Show A The Salt Lake Tribune Wednesday 129 28 May ig Four Agree on Mideast Peace Formula Although Boundary Issue Remains Robert H Estabrook 1: Washington Post Writer secure NATIONS NY on the Four negotiations itg fl:IOdle East have brought Evement on six general punciples for a settlement it LPNI vls learned authoritatively Tiesday :rhere is no accord howeven on what many consider the it(y questions of to what borders Israeli troops would be Expected to withdraw or how I 0m14"41)4t:'''': t 4 ' :: s: A r ' t 't ' 40olowvrst!4! ii4 A - N - ' 4 4 w A ' ot io - - lit- : !k7 wt ''4 :q ) i-- ! :' 1k': ' :1 N '1-- 019Ac:174:: C:i'"fil rr114 1 4 C4(:?'t-i-:' 7tiiit:1':1'f::: 14 44 -:: e ii' ' --a tf$411 A 1 Dies 'I " ':'' tg il ) ‘ i :: 11'4::::4::A::i 'se::4i riu- N '' iFill "" ''' '''''!'i -- - 4 'i” ' - ' "" TC: 'e ::' ' - - ( k:: i t -- :::1Alr ii 7 ' : i - Iti :: e4: 0!3 IliCommomsa '4valw ''''1 '144: F4412797'''''' ) 4 0: 4 :: " :i la 1 - " I 1': 4 c: ): I 12 t i 4 i: ' " '': :'- p":::3 — ' ' " ::: kl'tIN '" ':pt:: " Ilewory'' c4: 4 arl ::' :: Pollee said lip :40 f f"! d Thompson touched a live third rail after leaving the burning train The injured — most suffering minor injuries and smol7e inhalation — were treated at five New Jersey hospitals Henry said that some passen 4 4 :: tilt -- ::: :: ' :" ' soliitl130041010e‘" :: NEW YORK (AP) — A smoky flash fire disabled a Penn Central railroad train Tuesday trapping 200 ccmmuters deep in a tunnel under the Hudson River One man was reported killed and 92 persons were injured The passengers trapped momentarily in the darkened tunnel and flung open windows and doors and leaped to the ground They groped cautiously on catwalks — some for as long as 40 minutes — to the New Jersey side of the tunnel Deputy Pc lice Chief Patrick Henry of North Bergen NJ identified the dead man at Will J Thompson 63 of Rahway NJ a railroad conductor on sick leave who was riding as a passenger Hits 34 " ': 1 :: :: 1 :::: :: - 't " ' ''' :H: 'rv0 ' —Associated 1 :: — '''s Press' Wrap hot Fourth Pair Makes a Full House MICH — Mrs Vian Arnico newborn twin daughters fourth !Olds to the Joe Andeos twins of born ret came seven years after the al rival of tie last set of twins The Arnie° family now boasts 11 children VARREN Thy Jurors Clear tir 9 in Dixie FLORENCE a A :Action Labeled 'Barbarism' SC (AP) — biracial Jury quickly found nine l By Associate Press I Liberal Democrats called tuesday for an end to what t e y called "barbarism" flgainst students of the University of California at Berke ray In New York Mayor John Ti Lindsay a liberal Republitook a strong stand van against a City College admistons plan aimed at pacifying tCegro students w 13 : Lindsay indicated he might etzt off funds to New York's Board of Higher Education if the proposal It approved to draw half of CCN1's man class from slum high schools regardless of citywide scholastic standings Democratic Coalition Leaders of the New Demo cratic Coalition composed of former supporters of Sen J Eugeneand McCarthy the late Sen Robert F Kennedy DNY called for removal of troops and police from the Berkeley campus and "removal of VS Indicts Brewery Firm In Violating Election Law Itgational the advertising r - r al In A represented Pierre in California's 1964 Senate elections New York Salinger Mite House press secretary 4r the late John F Kennedy he had heard of the but that there had been "no investigation of me Whitever" :He: said a number of people LI Li 0 iied money for his camign and he "was not aware those who contributed" He lined to name those who d raised the money he indictment by a federal grand jury accused the Bait tittion brewery of paying the oney about June 1 196I to 0 '11-1- 1: the Walter Leftwich 4 I These would include taxes up to 100 percent on income not properly used and punitive taxes of 50 percent or up to 100 percent in repeated cases on the foundation management such penalties could be appealed to courts At present a person who for eight out of 10 years has made charitable donations on such a scale that with taxes 1" S e - At a Washington DC meeting they also voted $1000 for bail and legal aid to students arrested in disorders at Berkeley which took the life of a nonstudent In San Frandsco the professional journalistic society Sigma Delta Chi announced that a panel sponsored by its California Freedom of Information Committee had ruled that Dr S I Hayakawa acting president of San Francisco State "was College wrong" in suspending student !cations after long- standing campus disorders Campus Press Criticism The panel said school administrators "should not respond to campus press ceticism inflammatory as it may be by resorting to the violence of suppression even temporarily" Goldberg Says No to Pension — (AP) former Gollberg Court justice and Supreme United Nations ambassador has declined a $25000 a year PITTSBURGH Arthur J pension from the United Steelworkers Union which he served as general counsel for 13 years Goldberg's decision was announced Tuesday by I W USW Abel The president union's executive board offered the former justice the pension May 9 they account for 90 percent of his income may thereafter take an unlimited charitable This provision is being used the Treasury has said by about 100 millionaires to avoid taxation entirely or almost entirely usually by giving away property that has increased income cent in value ou The committee proposal would phase the unlimited deduction provision by 1975 However table donati-n- s the ordinary limit on now 30 percent of total - ''" 5 4 kg ?44 4 - leIP:!:t: I 01 ' e!) i :x Vt i' t ' 4 I ' !1- 11x '' ''' 4i:!:: ' 114 : 'i4 04444001: ' ' 1:?' ds o: ie::1riita47 q::::-:1::- ottk I VAN NUYS CALIF (UPI)' Jeffrey Hunter who portrayed Christ in the biblical film epic "King of Kings" died Tuesday at a hospital where he was rushed unconscious after a fall at his home He was 42 The handsome actor who appeared in more than 30 movies and numerous television shows underwent brain surgery after he was taken to the hornital The cause of death was not disclosed pending a coroner's autopsy Wife rinds Body surrounclng the fall because she was uncle' heavy seda- said The family moved to Milwaukee Wis when he was 4 where he excelled in athletics — Actor n ' - z4A: 4 ? dr 1171 'T' tk- - ' i l''74:1 :':!'::: ' —Associated ki ' t Press Wireottoto A friend of the family Jeffrey Banter Appears in :0 Movies the actor had fallen down a flight of stairs at his home Monday and suffered head injuries He was found by his third wife Emily who summoned an ambulance race who were called to the scene said they had not yet been able to talk to his Actor Eyes Release SANTA MONICA CALIF (UPI) — Actor Robert Taylor hospitalized for treatment of a recurring lung ailment was expected to be released at the end of the week - 1:111Ef011- wife about the circumstances tion The dark-haire- blue-eye- d actor starred in such movies as "Hell to Eternity" "The Searchers" "The Last Hurrah" and "The Proud Ones" Flies Olin Plane In private life the athletic actor piloted his own plane and enjoyed speedboating Hunter whose real name was Henry H McKinnies Jr was born in New Orleans La Nov 25 1926 the son of a sales engineer Signed to Contract attended Northwe-teUniversity then went to UCLA where a talent scout He m saw him in a school production and he was signed to a contract t OURILERa! RE10-M-a am SURE YOU'RE I g -- -r 'Ilm-- - I 1— MOST APPLIANCE FOR YOUR MONEY? k ‘M tomb" All !Winn I South Carolina patrolmen innocent Tuesday of civil rightk viola lions in the shooting of 30 young Negroes Including i if itfe t 1 MM- - : 1 - L ' ' till' -'- - 11: —-- Mel-I i - 11'1 - 2111Aat:1112141151 ''' 4 1r ilt I'll -- i a 4! Open an account now NORGE THIN WALL DELUXE FREEZER Did you know that every NORGE freezer is zero tested before it leaves the factory? Well it's true every one is tested checked and proved to assure dependable frozen food storage in your home Because of the handidor storage feature you can store up to 435 pounds of frozen food and lock it up to assure safe keeping 3 Jet freeze open coil shelves iro- vide increased circulation of zero cold in all parts of freezer Norge Freezers have condensor to prevent moisture buildup keeps the exterior dry in any climate Buy Norge and get the best only MODEL UFJ1690 125-cu-- 152 cu ft NORGE BIG CAPACITY REFRIGERATOR that's roomy inside and compact outside k L — --- ! I "11141111116 1 II : C '1 7 — - W 16 - Z- '1 1r -- I' ' t 'i it V rY - '' A't 4 1"' 2' ''' 01111'1 - L'1 i mii00101011L -:- Ild -- were wounded per- '15 II 1 7771 - -i -- - I' ill ”r -- - i - —t3:111 S lmt Islam ri':-T- Illain "1111111 '1:1 l'14'-'-- - il "bp---"!:--- '''4-1- e -- - ' 01 ' u 'I''' 'I ' !1101 4 —'''ir n'l Liu 0 I t iiisel 7 ty el t J --- -- :" 7'' Or tVi r ° 147: MODEL UFJ 1350 CAI 'letiADAIrrrrn LOWEST I i No money down FArro th( r NORGE 146-cu- ft REFRIGERATOR You never lave to defrost the refrigerator section because you'll have the convenience of completely automatic defrosting Also there is a full width freezer that holds up to 121 pounds of frozen foods and maintains safe cold temperatures automatically You'll really enjoy the special plate id the refrigerator section that automatkally keeps the correct balance of temperature er humidity for all foods Don't forget the twin porcelain crispers and hendidor storage for eggs and dairy products There's an interior light and adjustable cold control for only S2 0 9 95 - U11 jI "food-freshen- ic : 'tag Aral I — lr ing Irr rai '7761 I I i - Immar-J1Iietok 111— el i - i4111111111111111111111 MODEL REK 1532 '' TEFFI-kr- H No money down t I TWO-DOO- R - 95 loom - 95 $16 - Believe it or not this beautiful refrigerator has a full width freezer that holds up to 97 pounds of frozen foods You'll find a full width chill tray and a full width porcelain vegetable crisper a real added convenience In addition this NORGE REFRIGERATon has deep door shelves with a dairy keeper and egg storage shek es You can even order your choice color of turquoise pink )ellow or coppertcne for only cli- —- 111 N1ODEL REK1310 124 cu ft maxed four nights of racial disturbances started by the refusal of a bowling alley to serve Negroes lo the shooting 27 Negro students also 50 ff4 - N11 incident known in rights circles as the to - '' a Climaxes Unrest would be increased ' No money down ft dry-wa- ll The toopers — one a former patrolman and the others still on the force — were charged by the US Justine Department after the Feb 8 1968 shooting near the campus of South Carolina State College "Orangeburg Massacre" $2 1995 1 I Ft Lauderdale Fla civil maintains zero degree cold in the freezer For added safety powerful permanent magnets seal the door tight against the cabinet and you have a built-i- n auto type door lock to guard food during your absense All this plus baked enamel finish for a low-lo- $25995 11 " 1 inimu51goil burg high school pupil and South Carolina State students Henry Smith 19 of Marim and Samuel Hammond 20 of That refrigerator shelves automatically ' ' R NORCE THIN WALL DELUXE FOOD FREEZER New slimmer trimmer "square" design is smart and modern Handsome base panel is trimmed in wood grain finish This NORGE FREEZER holds 540 pounds of frozen food and features 3 open coil n deliberated one hour and 29 minutes They had to consider the case of each of the nine defendants separately The defendants sat im passively as the clerk began reading the verdict individual ly for each one but each appeared to relax as his name was called and the clerk in toned "not guilty" courtroom against emotional demonstrations as the verdicts were read He said "You can go to your homes and laugh or cry but there will be no demonstrations in this courtroom" Killed during the Orangeburg confrontation were Delano Middleton 17 an Orange- " UFJ1660 155 cu ft Wtiette t Negroes US District Judge J Robert Martin Jr had warned the ill -- three who died in Orangeburg last year The jurors Including two Warns Courtroom '1111111111111111111111MIROMMEIN d Includes Church Taxes A t: T white Under present law sanctioned by the Supreme Court a church or similar organization may borrow money to buy a business then pay off tile debt out of the The profits which become committee proposal would tax income financed by such debt Income received by churches from businesses they own would become taxable The National Council of Churches and the United States Catholic Conference have endorsed these provisions dui-lotio- Jeffrey Hunter Dies at 42 After Fall Down Stairs t This new NORGE NEVER-FROSFOOD FREEZER is one you'll never have to de frost and It will hold 540 pounds of frozen foods A truly remarkable modem convenience You'll never have the nuisance of prying loose frozen foods and the routine defrosting drudgery of spills scraping and wiping up afterwards New modem slim de sign is smart a looks like a built-i- n without remodeling You'll really enjoy the slide out basket for storing large bulky ---items Besides having an automatic riinterior light this NORGE FREEZER EA 'ziolas 6: riboalaimin has a long-lif- e siipal light on the 11!' 114'-:!-front of the cabinet door to warn — 1 et a glance if the electric current 1111111 k It fails There is a built-i- n key lock !Iivifp—t! 1 mow ': to guard your food assures safe protI il ttt tection Imagine all this plus a de-lusionno I 7wrotem t q I frost drain four leveling glides and If: 2 ' dgaillami 1" i 4 4 baked enamel finish for only o'use Panel Oui lines Targets for Tax Revision a li Organiza- tion of Beverly Hills Calif but it did not name Salinger or any other candidate in the elections The statute cf limitations on the contributions law is five years It woald have run out on the alleged offense June 1 Alan defeated Salinger now US senator Cransten from California in the Democratic primary in June 1964 In the general election in November Salinger lost to Republican George Murphy In Washington Attorney General John N Mitchell said the brewery was charged with violating a federal law prohiband labor iting corporate union political campaign contributiors in federal elections If the company is convicted it could receive a maximum penalty of a $10000 fine Continued from Page 1 cOmmittee pronosal would provide a whole range of sanctions for violating the vatious prohibitions Unlimited Charitable Deduction a per- publ 4 BALTIMORE MD (AP) — Co was Brewing Tuesday on a charge contributing those officials who have petrated this barbarism" " r ENNIRMItIMEIWIte highway iEnd Attacks oil Students Demos Ask ' 4' P' 'i'::: 1 :' - tions in a statement in Teheran but said also that fundamental differences remain Big Four representatives have informed certain other ambassadors here of the points of agreement Israeli and Arab delegations also have been given a rundown after each Big Four meeting The Big Four ambassadors will hold their 10th session Wesnesday morning at the Soviet mission on East 67th Street in Manhattan Race Deaths 17 I r '' 1 ct tunnel" REY° t ' LA'$ - 'i f"f' others For the most part the passengers kept calm and walked single file along the catwalks to safety The first ones out of the tunnel climbed a steep hill to a nearby highway and called for police help "We tailgated each other We held on to other's coattails" said Guy Ewings 32 "I walked about 40 minutes before getting out of that i - '' - ( All traffic through the tunnel in and alit nf New York was halted delaying trains to and from Washington among GET -' gers were treated at the scene while others were placed aboard special trains and sent to Newark where a large number of ambulances were assembled Ne Nark Police Director Dominick Spina said the fire apparently started from a short circuit in the second car Traffic Halted YO 'o ''z'1 : ea-21- p74 1::::e 0: t: '3:i4 ? 4: t N 8Y4:'::: 92 Hurt as Train Catches Fire in Tunnel smoke-clogge- 4 A tit i t point is It a''''- Soviet between Washington the United Subsequently States has sought to obtain clarification of points left ambiguous The status of Jerusalem is one of these ambiguous indicapoints and there are tions that the Russians would Eke to leave it for much later determination Secretary of State Rogers referred to "some progress" in the Middle East negotia Ambassador Anatoly F Dobrynin and Assistant Secretary ? :''' :1 i 1 understood that agreement on all parts of a settlement is contemplated before any sin gle part is implemented The navigation and refugee questions hrwever are said to be subordinate to the much more difficult question of boundaries In discussions Bitateral Xta 'v: — :1i'i- ::'-::''- ' last Although this of State Joseph J Sisco are known to have brought Soviet hints on this question not explicitly linked to a prior it is refugee settlement owts-t'''- 1 li'-':- ' 'qx k 11:1:: ' ')it4-:':'- ift i:: liZ- - 'i:P: '' e4t k 4—There must be a "package deal" involving all elements of a settlement territorial adjust5—Any ments must not reflect the weight of conquest final aim of the 6—The process must be a just and lasting peace in the Middle East Big Four deputies also have discussed the problem of the Palestine refugees on the basis of a report supplied by Secretary CenPral U Thant and Egypt is said to have acknowledged that Israeli ships should have the right of passage through the Suez Canal and Strait of Tiran in any settlement ' A ' '1'71:'!'J'-)----' :"4 ov--:42 ment " 'p ' ""fr v 3—There must be no imposed solution but the Big Four will make suggestions to the parties through Jarring as to the nature of the settle- originally points TR-: et if:1 V Council resolution of Nov 22 1967 which must be carried out in all its parts 2—The Four Powers reiterate their support of the peace mission of United Nations ? 4 a!"""rrrat- six ''' 7v0?!!):" tt 15f :i - The Middle put together by a working group of deputies as an "inventory" of what the four powers can agree upon are: 1—The basis for a settlement must be the Security qrft : i 4 :y ' 'iv: ''''Plt ' :e t' :A'' ''': e L 9 1 kig4 4 i fk: ' '' - East representative Gunnar Jarring mittal and France has been lukewarm the At ab countries would sigtheir nify acceptance of and recognized boundaries for Israel The Soviet Union is said to favor incorporating the six points in an interim communique but the Big Four have not endorsed the idea British Ambassador Lord Caradon also has promoted an interim communique as a means of informing world opinion about the negotiations but the United States has been noncom 1By AH':' 916 SO MAIII ST SALT LAKE CITY PRICES 1 b 4625 Riverdale Itd I — - in Ogden ' 7' t4 11 r I I d I i 41 ) I - ' ' o' I |