Show THE UTAH BILL PASSED IN 0 THE seri SETi seriate SENATE ATE 1 IT will wili be seen by our dispatches dispatcher f from washington that the utah bill passed the senate on wednesday by a vote of 33 to 15 its provisions are summarized in the dispatch and have been ax ex and commented on at different times in this paper it if is an absurd measure measure in many respects harsh unjust and impracticable in others and in some respects revolutionary and unconstitutional a 1 l it I 1 is s not likely to pass the house and it if it should some of its provisions cannot be carried out oat angwill and will bi lyl all ali i be rendered nugatory by judicial decisions it ft wa wai i pat a ji a i together e r b hymen Y who knew little ar ur not ingo f t h situa it a if tion in utah and who IT 0 were we re fighting nigh figh fil III 9 litin tini pigments figments fig ments of their own imagination a anat ion lon an ant 1 r etil eill emries effigies gies of straw in manufactured ly by anti antl 1 13 marmon I 1 amon incurables 1 it is a I 1 piece of mingled malice and folly and will be an abortion ether ethen in pro process cess or in practice I 1 |