Show - "Ir444rv-I- r 6 TV network news depart irents threatened to rick up their marbles and go home Among the winners was Lord Snowden who as Anthony Armstrong-Jone- s cinemaphotographer was honored for Don't Count the Candles his motion picture study of the Also aged an receiving Emmy was Charles Rural' for his On The Road segments of Americana CBS Reports Hunger in Amerioa was selected for outstanding news docu- WORTH: of Tele NlitOnal Academy ' Arts and Sciences has eqoa the y ed :s'eecl of s- in F:31nlys nit! 17enttry - ' k doe- - 7e As ft ' cat- - of ) winners aivanketel the ' I ''i':1 ' 41 !' 1 norie-4nno- e se IS:by e'fsort ' - tele- - S -- '' I- - d adPmr to make up for the snlift they suffered fast the Emmy debacle So in )ear Fred Harris chairma of the Sen July National Democratic Committee will be guest on Issues and Answers Sunday first Abe Martin Benny Youngman and (leorge Cobel in Houston Tex Country music folks are kicking up a storm about CBS's decision to mune the Clark new Buck Owens-Romusic and comedy hour flee Bow They say it shows the lack of respect the network has for country and Western productions If the program is a success the stars can give the flee haw to CBS vhen it future comes to discussing How Life emoluments Begins has been awarded an American Film Festival blue ribbon for excellence in the of category science films Slit Labe Tribune Wednesday The L s c 4 P 5 Most ti - C - 5—Edos of Nioilt $ loe kthe : pm am 9:20 Our Lammas : am 9:30 L:39 Th Dyke Show t 9:35 ado 'aged For It - 9:55 am tremoses 10 3 am pm 3:15 3:30 : 41 1123 days of survival training horseback ric1in animal care training swimming arts and crafts and excursions in the area" the officer sjd "The eligible children are referred by the Midvale Community Action Program We like to gpt children who otherwise would have no Opportunity for camping experience during the summer vacation" i Approximately 25 businessmen are otive in the corporation Mr Pflt tiger said Anyone desiring further information can write to him in care of PO Box 2136 Salt Lake City wiew—monnummi 1 iite 1 t A tramp called at Ih' ConsMhie l'imn home this niorning' an' sawfd off a couple o' shotguns fer his breakfast c 1 am 10:30 4 Should Ask for Tomorrow 7—En core — French I 1—itablamets Espanuy 10:55 I:55 2—Plews am S—Midday 5—Children's 5 5:30 5—Love Lives Game — 12:30 pm 12:40 t pm pm 1 2—another World 4—General Hospital 1:30 6 4—One Don't Life pm Station Affiliation KB8C aCPX KLUB KAU—ABC & MN AM 11P4 987 me 971 mc CO 1230 KMOR—MBC aFMC attAK aRGO KRSp 1780 1550 1060 7 mc 1003m 1043 mC 1370 630 mc 933 mc SOO TV Sets Stolen 6: 7:30 MURRAY — Burglars 1 -- ' w'nt it don right—dial t young and upsets or 466-255- L o : 170 l Allen Cali TY SERVICE tlworifoe 4 1 :5111--H- g 11 ' et I 10 ie'' - ' ' '''''''-'- ' 4 ''' : Alto -- - i- ' I Original Distinctive Exclusive 0 4 t' ' - ' t ' 7 : ' - r-"!:'r77-- :"-ii- - Norman Berndt 323 S - EL ' : 'to -- -s' -i IsTocoecitorsr573 : - 1 Main CONFUSED - yrAWA? I 4kiwo0 f fir W 4-i3- o ei II I - ' ) 4 ' z s 1)11' le it:at:of:a AND POCKETBOOK e I'V'ke': As 'k:' ' l'ir ' b 1 AP ' " ' I ii:' --- ' - ': ':" :' ' stew I ii:- y Ao'i4140' ''' 4 ' 1: ": 4 4 815-1- 5 845-1- 5 A pei oi Fed -' Iv 4'7" ‘' 'N'''- - V I s - R' -5 tt11: At (? 9 ' :' 54 4 101001 ' ' 4 - 4: 0- - 4) gligrElgelr' t A: 4 v ' ' al11 7- ' ' :!' 044 - '1l'"' ' '' ? 04'''' :4!:!1441 : I VT ! '''6 4!41vki''14 - t Zf20 ci t :::: al$41" - ' 'a r 91 V C''''''61:1: 0t-- iii11 or 4 : :x Av 4:t4 i' : '!: 1 44t- 4!'' ' oir46-404- 4 e:4k 7"0-1- - ei4111L7054111 '' ak1S ' fg 0 ' : iz et ?° f 5NI'Y'ieit"! — :'::44:"!::: " 14 :': - i 1:1?:-A4Kg- ''vogaw''44--'''L- re ':o z 0S C ? - v '- i t i' ' ' !':' '"A ? k ' ''''''''' ': ' 7r7r7V ': ''11 tL 1 months egg 4111 ! : : : t'' tax FREE tire mounting! '' 1 00111 ' - 2 4:e i life of tread! J " 6 4 -- 236 257 238 257 Free re 24-3- fp tro :: ' ''' 30 months :IN 't Orig 855-1- 221 10 ' 1 I 2595 2795 2595 2795 825-1- 4 V S ONLY $2 MORE! '' ' sk9 - 're'116 ' t I oi'' :!'i ":' " ' '''--- iii' 4 ' 'e''ii' ::e14 Ad st4i 269 Nyton Throw i iHili i' V i sm 1-- 2-3 LUBE SPECIAL ': ' r (In0 J31 eV -- t PLUG IN AUTO 'VACUUM CLEANER 988 Handy Combo Bin 239 tastuom1 -- 9 - -- 0 — 4i4 t ONLY''" ! 41 : r - I --- OW -- 3 ' 17 "4" r " z''Z ''' -- -- -- --- 11 How long has it been since you: car has hid a complete lubrica tion and oil change? Don't put it off any longer it's an important condition part of maintenance to keep your car in peak 7 01 CD L-7- - - 0 A V ' IN ‘ '' tsi - t '' !:!1 LUBRICATION SERVICE INCLU:ES: I) COMPLETE CHASSIS NEW OIL FILTER 3) OIL CHANGE (5 QT HD) 2) ' Ni kMMMW?MONO pc V - svsvm r 4 FOR BETTER ENGINE PERFORMANCE ir4: ' ' EXTRA COMFORT! as i ''' rr f - Seat Cover p ' - '' '- : :?710i'4 k ': '11' AIR CIRCULATING CUSHION GIVES tures low - 0 Site 207 '' it TO FIT YOUR NEEDS V 't‘ " II o A 96 a N - - Many models to ''''' tr ( AIR CONDITIONER ' or 14:''7 and n H 77545 tax Fed Orig -- I : '111' : it we'll assure you that we have a III e plufedtax cud old tiro Black tubeless 2195 2395 4 repair for "0' '7109 measure the room ra 1 i - You 735-1- 1 '' ' r :: 0-101 ''''' ' - - IY"'"t--- Size 79 k 1 ABOUT BTU's illitela --- tax 1 4:41: Nil: ' 0 ST TIRE GUARANTEE—Guarantee ''''44- 'its:: 'Ti- - : Fed A I i tubeless Black FREE tire rotation every ' o 4'14411:‘41110' 5e ontoopermiod '0 i!:: lialt ik4s k ' ::'::f 0 a v '4 plus fed fox and old fire ' 'Igk 1 N OW II &-(4) 1121114ki Here's how your guarantee against failure works: Entire guarantee period 16-2months m 50 off period r5 4 ' N ' coati 14iitel fl 4140) 1 4'itri644111111t 194 i'b:A 4g' sAi'llii 1i4)41ik' ' '101 Woe- MANUFACTURERS JEWELRY 'm 1 ' 41 0- I '': '4' in Custom Mounting - 7'1- - 4400- it F - ' 1 4' lir : :N Creations— 4 :Iwir Soi : --- ' 14 4 '' 0 ' 71iti'61--" ' - -- t: sil 0 1795 1795 1995 plFeOriRod7 p ' ' ' ee 1 against tread wearout If your tire wears out during the first half of the guarantee less than it with your guarantee certificate and Penneys will replace your tire with a new tire charging you 50 the current selling price including Federal Excise Tax if your tire wears out during the second half you pay 25 less than the current selling price including Federal Excise Tax Guarantee against failure If we replace the tire during the period you pay 50'O or 25'0 less than the current period there is no charge if we replace the tire after the selling price of the tire including Federal Excise Tax Commercial use This guarantee is void where passenger tires are used on trucks used for business or driven over 30000 miles in one year t 1 '1 f '' DIAMOND RING - N - WHITEWALLS - 7 1 1 l 14 i A - t Orig 695-1- D ''741r3"!134 NOW tubeless 700-1- 3 A - ' 40N 4pkiiiia:N 'Pi 5ia - -' 0 it et' 14'' 1 Ikt' rM 4 : - GUARANTEE WITH 15 MOS FREE REPLACEMENT V ! N1 C-11W- 1 111 7111i -- 4 7 1e i 11 650-1- 3 ly BANKAMERICARIVOVIASTEUHARC 46ElcAL Six - - : ' 1 Of 111N4 Black ''' AMIN I 0 ' Airy '"Ikeilia ith: 4111‘44:141t: 1 4P 177N4'144s4'"1C4- plus ied tax and old tiro e 404! : '''''' ALWAYS: 8 4 - -- l 9 - i's i' 11113480Rweed Rood il I NI 11 1 ' vs I ‘1!-t:" 4 ' - 1 - 111 ' (i 11C011)114SPECIALISTI-1 f211916ttfillip991 If 11 - - s il 5 ' : 5-- t ' '' iii6 v NOW ' '' k rANYADNIIG11:1 4' N S'rtr 11 III rim - : - 4!ryti 30 MOS It )7 rv4—ro 't r't 111 1) oi 0 4 Ilw7ETERANS7- 21st So E & - ' Olkik 'N 714 om tmrowarr2mswir - II ie REM 0 lir L 0 ILYIESTEK PL li That Tv SPECIALISTS n e-- ' ' o IMKUI r":1 IRA 1? t: fi 11 SOUTH STATE 'Moth ' s'' Ageol NV i '' - 8 RADIO ELECTRONICS 555 E 'Y illit 041116 5''''' It - 4Zz114 f''' ' glesiZ e i"cr-l- 4 1557 East Stratford- -3 ArSiniCE-11- 41 ' IOtti less to Fell th best e ' ' 'W V---- ' iii 1 Recorders—K-F- i it you $1000 -- 0 - ' 4 A EXPERT REPAIRS dr ColorSW TV—Radio—Store Tope - - '' o - pm 8 00 41 4 NIGHT Service withie the Seer Car itsetieSteree Service hsv Credit Terms Coler—Nsw eied Used Tro g t mit4 355-623- 7 BLACKWHITE :OR COLOR r P or 485-17- 01 ' "Hillik ' bIm smafhed open a door at the- Lewis A froSntTV and State ApPliance Co late Monday or early Tuesday and took six television sets it with a wholesale value of VI — U 7 Hank Is certain Acres s—GretHe Special to The Tribune Service AS LOW AS TY a I 3 - boy amves in Seattle the whole community J e t ti r o 5—The leverly Hillbillies begins dressing and acting like the noblest Roman of them all to win the hand of Maria 7—What's New? 11—Family Album 901 !CAR KWNO - - : pm pmBrides to lity Trade to eta TV Call today — 'aloe It stereo tarots C t RENT COLOR TV OR STEREO Option t vii FACTORY Day 0T A 4 NI' to five e provide three ' - 1 4—Here Csme The "rough outs" eek !bJ 4 7—The Friendly Giant 1035 liao aSrCBS Eubank Marcroft 6:45 961 mc VI 4 of -- 2—Thi Virginian Trampus and David a heir) a young girl slow down persistent admirer 4—Your College Show 5—The Good Guys Rufus falls in love Witil a pretty waitress and Bert tries to break up the romance 11—Open to DiSCUSSLI ma 941 KOMU bid low apparent OLrm 1-- '? 6:15 pm 7Misterosers' Neitihborhood 6:30 pm 1600 20 570 Job 15 OPEN AT 8 AM MON r19--p 6 Out Speaking Radio Dial "One Minute to Robert Mitchum Lk n A 1 pm It Say to Live Midnight Late Show Zero" starring end Arm BIM it—The ' A zob r With Nourse Welti and James Secret Storm 7—Exploring With Selene" 5—The 4- - 5 Top Local News! CHANNEL 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS Vignettes Jooy 114snoo Show at Hollywood "Atoout 8rst Face' starring Gorgon MacRae and Pnyi lit Kirk - TV2 NEWS AT Howard 1The Doctors 4—The Dating Game 5—The Guiding Light pm 4—Tha 4 - 4 4 'V 7- A' Mitchell the News In 7—Paces ‘ '' Authors 6 Thins 1130 - WALTER CRONKITE CBS Evening News 11—Regfonal pm 4—Nfvel Mason 4—Parry pm National News 5 Top Noon of Our Newlywed is a 1 Corn pm IrM IENEIM HuntleyBrinkieY Report 4—Maverick Faces 4—Lat's Make a Deal 1—ns the World Turns 1—Days 4—The pm 4—The Five O'Clock Report S—GilIiqan s island am 11:30 pm Mitchell Kent Eubank Howard 11—Carousel Literature 11:20 am New? pm ti—cartoon 4—Clpicken's Doctor 11 Match Game )—The 4—Oream House 10:30 I-2- e hoys and girl from 9 to 14 attended the camps 11 miles north of St George la it summer Mr Pflueger said The age limit this year is 9 70 16 and 125 children are expec1ed to attend the two $6238772 was received Tuesday by the Utah Department of Highways for construction of a pedestrian overpass near 4215 S Wasatch Blvd The apparent low bidder was Knowlton Construction Co Layton The only other bid on the project was $75518 said officials tonight Show tot your Lite 11 2—The 5—Run pm 2 T12 NEWS AT 10 MI- "The Tonight 10 An 7—Flouring It Out Lrattem pm 5—Batman 7—Performance am Gifts: in- ad pm 9:35 Town 11—in For NEWS With Nourse Welti and James pm 4:30 Am 8:30 pm Btet: A World Full of mais 11—The Greatest 2—Mery Griffin Show 4—Captain Scotty 5—The Rdleman 11—Color Bars You 10:4r 11—Paul Harvey Commentary 9:30 Low Bid Told Complete e Needy Yotffigsters Inc a Camp nigh-Ou- t tah businessmen group of university :tersonnel and piolessional iple sponsorinq summer unps for underprivileged ch Idren near Leeds Washington County "We hop to raise $7000 for the project this summer" said Wayne A Pflueger vice and esident treasurer "Members of the University of Utah Council and InterTraternity Council already Lave raised $300 and we want to express our 1 pm 7—Utah Glimpses Guess t—Eye 4—Funny 5—Search pm 3:35 10:25 curl Hoewa William Shatner lok 2—Pay Cards 7—American Vignettes Life aViatters of HAPPY CHANCE' 4—The Wednesday Night Movie "Susan Slade" starring Troy Donahue and Connie Stevens 1—Witrinesday Night Theatre "Warlock" starring Anthony Quinn and Richard Widmark 7—Spectrum: A Talk with Harold Wel pm pm Ross bernmos 2—The Outsider volved won a missing witness murder 7—Your pollees Wortht Tra1 11—Conversation With American Heritags the 9 pm pm 7—Specials - passionate Church' 2 "SKIRTS OF 4—The Mike Douglas Show S—Wornan's World Theatre "Encore" starring Glynis Johns and Nigel Patrice Squares News Dick Van he is going to lose his job II—Around Th World 8 2 2—Two on The Aisle "Dangerous Mission" starring Victor Mature Shadows 5—The Link ter Show LaLanne Show Griffith Show JaCk Aody 117 -- For lia1 1 elementary CHANNEL 5 EYEWITNESS 1969 Croup Readiesitough-Ou- l'slls :11 thanks" Flight on Today's Special to Videoland 28 May f? with Tuesday takes a brief look next week at Al Jolson's tornh in 'llemorial :'ark in Los Angeles for a sequence in Arthur Miller's poem Lines of California Jolson left a trust fund to keep the tomb lighted and a fountain gushing all night and day when the camera crews visited the site to film the sequence they found the waterfall dry and tEe lights out The suddcii publicity prompted those responsible to put Jolson's wishes back in Regis Phil-bi- n working order is taking a vacation from Joey Bishop for three Weeks to star !n a stage production of A Funny Thing Ilappenod on the Way to The Forum Slow-motio- n mentary program achievement even though it recently was criticized for containing staged incidents An irony of the Emmy Nir Schindler the Awards is the fact that one nomination for a us!anding program achievement went to the Tony Awards telecast lAhich honors B'way productions Wide World of Sports Saturday will include the NCAA Wrestling Chamfrom pionships Brigham Young University and a techniques hand-helcamera will be featured in the coverage A production of Robin Hood will be colorcast as a special on The Children's Theatre in thi-e- e ITS IT W11 rog many feelings were bruised in that that all -- 4 News Show Emmy Winners Named—Already Today: Fy Harold Schindler Trioune Staff Writer 1ro AUTO CENTER DOWNTOWN SALT LAKE OPEN MOM THRUSt FRI UNTIL t killim N06111166011111MOrfaC:0111o4P 9) PM '' |