Show BY vav WAY vay OF explanation THE tue salt lake herald ot of sunday morning nin 1 I contains another communization signed S A kenner in reference to the jeserer NEWS ana its re remarks markOn on prote proceedings proceeding eding s growing out of the hopt case the byriter was evidently very much out of temper when he penned it and probably not without some cause but be had no occasion to descend to the scurrility which characterizes izes ats jis response putting asido aside the epithet which disfigure bl his bis 4 communication the grievance he complains of is the public publication atlon in this paper of two d dispatches 16 patch which chwe we clipped from the ogden herald of friday and the ataw atau that we had ascertained ta ined th they t were forwarded by mr nir een Xen kennen kenner llen iler in refutation of this air kenner the following t 4 savy lake CITY June lith S A kenner esq dear sir referring to the dispatches patch 69 to the ogden oden kc herald berald raid which this days issig of bf ix ing INO NE news s alleged were gere sent by you I 1 will sky say that the fotes wes of this office aa do not show that such suck dispatches dispatcher were sent by you yon or in fact by bj any une one and furchert furt herT hareno harg bd personal br 0 official ciar cial knowledge of uch such dispatches yours truly F D mcw VV vr V U telegraph co this of itself would not prove that mr kenner was not the author of these sensational and untruthful communications cat ions as there were other means by which they could have been forwarded and the mere fac fact that the manager of the telegraph office had no knowledge of such dispatches is not conclusive evidence that they were not forwarded we presume that the wires sometimes convey messages nes sages that are not liot placed on nile nnie and of which the moana mana has neither nemer personal nor official ten ter no knowledge now ledge but mr dir kenner states in the most positive manner that he did not send the dispatches and further that he knew know nothing about them till the they appear appeared eo in print that is ia quite gulte sui sil sufficient a clent for us and would have been without any documentary c evidence from the manager of the telegraph office and we think that his deni denial alls alis Is not strengthened by calling the writer of the article articie in the NEWS a li liar ilar arand and accusing the NEWS itself of resorting to actual lying to bolster up its position 11 let us see now how bow much enuch ground there is for this grave charge couched in such intemperate language the facts are arc these the sensational and aud untruthful dispatches were published lu in the ogden 0 herald pub 0 of friday evening there can be no dispute as to that they were appended to a longer communication purporting also to be aspeci a special al dispatch to the ogden herald signed K 11 the opinion was expressed to us by persons not connected with either elther paper that the K stood for kenner and that he was the author of all the dispatches the O ogden oden den herald office was telephoned and tle the question was asked whether mr kenner sent those dispatches in reference to hopt and the answer came back backi yes 11 the question was repeated sa so as to 6 be sure there was no mistake thesis this whis is how we ascertained that mr kenner sent the dispatches suppose we were misinformed either by y error or intention on the part of our informant does that justify the statement of sir mr kenner that the NEWS ascertained no such thing 0 and that it lies infamously when it says so to ascertain is to make sure to establish th precision to make conn conti dent after receiving the the rep arwe were made confident that the surmise was correct and therefore stated we had i so ascertained we hud hid the additional reason for believing mr nir kenner to be the author of those dispatches in the fact that in his first communication on the subject of the mass meeting most of his attack on the NEWS was based on of our language langua gp ile he pretended to quote from the theL NEWS that which ild iid lid did not appear in the NEWS and as he was inaccurate in one case we had some reason for believing that he was inaccurate in another and ana the reply tro ogden confirmed us in our view and ren reu rendered dered it reasonably certain we vve have made f urther further inquiries of the ogden herald and have received answer that in reply ing I 1 yes I 1 our informant form a a t r referred C f err e d to the correspondence and dispatches in a general way wat 11 and did not think his remark was to be used for publication and explains what he says he ought to have done at the time namely that the correspondence published as a dispatch 0 came aln ain from grom mr kenner but thesel the second and kud third which are the objectionable tio items were sent from salt lake by telephone from what was considered a reliable source thus it will be seen that the whole matter was a mistake and und there was no infamous lying about it at all I 1 mr air kepner says the the gentlemanly qualities of the NEWS writer are further illustrated by insinuating that I 1 was wag drunk ut the time the NEWS said charity suggests that the author was slightly unbalanced by the thel spirit of the mass meeting or some other exciting cause and ass not himself at all 11 if the spirit of the mass meeting was the spirit of liquor and if there Is no other exciting cause that could affect the gentleman there might be some reason for r the conclusion which he has jumped at that we accused him of being drunk but as it is it is only a hasty assumption mr kenner establishes his ownien own gentlemanly tle manly qualities beyond dispute by his second intemperate and vituperative communication and even if we had insinuated that helas slightly unbalanced in the manner he himself suggests by his ow own n shotwill showing g it would have been more agreeable to his feelings than to intimate that he lied ile he misquoted the NEWS and assailed the quotations misquotations mis and we charitably responded that he be was excited instead of imitating his own gentlemanly style and saying that lie he I 1 if lied led how liow much muche cause ause was there for fon mr kenners assault on the NEWS NEW simply this wo we balds the action at the mass meeting today to fo day was in our opinion characterized more by Y onrea ea sentiment than cool and consistent argument ho lie thereupon rushed into print with a defense 7 against what be e intimated the newl NEW had sald said about the motives and utterances te rances of df those who attended the mass about the Im impulse puse which brought the michin meeting to together ether ethen and sundry other othe thing things the ge NE NEWS ka had said nothing about and he undertook dercook tp to insinuate unworthy motives to the NEWS and to cast ridicule upon it for expressions that it had never used used this nua nna may mav ba very gentlemanly tle tie manly but it does not strike us ug in lri that light butchy nut but why should mr kenner become so excited about those few words in reference to th the mass meeting we did not mention his name either in connection A til our ur opinion atto its action or as lie lle air active participant in the proceed Z s t lie ile does not figure as odeol speakers in the local report an anav d ili ill never thought about him in conn act with the affair we learned as a mere incident that he was cupl onis committee to present the resolution passed by the meeting to the acting governor that was all and now was there not some fest eest fist reasonable sentiment at that in me ing was the motion received vl loud ak applause lause that the execution proceeded pad with and the law po poisy settled afterwards a cool and co sistena nt argument was there adf any thing consistent in the action intended to result in killing a prisoner who hid had an undisputed right to an appeal while his appeal was pending and could be heard we need not pursue this matter further and will only omy add that the has no desire to deprive rive any young man or old man of E his is only capital of life that it has not attempted to do so and that if anything in n this controversy has tended to damage the good reputation of mr Kenn erit certainly certain lv has not originated with the NEWS |