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Show 2B The Salt Lake Tribune, Saturday, November 7, 1978 Hazel By Ted Key Legal Affairs Day for ior Citizens is scheduled Wednesday at 2:15 p.m. in the auditorium of Lincoln Junior High School, 1241 S. State. Attorneys participating in the program include Thomas P. Vuyk, James E. Faust and Perris Jensen. Time for questions from the audience has Sen- Television Today WlialVp fFliosiP 4Ppnnlo ? W W 'XwF A Doing at Ball Games? By Ron Powers Writer Chicago The problem, .of people showing up at sports events is to emerge as a beginning major nuisance for the sion industry. TV Any televi- would executive probably tell you that he, personally, doesnt mind two or three, or even 14 people coming to watch a sport event In their quaint, carefree way, people can add to what TV executives like to call the color and . pageantry" of a ball game. Most 'TV executives will swear upland down that some of their best, friends kre peo- pie who shoy up at sports events, t ana. While they J wouldnt . necessarily ' want I their daughters to marry one, J they certainly wouldnt object t to setting down to a dinner with one. . hot-do- g Step on Cables "Tie problem is, of course, that people dont attend sports events in small numbers. No, you let one or two inside the J turnstiles and the next thing you know, 50,000 want in. And then theyre getting in the way, stepping on coaxial v cables, holding up posters, and rooting, for gosh sakes I worst of all, not staying home t t and the sports watchin' events sponsor on television. - dont A lot of you probably J, I the old days, when everybody was more or less Ignorant a- -d J, played ball righ' 'n the grass 'and dirt (can you imagine a football team i three today boasting of f yards and a cloud of J iUTech Planning . tBattle of Bands f , civilised. them, got Oj t ina 'attend Tutoring I I i I J I First Rrade thru tollog. Cottonwood Mall 278-159- 3 Suit Jin 1 JToHellolfi tirrit r. yUjt K 71 AUTO SHOW (OsU yrf z f 4600 So. Highland Dr. f i. . u; 279 i I. te learn gl Displayed by MEKL0VE DODGE Irahcho RAMBLER i Taught t Vndeat. Foofaivo h Vtci.d '' 1 .hts Toured introduced TV Editor Turns Spotlight program. The show will be telecast Saturday at 2:30 p.m. on KUTV, channel 2, in color. Three Granger girls will match with three boys from the same e school for plaques which the Tribune presents members of the winning team. On the girls team will be Debbie Barnwell, Geri Atkins and Julia Ogilvie. On the boys side of the battle will be Alan Kent, Kim Simmons and Gary Leavitt Mike Korologos, community services director for The Tribune, will be the Inquiring Editor wholl question the paneists during the half-ho- More Cameras The Tribune presents students from different schools each week during the school year on its public service program. The show is designed to feature the students and their knowledge of cur- 3 KINGS MUSIC (TjanitH A block south of 21st So. 2233 So. 7th East isrrmr. rent events. first-plac- More and more cameras went into the stadiums, for and closeups and instant replay and color from the bench." More and more men and expert analysts and colorful commentators crowded into the split-scree- play-by-pla- y press boxes, where they were joined by producers and directors and vice presidents in charge of secondary camera units. The excitement got - siJe Q 31 4 7 T 1 r '' O rTJ O ifj O O Vf r b J lip) lw In five programs this year, girls 'earns have won three and boys teams one. There has been one tie. ot, with your purchase of DEV0II STEAKS CHOPS LOBSTERS $200 Car ProwA of ' A NICE PLACE TO ENTERTAIN Jaq- - Fojd, 1025 E.; 45th id South, toldpolictfAjtereo .television industry. are not 'limited by AAX A. 2005 South Strte bag containing miscellaneous papers, total value $200, were stolen from his car while it was parked at 176 W. 6th students may dance through-- . out the contest. ; Five local groups will compete for a $200 prize. This Big, Reg. 39.95 Christmas Tree 7-fo- fa- show. - lights. Pregame interviews. Postgame wrapups. Scores of all the other games. Still, people persisted in Redood4jhe - e evision. But time ls on the- MB- 317,1 The Inquiring Editor television spotlight will swing to Granger High School Saturday when The Salt Lake Tribune presents its weekly news-qui- z three-secon- citing- 527 JJW'HAr effi- cient team names such as and Astro. Built Expo baseballs that traveled fard ther and widened the lane and invented the American Football League. And while the television industry was kindheartedly doing all this, it was laboring to make sports events easier and more exciting to watch on tel- r.e ' Oroup 3 Vileste$UOb O yjjiMt o rniL' i t: On Granger TeamToday and businesslike, ... .4114, playoffs. Made them embarrassed about corny team names like Bear, f ul Tih ( , Cardinal" and toantlQue-qjrTinto match your furniture. Breuti-fwith cabinets tone pianos in many famous brands " peuff d or Tr erred in rental service. lleal r vm Whafeamatter,' never seen stretch pants? Jv AT BIG SAVINGS Gyimai) ' Handymans Rental Returns Again from Kings Musics rfSfisS 0MJM e college-ag- 9 Choice Selection stop-actio- person may the competition, and Any S.5P PiHaBBBDBl them to say, Lets look at n that again on our oamera, a' break in the action, so now let's hear this word." Taught them to play more games and form more teams. Showed them about divisional p.m. in the main campus S. laqditoriunK-lfiOWestfC-drMach- ,.- taclie Wu make It euaier Thanks to Industry Thank goodness for the television industry! The TV industry got the sports people to stand up on their hind legs, so to speak .to 10 (1700 w tv S W Learning Foundations . Rd. 5 thens. remember this, but there used . ' to be a time when nobody t cared if a lot of people came Jto a sports event. Those were V -? f 1 5 7-- i I BUDDHIST CHURCH the good sense to cover the top of the stadium when it rained, and signaled to a relief pitcher by waving an arm instead of dialing him on the telephone, and didnt have warnings, and generally behaved like hea- been scheduled. Purpose of the program is to provide information about legal problems of interest to senior citizens. I SAIT LAKE astroturf?), and didnt have Sun-Tim- w Senior Citizens Plan Legal Day OREM, UTAH 225-75- . . .. Color TV or Stereo 76 South. IT Complete with Stand! Choice of White or Green J Play TV Spin the Dial 8:30 &.in. 2 7 p.m. I Brackens World. Rachel Holt breaks up merrlao end a director writer team when Bracken givea her bit pert. SPECIAL! it Deeburger Clown Show NEW! 5 "ARNIE" 9 a.m. R. Pirfnsttrf Hot Wheel 1 4 H 7:30 Hro Comet the Crump 4 Sky Hawks Miiteroters' Neighborhood j 10 a.m. 5 NEW COMEDY I rt "MARY TYLER Yeur 8 J Jambo American Banditand ! , , S The Monkeel f 11 a.m, J Pink Panther In their 9 A Flylnt , Daiterdly Muttley Machine 11 Mistereeere' Naiebberheoi 4 ' 11:30 a.m. PREP FOOTBALL 4 Noon 4 Hloh Road to DanoeV 5 ' 4 5 11 l 11 , Yoonf Americans r Sesame Civilisation ' 4 4 jl 1 ll 2 . Football Derby NCAA JU . Dayt 1 2 S 11 NFL Ceme of the Week Porter Wagoner Show Etso New AS C Rocky Mountain ZENITH PORTABLE Big Screen COLOR TV 25" ' r , ' ' : " ' -- P : 'V.., ' 1 .xpf 59799 ... ; - , - i., ' Thert's n Fidderi for every need or Clostt installation. (asy Terms. Adam 11 Tha Network 11 Station Affiha.;oo AM KB BC 160T KCPX 13?0 570 910 KLUB-KWI- ABC fc IVN KMOR-V- BC KNAK KRGO KRSP KSL CBS ICSOP K;XX-N- 6C 987 me 97 1 me 94 KQVU KPV C CAU ANT TIME 466-871- 1 96 13R3 1C$0 1049 1160 1370 630 60 1C3S 100 1 104.3 Lee 4 Weekend me me me me 901 me 93 3 me 88.9 me p.m. Cwmtry place 5 1mltat'on Saturday Night Theatre Generei " starring Grann Ford end Red Buttons Midnight 12:30 Saturday j a.m. HEATCRAFT 479 East 21st South Night Movie "Evneriment Glenn Fwd In Terror-.starring And Remlck. lee furnnee service. cleaning satisCall today faction nisured. News 5 i i 1 $ I CONSOLE STEREO 4. $219-$7- 49 ' " 1 1 of UTAH 486-87- 11 f ZENITH Complot Marvin 11:30 1 i Gas GIVES YOU ABETTER DEAL FURNACE CLEANING Taylor me 1330 1 p.m. Eva Marie Saint PM tP i wm 24-KOU- R 2 "Raintree County" Montgomery Clift Liz - 4-- $449 FURNACE REPAIRS SERVICE 7 Radio Dial - diagonal plctur ESTIMATE NO OBLIGATION storefront Lawyers "resent 6:30 p.m. . 5 4 20" CONSOLE TV FREE pan. . ZENITH ... Attic, Basement Edwards, Stein and Eubank 4 Lawrence Welk Shew 5 Green Acres rcR If WHO 1 ZENITH New Homes or Old Homes 2 SCENE TONIGHT p.m. 4 The Newlywed Ceme 5 Governor A I J. ALL - fort. HAPPENS IT 10:30 Andy Wl'liems 4 Left Make e Deal To Pome With Lave 1 1 Mil.ro9ev NeiRhhorhFod 1 355-46- 56 EYEWITNESS NEWS 5:30 p.m. 11 p.m. ON THE CHANNEL 5 p.m. d 4th So. 7th w. furnace fivti you much m.r. than superb heatinj: it is Is. half f central nir condi- t pentl,-v.- r tiwiinp systtm. To he.tin; in cold wvathor, plus the optioR of adding or tir comconditioning for EXPERIENCE THE NEWS 4tame Street 5 2 5 4:30 p.m. Something News Hand-Crafe- Gal-fire- d 10 p.m. 4 Tha Most Deadly Game p.m. Flexaire Deluxe , Tuning Control Super Video Range Tuner Chassis Natural color hues.. Perma-Se- f item GAS FURNACES 4 CAMERA 4 REPORTS At The Distorted Campaign 3 p.m. Scar WrtiMmg 3:30 p.m. S p.m. 0 $M 4 8:30 p.m. Devotional BYU 11 value II FEDDERS World" COMEDY HOUR DAN BLOCKER IMOGENE COCA SERGIO MENDES p.m., Editor .Ji- 5 Death Valley Frozen .TIM CONWAYT 5 2:30 Special "The 9 Muteroeors' Neighborhood Ineoirlnt KETCHUM'S 12 The Yoon. Lawyers 2 Saturday Matinee 5 World Tomorrow I p.m. SAVE $7.13 137 boufht separately RICARDO MONTALBAN & CASS ELLIOTT 11 P4n. street t 1:30 p.nt. 7421 DELUXE SANDER ASSORTMENT SHOW With , Wide Werld e Sport Thi Wek in Pro Football Miittrogtre' Neighborhood ABC SAVE $8.46 131 IS value itt.nt bouht separately H CAROL BURNETT f 12:30 p.m. p.m, Trevor Howard Yul Brynncr Love Americas style 1 The Jetieni 11 Seieme Street VARIABLE SPEED DRILL KIT 2 Movie Thriller! "TRIPLE CROSS" Chris Plummer 5 Quarter finals Box ElderGranite 7121 SHOW" MOORE 10:30 a.m. 2 SAVE $4.96 WAS 134.95 p-- 4 That Oirt. Ann Marie meets base-ba- it great Stan Mustal on her visit to Don's hometown. 11 Hot Dot 4 The Herdy oy 5 Scooby Doo, Where II Sesame Street JIG SAW II The Mormns Report 9:30 a.m. i 7545 DELUXE Top Comedy Archle'i Pun How CHARGE IT NOW- - PAY IN FEBRUARY! No Interest till February on November Purchases 7h ... 'y. Petit AppIiflneps-Oevmljwa- Cottgewood - I 'WlRh Li A ihd iidid Jh 4 4 hidh Wi 641 j |