Show f ( Novio4440giovpiAve00411-11-4- levouirSON000NO 1—s 110—AutomOls f2r Solo nes tor Salo 90—Automobilte for Solo mon 90—Automobiles for Solo - for !AI—Automobile- '90—Automobiles for Soto Solo The Salt Lake Tribune ! 90—Automobiles for Sole 190—Auhtomobiles ore 1 lyray WHY open 10 am- 7 pm Memorial -- I --- FACTORY COND AIR II '69 Cougar New t X100 Marauder tinted g!oss w-- Stock No FACTORY 429 a 4- -' 1736 L Marquis stereo loaded with Sto:k No 1573 xtros co 427 om-f- boded w-- Stock No Radio NOW $3398 $5226 $31900 NOW NOT $41288 $5181 NOT NOW $41288 ' steer hardtop Bel Aa tdr $i 988167 CHPVIROLET COMET radio heater white sidewallS rest of fact stick NOT NOW $5148 $4298 SS New '69 Chev ' fROLET Impala white sidewalls Cal Coupe $2 088 '66 MERCURY 2URY trans pwr steering pwr tsr3kes air cond full stick '67 COUGAR white sidewalls Aotl A T for i Ong service p3 p b 498 '63 MERCURY $1088 '68 MERCURY $1 677 '66 FORD coupe full power air Ccuntry Illaart wag loaded $2695 $1588 PH 484-873- 1 1'65 Falcon MERCURY '66 radio Nip eels- brakes power Monterey automatici heater steering and poweri i YOUR FRIENDLY PRICE ROY 2651 CHEV Open till 9 pm South Mein Bountiful 292-045- 1 '69 Chevel le 396 4speed SS $795 YEARS SAME LOCATION SO & MAN 328-475- 3 Pontiac Auto trans Pwr steer $1586 hardtop HENRY S DAY FORD 18995o Redwood Rd '67 '68 GTO-466-2- 859 3ir°i0ahtimmiCity FORD HINCKLEYS DODGE Pontiac too cond Mot sell ext 33 aft 5 o rn 1957 THUNDERBIRD painted and Liberty Park concesreupholstered sion stand Sunday 11 cm to 11 time 4849132 any pm 62 PONT pwr brekeS pwr steer auto trans $650 2664037 runs good '51 OLDS 67 CAMARO — 630 CALL CB Main at 5th N trans power steering fect $3295 We Don't Monkey Around LOOK! NOON TO 6 PM '67 SIMCA MERCURY heater noc '65 DART stand trans sedan radio heater $1795 heater auto trans power 14ettin '64 PLYMOUTH VI auto Ocr COUGAR XR7 $1997 SPECIAL PURCHASE Over 40 trams 69 DODGE Riviera toed chrome octions $1695 v-- s VII speed $1695 895 speed racto tlaVe bolakca of factory warranty to 1st owner V8 trans power steering tinted windshield full wheel COVSr2 automatic v'aels CUS TEMPEST between offer best 4a66067 ' -- COUGAR $98 convert Oil For The Life Of The '60 Ply We FURY trAidioi2p3c9h5vtr $25991164 Cadillac fact $1999 '68 GTO $2999 ''65 ford $1499 10vills air Air conc '68 Catalina 41 coupe fact air LTD automatic trans power steering wheel covers full Cordo FACTORY AIR CONDITIONED eN - I t'N KT $1 1 PLYMOUTH 4690 So Stote 1 — 262-550- 1 Gus Arrtula AICA4 Fta 1 4 I set 40rill A '66 economical'I4r Pm 899168 Grd Prix $3499 lk le liktSkOkf' oleolgg 610 'ANtstgav Z e N N $1400 '63 FORD pwr steer 3566119 fastback Galax! radio very clean 6750 500 Impala convert red Clean $la 355a44 $30 mo Country Boy "ALL"1 DRIVE "the" 1970 Maverick $1995 FL R D coup pl IdeVille B onne PO tact air eono Low This beauty application No 1250-lb moldng tires split rims $2099 t'63 Chevy 4Y1 Wagon ICustom 5"ck lit II 6 sprine COUNTRY SEDANS THESE ARE LUXURY CARS EQUIPPED WITH CRUISE OMATIC POWER STEER ING POWER BRAKES & FACTORY AIR COND All IN FACTORY WARRANTY F-2- $2799 50 'ry's most popular pickup for camper "-- 8 c body engine 2450-lsprings (R) 750)(16 $23981166 Custom trans $1 A498 e CHEV $10981164 Bet Air wagon heater Radio 500 FORD Country Sedan Radio heater power steering coupe hardtop automatic Powerglide $698 Radio heater power steering $998 $20981165 MUSTANG 7901 No radio heater hdtp auto radio heater ps air stick shift '67 $1098 Cruise CliEV Bel Air powerolide radio $1598 heater VI $6991I'M Partial List of Utah's Largest Selection $699 motor coupe color tan the 6789 Is 1969 GALAXIE 500s FAIR MUSTANGS LANE 500s air '69 69 '62 ''69 '66 FRED A CARLESON PONTIAC 1 535 SOUTH MAIN 364-199- r4 '68 PLYMOUTH Suburban COUNTRY SEDAN FAIRLANE 500 air BUICK Spec MUSTANG PLYMOUTH Fury II hdtp niRLAX iriE 415004-CHEV Caprice 63 MONZA conycl '67 LINCOLN couPe 1'67 CUTLASS coupe 1'67 PLYMOUTH Fury ill cpe CHEVROLET wagon '67 Landau '67 VOLKS bug '63 FORD XL '65 T BIRD '66 FORD LTD '67 FORD Country Sedan '66 RAMBLER 440 '67 OLDSMOBILE Delta 81 '65 CHEV Bet Air '66 PLYMOUTH Fury '66 PONT Bonn '67 FALCON '67 CHRYSLER HT air '64 FALCON wagon '69 FORD Galaxie 500 air '66 CHEV SS Cpe '67 MALIBU convert '64 YOLKS bug '67 BUICK hdtp '65 MUSTANG' hdtp KIPP '67 FORD Ga Ilxie '68 CHEVROLET Coorice '67 LE MANS convert WMAI SICWALLV ASTR7ESS DISTgSSINC9 Doeoyl " I :' '1 ''' 7 f Bennett Ford "Where You Buy Satisfaction" on Green Ron Warrington Steve Argyle Ernest Wol fort Bud Taylor Don Kilpatrick Scott Brinkerhoff V 1 and SEE $2299Fury l'65 FORD $2299 i'67 Cadillac $4 299 LeMans ROOEZ51 111054 CHRYSLER Newport clean excel cond See Why "WE" Outsell Them i167 PLYM '65 Catalina $1599162 Impala 227 14T "stir I taal1V004 p buckell 8onnevIIIe'6SImpaL4W dn $5991'67 FORD BUY fact air liothbabealti e teq auto 1966 twirp 'ter-- fact air Radio heater power steering Soup Fact air factory islr wet le ilitgst 4 44 By 4t46 So State 262-333- kitSts'olazo-o'ov- i auto aft 6 air 327 CHEV $2199 :68 $2999 i'67 Catalina custom Impala red Cougar'air $2799 64 Monza A Reel NN:magyoriztmoxfseti70 lovr OPEN 10 PM EVES CHRYSLER ! 328-149- 8 hdtp coupe CCIJI fact '67 excel cond '65 FURY II hdtp stand trans will trade 5714697 1966 CORVAI R MOntit excel cond call 359-765- 5 o b IS S 411629711 N EW '67 169Tepmpest sedan tlPliyysesviLl17yi19p1 Parking pm Sat Phone 1 'Compare Cars' Compa re Prices' 65 III tinted windshield von Car '67 Catalina $2399167 Olds MT Fact air - South-Fr- ee "FREE FORD family car air con No 77 W 5300 ditionino 2664485 Hdtp South —M --- - --- -- '68 its SAVE Carleson Pontiac Partner" 167 Ford hardted 484-618- 1 '61 heater 895 CAMPERS FOB seat power window fact: end many factory 11:r STATE sett' 363-586- 7 FACTORY AIR CONDITIONED '69 full pwr AC '66 DODGE 11T speed this car Is Immacts - Hdtp S15 delivers late monthly payments tailored to You $695 and Main Dower So 2280 Service Dept Open Sat lOth South eng' Buick hoeier INTERNAT1 61 PU t 5" etc Hayes Bros sharp $1 ob '65 IMMAC- You'll $2295 Buick $3 495 1'67 967 and PLYMOUTHS ht DS $1 V 41 ED HOUSEAL oK0O0- 225 loaded with Custom Electra MCI full Power and flax: xrtras D"m auto SPECIAL PURCHASE i 395!- looking for kdr le See DICK SCOTT vinyl top 51795 Mr l'66 Buick $2695! PU radio VA '61 MOG5 $78 '62 Buick ORIG OWNER $2 995 71'61 If vou're this Is IST radio haater radio heatr '67 CHEV rad iLt CDO IG'7'f-Ipee-d $795 '66 DODGE PU 1 '68 ELDORADO $1795111 Be A '767 Olds air '67 FORD radio '67 495 '67 CORONET radio 292-045- $1795 trans radio heater auto trans tilt 9 pm Main Bountiful $2095 Buick 1 Wan Open Memorial Day Cutlass sot DS pb auto1 radio etc lr cond '66 Olds $ 2 295 auto CHEN PRICE sod auto trans 3211 Original throughout ob gs Balance $2345 ia'lWAGON V8 and CAMARO seats OeVille hardtop fully powered white with black upholstery miles owner car 23500 actual Pleasant must sell immediately Grove by appointment CONVERT CUTLASS '65 OLDS ask for like newt $1195 Brian CHRYS '53 Imperial good enbody drive needs muffler gine make offer 1965 FORD FALCON or offer 81000 stick Ville sedan loaded wifact options seats and fact incl power win CaorIce air automatiC VERY NICE FINANCING AVAIL 100 MAIN air --j- !68 '68 DART Says $697 auto '67 1967 CADILLAC SEDAN De '69 DODGE POLARA I Hardtop sedan new car warranty BonnevIll Open 2651 Sown '66 Chev oto a 65 auto CHEVY II Nova very Clean !CUSTOM MUSTANG good looking needs new rings Must trans polyglas tires walnut wheat sail this weekl 1375 ($100 below console GT suspension stereo red with black Int Many more extras reasonabie or make wholes let 246 ts Eicel cond $244) or bast offer offer Michelin tires Fair lane 500 sport cpe '67 Buick $2 595 !FRED A Custom Wildcat sot coe serf Financing Available 100 and 1 PONTIAC trans ROY '64 Cad $895 Set CHEVROLET DEALER 6 pm 679 SO hcttP S fact steer Ford new FOR EL DORADO 1250 East Fire engine red with a matcnino Inengine '65 19LYM Fury 111 terior bucket seats whiteradio 1 auto transmission trans San walls tires lust a real nice car for '65 MUSTANG 789 a real fair price o $1495 $895 Buick $2295 ob at Wet DOWNTOWN STRONG'S enCustom Le Sabra pert steer auto trans Pwr gine brakes factory air cdstom Interior tinted glass w-- DS Ctry pwr htr V41 JOE BELLISTON $895 FRESH BUICK 167 radio BEL AIR BURBIDGE GENE '63 FORD EVENINGS DoubleChecked TRADE-IN- '65 See MOWER $895 4IPd 1964 NW BUICK k51 sedan Of radio C FIEVROLET HAYES to a pprrnec69628t32hr 3825872s4orlits Utah i 1963 0 CHRYSLERS eves SUPER STOCKED DODGE PA ''6ew4paCORVAIR V1 Ow sedan Auto power brakes like new low Mi pwr stew HEADQUARTERS OPEN MERCURY too caountfl:' ruKsreetr 110pM 'eteraFnOsRDpwLTD braker"srgyrl lies 428-i- n call engine Must sell call Ron 3543649 or wt DIRECT LINE SLC ends eves 2667561 PRICES" "SALT LAKES LOWEST 1966 ALITC)15 CORVAIIftCOR!kMjchelin ttra!1'0 IMPALA SS radio heater auto' pLyw V13E'XCELPS PAINT1 2 owner Make offer ask trans a' if sliering radial tires 81595 750 for TomDEWEY WOODS ONLY SM r BONNE sta won 8175 or with air very 1959 DODGE So MAIN 11962 or 26631341 best offer cond 8795 '67 CHEVELLE BEL AIR Chew good cond $125i 66 CHEV Must sell ALL the goodies MALIBU Mtg $1295 week 81695 or best offer Will Thisl'58 2552667 5540 S State trade or finance 100 mt credit union ZI '66 new 1969 Burgundy Cont1-- 1 nentol Mark 111 Lincoln loaded LIKE MAKE OFFER ROBERTS 13TH I FORD DEALER HEBER VALLEY $2995 4 Sed 4-- dr a real $1095 radio real buy '1Ight tan $1495 165 IMPALA $1295 radio Red auto pwr steer $875 166 WAGON $1695 trans Ford sed uto radio CHB 1168 YOUR "KING OF THE COUGAR DEALERS" $1495 Is 8 trans stand Drive In LINCOLN joHNSON WANT TO SELL YQUR CAR? T A S 'as ia" $1595''65 ELCNA $1475166 FORD auto red 'Encilish 8 Phone ir- - $1245 sedan steering FOR WHEN V old $695 CHEV AL BARRUTIA FOOD LODGING AND GASOLINE YOU BUY FROM US NOW PAY WE'LL "OUT OF TOWN BUYERS" air pwr brakes pwr steering hdtp $695 we9c41 loaded ad car 63 $650 vs VOLK& radio K R (ean mechanical's' AT See $7781 wagon laNna Corn Wildcat Park Colony red sed LeStore radio htr turquoise-whit- e Fastback light tan 6' 8 TOYOTA $1550 stick $1 VOLK& vinyl roof $2388' vinyl root pwr steering GT maps luggage radc wpm PONTIAC Bonney'' VS powr-e- 1 $295 BUICK tan radio 'Impala hardtop Sal Air 60 Ør air coati r atea-- FORD 0t 164 FORD trim black-re- sad AT $1095'63 167 CHEV $1895 Va This is a Imo car Mona '62 CHEV Asoauond GM RENAULT Dwr o eryi steer radio $l 9994dsr: $2388 '67 COUGAR heater radio radio heater whitewalls Pick Auto trans Powered wbilewalls 3951'65 BUICK $1 V4 auto trans hardtop 4dr 98865 $2498'65 DODGE Polara auto trans 8 Waded 398 '66 POLARA $1 COMET $1 hardtop 165 1617 power fact air 21J RY V4 auto trans hardtop $ 3 298 OLN ntal Impels 4dr hardtop racho - 1141 $3995 CHEV $1950 vnri root '66 9tpS Crusar Wagon uo ttans taLlorv good $1595 par 67 CPRCE rad) vr slew- radio BARR trm to match 0Arn $ 2 195 hag $495 trans brdkes '66 uto L Inspettion 4 FORD $695 $2 505 '63 CHEV trans cl'iowrmat Pon sold redo VIC as 1:la vnoe a Is wod RAMBLER '63 $495 '64 RAMB $575 outo tCvl tam "As Is" merican ar Vend tralls CORVAIR $645 '63 DART '65 $995 AND DORADO CAMPER F etIc pickup try - Doe $2 095 196 V 8 ComPle'a 9 cats over camper wired and Insaied SPECAL PRICE $1388 '66 $1088 )56 $1188 '65 COMET 8881'66 VOLKS $1 V4 radio heater warranty i steer pwr $395 trans rn"e whteblark $i t595 red auto trInc tact warranty 166 CAPRICE 745 $1 Wtota wtb blue trirn I t8n Ilqht V 6 Rove' CD$ traps TRUCK pspb 8881165 CHEVROLET $ol auto trans radio heater fact air pwr steering door 2 Of Sedan auto It ansDortalon 000 V8 '67 CHEVLI AIR COND wawn crienwhst iuto rad Cita volyt root steer $1395 awtt '67 CHEV $1345 Dal '63 DODGE auto auto hardtop rado hght itirQUO' LOOK AT THESE CLEAN SHARP USED CARS'77:9: 163 steer St30 power sedan $2195 IMPALA coe Auto bee $1675 rAvr 67 FORD raTo standard V a '65 CHEV Cdr hardtala auto trow radio trans $695 ' 62 PLYM auto Won V5 $1195 CHEVLL Vter sta $795 radio Bucket seats auto Chew '66 CHRYS Nevsport is $1395 '68 like no f3Jceone 66 GAL uto $895164 this olia '62 CHEV r dond $1595 V8 blue trim Auto trans cond '65 PONT auto Memorial auto buw adr "OK p $495 '65 FALCON with radio Iton nickuo truck Camino Et Clean-U- d 1'65 DODGE AS tan o s t '66 EL NOT raaduoto LOW BuCkel looth!d w th No 175 1815 trans $1845 Mercury Wagon 24 at ?90 90—Automobiles for Sole "Easy To Deal" 162 CHEV 'BA IMPALA I V - 7pm FACTORY extra' trissiecers AS '67 Day ht r 4-d- Month-En- — $2895 Cie COND AIR "OK" 10 am- PRICES AT A NEW LOW! FACTORY AIR COND "Easy To Park" upen 1 Day f pwr we have struck a responding chord with you come in and get the "JOHNSON TREATMENT" the kind of treatment that has service put us in the enviable position of '1 Lincoln Dealer and after the sale! An award winning dealer 1t21 1969 STREATOR Sport If - 190—Automobiles for Sale '69 CHEVis GET LESS? 28 Wednesday May I 6ASA 600 SOUTH MAIN 22 FINANCE PLANS 363-447- 0 OPEN EVENINGS |