Show wima os o s j ra r X egr egy pir P ir YORK CITY august 25 1878 1878 i i 3 editors de Je deseret seret news dear brethren elders joh john nicholson ichols odi ori oley ellingson Elli agson and anaw VV D major mrs A W carlson and mias miss clara may arrived in this city this morning in fair health and spirits though somewhat fatigued the party put up at the house where I 1 inet them soon boon after tle tie vla steamer wyoming on which tae they takeyo take passage for Livin liverpool pool will sail isail on thesda tuesday 7 the dinst eiden eider nicholson and aud myself me met with tho the saints sainta in brooklyn this thia forenoon and tidd addressed them we thad an in excellent excelle VC meeting bome sorrie strangers tring rs present si elves bives much interested in Muc principles liles sef set roith forth one one ope week ago this thia sunday elder elden samuel hamuel jj adams of bf st gedrge george accompanied by a af young ung lady his 1115 niece arrived here they design sailing silling on oa the thel jfe jpe ming with elder nicholaos Nich and pirty party bui but t came camer on a week ahead in order to have time to make some home visits visita etc my being in new york just as these brethren arrived has has bas been to me a very pleasant coincidence po incidence for the sight of their faces wag was unto me as the shadow of a great rock in a weary desert the party parl will probably the time they have to spare before the sailing bailing 0 of I 1 the vessel in ln bight eight seeing etc of which there is opportunity to do much in this thia areat great city i your bro brother ther in the gospel I 1 B F cumbia Cu maia jr child ellid llor mortality V r 01 4 SALT LA lare LAKE ice CITY aukust Augus tSO 36 1878 ed ilora deseret news with respect for your rma on j sickness among childrens child renI should be phased to add from an hn extensive i observation and home bome experience that eo soon boon as our warm days dass are ari followed by cool nights and abd the first fall rains come if flannel garments woollen stockings and good shoes are placed on aho iho eb children a large pei percent per cent of sickness will be saved some home time since new flannel was provided and had in this first of rail tall our bur little ones are clothed in ft it from n neck eck eek to ankles in arguing the question of child mortality with an eastern lady lade I 1 some yearb years since we drove through lia 17 hil bil c vid v eld eln id in tha the nf kr agy ary an am A cp unfed OV over 25 children barefooted bare footed or not properly clothed her exclamation at the close was its not your climate or j poly gamy but tee the wais ways waya of gag the robustness ss proui of our children who survive early childhood years might suggest the question if tini tins people pass their ous oua pring through ua the old test teat respectfully B S correction i MOUNT 1 j j san yan pete 7 yep yei kep ep gembe r 7 1 8 editors deseret hews news 4 in relating the educational toul of prof K G 0 maeser maesen lo 10 president dt john taylor territorial luperini Su 1 of district t schools isi and rand published in hemi bemi ws jot august 31 I 1 see cherf is a mistake tn in relation xe lation to thir plage in speak ing lug of fountain green Moro nii nil fairview and mount pleasant he says bays no sess ionin lonin those places for the summer bummer season beason except at fairview i L wish to say mount pleasant has hasa a very good school of 70 pupils under tinder the direction of elia mita kelta EILA day a permanent resi resl resident derit oc of this place abd and a graduate of the university of deseret r respectfully yours I 1 I 1 i E CLIFF school Tiu stee atee i nj for 0 1 r the the best time tige 6 80 sow bow 13 lb is 13 after r the hard frosts are aren over oyen sow wath oats oath or barley drag in well weli and level the g ground the grain will protect lucerne while young sow on top after the ground Is read ready rendyl 1 would not recommend more than eight or ten pounds per acre the seed is its small and aid finds its way into small email cracks and cavities of fhe the and land W when h ed the moisture w will ill causse t to germinate the first appearance is a root rodt that starts in a downward direction and then the shell sheil opens and the adall leaves appear and if the seed ia is covered too deen it cannot force its leaves to the sur face I 1 would recommend dividing the seed sow over once then cross sow with the balance this will get le |