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"14:: wa A ''' :: :':J ':'''''''::'!::':1 more of ZCMI's historic and revered cast iron vvill be retained in the plans I for this new Main Street front The plans for major downtown shopping mall in the ZCMI I block I 20-sto- ry 40 $400000 in improvements ill Seek Federal Law Dinner Drink? State Says Maybe Utah's July' likely will begin to appear in the state's restaurants by July 1 Sharp M Larsen director Utah Liquor Control Commission said Tuesday He said the commission spent five hours Tuesday going over drafts of the application forms to be used "We still have some questions to work out with the attorney general's office and then we'll send the final draft to the printer" Mr Larsen said 'They should be back ready for distribution by June mini-bottle- s NMI Announces Design Lee Asks Details For Downtown SL Mall From County On Land Deals iron facade will be retained in part in the new structure Mr Bennett said By Robert H Woody Tribune Busimss Editor s ZCMI President Harold H Bennett Tuesday unveiled preliminary plans for a major downtown shopping mall in the ZCMI block In a report to the annual stockholders Bennett termed his Mr Lieeting announcement as a look at "the very near future" In diagram and in architects' sketches he revealed a complex that will occupy a substantial portion of the historic block bounded by Main South Temple State and First South Some two thirds — hopefully more — of the historic and revel ed ZCMI cast 15" Applicants then must be approved by city or county commissions before the liquor commission approves them he added "All of this will take some time but I think some will be in operation by July 1" the director said He said about 50 private clubs and 50 restaurants have requested application forms so far "The clubs have until July 1 to apply for licenses under the new law's provennonprofit-status clause" he said "Then the operation of clubs as we know them with liquor by the drink should cease operations" The commission's approved enforcement arm will take over then also Hearing Due Today On SL Pay Hikes public hearing on proposed pay bikes for Salt Lake County officials has been scheduled for Wednesday at 10 am in Room 404 Building If approved the proposal would raise the three county commissioners to $15200 a year — up $4700 from $10500 The sheriff's pay would go up $4000 a year to $14000 and all other elected offidials would get boosts of $3500 to $13500 The proposed increase totals $42600 a A City-Coun- ty year Nothing Seriots3' '0t'4ti ' :::: j ' 1 K ' '59 ::§ ' t: :::! ' k lit7 — They've be- come quite super stitious these past few weeks they are positive there is something to 13 being an unlucky number They have proof: Dan Valentine one of First the students in Room 13 Ron Erickson broke his leg early this year Then Room 13's teacher Peter Howells injured his ankle while playing baseball with the Room 13 students He had to take the rest of the teaching year off Barbara Shurtz was rushed in as a substitute teacher for Room 13 and the other day Barbara broke her leg! As I say the students in Room 13 at Grant School in Murray will be glad when school opens in September and they'll be in Room 14! University presidents giving each other honorary degrees is just like two dentists filling each other's cavities without charge! MESSY DESK: I feel better today much of a great guilt feeling has been lifted from my mind by an Eastern psy- clear desks II p I I Now however this Eastern psychiatrist has come up with the theory that reople who maintain clean neat desks have frightened minds! ON THE OTHER hand he continues people who maintain messy disorderly desks are creative people who get things done It seems that people Irk keep neat which desks softer from ataxiophobia is a fear of clutter If you don't watch it this ataxiophohla can ruin your life If you let it go you'll end up walking up and down Main Street picking up old cigarette butts and used matches t a cars be glad when we reach the moon scientists can forget about outer space and start working on a cure for the common cold! WIFE MATERIAL: Graduation time start thinking about taking a wife and I've come across a chart to help them select the best bets in brides: Australian girls are the best sports Australian girls laugh more than any other women in the world I might add that It is very pleasant to spend a lifetime with a woman who laughs a lot Hungarian women are the best eooks — but Hungarian women are flighty and might flirt with the emotionally grocer !s when young men Swedish keepers — girls are Ihe best immreolatel German girls make the best mothers (or so my information claims) Japanese women are the least bossy! Well fellows take your choice TODAY'S VAIENTECE Valentine of the Day to a Salt Lake resident who just has to be one of the best neighbors in Utah - He is Harry L Bost He lives at r 1560 E 3970 South An rt '2 " ' -' '- 1 ' a '!' IZO r for all the :: and he'll be 85 years old Friday All his neigh bors and friends has say Barry long deserved a speci al accolade good he does He keeps a fine lawn and does all the work himself and he's a sdecial friend to all the neighborhood children always finding time to help them in their activities He's always been a handy man to have around He sparked the campaign to get streets in his area when it was new and it was Harry who worked to have streetlights installed in the neigh borhood Truly he is a man who gets things done A fine citizen a fine friend and neigh-an- d a Valentine to you sir THE SAD CYNIC SAYS: I don't care if they make the postal department into a private corporation — but I sure wouldn't want to own stock In -- ':' ''''' - '' '' '''''''''' -- ' '' itAi 't ' r''' r4''':4:'51 ' '- - '' Uhl doh -- '' 7: !:f':':::::::- ' 1444 - - '' " -- Nt: '' : 44 ' ' 0& ''' ' '' 4: - - ' :2 :T - N ("I 4 1' I ' )- 4 '4441t:'4" :Virtit 114'4 0 '1 Oil a ' fi4206y??''10':'24 '- ' '"m iri:-Ln- ' - '' '- - ''''':':::7'"' ' t ''' o - "4 22:" 1 r q ii4iei44 14 '':' t14 v Pli' t:1 42t1 : !1‘:' 41 rU7iiSe:7)FL4 1q!-i'''4'" ' t‘tt :'' ' ::"if' 4 X?"444''''''''44'-- 4 r:7 :: r f: 4i 41 :' e '4- -- - - '1 147' i- -r I -- :" I t:ze : r 'TM 7 "It' si tli NA M-4- vri4i i - t'V- A v: ' 1 1 A Amr44- ' ' ' ' !:::7:1 go4444mt w000t0110g6 :::::::: :::: '' 7 : ::: - ti: t jci t - ''''' 444444444 t ": ' : :04- - ::'"'-""': 1Vir-441i- - 1 just being completed 'A444 - ' t -- i r'''44475i ( 1 j it 1 '' was - 4 4 f4 :i which k''''7'1 - aLttsb':' 4 II i - -- "s 01 4' fti I3 4 11 ' t' n 1 M ! 741' Y -7- u''- 4- I Jolt' wweh 4 it is 435' ': -- C' e11274 -- '7r1''''''''' " ‘447 :--- '''W-- 4't "tR4444 ' 44amm 4:rt':1Id'Ve45 PI )04(4 o '470 -k 'if'"S:07::?4041k p- : V-- -- I Si 411:0''4' ' 3 ' a -i :14 '4 ' ElgV' r:r V vV- A:'P'":::::gV ::0:-tt- :!: 11:4t - ' :°-- ' 1- ' 1' '2 : f 44 11- ' '' :: :tiz2 4'4 ' Oft -- " It'''''': "':'' e - Iv Duo-wa-y t f '4 ' 414° 1 te twt I "'"' ''' A' Salt Palace million $19 area" McCarthy told a newsman he had obtained his information from the same government sources who have supplied him with previous and subsequently corroborated information about the government poison gas program (In Salt Lake City Dr G D Carlyle state director of public Thompson health said he knows definitely that pulmonary anthrax does not exist anywhere He off the Dugway Proving Ground added however that officials have not advised him that the disease is being tested on the base and at this time does not know if a portion oi the reservation is contaminated (Officials at Dugway could not be reached for comment late Tuesday) possible "You can't talk about landscaping until you know what the plans are" Planning Director Douglas H Campbell explained George Jones of the planning staff told commissioners present plans for the 455 miles of improvements between the mouth of the canyon and Mountain Dell mile of Reservoir leave only the creek exposed "This is a resource" Mr Campbell said "It was given to us and we should guard it" But he expressed even more concern about the hillsides Agreeing planners called on the state to enhance the beauty of the road to the valley from the east They also criticized access to the city from the north south and west seven-tenth- s We 4 ity'144: !1111f '''''''''s i? WASHINGTON (UPI) — Rep Richard said Tuesday an McCarthy area at the Dugway Proving Ground in Utah was permanently contaminated with pulmonary anthrax a lung infection he said was often fatal in 24 hours Pulmonary anthrax is described in medical references as a rare form of anthrax contracted by inhaling virulent organisms which first causes a mild cough and fever Several days later authorities say the "lethal factor" of the disease reaches the no:nt where the patient may de within 24 hours "This is th c! same disease which the !British tested oa the SPottish island of Gruinard early in World War II" McCarthy said in a letter to Secretary Robert H Pinch Department of Health Education and Welfare "Investigation by scientists in 1966 showed that the island was still contaminated and probably will remain that way for 100 years "It is obviouE that this anthrax-riddearea in Utah poses hazards to wildlife and to humans moving in and out of the er ft: v 0 it" 4 4''''e''''''' ' 1 izzid'Itiga1i741::"f4''''4 1 Here is interior view of proposed ZCMI do mall Although cost was not pinpointed 1 'Y' ":'''' ':jii:: 'VI '!iti 2'4 f4'sÁl' — q 41 4 ': ' ''''' - k---- :t - f94billsirFi"4 ' '' 4 '1' 4ix' 7 1'" ' ' i 1:tt''' a:: ''''' !::'-t54i:- Z r: - 4v el F' 1: ' - ''' :tz‘ 7 ?: St ' - 4 '''' ' yl:'r-'421:1SA'1"4111111t4jia""'''L"kr" ' :' t t'::'r -- r- - Y -- :1 : ' t: 4--' ? 4171" i t ' -t 61'i-kt"- rr go '' -) ' glit - ' I' ima t y - Awl it in -- rnositsg: :'::::"' - '' '' - 'NS ' 448043 °!fl''' - 1107011t ”'4- li‘ ' 7 l'7177''':' 141:ply k 4M1'' ''- ''" It ' ' c It ' ""' r:'7--4- ::4 I4 2 §4s - ' :114ft - 04''4't11111 4 i di - '''''' 4 '''4:l 4 :: 'I" s rli':1 '4'1''' '''k 147 'It4 071 1 t - 441- i ''''- -' TgarteetPlatftger 4 4' : '‘'''' '"1111111i :" :: gliIt- -:' Page One The natural beauty of Parleys Canyon should be preserved in any widening of Interstate 80 Salt Lake County planners recommended Tuesday In a resolution urging a public bearing on the "precise alignment and plans for the canyon" planners called for trees and shrubs to be maintair d naturally and Parleys Creek to be exposed wherev- !: gliffillalp 5:"4:- ' : loom ''': :!144-- -- 4 ' — - : ::::or iminhili:- 1101fig 11111114110 ' 4! - Sectioq B Canyon's Beauty Draws Notice - -- ': 441001sualbw41 'V""- — I 11004k t:t$44:H::?Imor t :'' SAM It! - 4---"- - - IL : ?::: ' '' ''' '' 11101'''ww''''' ' Com- - :' Vakin kl VIII coloPi '''''''4"''''r"4"4°413 :: is: - ‘ : tc-- extra-speci- o'e) :filtl'A'''-- 4 rxrIg7 of Chamber County Hardin Whitney representing Park City West said an engineering study his firm commissioned on Utah 65 suggests the road ought to be made three lanes "all the way" instead of just adding a third lane on steep grades as prnposed by the Highway Department Mr Helland said despite the added expense of such a project the US Bureau of Public Roads has called three lane highways "death traps" Officials said the highway depart ment improvement program for Utah 65 ''' May 28 1969 D neering stages 'Death Traps' B-1- IVednestlay Infects without any additional traffic" But Henry C Helland highway department' director said advance plans call for approximately $5 million worth of work on US 189 inoluding some realignment Asked by Gcv Hampton 11 the work couldn't be speeded up Mr Helland said the project will take "at least five years" and has not even reached engi- Salt Palace officials who have prom Ised the audit information Thursday attribute late bills plus a problem of paying temporary help to the delay "I suggest Mayor Lee contact the court and ask it or the judge his opinion of this transaction" County Commission Chairman Oscar Hanson Jr replied to the mayor's charges on the Pontroversial property purchases lie pointEd out he asked the County See Page 0 Column 1 Local :News Sports Anthrax Vfrus merce termed US 189 "completely inadequate" as a truck detour "It's not a matter of whether Parleys must be closed" he added "We all agree on that But Provo Canyon simply can't take the traffic that's on it now " money mid-bloc- k house- Wasatch 7 NY Solon Says Cox Commission members noted that fed eral aid to the proposed Provo Canyon project is a "shot in the dark" because conit is located so far from the struction Nevertheless Coy Rampton pledged 'extensive expenditures on the Provo Canyon road this summer" to allow its use when US 40 is blocked During a hearing earlier Tuesday Lowe Milton a representative of the 'Still Will Be Suspect' "Even if something good comes of this it still will be suspect unless the county releases all the information" Mayor Lee declared "The public has a right to know what it's getting for its Basically the maU will be composed of four levels ZCMI will occupy a position in the northwest corner of the block This will change somewhat level by level The basement level will accommodate on the two decks of parking on east side Entry to the parking level of First South will be from the mid-paThe first level will include the mall at the center of the block The mall will be reached by pedestrian walks from Column 2 See Page 0 LaVaun Page 1)-- the Dark' 'Shot-i- n shore Two Parking Decks TV Today said they will ask the trucking industry to voluntarily limit use of Utah 65 to hours not generally used by the 'motoring public:" But said Mr Cox If the truckers fail to voluntarily limit usage of the road the commission will impose load restrictions during peak traffic hours Mayor Lee called for all appraisal information on the canyon property to be made public and for a county employe — whose interest in that land raised questions of a conflict of interest — to disclose the extent of that interest Third District Judge D Frank Wilkins later ruled the county's conflict of interest ordinance was too "unclear" to be applied and therefore the contract for purchase of the property was valid The mayor said he could not understand how the county could justify paying 70000 for the Sunset Beach property nor how it could go into competition with private interests along the lake rt of Commissioner motion Cells For Public Disclosure The structure anticipates the eventual office tower on construction of a the east side of the block This will not be built initially however although foot ings will be part of new mall under way at Detail design will once and is not expected to be completed until well into 1970 he said He pointed out that the drawings were preliminary In nature Demolition of certain structures — for example the Whitehall Hotel on State Street—is already under way Next to go will be structures just south of the presert ZCMI on Main Street including the Uptown Theater The mall will take about four years to complete It will be built in two stages The first will be built south of the present store ZCMI will "squeeze" into it while the old structure Is razed and re placed by the new — so chiatrist Let me explain: For years I have kept a very messy desk It is piled high at all times with notes clippings old matchbook covers chewing gum wrappers with notes On the inside make nasty comments Colleagues and truth to about my littered desk tell I have felt guilty all ttese years I've secretly admired people who keep neat y will apply immedi — also Unless full information on the land purchases—$108900 for 122 acres in Big Cottonwood Canyon and $70000 for slightly more than a half acre with buildings at Sunset Beach on the shores of the Great Salt Lake — is disclosed a grand jury should be called the mayor said "It's just not worth that much" Mayor Lee said of the canyon property that was one phase of a civil action filed by county commissioners to test the duties and investigative powers of County Auditor Glen F Palmer Office Tower Dan Valentine's BAD LUCRI The young students la Room 13 at the Grant Elementary School in Murray will be glad when school is out ?::::3:::::'ii:: for summer vaca t:?w:" tion : Links to Facing Streets 2000 —The commission 'QIfibluir Aid ately for federal aid to improve Prow Canyons US Highway 189 expecterl to bear much of the trucK traffic diverted by the Parleys closing —"An unusually heavy" late penalty will be charged the contractor on the Parleys Canyon project if the road is not open to traffic by June 30 1970 —And all available tools will be osed to promote safety and prevent traffic tieups when Emigration Canyon begins to re'mlve the 8000 vehicles that daily use US 40 Road commission members — on a By Jack Fenton Tribune Staff Wrtier Mayor J Bracken Lee has called for a "full disclosure" of details in two Salt Lake County land transactions and questioned a delay in the audit of the Ice Follies first major attraction in the 19 million Salt Palace The structure will have pedestrian links between an interior mall and all of the facing streets Mr Bennett declined to put a price of the cost of the structure He said howev er it would be substantially in excess of the cost of the Salt Palace now pegged as a $19 million investment Asked about financing of the project Mr Bennett said ZCMI would be a tenant in the mall and that the development is being handled by Zions Securities Corp the real estate arm of the Church Saints of Jesus Christ of Latter-daThe development will center about an Interior mall and will have some 70 stores It will also provide parking for 5zIll falic will be closed only after — financed 95 percent by federal funds — are made to Utah 65 the plus eventual construction of the building wero announced Tuesday Mini-Bottl- e eqbe also noted: —Highway Two-third- s I discussions of possible g day-lon- alternatives with the Utah State Road Commission ov Calvin L llampton said Tuesday The state will close US 40 through the mouth of Parleys Canyon rf ''t 4 i"I::: : vIc:Irrtrrf--erliiiEllialrilT418"- rl ""rrO0rWTeVrTM004'FPomPfmrAv10tfrate"re'exrr4v9cA5 ::?'1tj''!i 5x '::'::i lf tit444 fa - i I 3t 17 I z ' : 1' 01'ritn' ' Agi -A - ' :041'''t ift 1' ---- - - kI" ': ! CA1S71' ': ''''-::3t:r ' ! - ' 'rf:011-t-- ''::':r--- 4:' —:a ''' 1 t r sA':- ) ::: :?- IWPFPTPrit elI'Arj'Ir - s fIVF"rsr'llit include construction of passing lanes on steep grades widening of the road where possible and creation of school bus stops tor students living in the canyon who attend Granite District schools Mr Ifellani said the bus stops will he separated from the highway by guard railings and where students must walk along the roadway to get to the stops luminous sidewalks — also enclosed by guard rails — will be built By Jerry Taylor Tribune Staff Writer ' 1111W11111elwrt ' i' 11 aps Oct I Closing 01 Parleys Route trittistrwtotri !rtivilarpoof to' ission 1 McKay Hospital Faces Delay OGDEN (AP) — Opening of the new million David O McKay Hospital has been delayed tine to a cow Inflation of Adfactors Dee unlorseen ministrator Kenneth Knapp si id Tuesday The formal opening ceremony is now set for July 9 Hospital of1ica13 thought the hospital woula be opened by March !flO 110441e:010")04m" 4000k44000:00404' 404"40 000 " 104 02)4 1 |