Show BY TELEGRAPH AMERICAN HOLLY SPRINGS miss othere there are some bome 60 cases of fever ever among the citizens here the doctors pronounce it bilious fever of a very nature the deaths of A A W and anil isaac citizens and william mackin refugee have occurred great panie panic exists people are leaving in large numbers new now orleans 3 the tho colored people of louisiana ma make ke an appeal to their brethren throughout the country as follows in the midst of suffering and death reaching nearly every household in this scourge stricken community in dur our dire need we appeal to the christian charity of our brethren everywhere and the benevolence ef of those whom the providence of god has placed without the circle of the great misfortune now upon us and in full faith that our appeal will not be in vain Tan tangible giblo help now will secure the lasting gratitude of all the people of and the commendation men dation of the christian world organized bodies among our people will afford much needed ald alii and relieve great distress by responding respond at once contributions forwarded to the howard Ab young mens christian association or the peabody subsistence association will vill viii be gratefully grite fully appreciated and impartially distributed william 0 broz brom brown C 0 Ant alue alne P pa ai A hyrd george orge W W JS saunders Bau james jales lwis leyl luyi I 1 B committee the pickwick club hauw a committee for beef tea and beef soup to the tho mial on the certificates of t physicians from 10 am to eoa 5 p the attendants are kept busy buly merv nerv ing applicants pui in pint and quart bottles tightly lightly corked and distributed the howard AMo clation issued over rations today to day the the association reports SOO applications for relief today to day A dla dia dispatch gatch to the howards howarda from ocean springs sep tep ringa reports two deaths from je yellow ilov fever yesterday and four cas caa cases es under treatment father charles is down with fever the city sexton bexton reports 36 deaths dealba in the 24 hours boure one P physician reports 60 new cases though the number of new now cases will go far above other days since tha fever appeared physicians bay say they can no longer make reports of new cles cues for want of time and the large increase of new now cases the howard association is calling in gods name for physicians from all parts of the country to come to the relief ot of the stricken ones of vicksburg the number of physicians here la Iss niall and they are broken down and several are sick among the death deaths Fi today to day la Is jno D roach paying teller of tile the vicksburg bank bauk rev bev M galloway of the methodist church is sinking rapidly and no hopes are entertained bained df bf his hii recovery df dr whitehead is aso abo also seo in a dying condition all hope hepe la given up hisoire who has been down with the even leier ever goc up today to day andaas and has been lii ministering 0 to his wants an in his hia last moments st louis louit 3 the peabody sub si stance committee organized zed sed here today to day has established its head quarters fon for provisions and supplies at the corner of maine and pine plue streets this organization la is endorsed by the mayor major and merchants exchange the quarantine of freight from st louis luuis gaii dall points in texas was wab raised today to day Shreve shreveport ahre pol pot still maintains quarantine against all freight from ohio or the mississippi river biver point but Is expected to modify it tomorrow fas Fai passenger sengen traffic ia is unrestricted strict ed lo 10 or If frough houston where affidavits are required thal thai they have not been in tile the infected districts district chicago 3 total subscriptions for yellow fever cities memphis 3 the condition of our city today to day beggars description while the list of new cabria reported ted is only about 60 the death nhe ahe ra te has bas amounted amoun ted tei to si 80 only two of which were from other causes than yellow fever savor bodies were discovered today in out of the way places which have from appearances been dead bieve fieve ial dass days one peculiarity lityma manifested nife sted among many of the sick is a dessire desire to seclude themselves while among the poor there is unreasonable fear of being sent feut to the hospital or oi infirmary hence the of tb dary daty the tho new caes are the bey rey george C harris dean deau of st marys maryla episcopal cathedral rev 0 0 parsons Para ons rector of st mary marya dr 8 H brown L iglauer of menken bros dr A B R hodges is reported in a dying condition among the me convalescents 1 ried ed Vor sam chief 0 police athy i is Te ported reported convalescing dr dowell of galveston is redoing he good service bervice among the sick blek E C Q jamison correspondent of the st fit loufa louia journal To was conveyed to the ho hospital pital today to day hick tick with fever fevere father william walsh of gt st patricks church sends forth the following 1 I app appeal eal eai to all catholic societies for aid three priests alone rema remain tn all others other ard are dead or sick three hundred lives were saved at father matthews camp arrangements are being made to provide for the orphans following is from the colored preacher aid society to the colored people of the united states state especially those of the north our people are suffering destitute and por heavens he avena sake relieve us all you can by sending us means we are not able to bury our dead or to nurse and fied fired the sick arld and destitute most nf of us havo have employ no i ment as a all business is suspended send bend us contributions contribution so ef t money or provisions speedily rny ashville nashville 3 an au american special lau laj from brownville Browns brown ville 55 miles milea east of memphis earp today to day has been a blue one thirteen new cases and 4 deaths are reported the fever attacks natives and anti visitors alke alike the tho howards and city duth themselves orLiea have to bury the dead the town is deserted fui ful all ali thu ihu except drug stores store arty arey co closed nurses money m aud and and supplies plies are needed Vick iburg 3 0 seventy cases are lepor reported ted ai at greeny greenville ille lile mas mass and 14 deathe no nurses thirty cae caser ca e and four deaths deather are feor ted at goodriche Good richs landing the house of bishops uis bis hopSy in public session this evening bv ening unanimously deposed bishop mccoskrey of michigan and adopted the following resolutions whereas the bishop has abandoned his diocese and left the territory of the united states while glavo gravo allegations existed thereby declining to promote any invests gatlon gation of the allegations against his character and whereas no action of said bishop in said premises premise s which action he has himself invoke 0 k ed can make effective his voluntary resignation and relinquishment relinquish ment and abandonment of his sacred offices office except by his hiss deposition from the same resolved Keso tred tved that said samuel alien alion mccoskrey is hereby deposed from the sacred ministry and from all offices thereof and that the presiding bishop ils lis is hereby requested and authorized to pronounce and arid record the sentence of deposition and give due credit thereof e the reading of the paper was way listened to with the deepest attention and after the sentence was pronounced the house of the bishops adjourned sine die no action was taken toward appointing a successor to the deposed bishop the following special prayer was waa prepared by the assembled bishop regarding yellow fever and was ordered to be read in all the churches almighty god our refuge and strength in time of trouble give ear to our prayer in behalf ot of thy people who are at this time suffering under grievious sickness and mortality and hide not thy face from them in this season ot of their distress remember them in mercy 10 not in wrath and stretch forth ithe tny thy mighty hand to stay this pestilence heal the sick and deliver them not over unto death cover with tee fee shield of df thy protection all those who are exposed to danger strengthen the comfort the bereaved and desolate give to them that are sorrowful beauty for ashes oli oll oil of joy for mourning and a garment of praise for the of heaviness bestow blessings bles bies sings singa on those at home and ano abroad who minister to the relief of the afflicted Sanc sanctify tily the vi vilta visitation ita to the good of this whole na tion humbling our hearts binding us in sympathy one with another and by thy grace making us a peo pie serving God working righteousness so may we honor thy name and extol thy mercy through jesus christ our lord amen CITY OF OP MEXICO 3 the s in pipers of revolutions in are untrue the country never was freer from anarchy than now and no president has ever been so uni Vb Trally popular lYd pular OT or BO strong asbor as por poi firlo diaz the reported rising jalapa was the work of a band baud robben robbers under pretext of fx ex president L erdo they took garrison b by bp p 6 robbed the town and nned fled to we the mountains the robbers were subsequently pur sued beaten and disperse dand the booty recovered it is rumored that BE bealor flon fion wata mata will resign his portfolio on account of III ill health that Za macena will enter the cabinet and that al mariscal will 1 9 go 0 back to washington A caucus of the member members sot of congress has been held in favor of a railway and american enterprises generally with a view of adopting a course to defeat the rule of the benitez faction government has demm deft sent a considerable number of troops to the iti elo Eio 0 grande frontier the troops will first see that all revolutionary bands are broken up and then proceed to the rio grande to suppress sap re s s the indian raiding and if po poa sib sible aible I 1 e capture the leaders president diaz has issued two decrees for the suppression of smuggling on the rio bio grande one decree authorizes any citizen to arrest smugglers and seize the smuggled goods goode the other closes eloyes the frontier ports of the mier and camargo NEW YORK 4 the tribunes london special the detailed reports odthe of the sinking of the princess alice confirm the first statements of the terrible loss of bf life between and of the passengers were drowned immediately after the collision a number of small boats put out from the shore and a few persona persons were picked up the river for a distance of a hundred yards around the scensi of me the catastrophe was full of drowning people the scenes witnessed qed zed were of the most heart rendering character searching parties are at w work and every effort is being ma made do to recover the bodies from the riv river er the excitement is intense T the he ill fated steamer was cut in two by the collision the washington special says the removal of axtell and the appointment of lew low wallace is causing general comment in administration circle circles A prominent government official says saya he is in receipt of letters from the most trust worthy sources stating in effect that wallace has haa been one ones of the bitterest of the predent opponents ponente denouncing ris ais p publia public hll hii j 1 course and the ohe president personal personally 1 y at every opportunity tue official referred to says the governorship of new mexico was under consideration by the cabinet on friday mc crary C urged Wallac wallaces bA appointment as did tyner schurz denounced wallace claiming clawing that his h is personal abuse of 0 the administration should not be rewarded by such an nn appointment aa the governorship of new mexico brom prom the talk of government officials there appears to be no doubt but au an attempt will be made to defeat the confirmation of wallace when the senate shall meet they say lie he cannot be ed because the demou democrats rats will vote against him he having been one of the visiting statesmen to Louisiana the republicans will oppose him on the ground that he be has changed his political views in order to gain an office just before thompson left for indiana he told an an acquaintance that one object of his visit to that state was to heal the differences between wallace and orth the former heads the opposition to nomination to congress and it is now reported that through the influence of thompson and hud other P prominent r eminent indiana republicans t the e appointment of wallace has been made in order that he may be out of the way during the coming con coD gressional congressional campaign in lafayette ette ELIZABETH rii N J A 4 orville grant the ex presidents brother brothers was this morning hent sent to an in iane aane asylum at morristown Morria e town nip his mind olind runs runa on immense speculations starting a new business bu sines on oil a gigantic scale ac he was sent at the request of friends and dr morton FOREIGN LONDON 3 the thic exo exa steamer ste ate atner arner princess atlea cretu returning aning from rom gravesend Grave send this evening with about SOO passengers was run down off Bar barking klug about 8 by a screw steamer itis it is reported that between and persons w re e drowned the princess alice was struck amidships i find and sank sauk almost immediately dia tely the number of persons drowned Is variously at from to the higher estimate is the latest and is given by the london steamboat company thu tho th downers owners of the princess alice the comp anys wharf ia Is besieged by crowds of people anxious to hear bear of relatives and friends who were passengers on the ill fated boat the steamer which sunk the princess alice is supposed to be the bawell castle screw collier bound north in ballast ballasts the steward of the princess alice states that after the collision the other steamer pro ceedee without attempting to render aid he estimates that per sons were wore on board the princess aliat alice she sunk bow first in five live in minutes after she the was struck some home small imail boats and another excursion steamer rendered what assistance mas was was possible rhe The drowned included an extraordinary amoun amount t of women and children several survivors speak of having lost ats man many Y as three five and six children childr en they described the water as c covered with hundreds of a shrieking bri eking people the captain and nearly all of the crew of the princess alice were drowned they had no time to lower the boats and there were but few life buoys on the steamer all the police of woolwich town and arsenal were engaged last night in la belling corpes corpses chiefly women and children which completely filled all rooms at the steamship companas comp anys office at woolwich tiie passengers who scrambled on board the dwell castle say she threw ropes to the people struggling in the water the number bosn lost is still uncertain A comparison of the various accounts beem to show about the prencess princess alice lice was a paddle paddie wheel steamer with raised fc aloon haloon her gross tonnage was tons that of the bewell caille castle 1376 londos LONDON 4 the coroners coronets jury has return e a verdi verdict 0 t of manslaughter against two switchmen fon foi the railway disaster at sitting bourne and and aud the men have been committed for trial triai the steamer PrIn princess cesi alice which was run into and sunk bunk with such frightful results last evening by collier bywell gantle castle was one ond of the largest haloon saloon steamer wees s of th the london steamboat company the princess Prince gs alice wt left for eoon after aner six in the evening and alid arrived within sight bight of the royal arsenal at woolwich at about 8 the bywell castle was then approaching pro aching on the opposite course the two ste mela meia were nvere ilear the middle of the stream jut just ont ott the |