Show jenzis salve never fails falls to cure felons corns bunions bunion st chilblains broken breasts cancers ers old kores sores biu bit bruises ilses rises burna burns freckles ulcers etc I 1 price 35 acts per b box ax A home brodu production 1 i G W T solo sold agent salt klake lake city pta utah b opposite e kimball block post oice office NB wholesale price very I 1 loi joi low I 1 tho the centaur LilA elya are of bc two kinds the white as to for r the human fam family 1 ily ils the yellow if for horses sheep and other ani ant mam mak testimonial of the effects produced by these re remarkable 1 preparations PPL rations are arel wrapped every battie battle and may my be procured of any drugg druggist or by mail from the office of tile THE CENTAUR COMPANY ag 40 dey street new hew york yori york city ly MOUNTAIN WARBLE WARBLER R I 1 herr HERE being several hundred bundred copies 0 I 1 I 1 JL the above sons song book remil remaining ning unsold they can be obtained at the deseret news office for tor 25 cents centa pec POK 07 pee pow M S L city march 1876 WANTED TO bent RET HOUSE containing four or alv 0 A la ta th the 9 nth eth ath lith luth or or wards warda apply at this tf A KITCHEN GIRL TO in whom ample war wax wares will wiil be 1 riven given apply to JIRS WM JENNINGS halt block east ol 01 depo dero IL GOLD PLATED avau AVAT onesi CHESi aw i U cheapen ft in the tho known 7 world d 15 sample sampie watch frn I 1 As at U addre A jt co k BOEHM duri MURE panacea 1 vola void sold by druggists and cooperative stores stoves price 50 cents per bottle this remedy has haa been known and used for fon over oter thirty jears with the most romark remark remarkable aWe beneficial re results kilts thousands of testimonials from flom all classes bear witness to its value as ai a childrens medicine it is purely vegetable and sc nets til as a tonic restoring the appetite and assisting nature in throwing oil disease the panacea should be use d in all cases of childrens complaints let it be the first thing resorted to alad and almost instant relief will be experienced full directions on cach each bottle 10 32 IMPORTANT nig SIG EM ENT I 1 Agent having haring just returned from an extended bustnes trip east past and haying baying made MY idi arrangements with one oue of the oldest and moat relf roll anle aole houses la f a the new neit england es I 1 am now pre pie prepared pared to buy in quantities from one pound and upwards THIS clie clip or r OOL O OL for which Iv rill pay the hla Hia highest liest market price frice in m CASH I 1 am also 1 wool gwo on commission and would mould respects respectfully nily ally ask tilo the woo growers of thia this territory and nil all others interested Interest tad fd to give rne ine e a call before disposing of otheir their apol wool wooi as I 1 am ampie ample pi jared with unequaled to do as well wall by them as a ada Z b 47 cavi X W 7 WOOL woon SA SACKS I 1 ces and TWINE f io 0 ife ilo Flee fleeces cebo ceso furnished on apap I cation aims alms aiso also the tho best beli quality of SHEEP SHEARS kept constantly on band hand and for sale H B CLAWSON corner main maln and south temple streets SALT LAKE CITY crry eyl CH T T L EA A UT lm MORE I 1 popular with the peo people pie thian than ever as cnown by the immense ili lil and still increasing demand for them during this year They Th eyare tire the best wagon in every way that thad Is inbuilt built bulit all the stock used in them is most carefully selected and thoroughly seasoned sea pea A FULL STOCK OP OF ALL SIZES OF FARM AND SPRING WAGONS constantly 0 ON T HAND lter every buery wagon fully warranted the greatest success in farming firming machinery is the ilu NEW 11 D ihm ten I 1 i 11 W tra 14 E 20 4 Q MAD ai J 00 1 1 1 from alli all parta where they were used last seas season 09 A I 1 receive the very highest testimonials praising pral sing slog their merits merith simple strong durable light draft W widest idest largest abd best cleaning arrangement and allare all are end shake Shahe no ISTo other flir fb esher esber in ift the market will t thresh as fast or clean as well aa as IMPROVED ED SHAKE sweepstakes I 1 carry a large stock of aj SOUTH L kul JUL 7 JO CHILLED P PLOWS the lightest Draff Draft and rand most moat Econom economical idil fj faw manufactured allo iso garden city clipper r steel slows nay hay knives morse nay say fords forks ran san mills cidor cider aliis wills If corn gr grain Brills 1 1 n an n 4 d every de description 3 of fai fal m a L ILI I 1 1 1 i za S axll C ss 11 and examine my goop and enil for a 0 ori i r 1 C K ADDRESS 1 HA S i to I 1 t xa mo i A i isamit SAT lare LAKE CITY urah 11 taif alf a block south of Thea theatre tro ap ha d A 11 U iru ilu A 1 A i i ialo lalo 1414 naw nay kaa aal ina i ia i A 01 ol i us 1 uddo wl 11 ll IT ru E lip hr JIP 1 blau A 9 li i n 1 1 people are getting acquainted and th ho a me not ought to be with the wonderful merits arlt arit of that great american ller flet nedy the i i il i l xai lai jal j al MEXICA Kr alij w 1 4 mustang ia FOR MAN XAN almo ATTO BEAST at T 3 1 I 1 this naturally bedein america where nature mature provides in in her laboratory such surp surprising nisin g antidotes teska tou tor i the maladies lu of her dill children dren dreu its fake has hu be been t spreading dinv dink foz for or 35 years clautu now it encircles the r ri elob glob the mexican mex Nex ican mustang ilnI llala meAls nuis a matchie tem leM emedy remedy for all external ailments aliments all ail ments menta jawand and beasl beast al d to stock owners and banners it la is invaluable t A single bittle battle bottlo bottle often bares saves A a hulian ilfe lufe 51 il 0 51 at restores the usefulness of an excellent hore bore ox cow or sheep ii it cures foot rot hoof all hollow horn grub screw crew worm shoulder rot ininger brange the bites and of poisonous ls anous reptiles eveny every ei ery cry such drawback to stock breedi breedl breeding g and bush life it cures every external rouble of hones sueh such aa lameness scratches sprain founder evind wind tall ring bone etc etc r the mexican mustang liniment as the quickest cure ewe in the tho world tor accidents 1 l occurring in the family in the absence of a U physician busas such as burns bums scalds ip sprains rains cuts etc and for tor rheumatism ana and d stess stiffness engendered by exposure particularly to 10 miners hil Ift ners I 1 i it Is the cheapest Bt remedy in a the world tor for it eue penetrates ene the muscle to 0 o the bone and a single application i Is pene rene rayy t to cure y jr breau mau mal Eau ar cang liniment Is put up la three bues sues of or bott bottles lek lei the tb larger ones beans proportionately much ciuch the th cheapest sold bold 1 n t rj r ti 0 1171 THE ORIGINAL ONLY GENUINE MOM 69 vibrator MOUNTED HORSE POWERS Rs and steam chi s hed her lang I 1 mad nad alaby SHEPARD oos cos eni CRI mcm alien fue fhe ille ilie matchless rani rabi savings timet J barter amt ami nonay honey of day ems aus 4 beyond eil all rapid rez rei tach tact ana end and for sevina saving graja KAI will nog not ot to we th 0 rai ral eoannou enon enan nou of gal grain orkin jk A th the work k erm lot tot by br the tb othen othor r hikma when chu ciu posted oa tal ral HE 1 tr T and nalto tela teia 3 SO time that am be asade ky y tho gho a af tra G grala az bf bir thess these improved 16 0 It evolvIng Shaft inside the sepa seva H flee free from D beaten dwile mite wile rand ba ell all 11 II such inch atme westfor and compu to all sor arala vel wet r orys drys loue lane or short abort or doal BOAL only vastly superior 11 not HOT oti barley barler ity ancl anil ilk lik uke iraln bug but tb rin rim flex plax minth clorer I 1 timothy D uk hp or ranj rm nj to nuo guo dom bom 4 sd eda L S 1 nor for simplicity of ra parts 91 M 1 ging i liun n bif hlf th U ut ciul t fielt kad end ork makes so Lute nars durs oun OUR made ra mciff foun four F wc ini orom from hig big 9 a twi 11 bor sor sized lauh 4 aw 34 Q pom mom raven to match power paver chrest er a ra specialty atty S j ITI pent aim sog un onri Curi fitsam 0 this rhia trux ya ts 64 64 d te aj blaz ther auk r kind 3 knutt ef et part compton 0 ot 1 LQ ta mr t if w OIL OR eari emri on an ear oar nealer dealer F ct writ vom tom to u SW for we zil mil ane ro US alv all 0 0 de delem delen salary was wad siets expenses a es malj pitr dresba 1141 koo 1 1 6 ft A I 8 ba remo 8 9 L t U 4 |