Show fete ANOTHER SPAULDING STORY REFUTED sy fy A SHORT SHOUT time ago the pittsburg pa I 1 leader published a statement made by rev nev W ja R coovert to the effect that sidney rigdon d on had acknowledged that the manuscript said to have been written by solomon spaulding was stolen by him rigdon bigdon while he was working at a printing office offee in ohio where spaulding had left it for publication and that after stealing it ft he gave it to joseph smith who with his aid fixed it up as the book of mormon this story was swallowed with avidity by anti antl A mormon formon I 1 preachers and papers and the statement was wag copied as supplying flying the missing connection between rigdon I 1 and smith previous to the publication li of the BOOK of mormon the generally disseminated story Is 13 that spaulding left his manuscript Mth with one patterson a printer in pittsburg pennsylvania and that by some means sidney rigdon holud perhaps chaps working as a printer got hold hoid of it ans ant and can keyed it to joseph but investigation has demonstrated that bings dIngs manuscript whatever what everIt may have been it is clear that it htwa tru not anything like what has been clah ciak ed forit for it was taken to the patterson in pittsburg not later tuu tun 1814 isif that it 11 was not suitable forve and was taken iby by to amity died in 1816 ands andl trunk containing it t was removed by his widow and daughter to sabine onondaga county new york that in 1820 1830 after mrs dings marriage to mr hr davidson Dav idson ldson her second husband it was conveyed to her new home at new york where it remained till 1834 when one hurlburt i bitter and wicked apostate 13 lormon formon obtained it for the purpose of provin proving gl that the book of mormon was made up from it but the book was never published publish e d nor was the manuscript seen afterwards it is also urta certain I 1 that sidney rigdon was not a pr printer inter later that he was not in pittsburg until 18 1822 when he was called to be pastor of the first baptist church at that place lace 0 that he never saw the book 0 mon or knew anything of joseel smith until the f fall all of 1830 leo when par ley P pratt showed it to him for forth forti ig first time and that he be did note ilot joseph smith until early in 1831 huog abenr a year after the book of mormon w published it is established that W mhd dings manuscript was arld said to top too in pattersons Patter sons office at pitts ritts pittsburg burg burr sw ney rigdon was a youth 0 of twenty yeal working at home on a farm a living with his mother in st CW ctet tow township alleghany allegheny Alleg hany county and 09 joseph smith was but nine hearsy age and living with his h parents 16 1 6 MR ji sharon windsor county 14 new w A yoa A removing with them shortly aate palmyra in the same state f the connection of spalding aw 1 lil iti rigdon don 0 patterson and rigdon as of tigan rigdon with the prophet joseph bi never been established or even rail hap rap preached pro ached it t was but truthe the wildest baw 1 of conjecture u re and every aftem attempt bolster it itaw u by by pretended ammi I 1 dvid i and the alleged al eged recollections offs ofis ladies and gentlemen under labrom a croe crow atre of interested qUest guest ques questions tlona ions have hat odly only resulted in displaying the weakness ol 01 each endeavor and in which refute the nonsensical but it was thought that thai this of 0 converts Coo verts although alth aith bugh it was conw victory of known fact sand cataw dats of 0 f statements previously anti I 1 in su notion would supply the t e oberdon cod eon le codori ori heretofore impossible to mak e sad bad es 69 cablish the theory of the saving saling sis sig origin of the book of mormon morino but alasi for the halx 20 the Spaulding ites if we mayhuse that term tenn th the same bame paper 11 i co coot Coor veres teres ers fabric fabrication app p nid ned has b recently published a ref utah there thereof oi which wo we clip from lebras legras as follows ezz I 1 it will be remembered 6 bair flourre readers a deri ders 41 that lust just previous to the til e debate with rego Celley ceiley on the mormon qu w R coovert stated to a laa 0 that sidney lugdon a of pittsburg lad nad had stolen beriat of the mormon bible bibie which had bad been written by a doctor of ohio as a roi rol romance pance bance and which the latter had left with a publisher alisher named patterson father of ave the editor of the banner z th that after stealing in it he e submitted it to joseph joseeph smith of palmyra N Y who in connection with ri rigdon ad on ab published it and palmed it ON off as a re revelation elation from god learning thata that a daughter of rig rigdon d on was living in pittsburg a reporter called on her yesterday and at fils film t she declined to say anything at all anthe on the subject but finally on the scribe promising not to use her name she is married she said 1 I have never had the honor of seeing this so called rev coovert who of late has been so free in his use oi of dead mens names but I 1 understand he parts his hair in the middle of arts his s head a fact which from what I 1 have heard and read of him is no surprise to me now while I 1 most emphatically decline to be drawn into any controversy tro versy over that story of coovert which if there avas was any foundation for it I 1 cannot for the life of me see why it was allowed to remain quiet for years aftel all the actor actors sare are arc laid in their graves yet I 1 will say this that iny lay father who had the respect of ull who knew kne whim him and at a time when he had but little hope of livin living from one day to another said to the clergymen around him of which there was a number belonging to various denominations these were his words As I 1 expect to die and meet my maker I 1 know nothing about where the manuscript of the Alor mormon ulon nion bible came from 11 the lady said further that she believed as firmly as she believed anything that joseph smith who was she believed ell eli eved atone time a good man hada had a revelation and that the mo mormon rmon bible was founded on that revelation but satisfied the rev coovert hd anever seen a copy of it and consequently did not know what he was talking and whitin writing 1 about further comment is needless the spaulding story was avas thoroughly and completely exploded years ago 7 and never had a leg to stand upon it it was a mixture of mere conjecture wild imagination and desire to oppose by improper means that which could not be si suppressed by truth and f fair a i 1 r ar argument in u and those who desire desir e to investigate vesti gate this matter fully will find all the necessary data pro and con in the little work by hader elder elden gie gge orae ry reynolds which can be ouia obia copra e aca acq enis eais lt Is I 1 loftlee entitled the myth of tiie tile manuscript found |