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Show SC The Salt Lake Tribune, Saturday, November 7, !22 Furnivied Rooms 137 '19 Business Opportunities i20 Unfurnished Apartments 17 Men Wont Work JR. ACCOUNTANT 7,000 OIL PAINTINGS SECLUDED BEAUTIFUL AND WOODED yrs, good business experience, from Spain. 7 be sold at once. All Sales exper., above average eo'lity sizes on stretch frames. Truly outAREA NESTLED ON THE B4NKS Must s;c?.t. entire lot. and imative. Will go the ''extra standing. OF LITTLE COTTONWOOD Call let's discuss Here is your oportunitv of Can be purchased for freight your needs. CREEK IS and duv cos's. Will consider all ofMAN retired on a disability desires fers. Estate Lidu.oetar, Harry Mar work that can be done at home. dimes, 46Z b. in o west, S.L.C. ftui Will conVery good handwriting. 7 5 eves. or sider anything. PAINTING -i- o oct. off! Uc., free THE ULTIMATE IN CONTEMPO- Un'urni-hs- d est. 2779189. Apnrts. TWO BEDROOM, RARY LiVtNG. APARTMENTS With LkccnoIuc 18 Schools & Training YOUR VACANCY NOW FREE BOOKLET Answer, Questions About Careers es and Medical and Dental Assistants Medical Receotionists The Bryman School 3rd East S. 521-283- . . . wkemds. 0 COMPUTER SCIENCE COLLEGE Call or write for free brochure KEYPUNCH COMPUTFR PROG. ACCOUNTING COMPUTERIZED TRAINING REAL VARIOUS COURSES START EVERY SCHEDULES ALSO SHIFT TUES., and H S. diploma (No age hmi math not required.) 344 S. 4th East Wxends., eves., Mrs. Milouf, 2667253 'Talt lake city college of MEDICAL & DENTAL ASSISTANTS MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST N A T.T S. Member Accredited Eligible for federal insured loans. Free Brochure Sent on Reauest. Classes now tormina for February. .4870617 624 South Main Business Schools ter month rental vou lose $29.16 per week for every week it remains 4. Many linen closets. 5. Carport with storage. Avoid This Loss Aix crime wave For es little as DIAL 5 521-35- 3 TORSHIP units. 380 EAST 3360 SOUTM. built-- 1 new $125 DELUXE car ins, carpet, drapes, 1473 OK. child Small port, Just say "Charge it" Lincoln.484-7326- AVAILABLE FOR SALT LAKE CITY OR THE STATE OF UTAH The new exciting Factory Pack Aumaiortomatic Brush Car Wash andinformaFor further gasoline tie-ilion and appointment write; Nation al Oil Corp. 2060 West Coalfax, Denver Colorado, 8094, or call collect, JM)J3i?248. THINK CAREER on Independent businessman. Texaco has a groat business opportunity for you. Call George Meldrun, or Gary Anderson, 328-O- S 11; offer 5, e MOTEl & CAFE, ROOM HOME, Phone MANTI 3 BED- 835-561- 1 YOUR BE FOR SALE & OWN BOSS advertised a ARNOLD PALMER DRY CLEANING CENTER FRANCHISE for as little as $15,000 cash and balance fiFranchise nanced. by American Laundry Machinery Industries, diviLocaCo sion of McGraw-Edisotions available. Contact Evans ComS. 1450 West Sales mercial Laundry Temple, Own nationally HOT CANNEL FOODS Campbell - heinz Take over - horwel established Investment, refundable. and tolly Jecured yr. profit. Bv C.P.A. protecor full time. P.O. tion. Part-timBox 757 SIC 84107 or call 2620550, No sellino. accounts. . dmoos- - LARGE disl.washer, al, $150, 433 4th Avenue. NEW TOWNHOUSE APARTMENT $175 MAPLES PETS ACCEPTED town house style apt. Fireplace, V't baths, drapes, incl. shag ruqs throughout, built-in- s dr .hwasher. Private landscaped patio, swim pool, laundry facils., carport. Quiet residential ioc. 200 EAST MAPLE ST. (4850 South). PRESTJGEOUS LIVING or Furnished Apartments 21 fr NEWER APTS. carpeted,$75. furnished, draped, stove, refrig., carport, storage, married couple preferred. 180 Cwst. Mflr Nc 7, after 5, jwkdays. VICTORIA HOUSE BERYL 5 rms., i bdrms., real deluxe, pets, drapes, air cond., carport, N wa er ' tf ier. sic c' d. Only $150 Adults, ready Nov. Ith. VALLI-H- I FURN. OR UNFURN DULTS 299 Canter ..... ... un.et s we till vour va- cancy and usually we can get a better price for vour rental units, thus making our service treq. vj-iot- f 364-436- UD bdrms.. pleasant HOUSE FOR RENT EAST decor. 12TH 3530 S . 3 620 East 2 semifinished 2 baths, bsdroom, beautiful rooms in basement. $200 Call Bill Cocorims, per month eves. COMFORT ft SEEING IS BELIEVING apt., carpets, drapes, rancp, refriq., auto, washer, only $115. 851 new fully call or Town-hous- e carpeted and draped, disoosal, Vi baths, fireplace, aas and water furnished, carPOTATO Whse. and Grain Elevato". port, private patio, Inquire at 3050 10,000 Bu. Grain storage. 50,000 or 3060 South 3rd East. Gram storaae. cleaning Sack potato 2 B D R M. $1X0 duplex carpets, and rolimq eautpment, truck scales, etc. All strateaicalty located on RR stove refrig., bsmt., laund. hookAve. siding and hiqhwav frontage, Eastups enclosed patio. Real Estate To see call ern Idaho area, Shield Co. PO. Box 2194 (208) 523 95704 MO. newer View of city, lovely $130 Idaho Falls Idaho. New carpets, deluxe cond., heat incl. , gar. Small MATURE woman to share deluxe drapes. Cottonwood. AGGRESSIVE DEALER United Bond. child OK. $1953 BDRMS., SOUTHWEST with Gulf station furn. apt. $90 mo., interchange Marsh Realty NICEST new sifln aots., $70 N TOWN, dean 3 rms. park-- i high-ris- e in Evanston, Wvo. $160 close to town and U. All extras, Adjoining car wash. No state inlexet must see to appreciate. 127 Lincoln ing, couple in over come tax. Only Gulf on IOC mi. Small Investment St. (950East). Call required. PH: S15C 422 SOUTH 1 2TH EAST , rm dad JUST completed, 2304)00 sg. tt. enSPARKLING NEW no children r nice $70 N. Main St.. No. S.L. closed mail shopping center. 112,000 Lara,, 36F 5976. pets. APT.', LUXURY Trade Area Population, 79 pet. NaCLEAN, SPACIOUS DUPLEX can assume existtional Leases new caroev draoes and, Z',1 Fmt 3rd South, East Sycamore Lane (4700 So.) ing loans for eouity buy out Call oaint, air cond., garbaae disaos., rim. 1877 near biilinos Cottonwood Montana, Area Code 406, Mall. Newly carWi,h 'CHllDle75utils? ;356lOU,h m' or write P.O, Box S&JF Number peted and decorated, carport stor873, 20693, Billings, Montana 59102. CLEAN liv. bedroom apt., age, rm., HUNTER, Irg. dining $981 BDRM., fully caroeted and area. Tile batti with shower and BECOME a grocery coupon gistriou-to- r. 'draped. No smokers or drinkers, EXTRA closets. for appointment. Call with aot. vanity many 1156 E. 3300 South, No 3. to roommate share MALF . S Business Advisers Inc. FARMINGTON home, $80. For Ogden vicinity only. Small apt. 845. This dses not inciuoe Salt L a k City. 843 S. Roberta $lu5 duplex. FOR lease in hbe hook-u- p City. Well St. carpets laundry eoulpped cafe with beer lie. Ski drapes. season starts Nov 15. Recreational $62.50 VERY desirable expotential unlimited. Employment apt. close in IS So. 3rd East SLC, panding 3635140. Ret. Distributor for WHOLESALE drapes, csr- Miracie Bto Laundry Detergent. COMPLETE pets, appsy block north of state box. Excel, part-timPkod. Income. For into, write Bill Face, 3227 Liberty, Ogden, Ut. or oh. SOUTHFAST foe. $10C. after 5 o m Carpeted, draped, part utils. Adults njy.4869563. REAL opportunity to start vour own 1 BDRM. nicelv furn. a'l utils. profitable business. Breed PONIES OF AMERICA. Writeor caM St. 30 aT 4 Nicks Pony Farm, Woods Cross, Utah, Porsche VOLKS and specialty East repair service, excel, opportunity. Gross $50,000 yr. $5,000 cash. FARMINGTON home, $125 Mr. Remington; mo., built-ms- . sieve, refrig., carMr Green. pets, and draoes. DIV. mar. for sales and marketing ida1 for widowed or reof leadership proqnams on cassette tired col. Elevator, oar, oatio, 1 h Ave. tapes. NatM. Co. No travel, out- blk. to shopping center. standing earnings, investment req. $803 RMS., range 'efrio , heat P.M. Mr. Johnson. furn., will accept i baby. 359 East TOYS FOR CHRISTMAS yth South. Outlet or distributor wanted for new LRG. floor, off ground and toys, flying plastic airplanes, street parking, $85 oius lights 214 oiiders. Write to P.O. Box 11355 So. 8th east 84111, S.L.C., Utah. EXCEPTIONALLY clean car$65 EXCEL. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY, adults. 348 Reed Avx peted, fwlv oeaufy eauioped salon avail, for low price, convebuilt-in- s nient Highland Dr, loca., nr. 39th $90 and refrig. So. cbes. 1317 Brookshire. days. hot 40 ACRES Utah Lake uontaoe. 2 bdrm. NEARLY new Range, sorinas harbor, culinary deep refrig., carport. $145. water avail. Priced right, good V'i ROOMS $65 plus l.ghts 1 chd terms. Frampton R.E. 449 North 1st West. mESTABLISHMENT 20, -okay.-- OCAr1T BOWLING Mr- hiwr terras, cafe, Ictmge, pro shop, 2fe5.ira-ber shop, terms. Cail Share bath. See at 1048 So. DON'T gamble. Excei. profit. New d East, No. 3 proven coin-olaundry in SlC. Call mce Rose Park area, $105. or RIVE-IN- . NEW Best South Ogden S. East, ADULTS, $20 locat on. Site o' lease Ogd"' Bntfl., :2866. duplex, heat turn. no6THpets. ON EAST 61 SOUTH SERVICE STATION for s.rie, l?rd (rq. bdrm., tenant pay tis. buridmo business 501 E. 'h South. 875 caroeted, caroort. $135. 14 Canyon Road. COMPLETE package dry cleanina 2 bd-, piant. Completely installed ready foiled unis, paid Couple operate. only, no pets. AG STORE, excel, earnings, prkg., I BDRM. on 2 acres, horse, 860. new bldg. Murray, or acts. Call FULLY EQUIPPED cafe for lease. 1 AND 262 0912. SsndY area. 255 9958, east BEDROOM, carpets, Metal, end, GEORGE drapes, IT. 515-- th Ave., No. 4 terms vou can live with. ' - $uoi It's Perfect for Any Corporate or Headquarter Mam Office With Main Street IT TODAY STATE - Half Hitch By Hank Ketcham 4460 SO. 3200 WEST TAYLORSVILLE $16,200 TO $20,000 "BEAUTIFUL $24,400, immaculate brick attached great carport, southeast location on a circle of nearly new hemes. 3 big bedrooms, kttchen with all the a woman's built-inExcellent carpets end drapes throuohout. Shutters, lust a hint of EarylAmerican. Big private yard made for outdoor living. Cail BUILT AND DESIGNED BY witn Palmer's Building Co. OPEN DAILY 12 TO 7 Bill D'Eveiyn Craig Young ay Kingsley REALTORS 9 UNIQUE COME 1RUE In this immaculate split level near Valley Attractive floor plan, with multi-bat- h grocery $30,0001 hall pool Atty., OFFICE SUITES OR secretarial and Part-tim- e telephor-answenn- q desired. Draoes and carpetina, private rest T-Door-sidparking. Call Mrs. Fallentine, 445 E. 2nd South avail, FOR AND OVEO gcodi HOMES EAST END OF THE RAINBOW Stop shopping and start living. Cute rambler in choice location. Must see to appreciate. for Perfect growing family. Call ARMS 4460 S. 3200 WEST 3200 W. 4700 S. OPEN PH.: it LEASE 238 EAST SO. TEMPLE sq. ft., crime loc., reas. rent, excel, for env business or office, air cond., prka in rtar. Geo. A. Williams, owner, AVAILABLE for rent or lease, 3 offices with common recention area, air cond., carpeted and draped, ideal location, 555 E. South Temple. services and printing Secretarial for evaiiabie. Pleas call 900 appt. RIDDLE BLDG.Main floor, front and rear entrance, - Here Is a brand-nelisting which offers vou 6 large bedrms. ? baths, a din. rm. 2 plush carpet-inlandbeautiful and drapes scaped lot all under automatic spr. system swimming pool and locatedis in Country Club area. This home 100 pet. finished up and down and offers approx 5,200 sq. tt. of exwas quisite hvinq area This home appraised at $90,000, but owner is movina and has offered this beauty or for much less. Eves, call LAND LOVERS if you are looking for a clean, sharp brk. and cedar modern home with 3 bedrms. 2 baths, din. rm., built-iattached gar. situatkitchen ed on 1 acre of ground, took no further. Just give us a call and we will make arrangements to show you this lovely home. Eves, car or MT. OLYMPUS 2901 E. 33rd South 298-743- a FHA Sew suUilvis.ons 935 EARLY AMERICAN CHARMERS Bountiful Tod Location Rambler. Antique Finished Interior With 2 Fireplaces. Car- All peted Throughout. Electric EASY TO Room - Dial fenced lot. $32,500. Eves., Elsie Gold Nevms 27th Realtors Invesment Nr7sT. VINCENT'S CATHOLIC CHURCH W-- bedrooms, large liv. room end rec. room, 114 baths, 2 flreolaces, carpets oarage, air cond., and drapes, lovely yard, with patio., large sys. Call Bill Cocorinls, sprink. Eves, SUGAR HOUSE Realtors REALTY iv NAME YOUR PRICE" 8a EVERYTHING r 321 E. M Realtors CORP. ft UTILS, $ 120-A- LL 3 Irg. carpeted rooms ft JACK BURT R. LEE 574 L. brick beauty. Price $31,500 Low down and take over $135 per mo payment. 4 bdrms., 3 baths' with tile shower. Gobs of closets und stored., 5oarktlna family kitchen Lrg. amusement rm.. full bsmt. and orivate patio end back yard Dawn, Inc., Realtor E. 2nd South GARAGE east . for Of W. Adrion WRIGHT, INC. W. 5th South Realtors FOR SPECIAL PEOPLE ' CURTIS ' Grandma end qrendoa WOW!! OPEN . . A SPECIAL HOUSE prkg., plush office With 4 priOwner going. A lewel. , 46865 vate offices, 1,100 sq. ft., $28j OWNER SAID SELL NOW eves, , 314 S. 4th East. Is only for those whose This LINDSEY house REALTORS term a for long TENANTS wanted lease. Office end warehouse space demands and means arc beyond the SKYLINE HIGH AREA 5637 W. 3575 SOUTH adioining Leeway, 3.000 so. fL or 12ordinary. ROOMS, GAS REFRIGERATION of parking. more if desired, plenty 6 Immaculate Vacant Just listed 5 BEDROOMS, 4 BATHS, 2 home, Availabie Jan. 1st. Cal! 2W 4 beautiful& ROOM LIBRARY baths, rms., bdrms., HUGE LIVING Up, 2 on., large carpeted living rm. Mr. Gerber or Mr. Jensen. ly carpeted, draped. Double carport and dining rm., spiral stairs that BEAUTIFUL Va ACRE YARD and double qereae. FHA apprals. lead to a lively AND POOL 2540 SOUTH STATE family rm., 2 firedown plus closing places, $1,350 $23,900. CARETAKERS QUARTERS patios, shrub covered lot. DELUXE OFFICE SPACE, 2,275 4 costs. MINUTES TO THE UNIVERSITY Owner will on sell contract. air cond., excel, so. ft Refria. prkg., front and rear entrance. off-s- Realtor $13,950. Near South Hiqh School , C riumae Iasi, Inn n( Will sell completely furnished $14,950, $5,000 down. Call 141 2nd South Oldest LOWER AVES. 3 BDRMS., 2585 (E.) Maywood Dr. (2410 South) Ideal school location, 5 bdrms., 4 baths, large Hvinq rm. and rm. paneled, spacious rec. rm.dminq with Wet bar, neated, filtered ooo. Many extras. Piease call for apt. 132HEJ33rd So. Lake's 8 BEDROOMS, 3 BATHS' 2 fireplaces one in master bdrm. Wrouqh? iron fence around yard-- i partial apt. in bsmt. $2v,OGO. Con-tr- e terms. Kent or Jerry Realty NEAR or Edith Penrose, White E. 3900 Seuth BUY HOME Attractive South and 21st East. Brand-neliving carpeting throughout. Large room separate dining room plus basement apartment. Large brick double garage, completely 320 CIOSE AND "U." AVE. NUE LISTING, brick in ex4 cellent condition, 1 3 apts. furnished, 5 ronaes, 5 refnqs., 3 oarages. Always rented,, and shows qouJ re. urn. owner anxious for sale. THIS IS GOOD INVESTMENT at $27,500 ' Bountiful Brick with 4 Bedrooms, 3 Baths, Kitchen and Family Salt in Full Basement. Only with $4,000 Down. 2 near INLAND, INC; BRICK BUNGALOW 'tlose 3 Bathrooms and 3 Bedrooms withi LDf 2 bdrms., carpets and the 4th Roughed in m Full Bae-- J drapes. In very qooa condition on ment. Beautiful Wetbar Amusement street. $7,950. Quiet Room Plus Spacious Family Room.! $34,500 With Conventional Financ Evenings call 363 3239 mg or Will Consider Contract. Southeast Rambler X JUST LISTED brick rambler 487-178- 1 might have been a little leery of tfila dannq SIQn but those who think vo'jnq wilt appreciate the blendirq of the old new. Classic Mediterranean ,ntL stvllnq and modern total electnc make this Iwme one of the most stylish nahd I comfort Ab 18 of1 pie. year's heW 'tiorhas.v Cnty $3710. Southeast, . la. u MIDWEST REALTY i OPEN HOUSE BY BUILDER-- : IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY 2 to 5 p.m.. Sat. and Sun. ' Gortney Dr. 3009 So, GET A HORSE!!! (4215 W. 3100 South) . ' ir cond., perking REALTOR VACANT 486 2133 Or 2 can qraie es cheaply as I on See this new split entry brick wuh 1 pvt, bath, carpet, built-inand yes his half acre plus 2 bdrm. cottaae, carport, in Right Now Move even e sun deck, over 1,900 sq. ft. OFFICES ell for $9,500. Owner will carry conArea OPEN HOUSE of living space. FHA, VA terms, tract. Attractive suites, i, 2, 3 end 4 new car3 bedrooms, baths, w-$17,550. Will consider trades pho1 rooms, wood paneled, centrally loc. Drive View Vista full 1123 basement, garage. pets, or prkg. agent, at 2900 S. State, off-seves. SELL OR WILL CONSIDER LEASE Cal Bill Cocorlnis, business hrs. DELUXE OFFICES New shea crpts., dros., air cond., utils., prkg. next to Valley Bank. Reas. rent. 2520 - State. VALLEY PROFESSIONAL BLDG. 4 46741762 new 2nd floor FT. of office space. Will finish to suit ten- 1,800 SQ. $250 ant, air cond., plenty of prkg.,Minn-lure family rm. contemporary, main floor, swim. pool. Owner must make offer. and see sell, $63,500. - FAMILY TROUBLE? If vou are havinq trouble keeolnq OGDEN COMMERCIAL PARK out of one another's wav perhaps 1,500 to 10000 sa. ft., excel, loc., win is what you are lookfinish to suit tenant. Space avail. this ing for. Lrq. living rm., dinina rm., immedj486-8794- . red carpeted rec. rm., beautiful dbl. qaraqe, ba:, patio, deck, Mt. NR. FGOTHILL VILLAGE Olympus fenced pvt. yard. or Ideal space immediate occupancy area. 842 500. Cell Verla rent or lease. Estate Realty, Eva near SPACE freeway NEW OFFICE atr cond. ramps carpets drapes, 1343 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY . D r k g . 5 35S .2nd JM322 quality built brick ramOFFICE space for rent, 176 Scial Charming, iv Club acres, has evHall Ave. 2 offices, reception area. bler, in Count for family living formal Call erything space. Lots of storage V'i baths, dm. rm., 4 bdrms., walk-i- n DELUXE office space for pantry, oorgeous grounds. air cond. with emple parking. Will consider contract sate with small down and reasonable interest. Sugar House area, STATE Street office space evaii. in Call owner, BOUNTIFUL EAST BENCH different sizes. 5(45 So. State, By owner 5 bdrms. $ baths huge din. rm., paneled den, BRAND-neoffice bldg, for lease. Mv. rm., family rm , more then 4800 sa. ft. Sugar House will partition to suit comp!, finished $42,500, tenant. Dorothy, CLUl 6,0 sq. COTTONWOOD COUNTRY OFFICE and warehouse, 2 3 bdrms. AREA lrq. ft., office area ' air cond. 962 S, eth fam. rm., 2 firepi., dbl. baths, oar. cov. ar Live In JAMESTOWNI contemporary, baths, multiple charming kitchen with all buillnns. carpets and drapes thru-hu- t. brick, fireplace, 24' liv, rm., ExquisiteFireplace and down up big kitchen, full Dsmt., 2 baths, end attached progarage. amusement rm. I'll work terms for iwo-ca- r fessionally enclosed landscaoed, right buyer. patio many plus extras, Evenings COLT REALTY call Caveii or Dan A & B REALTORS, 278-287- 7 $18,000 BY S.L. 8 ' dD NEW LISTING Realtor REALTY Ed. Drier Home 4225 Park View Drive $85,000 Luxury 2,800 sq. ft .on mein floor, fie me. Apply John Nceleroan acre lot in Mt. Olympus Mkt, Park lease. or Sale South. 4th EAST 65 REALTORS BETTILYON on ground Offices or store space offices, floor. 2nd floor carpeted John Mr Call small. or large VIEW Young, 5213690 or262-583PHILLIPS Petroleum building 68 So. Unusual town house type home with Main, large choice of suite and sinview. Lge. master fantastic valley gle offices, paneled and carpeted bdrm. plus 2 more bdrms. family 2 fireplaces, carpets drapes rm., wood paneling, sprlnk. sys., exten1,200 FT. all or part, door side parkdrapes sive landsc., aid cond., kitchen and ing, air cond. 1 office wiin3325 So. and carpets, wiil remodel bathrooms carpeted. Lgc. sun deck city Sue St. valley. Southeast overlocking Pnce $36,000, NEW bldg, for rent or lease, 900 so. loc. 6 pet. mortgage ft. sa. 3,000 and ft. of office space If no ans. of warehouse, call STAN KATZ SUGAR HOUSE AN OLD HOUSE AN OLD STREET Beryl Ave. This old shaded old street bungalow on has character 'us and loads of Cali for potential. Only $12,500. detais- 24 COUNTRY CLUB 235 HOMES PUT YOURSELF Builder has 3. full bsmt. IN OUR PLACE homes ready for immed. occuoancv. Hurry on these. Call REALTY or You'll enioy the spacious brick arches 0PEN SATURDAY and over the windows in this new SUNDAY, noon till 6. brick home with 2 baths, carpets ranqe, disposer and full SUNBURST VILLAGE b'.mt. LITTLE 7100 S. 1300 West 3605 Bannock St. Country living on dead end street, Holmes & Jensers, Inc. on a la roe 4 BDRMS. Jot. Clean full basement home. A soerklino clean colonial In Tay$16,500. 5 Better hu y. lorsville near Meadowbrook Golf 6 PCT. MORI GAGE Course, 23k baths, family rm., dbl. MURRAY STATE REALTORS oarage, lots of extras, a rea' Unusual town house type home with charmer, 823,500. fantastic valley view. Lge. master H. BLACK, REALTOR bdrm. plus 2 more bdrms., family $35,000 262 3683 rm., 2 fireplaces, carpets drapes Pick vour decorating. New Mediterwood paneling, sprink. sys., extenranean home formal dining rm.. ESTATE SALE landsc. air cotd., kitchen and sive r , washer and dryer ,tairs. 3 brick home, beautiful Ave bathrooms carpeted. Lge. sun deck 2 baths bdrms. oius vanity in c,ose t0 shoopina overlooking valley. Home in the and master bdrm. schools apt. in bsmt. city. Price $36,000, JAGER REALTY & CONST. carpet, I bath upstairs sin-- I AN EARLY XMAS ??raae' crinkling system 518 Wekd,1'' Can b yours so easy with this spaBY OWNER cious split level. Family kttchen with built-in- , bungalow, new roof, new 2 ACRE large firepamt, fully carpeted end draped, too, place, $16,500, assume 6 Only CLOSE TO GOLF COURSE full basement. $12,000. Will sell on loan bal of at pet. $104 12,400 NEW HOMES contract, $2,000 down, $100 per mo. mn. west Hunter area. Call 821,500 to $40,000 8 pet. i"t. Poor credit risks need RAY BELLOS Giaz.er not apply. OPEN HOUSE eves. Sugar Realtors. House. 9300 SO. 2703 WEST TRIED, tg buy money machine McDougel Realty Not this BEAUT. BELLE MEADOWS lately? Too expensive? ene! Only $3,500 cash and assume Extra irg. lot, 3 bdrms. fireol. dbl. BY OWNER contract. Home wit rental. Intertor Is carport carpeted throughout, buiit-in- s cheerful nic with carpets AREA and lots of extras. Other buildpaneling. Modern kitchen, full bsmt. rambler. $2,000, drapes ing lots avail. Call Curt come In and look it over. Owner Ron, Ros Nor,h- prk K; UNITED HOMES tape,make offer. IMMACULATE BRICK HOME, LOVELY newer brick, 3 bdrms. blus 235 FHA HOMES EAST SIDE, 2 BDRMS. ALL new addition of another bdrm., LARGE ROOMS, 2 BATHS family rm. and bath, dbl. carport, ej', w call! We may have the $500 dwn. FHA. $135 mo. $14,950. area vou want. Low as GARAGE dishwasher FIREPL. style, 2276 S. 1360 W. United Bond. $75 mo. disposal, carpets drapes, sprink. LAKE HEIGHTS OFFICE . BY yard, lew 20s. , OWNER Beautiful view, 7 MIDWEST REALTY MR. SPANDRE, 2 baths dinina ample PEAK Double garage, unfinished IMPROVEMENT space. CHECK THIS walk-ou- t bsmt. into fenced yard. Excellent ioc. Holladav HolladaV fir V,rv fi for appointment. $25,500. 2 fireol., fro. hi hf kJ hay car&sTbuiM-mS- f folt bsrnt.7 2 furnaces. rlTltar"i,v MURRAY 6 for Pht.cal, Low down pavment on this new Lrq. patio, all comp7. fried.," sornk. home. 3uv direct from builder and DOWN FHA $1,350 Good mort to assume. $35,000. sys. save. 340 E Brahman (5470 S.) , oct loan. See anytime, 2- - JCi, brick In ' lo- - La rot coveredMurray's patio, emus. room. SJa"1 vard' ,?ro SOUTHEAST NEAR SKYLINE MIDWEST OUT A ft ft ft ft ft nr - re' Mi71" ft "ft &?& antfK! WP?,Vr. . Al "w fS'.'S E.'tW'rSihVrZ $2,950 J0h"s"' , brlrk rambler. 3 tile baths, 2 fireplaces, Irg. family kitchen f OWNER One big acre nice landscaped, garaqe, assume $23,800 home, 2 baths, full bsmt , loan it you Call Bill, good southeast location. Place for 278 1896 or Ren, qualify horses. Call after 3 BILL RINO, REALTOR, pjh, 225 FHA HOMES LOW INTEREST Brand new 235 homes with commitments to sell, American Realty Must sell mv loss is your gain, 3 Corp., 298 9031, bdrms., brick home, carpeting, draoes included. Located east bench area close to schools and churches BY OWNER, Hunter, upequity and take over 5A pet. stairs end f down, 2 firepls., car pav bank loan, call for appointpeted end draped, bsmt. 85 pet. fin- ment. ished, lrg. yd. with locked fence. MR. PERSNICKITY BUYER-- ' very clean. tif350. SOUTHEAST, 2 bdrms., trick, fire- Here's on that will please 'vodf whole family, 4 bdrms., 2 bahs place with bsmt. pt., dbl- oarage. Cali Eva "P" tented for mr Verl, '7,500 with $2X100 dn. on con-Estate Realty, -- Jracf, SUGAR HOUSE area, by owner", OPEN HOUSE brick, bsmt,, gar., ideal SATURDAY location for school and shoppinq, 2263 Roosevelt. 2 bdrms. f'M bsmt. call or real nice. $78,500. Anv type finance. BY OWNER $17,000. brick,! RealtyServ,ce full bsmt., Irg. lot and garaqe. Car- frp.Tb!lrmr. up! 2 JraBed- - 224 Eas ',50S Soum' family rm , bsmt., firepi., Irg, lend- BY OV4NER end fenced Call home. dble. scaped yard L567-056par., lanced yard, kitchen built-inL.or Provo, acres, flowing well, zoned for EY OWNERS spacious home. horses. $27,000 2 baths, iro family room, 3 fireplaces, oeautifuuy landscaoed in ASSUME 5'4,l clu'ive residential area. See ef 2484 3 bdrms., full bsmt., 3282 5. 7700West VIEW lot, brk., finished fep" bottom, CLEARFIELD, )i4 baths, 2 1,220 sq. ft., each fir., low Interest fin. bsmt., gar., sprn- - $'9,090. 1997 S. 150 West, Bounttul, fireplaces, I 79'-Jklers. Nr. schools, HAFR "MOBILE SEVERAL low priced hemes fg bf 1970 ' (TRADE HOME 6H bouse equity. j sold. Agent. BY '. vr ft ft 3 J i . TO TOWN BOUNTIFUL ari gt Realtors 1 phone hom! Sevel (NEW LISTING 1 APPROXIMATELY SO. FT. ON MAIN FLOOR. (Red brick rambler) 4 bedrooms, 2 baih. Living room 16 by 34 ft. Air onoi-- t toned. Very nicely carpeted and draped. This home is only is years old (Present cost of replacement is $15,00 per sg. ft.). Call or . Eves. 12 TO 7 DAILY 298-433- 33333333333333333333333333333333333333 ft $17,950 COLONY bungalow in excenent condition, Convenient to freeway. Commercial potential. Call 4844301. BIG FAMILY big rooms. S bedrooms, 2 baths. kitchen. Huge family Fireplace, 2 400 sq, ft. of good living pace. The fenced lot of 100x150 ft. with garage and ecve'cci patio. Southeast. Only $19,500 FHA Call approved. Eves, or 2 GRANGER IN $23,950 ATTENTION: EXECUTIVES & Offices INDIVIDUAL $30,000 and ' NEW Fair. traffic pattern, convenient to elementary school. Call JUST THE PLACE to raise your family whit the propNice in value. erty increases uu 1 ft SEE THE 4B7-221- 8 "Realtors' 298-743- OPEN SUNDAYS 33333333333333333333333353333333333333 DREAMS - 298-433- 1 IMPERIAL CR NICE. West. CONSTRUCTION REALTY patio, $35,000. lt?3 Lone Pek Dr. COU PL E S UNLY-- NQ PETS CARPETED, paneled, many other Mr. Reece. bef, 3. Park brick, extras. 2,166 sq. ft. avail, now. $120 GL ENDALE 4 bdrms.. ON Stream Millcreek 20th CenturyJark, 1 bdrm. uo 1 down full bsmt. 3230 owner. American, by Early draoes new carpet includ. LARGE "and' small oces, carpeted, Millcreek Road, $65X100 appt. only, kttchen. Shown Sat. 7 p.m 1366 paneled, cond. 149 E. 9th south 4 or . Gtenrose Drive. 2 bdrms. DELUXE, REAS., I NEW duplex, NEAR U DRIVE BY carpets OFFICE with salesman display area BDRM., 1024 East 6th So. appl., carport, stor. No young chilstreet fir., downtown West Temple, $75,000, 2665 East Flora Bunda Dr. dren, no dogs. $140. 804 Redmaple. st. ioc. pkq avail. $85 EXQUISITE, AIR COND. (50th So.) no agents, 5 355000 ;364-4445 5th East 1481 S. MAIN ST. OWNER Shadow Mt. ' Estates, blocks from the Cot- 5AJ-&Ostone ram, 3 baths, $44,500, loU 5. 7L in tOSt or tor, wood Mall Pine trees, beautiful 1108 q. ft., bler sacrif. $41,000; equity varn children. call be- - NR. downtown, t. offices, 2,200 6Vj pet., $221mo. orp 7 showrooms, sprinklers, alarm sysbdrms. 335 N. 2nd West. BYOWNER' Will finance' or trade $135 NICE duplex. tem, heat, liohts, $300. large or ?to shore caroet, drapes, aoDL:storaav. 1195 RETAIL SP'VCE n shopping center. $63,000 clear home. 2451 Michigan OUNG bach wants Ave. Rooseveft 'Ave.' apt. 34J0 S. 5th East. 2,250 sa. ft North Temole and 8th RON MOLEN design, Mt. Olvmous West, feV area, jct.,$34,950, 1.000 SO FT. c arpeted ,"a i r""cond. , of 11 East 3300 So. sale. ?44l $225 REDUCED for immediate fices space E. Blue Spruce. Owner.278-4154- . BEAUTY Itove. retng, car- - mo. $65. 634 NO. 2ND VvEST $135 or 50 save sale bv EXECUTIVE home cash ALL tyne models registers 8toraqg3-owner for details call Utri and garage ncE. Nooets. AND. pet. Call us first, 5outh Sate. furn. air cond, off st. ,$100-37- 37 S. 250 EAST, clean, range. $70LIGHT, clean, IN BEST KEARNS HOME Main, 40 Home TOf Salt IVa baths refrig. carport, working couple or parkingJ537S. , completely ished Rooms 1,280 SQ. FT. immed. avail. In 20th adults only painted inside and out, alum, siding Century Park. BRIGHAM City, 3 bdrms. carpets, over block, storm windows, fenced. 1.300 eq. Canyon B. rm. or es office.. 1205, SLEEPING J. Realty IN MURRAY OFFICE AND STOR drapes oar., fenced yard $9,500. ,ts- W. 8th North. Call 328 So. 2nd East. AGE SPACE. Reasonable. 2776721. Brigham. brick carpet, drapes, land$65 CHOICE air cond. offices, stove, frig. priv. 35th home for sale or trade, scaped, double oar. $14008. 3275 So. STATE S. 2922 $20. S. 30th East. 7580 West, east side toe. $15,500. Bfkq. 253 Rio Grande others. Nonsmkr., dnnker322-2256$40, GIRL share apt. N?a, close-in- , no smoke-drinFUR-NICELY APT. $65 ,ED Inquire 38 DSt. $5O-$S- 0 402-- 1 st AVE. 2 EAST Olympus Hills. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, grea- paneled amusement room, expensive carpeting and drapes, exciting firep.ace. AH the buiit-in- s . in a m-ccnt-.bto kitchen The price will pleasantly surorisg you. Cell Gary Towers Gary Career Kaye Sherry Expcsue Blair Enterprises PLAZA TERRACE MODERN SPANISH 2 COLONY SHARP!" brick and cedar rambler with full walkout basement and heated garaqe. Unobstructed view of the valley. Mansard roof. Located e?st of the Boulevard in t. 730 SOUTH IN "FANTASTICALLY n 1 NFW t. SNEAK PREVIEW . 40x50 Ft. Four Private Offices Drive-iParking ' COZYarm' ELsllol2 GARDENS BEAUTIFUL Laige Open Area FREE week!y. Incl. pt. fully eouipped pool, covered prkg. ec. 7 between $135 per mo. Call RM. with 2 bdrms., also 4 CAFE for $755 o.m. Best avail, anywher Aaults. 618 Wall rooms rm., $40. In St. price. LARGE nearly new 2 bedrms. nice- $135 RM. home. close-in- . 34-St- ores ly turn, carport, laundry and recreRealty Service. ation rm., convenient to airport and freeway access. No bets, see man 27 Unfurnished Houses ager, at 610 North Redwood Road. SUNSET TOWERS Circle LOCATION SEF. UNIQUE HOMES carpeting and MAIN STREET Komas for Salt 40 SEE THE living space, all on one level. Nice drapes throughout. B.g exciting hying and dnmg room with fireplace. Family kitchen, big mam floor utility room with plenty of storage, 3 bedrooms, f baths, covered patio, big blue spruce, outstanding iancsscaptng, garage. Close to everything. FHA or VA terms, possibly contract. Vacant, Move m now. Call Doug Pike George T .tensor Jim Sargent FEET NO apartment directory. 445 South Main our Data CHARGF to tenants DOWNTOWN MOTEL Processing aives you many choices. 316 S. 4th East Deluxe rms., wk. rates, TV, phone. RIDDLE JBIdq., kit. Nr. center of city. 371 E. 4th So. LOOKING FOR A PLACE TOTlVE! The "NEW" RENTALS BONDED BEAUTIFUL, warm, sleepmq rooms, $20.50 and uo vvkly , TV, radio MURRAY FIRST THRIFT maid serv. Se Rancho Motel, 640 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT West No. Temple. SPECIALISTS Free ?evcg OFFICE PLAZA landlords. 79 S. Main, 3597979. EVERGREEN MOTEL LUXURIOITS SUITES Special winter rates, week or month, APTS. DUPLEXES HOMES beaut, rms., kit., TV. phone, maid AND SINGLES serv. 20th South, State, 489685. Rentals, Realty up to 4,000 sq, ft, $25 WEEK $90 Month and Up. NO COSTSTO OWNERS OR 2 OR 3, DOUBLE BEDS. or small at 226 sq. IF have a home to rent or leat MT. VIEW MOTEL Kitchen, TV andyouneed help piease cail 2241 E. 21st South Carpeted, Draped, Air Cord, 4855i20, ReeseRealty lunch Room, Adequate Parking IRIS HOTEL APT. SERVICE FREE-A- pt. House $2 50 Clean, quiet rms. $10 50 wk No. 10 W. 1st South. Assn.. Parking day with bath. 54 W. 3rd South. For further details call Kandome HOTEL 32-WBeveriv Gillmor ant to Rent Clean, Quiet rooms, $10.5i week, S2.5$ d a y. 73- E,4th South. OIL COMPANY TRUCKERS Air cond, house to AMERICAN hotel, WANTED Cose J2 75 d8y wk m0 rent, preferable in the Briqhtoni aonanwiv AN D MAI N 2nd W. 355331. att. Sparks Hotel, 509 High School area Call UUYyNIUWN rooms, BathsTlV, 4 n.m. ft anyliPRO Sat 0r Sian EXECUTIVE ofiic, with MCrtferlal WK R' CRAND DEPENDABLE newlyweds want 1 or space and reception area available or cute ant. $100 less, m our building. Must se to really Pref. Ave. or East Bench, Non appreciate. Drapes, carpet, walnut m Wk. drinkers, smeers. S. R?m,s s2' paneling, etc. included. Ready for Maid service. 138 S. State. on or before Dec. 1, MY daughter, 12, and I (in my 50s) occupancy .TopVTpAAvre-- ; 1970. Phone Bob Torgerson bv the week or need a small house, reas., to live in ext. 256. month. 2255 West North Temple. and care for. Close to a bus laundry. BROADWAY Quiet, RESPONSIBLE needs couola PRESTIGE LOCATION Olvmous Hnls Shoooina Center SKYLINE Motel. $60 mo. Foothill Dr., bdrm. home dolx. aot., SE ioc. Up to $150. Loc, refs., 3900 SO. WASATCH BLVD. 17th South. 2,000 sg. fi., air cond. Could be used for ideal for any retail outlet, 33 Business Property 24 Rooms With Board insur. or etc. 3 private offices. Wiil lease all or part. $400 oer mo. WAREHOUSE CALL HEARTLAND. ROOM for elderly man or woman. 6.200-SQ.-Ffor lease, M-- zone, block end steel const, office, toilet, locker rms. 17.000 sq. ft. of fenced paved fcOMJriHSnBil tfutlSGS stor. yard. Railroad siding dock " s,or 1,ld9'' iT; 35 Moving and Storage home, fully turn., choice East Millcreek area, all utils, pd., iCvVSPlCre. $lo0. INSIDE STORAGE boets, campers Gar., carpets, washer-drye- r ready Nov. 151h. 3 to next Villa equipment trailer. 6869 S. 2300 Platt, East. with din. house Theatre. tm., carpeting firepi., w.-completely TWO buildings 1,140 and 700 sq. ft. 36-Ga- rages turn., fruit trees, gar. on land 102x125, zoned in small southeast loc. $195. shopping center. home completely furnish i, MINI warehouse, 12x26 ft., individWAREHOUSE SPACE area Scofield $150 298 464. utils, pd. ually partitioned. 1,000 sq. fL $100 mo. No. 42 Approx. Heneter Utah. dbl. East 13th So. INSIDE storaae, carport. CAP. HILL. $120. View, 1 bdrm., 17th East. So., DISTRICT GRANGER J7th 4th $100 bldQ. cute, TV prkg. immac. 71 4301 W. 110x350'. DOOR 10' OVERHEAD 32x47', STORAGE, North. 3500 South. 355- - 497. 4019 South Mam WALL turn, house, utils, od.. 2,000-FT- . warecond. air fireproof, Malvern adults only $80 mo. 45 house. Rear 257 Rio Grande, URY Homes Ave. dnd GIRL wanted to Share apt. with -- 3 otf-s- t e.,t-n'- . nark n, OitD.s. close to ton and U. After 5.30. Linda. 40 S. 9TH EAST doll $125 BRAN 355-228- 8 house. New carpets and furnishings. Nr. town, Temple, Memory Grove. I nd LUXURY APTS. REALTY NO PETS, NO SMOKING. Security entrance, built-inFrom $149, plus lights. BEAUTIFUL, warmapts., $25.50 up per wk. TV, radio, maid serv. Close EXECUTIVE home with 3 bdrms. 3 In. Se Rancho Motel 640 West No. buiit-incarpets drapes, baths, TERRACE Temple view $300 a mo, 545 landscaped need 1 roommate, Northmont 486-881FELLOWS 3 Way. For appt. call 1810 S. Main 1 WIRTHUN REALTOR modern aot.. w.w. crpets, fireplace, MEEKS BACH. off st. parkinq. $40. No smokers, or FURN. and UNFURN. 1168 E. 800 South, S bdrms., to with LEASE bY. option From $f25 for rent, 2 boys 2U baths firepi. family rm. buiit-in"MORE FACILITIES FOR YOU' FURNISHED 3 apt. other boys. Near Utah w.w. carpet air cord. Near Pool Sundack Game Room --w share with fschnical College, no smokers or school, church. 3 levels. $250 mo. Barber Shop, Coffee Shop, Air cond. drinkers. . 2755 W. 5400 South. Dr., 4629Westpoint STUDIO apt., $80 fireplace, $135 IMMACULATE newly painted ROYAL 205 Eliz134 baths large kit. and drapes, carpet, new paint.between 4 bedrms. 10 MODERN LARGE, 2 BEDROOMS, abeth St. Call util, rm. attached garaae. Fenced noon, fun. or unfurn. $125 and up Over- a.m.-1yard, no smoking. 4806 S. 4480 West. looking beautiful gardens, pool, air BACHELOR APT. $75 cond. carpets, lots of storage MT. OLYMPUS COVE APTS. space. Laundry bldg. carports 3560 454 E. IMPERIAL 4 bedrms., 2Vi buths, full basement South TemDie. S. 3rd East, i 8. swimming pool. Call CAPITOL Hill, Columbus, Nov. 15th, ARMS "REALTORS- new carpetinq, 4 rms. utils., air Vh baths, cond. married cpie., no smoker or CUSTOM livinq. 3 bdrms., on main level. entertaininq center location. drinkers $100. VILLA CHARMANT $240. Ideal southeast for woman, LOVELY priv. rm. Showing off 1st new apt., 3827 So. home privileges with 2 others. share w 1 r.rnetlno 3rd East, and 2 bdrms., carpets, No smoke or drink, close In, priv., air cond., utils. nice. $45. gas range refria. 1 child. 736 E. drapes, built-in$125 to $145. Adults only. 6th South, aft. 5.30 P.m. 620 S. 7th E ast SEE THIS! 3 BDRMS., 2 baths 2 firpl., Lovely bsmt. aot. carpeted draped $220 AZTEC APARTMENTS Irg. family rm. 778 Silver Shadow adults, $82.50. SALT LAKE'S Dr. no pets. Surety deposit req. OXFORD Apt. 119 West N. Temple. PRESTIGE ADDRESS Comolet, security, indoor coot, ga- Single apt. Ail utils, pd. 1 lady. $125 MO. Lovely 3bdrms new rage parking, 1 and 2 bdrms., $160 $55.00. carpennq, paneling, oar. 4151 W, 2 or fo 8228. Call United 5655 South. 1 $95 BDRM, newly cleaned, rarqe, refrig., carpeting. 186 West Bond. REAL or466-9053rd North. home, IMi baths. $150 Nr. Cottonwood Mail cat! aft. 3 has everyThe ultimate in leisure livlno. Cen- NEW clean O.m. tral City. Deluxe 1 and 2 bdrms., thing . Underground narking. Hurry Ave. or units. furn. and unfurn. home, carpets drapes, oaMany Mgr. extras. Call Estate Realty. 344 4361. $65 rage, finished bsmt., UP, V block., from only. Btfl, 295 4056. by appt. KIMBALL clean and 2010 South NEW DELUXE DUPLEX cozy. home fenced 150 North Main St. 2600 East. $225 per month, 2 bdrms., $130 LOVELY new range, quiet res. room bath with all yd. Carpets, utils, pd. fireplace, $85, ATTR., single apt., living area. Cail and 4, utility room, carpet and but tights adults. Rhodes Apt. drapes, air conditioned. No pets. 228-- st Ave., Badger, $80 CLEAN, older home 2 bdrms , Cail or aots. Bachelor cpi., no dogs 3876 S. 6000 West LUXURIES ADULT APT. built-in- s All bdrms. carpet, Panorama Apts. 8 drapes, poot Hillside Avt. (240 North Main). 32M783. Fairmont OFFICE SPACE For Rent or Lease 3,000 PIUS SQUARE far Salt 49-H- omi "VERY CHARMING" $21,850 (FHA loan appraisal), $20 450 Character-packed brick rambler with over 1,700 sq. ft. of DATA APARTMENT APTS. NOW FAMILY BUSINESS OR EXCHANGE, rn'w dfshwasher!' shaaarDetmn beautiful pool rec. room, laundry facilities. Also other 1 and 2 Mrm. ?e?rC,o. to andlords SUGAR HOUSE DISTRIBU ' Chapelle - 3440 S. 5TH EAST lifetime. La REALTY $2.40 oer line ftr a full week in ell pacers, MORN'NG BDRM. APTS. STUDIO EVENING SUNDAY, you can $ burins . 2 baths, turn, or unfuns. run 8 fast result want ad. 3 2.20 E. ,800 South LEISURE VILLAGE bdrms.. 2 0 ?.so'it sweep- ing nation. New electronic protective system can make vuu rich. Be first to investigate this exclusive opportunity. availabie in Utah Distributorships and surroundinq states. Turn-Kepackage if you can men-na- e men. DON'T MISS IT Thi may not come aqain In your investment Modest required. For full information 444writeS. The Roper Corporation, State, Salt Lake City, Uah 84110, or call (801) 2.f784 IN HOLLADAY FRANCHE BUSINESS 27.V976, Office. CONSTRUCTION vacant. NH UlAKljt ' tft Homes for Sals Offices 5900 SO. LUXURY 196 .W;7 r p.m. 5 SPARKLING The latest in townouse living, carpetFOR COMPLETE BUSINESS ed in plush shag, dishwasher, disMACHINE TRAINING posal, double door refrig. freezer, 85 S. Main, RM. 704 conversation pit with fireplace. PriNATIONAL ORGANIZATION vate fenced off liv. area for FfATTA JOHNSON School of ?.eal your personal patio use. l5j baths, walkm by Estate Is now bemn tauqht Reel-tormore wardrobe storage closets, MARIE DAVIS ot Remade than you've ever seen. Off street Reqistration for desses is covered parking. View the latest Interested may now. Anvone v,c- - lom So- 50 contact us at 486 9264, 7. EARN H.S. DIPLOMA In spare time, pvmts. as, low as $6 VILLA mo. American School dist. otfice, 2662441. P.O. Box 7061, Murray. AIR COND. POOL V.A. approved. town house 1,000 sq. ft. and garden apts. Featunnq iness Opportunities style stone fireplace, shag carpet and built-m- s inc. drapes throuohout, dishwasher, IVa baths, private landscaped patio, ping pong, billiards, CRIME IS BIG and oarty room. Laundry facile. Close to freeway exit. JMultlmlllion-dolla- to 12 fc,W T?i:34W GAS LIVING, HEATING, COOK' : ING, BURNING FIREPLACES IN EACH UNIT. TURN SOUTH AT 550 EAST Of4 5300 SOUTH. PHONE 262 6441. HOURS: OFFICE JDEL APT. 70 AM. TO 6 P.M. Do you know how much it costs you to have an empty unit? $85 err month rental vnu lose CitSS $125 VICTOR GAS East 3iX South per week for every week it remains $105 vacant 1. Carpeted, trg. hv, rm., bdrm., din. hell. area, se $23 31 2. Ranoe and $100 per month rental vou per week for every week it remains 3. Trie bath. refrig. vacant Salt Lake City 4Wh6137. CLEAN, pleasant rooms, with car space. 623 E, 1st South. 29 Convalescent Homes NiCE, clean, cuiet, $6 up wx. Men, South. E2nfl Y locate rest home Bfc AUT IFU'-oriv.niiorkq.J63 Pieasant rm. In pvt. home for has a vacancy. care. Coving temaie. 1134 E. 7tn South. BARGAIN! Room avail, for mature, responsible man, $28,322-0732- . 30 Convon Cottaaes LOVELY rm., walk to Suqar House, mature ladv. no smokers. 'A'4 frame cabin, ft., paneled, half carpet"! insulated, heater, Z3 KOOlTtt III HOtelS & MOtelS wirea. 51.955 delivered within 100 mi. UNFINISHED cabin 5 miles up Mirror Lake from Kama. Will sacrif. FALL AL or cash. WEEKLY $19.50 Close-m- , evt. tried baths. parking, switchboard. fV, Phone, warm. rad'd, cean. Daily maid rv.ce.Kiicnens available & sres SPEC FILL Some Careers Are More Rewardingl oref. older coie , m. close Graoes. room, $100 DUPLEX, w.w. carpet, Large clean and bath. BEAUTIFULLY APARTMENTS. DRAPED. CARPETED AND KITCHEN FEATURES DSHWASH-DISPOSAL ER, REFRIGERATORAND GAS RANGE. SOON TO FE SWIMMING POOL.i COMPLETED AMPLE PARKING PRICES1 RANGE FROM SI 70.00 10 1250 00 UTIUTrES 754 W. North Tempte AND INCLUDE ALL TOTAL ELECTRICITY. EXCEPT 'M WOMEN 445 , THREE-BEDROOM- STUDENTS ent. pvt. '34-St- lexes |