEALER'S COST the very Lioqest boat for the money. Huge STARTING AS LOW AS from $3,500. Don Becksfrand Ma- 1733 S. Mam. nne $595 FOR 297cc 15" TRAC VENTURE SAILBOATS SPECIALTIES SPORTS t. 392 East 3900 So. sleeps 4, base price $159$ ECONOMY SCOOTER SALES 117 E. 6th South, 3 F. P. CYCLE 17 p GULFSTREAM outboard, Merc. 1458 SCJTH MAIN rear cover, hdtp., tank, stereo. OPENING SALE BOAT STORAGE North Joe's Lawn Mower and Repairs, OUT USED SMOWMOBILES Arctic Cat Panther, Arctic Cat Panther, Wankle Arctic Cat, Kohler Eng. Rupp, 20 ho. Good cond. Skiroute Elec. 1970 1969 1965 1969 1969 Sore, 816 Utah. . v Double A Camper and Trailer Sales," Preston, Idaho, ACTION SPORTS and Motors . , SKIP'S. SPORT & MARINE Blvd, (23rd E.) at Salt Palace Show' !ntermountainArea's Leroes Dealer BARLOW'S player v ' 4708 Hottaday Will see Yqu COME OUT TODAY 2t -- PANTHER, PUMA, LYNX, EXT. K ALL MODELS IN STOCK ARCTIC CAT CATS 2100 South lnter?nT,La'nn.A;ee' & 67 Boats 51,191- S built, with rhythm, face etc. Save $200. erml. 2233 East. violin with EXCEL student case $135; Cello excel, cond Must aejl, GRAND PIANO, will rtfmiih any coior. Summerhavs Music Co 1343 So. Main. ASTIN Weight pano anothtr trade-in- . Will sell for cash or terms. Summerhavs music, 1343 S. Main. WAREHOUSE' PIANO SALE Make an offer! Vany fine bargains. Summerhavs Music, NICE, electric ouitar, ... SI SO range, 4425 So. 2nd West bsmt, Murray, aft. 6. USEO player piano 1275, rolls, bench Included. Tvftns, 2233 $. 7th E est. STEREO TV combo. Cost $600, sacrifice $150. Lowest terms. 2233 S. 7th East. ACCORDION Scnola, good cond., 170 stand bass metronome music $295. Cali DRUM for Xmas, Silver Sparkle 2 cymbals and case. Ludwings, 'm I cvl 1968 21 ft. Dodge motor $0 t home. Sf.T'V"1 579$ Completely ,rack twin including elec., TV, stereo, king Used W'i" start at $595. bed, etc., cost new over $13,000. 1751 West 35u0 South 1968 19 ft. Centurion speed boat, luxurious In every detail, AMERICAN cost new over $7,000. SACRIFICE COMPLETE $12,500 RECREATION CENTER See at 1070 South Main FALL CLOSE-OU- T CHAPARRAL- HOUSEBOATS CRUISERS The machine that's won every maAil new and used boats jor grass race so far this' Priced to sell yeqrj See our special package: Price' inCENTURY MARINE CO. 9.Good cond. S. 7th , twin cvltner twin cylinder tw,r cylinder twin cvlinaer SPORTSMAN'S DREAM! 2, 404 N. 2ND WEST cm Alta Master wood skis Miller bmdinqs, Koflach buckle boots size 57 I Street. FREE ORGAN LESSONS? USED SKIS. BOOTS POLES, Buy, ALL MARINE MUST BE 50LD AS LONG AS YOU LIKE Sell, Trade or Rent. 5 wks., $13.95, Starcraft Boats Mercury Motors vou register in our SKI No obligation, no reoistration. Just 1 used 14'2-ftrl., $470. come every Thursday mqht. Call SCHOOL, we wifi NOT CHARGE SKIP'S SPORT & MARINE VALLEY ORGAN CENTER, for use of ski outfit. 4708 HolladayBvd. (23rd E.JJ78-262LIKE new metal skis buckle boots 171Vft. 1964, perfect bindinos and Doles. SPECIAL SELECTED PIANOS Never used. GLASTRON 0 Mercruise, twin Consoles end spinets, VS once; In- Male adu - size, $125. Sea at 117V cond., tanks, lights, all gauges, caroeted, cludes 6 free lesson, music light East 200 So. Mooring cover, top and side curmetronome and bench, HEAD Masters 180 cm, tains, outboard brackets, $7 300. otter limited ouentltles, ACT special NOWI offer, r Kovach oq)d So. 31 East. ' WUSC 1) ,D.YNE boots, narrow, 145 5- - Hate St. 3 MINT COND. cfrrv. Charoer boat, " 105 HP Chrvs. tTltr., conv, top , trlr. ak! outfit,1 complete HEd with LIQUIDATING clothes and woman's wood rtcls, side and aft. stereo 29 gal bow tank speedo tach. air horn, skis, DRUMS GUITARS complete outfit, used once must rope and pres. Must sell. Will sac. BAND INSTRUMENTS seil, nfica. At Wholesale Cost HEAD 360 skis length 210. Used UTAH'S BEST BUYS about 10 times. Excel, cond $75. The Music Centre 219 S. 5th REINELL & HYDRO-SWIF- T Ask for J oj 0. PRAdCE PIANOS Thomason Marine Kavsville BUY, SELL, TRADE GUNS from $75 uo DUCE east Kimball Music Center 350 SOOTH STATE 68 Snowmobiles 2144 S. 9tti East 3 SKEET guns, Browning oven-g20 ga. or 410 ga. under, 12 YAMAHA ORGANS UTAH'S LARGEST DEALER GRANGER MUSIC KNEISSL Red Star skis stiii under guarantee, excel, cond. with or without bindings, CHRISTMAS LAYAWAYS SKI outfit $30, inci. boots (8) Miller instruments bindinqs, poles and skis. 2014 East THE GRANGER MUSIC 1 ARE 9th South ABSOLUTELY for highest prices BROWNING superimposed The Panthers, Puma's And Lynx shotgun of reoardless pianos condition. 12 Utah. ARE ALL HERE AND ROARING ga. Ogden, FREE estimate end movino. SLC Mon. and Tues TO GO AT BOTH OUR BOUNTIFUL AND SALT LAKE SHOWbolt $15, action, SHOTGUN, MAGNATONE ROOMS. amplifier. guitar 3941 4100 South, new. West like Piggy beck, I 15" Fender speakers, phone 2 channels, reverb, end tremolo. HEAD skis, , standard, good cond Height, 5', for $245. 1 used 2 short seasons. Cell SEE YOU AT THE ASK about our p plan with or lessons. SALT PALACE SHOW LADY'S Jetstar ski boots, size 91 2 SOUTHEAST KIMBALL MUSIC paid $75 will accent offer. Men's Where the BEST DEALS ARE CENTER. 2166 S. 9th East size boots, MUST sell Cretsch MADE; Not Talked Aboufi drum set. 7 MOSSBERG .243 rifie bolt action drums, 3 cymbals, high hat, seat, scope, $100. and accessories. $400. See et 3051 S. with MUST sacrifice 20 ga. sftotaun Renv 23rd East, downstairs. inqton, excel, cond. SMALL piano from tlderly lady, exPRO-Lin- e golf clubs, slightly BOUNTIFUL SALT LAKE actly like new. Bargain farms. 2233 1970 used. Call for details. S. 7th East. 410 S. 500 W. 6835 S State COMBO organ 66 kevs, 7 octaves HART Javelins XXL 205's, $150 with of bass, like new, cost $660 new, Nevadas $200. make offer. GUNS S0.06 with scope. SKI-DO- O VITO clarinet, $60 or best offer. 3 Savage 12 ga. 440. mos. old. excel, cond. 2014 East 9th WOMAN'S laminated nkis. boots and South, II ke new. Parker NEW speaker box, never used, 3'i BROWNING 12 qauae auto. 3" mao-nuft. toil, ft. wide, will mount $150. speakers free. 8)00. 640's & 440 T.N.T.'s Are Here MORE CASH FOR GUNS. GUILD elec, guitar and amp., excel, EXPERT. SERVICE REPAIRS AND $150 or trade for gun. Chris 8. Dick's, 1555 W. 3500 South cond., MODIFICATION iqprXm t YAMAHA DEMO SALE Goods -- $28.88 Seat, Coffee Table, - 640 TNT AAAI 704 Columbia Lane 6 Provo. MATTRESS Living "776" Blizzard r 775 399 Oly 359-321- 1 clocks, antique furniture, SPRING. MATTRESS, ski equipment, Danish mod-er- n FORMICA DINETTE WITH 4 PAD-DE- rmsc.,furniture. Musical . Instruments 3488 Miltcreek Circle. 65 EZ TERMS. CHAIRS, WANTED reddish mahoq. dresser FREIGHT OUTLET, 91 S. Main or 1080 E. 21st Sooth, Sugar bdrm- - PieCeS 10 THE big deal about House. matcha4-90lt76- r Pianos is not that they are the oniy Commerical-Typ- e made in Utah, WHICH pianos .0hD CASTLE 1 THEY ARE, or that they are the 0LeslieAve. (2620ANTIQUES 4 S.). made for this climate, r ear,y room only pianos WHICH THEY ARE. Nor even that se. Smart striped ticking you save hundreds of dollars on Heavy-dut- y BEAUTIFUL puma organ, $200. innerspring unit freight, salesmen's commissions and dealer profit, WHICH YOU DO, or SHOPPE that we never pay for concert art2016 S. .ANTIQUE East ists endorsements, WHICH WE Twin or full DON'T. No it's something box much spring Matfnq ame low price more important than that. It's this 64 TV, Stereo new piano soundinq board, that House Holiday we've invented that makes all other Robert. 420 X, professional console pianos obsolete. You lust DOWNTOWN WAREHOUSE NEW stereo taw recorder reversing have to heAr It. It has richer, solid state, reverse programming, STORE deeper, sound even than many Remote Autp. servo level Don't waste time, pianos. grand 2nd S. and 2nd West unit included. Precision fhb;ol 1 make beeline for block west of Salt Palace cabinet Included. A very sophisticated machine. Sacrifice. Call colBUNK BEDS, ASTIN-WEIGH- T Barrie TV. ored hospital bed, maple chairs, chests rockers, china closCOLOR TV CLOSE-OU- T ets, odd kit, chairs, freezer, oriental rug, sefa couch, bedrm. Iibing rm. ,S,CJ,S"sq,'ln-- . bl9 deluxe kit. sets all ktnds vacuums range now $333. For further 120 W. 3300 SOUTH refrig., coal heater 1025 $. State information on closeout models con-ta- We know we have the sma'lest piano Dennis. R. C Willey & Larry 861 factory in the country but Boyl you E. 6600 South, .Sons, SICK OF HIGH PRICES? listen to that sound I Yourself. Come In end Check Out Our Deals, At. KAN ELL'S TV t. APPLIANCE 71) S. 2nd West 0 "640" Blizzard at 3rd East 1 fasa'aixwr- - Guaranteed Best Deals; Prove It To OFF! Salt l ake City CONDITION LIV. RM. Ley away' 'foT Christmas BEpV.OX Cat 6th South Sofa 266-150- Low Down Payment Guns Unlimited Antique French CALL 599 $5.29 USED GUNS TO A!. EXCELLENT Ski-D- oo - SALE - back SALE $500. Guaranteed Guns . . . Utah's Largest Selection . . . New end Used Guns DollarTradeforYourGuns! Top V Trunks, silver AND MANY COLLECTORS' IIEATSTnSiTlJRPX.'. NOVEMBER za BRIGHT alfalfa hay In barn. Lee D, BUILDING TO BE Palmer. 10085 S. 1000 West. Used car lot type 11x14 fL, storage area 55 Farms, Garden Produce at 23 E. 21st South. Lowest Prices V 1970 SINGER 1970 SINGER LEOPARD SKIN V V 5 8 REASONABLE. Z26S East 6525 South. REFRIG, and ranges, $24.95 up, TWO Speed Queen washers and sofa, $19.95, MIN. AMERICAN ESKIMO PUPS. TV, $29.95, dryer, dr'ers; 2 adjustable hospital bed $29.95, upright freezer, gas dryer, spt.iqs; J9 oniy 3vx4 box springs; Litne White balls of fluff. Shots. oil oas neater, oas wail 16 bed frames with 27 mattresses; heaters, SKIMP KENNELS, Draper furnace, upright piano, teak ualt single or lot bids accepted ohnne AKC . rea. .miniature d Schnnzer panels, sofa, upnqht Jim Karr 0 or 259 for aopt. Puppies, 2 litters to choose from. butane double piano, cylinder, Summit Park. kit. sink, apt. gas range, wheel. Call SIAMESE KITTENS, red' point, tor-ti- e chair, coal range, port, dishwasher, office desk, easy spin dry washer, pemt, seal point, shots. ronrite ironer built-i- n range, bunk Zip $29 50 Repossessed. bed, gas ranse heater comb., bath- cash or port.. $5 mo. Buttonholes, etc. PUREBRED ST. BERNARD tub, etc. Guaranteed AKC, 6 wks., $100 ea. TRADEWAY STORES, 1318 S. STATE PCIfPifS' USED FURNACES 266 3990. t GAS, OIL AND COAL ENGLISH Pointer- - pups, pointing New furnaces, $156 and up. Preseabirds, also English Setter, cross, son, used air conditioners. Proctor-S- i 1 479 E, 21st South lex, solid-statGERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIESTo blander, only $12 88. Also VACUUM CLEANERS wks req. mother, reas. price. 3580 blend- 12 unclaimed S. 3340 West. 298 2)92. bowl, large 56-oHoover repairs Eureka; sc. $4.95 to full GERMAN Shorthaired Pointers, AKC i95 State er, Only $9,88. 4 price.Wi!liarns,1635$outh reg., mo., good hunters, 4187 West BEAUTiFUL remnants at the Rem4)00 South. nant House, 560 So. State. Enough AKC MIN. SCHNAUZER puppies, yardage in velvets for sofas and 3' i months, shots, ears cropped, STATE 1050 S. and throw chairs, bedspreads 60Lavton. Also Xmas items. AKC Irish Setter puppies, excel, pedSTEEL 4 Call eves. wks. old. igree, 61 Appliances ANGLES, CHANNELS, BEAMS, BEAUT, AKC req. German shepherd BARS, SHEETS, RODS. A GOOD 9 excel, VARIETY OF LENGTHS. colors, puppies, wks., markings. REG. German shorthair pups. Excel, blood line. 4th 5 7h West AKC Toy Poodles, apricot, 1 male, 1 female. Call 4 CUTE puppies, $5 each. 4844)781. Brand new East African Leonard SALES 925 Mark Ave. (2625 So.). skin coat, lust valued bv reouted furrier at S2.500. Will conS. TEMPLE sider less. Luxurious 54 Hey, Grain, Feed beauty like iis incressinqly difficult to obtain. Call 487-594- 8 CHOICE 'daho hay, alfalfa and also Hay Co. grass, hay, U and omv Boor, refrig., Idano. Will Burley, deliver anywhere. REPOS-SESSEGOLDEN TOUCH 'N $1 SEW, CHOICE ALFALFA HAY. bale, Used 2 mos. Cost customrefrig., 2dcor, freezer wire tied. Mr. White, 2901 Kenwood er, $419; $49 cash or $5 per mo. bottom. No Frost Reg. $299. SU will deliver. anytime. PURE Blue Grass Hay, excel, for horses, $25 ton. BlUE GRASS FARMS, 9600 South 2700 West, chest freezer 7uv lbs. Sliflht damage. Req. $249. delivered. 1.50 par TOUCH AND SEW reoos., walnut CHOICE hay cabinet, 'equipped" to zi9zag fancy bale, 20 bale mim. Balance $43 20. Terms GRASS hav, $25 ton; alfalfa, $1 bale. stitches, et big e: available. 1 2 KETCHUM'S KETCHUM'S Make a list from vour neighbors, put all these items to- -' REMODELING! All floor samples gather m one garage. Sit down must go! Substantial cost reouc bv the telephone, call tions: Sofas, chairs, fades, h An adtaker will help you word teve seats, lamp, carpet, rte ad, explain charges and indoor plants, art and decor . . . you are on vour wav presto THE HOME PORT In beautiful walnut Repossessed to making some good hard cash. desk with drawers, built-i- n ztg zaq, IN HOLLADAY SQUARE does ail types of decorative 2 HoUaday Blvd. For Best Results always ollace vour mo.487-742ad for at feast seven times (this t, war you set a soecial rate). All 63 lightweight ste I Antiques drums. friction lids. Suitable very simple, isn't it? for food storage, will hold about 200 lbs. of wheat. 50c ea., price reducGET IN THE HAB.T tion for quantity purchase Pick up USE AND READ THE Plant- - 6800 s- WANT ADS f One GUN STORE! friends and. Furniture Clearance Sale! KETCHUM'S 4th So., 7th West Brand New IS UTAH'S Number no Sor.Qcr of use to vou. Someone FURNITURE ANNEX needs these articles and will pay' 412 So. 6th W. Block E. of Mam Store you soot cash. SHORT LENGTHS 2x4, 2x6. 2x8. 2x10, 2x12. SOME TIMBER MATERIALS, 4x4 to 12x12. Snowmobiles 168 Guns Unlimited SOFA JJ9.50 S1UDIO COOCHES $69.50 ADMIRAL COLOR TV $399.00 BASSETT COCKTAIL TABtES ARMLESS STATE SO f66 Sporting Goods DEALS $29 93 $5.95 INSTALLED Sculptured nvion with pad and stallation, $4.95. Berven fair and warmer, $12.95 stalled, several cciors. many roll ends and remnant ' SIZES $16-$18-$- Ml 62 Furnitur nylon, perfect quality, dftti TIRES Why Buy Retreads? $83 32. ADAMS 46 Sporting Goods BARGAIN LIQUIDATION Y SNOW PLANTS. 9S4 W. Pttl CARPET NEW 62 Furr.itir Appliances PUSHBUTTON GE eiectiC ranqe) clock timer, deluxe, ihahhyl Rabbit. fUb WRIGHT'S TROPICA' S TROPICAL 61 1978 9 r. J karat,' 3t3-7i- LEOPARD SKIN 'M' ; Brand new East African leopard skm length crat just va'ued by reputed furrier at $2,500. Will less. Luxurious beauty itv ,i,,icu" w Can -- .. Building Materials i KUCKlOAD 2x4 8'. studs 2x3, 2x6 utility No Zx,J M SALE fir with special bed, (xl2 pine boards ... ....... '18 pine boards or 8' furring slrips Psh, " ""fENCNG Polaris Chaaw"Tnowbil,s with dbl. trailer and covers, never 4x4 Post used. SI ,600. Center iiile, pecky c.'dar lxx-- ' Utah. pme boards 4x8-GRAND pq tic particle bd, 3 15" America's fines 440 wide track e iec-- 4'f rL ' ' Est Your 8!dq. Needs req. $1,695, special 91,295. Barlow's LUMBER SERVICE INC. 6835 -. State, SNOWMOBILE repairs, all makes I f4 S. 6th West and mode's. Snowmobile Specialties, NEW CHANELS AND ANGLES 3687S. Redwood Rd. 4 , 4 , S ', i" chanels, 1970 640cc TNT " Z- and 3' 7" anoles. Toe. olus sinote trailer and maxe offer, Small orders velcome. WASATCH SAL-iMETAL AND VAC-205 West 3300 So. 984 3511. ,NEW Skiroule 15i" track, ies$497. Dnmonstratars ' A'KS' 0r0 's- Kenneth E. Smith Co. "Main. , in Downey, Idaho. rR. 2 )69 ARTIC Ca used steel, glass, ptoe, doers, and 634cc 51 N, winnows, a cm timber, Wreck no. 0 S. 10th West. J76 5477 3 reed m:nor repair, 0RY SURFACE lumber, $3D and do! fraer. mou and. Slao'L, lumcer. rounh USED dbl. snowmobile trailer, Irg. end havmgs tail e t'res. qood cond , 1605 Beck St 2140 Umiah Planing Mill, VAPOR Action Heber krk proofrms. 3 4. soerts. BOW string roof trusses, 7 of SNCWVOBILE them, fiberaiass reoeirs make c "r. Mos m v Inc 1971 S. 8'h W.j87 1204. 50 ft. immedtate'v Cook Inc, MOTO SKI Sales. 6533 Sa S afe. J4 E YWOODA UTO, Ka vsvJte $9; L!KE io' 7v ?? sn- - u aletoh, ctt?e u u k teats two. 16C5 Beck St. Acmt Fence 3310 So. West lemp'e; J W n |