Show 41 djs DISCOURSE COURSE BT lly ELDER JR P V iii sunday morning 1 X jouty ury uru 7 1878 REPORTED BY aeo OEO j F oll oil 1 0 l 1 I naturally nat naf shrink from the of f id dressing addressing a congregation in house feeling as I 1 do my fo to make mako myself heard I 1 have beah begh interested this thia morning 1 ag in listening to the remarks brother cannon we cannot ioe toe delighted with the tha that has be 0 in our oar heaning hearing and thip we are continually receiving from many Bour sources ces which go prove that the world can do nothing against but for us even attempts to slander and misrepresent us and their unrighteous un ous attacks atticks on tha principles les leg of our re religion ilg jig have ever tensed tended to excite inquiry and investigation into facts which cannot but b ut result beneficially to us as a people I 1 say says the of our enemies against us have ever had lad a tendency to cause people who desire to arri arrive ve at the truth to inquire into the real condition of things the more note people interest themselves in irk this thia direction the more truth they will learn and we court such investigation for there la 1 certainly certa Cerla nothing n connect edwith usi us as a religious community in consonance conson ence with the gospel ve e preach that we should ab ou id be ashamed of or that should uld not ilot be he known by all men it makes no difference with the truth how much we are wrongfully accused nor will it permanently injure us it if we sustain injury or buffer suffer loss by the misrepresentations and evils maliciously promulgated about us by dui oui enemies it can only be such ideary and loss as will lii ill be temporary for when the facts do come out and people learn the truth eruth BO so much the more good will lil be accomplished in our fa favor vor and so much greater injury idl ury to those who are ane authors of the falsehoods concerning us up we want nothing hidden bidden or covered up n neither either can we we respect pie pig or individual tee IEL Ih aSwill will not fiot bear the day ligh tand land the most tarara investigation since 1830 the eldera elders of this church have been faithfully endeavoring to promulgate the gospel which we have received to every nation and people without distinction as to race or color that would receive them in other words they have diligently sought to 11 expose 12 to the world t wd weare not ashamed of our domestic bestic te relations lations so far at least as they exist in accordance with the principles of the gospel bor nor nordnes does any right minded man or woman feel in his or her heart to shrink in any iny manner from the most rigid exposition of correct views in relation thereto it ia Is true that in common with mankind generally we do not like our faults made madei madej public we shrink from that and it is natural that we should it is very arery proper that we should feel a reluctance to have our weaknesses and imperfections exposed to the world or even eyen to our neighbors th this ahls feeling ia is a very proper incentive to ua us continue in the work of seif self improvement until we shall shail overcome the weaknesses ses we have inherited living nearer to the principles of life blk and salvation Is alv ateon which we have received but the thel errors of man affect not in tha the least the principles of ot the gospel of the son of god you show mo mu a man that has embraced the gospel in its entirety in faith and add practice and ai I 1 can then their point to a man that kas has has overcome over comp comm the follies and weaknesses esaf of the flesh or show me a aman man who i trying to live according to these principles pies ples and I 1 will show you a ii man that thab is trying to overcome his weaknesses hence there can be no blame attached to the doctrines of 0 our ur faith be because cause and shortcomings short t comings d or orn ora mankind but wit we should rather attribute such weaknesses to their proper source the defectiveness defective nesa of man min or to tb his fidi failure tire at least to td comply with thoss thosa principles which are calculated to correct every evil and to establish man in righteous riess it is perhaps a difficult thing for foe UE u I 1 under the circumstances in which we are placed the traditions orthe 0 t fathers clinging min win ing to us ils the i practices of the corid world belore before us and nd the temptations to evil 86 continually ajl burrou nsf at ut affrime all ail times to td live the ilie religions esus chrls Chris far faa perfectly as we or otherwise jae jea J might it is ab doubt difficult for us to overcome our follies to forsake the traditions j of the fat fathers fathera gers t to 0 eschew the practice of sini sint sin to be patient in suffering to endure privations and trials of our feelings while we possess BO so little aa as we do of the spirit of the lord and the knowledge of the truth but we need bedd not be discouraged because this nor per because we see bee faults in n each ench other fat 0 o app man is perfect all men have more jor ippei ess ebs athe the shar shortcomings incident to humanity we need not faulter bi or bials biais be dl scour cou r aged because of this for per perhaps laps it would not be possible for one W who ho was perfect in all good to remain in the midst of this contu corrupt pt and perverse generation still it would ad seem good if a low row among us w who ha ete wee woe ere r really eally perec perte whose 0 example we ee whose prea proa cents we could lepisi learn an and 1 4 footsteps we might we might then be the better bagi ibie abie able ible to perfect bursel ourselves y 6 fiall we will do well to eril emulate mimo the fhe good that are in our midst and to observe those great groat truths we I 1 have hav 9 already received in part which in their ful ness are able a to sa bave save ve us unto 0 the uttermost ter most we wid ishall shall not be bast cad off my br brethren ethrea and sisters for those sins which we ignorantly commit which are the results of ot misunderstanding in all honesty before the lord the difficulty does not lie here the danger lies in our fai fat failing ling to live up to that which we do know to be right and proper for foi this we will be held responsible before the lord for this we will be judged and condemned unless we repent and forsake our follies and our unwillingness to obey the light and the knowledge which we have received there are some plain simple truths which we do know but which we do not observe fl herein erelt lies lles our great sin ain the oon con dem nation bation of the worlds horld when en the savior commenced hij hil hl edoll among meni men meu was that light had come into uhe iho world but they tho loved darkness rather lhnn than light lights because their deeds were evil thia this principle applies wih equal forca force to us u in this thia bisp I 1 if we had remained without jhb the gospel we WO would not be under condemnation but now that thal light has come into auto the world now that truth 0 and aad o lb of o f baenke e stored we cannot longer remain without sin unless we 3 obey this gospel so teye teTe revealed aled and practice our profession there is a great deal said about our plural marriage by the outside world a and nd sometimes it js s referred to tb by tue tha laiter latter da day y faints at home I 1 fati fail sometimes mes that not only is the world without knol knowl edgein edge in relation to this principle but man mad many of those who Jr profess ofes tobe tobo latter day saints are far from possessing a correct understanding of it inthe in the first place plade it is it a 4 principle that savors avbra of ilfe life unto life or of bf death unto death therefore 4 it is weil well for foz those who bavo bayo embraced the gospel to obtain a knowledge in relation IQ this matter matteini it is a principle that pertains to eternal life in other othe r words to endless live jives or eternal increase it ia is a law odthe of the gospel pertaining to the celestial kingdom ap applicable to all gospel dispensations when commanded and nou not otherwise and neither acceptable ceD cep tabie table to godar god or binding landing on man unless given by commandment not only a a glyen giyen in this tion but particularly adapted to the conditions and necessities th thereof erlof and to the circuns circumstances fances responsibilities 1 bili ties and personal as well as vicarious dutie duties s of odthe the people af of god in this age of the world god has eis revealed it as a principle particularly suited to the nature of oi the work we ara are galled palled to pei pel perform that it might be hastened to its ita consummation it is a righteous principle not an unrighteous bous one 14 t is a pure an aud and holy principle and th he ere fore persons either mal male e or emale female who have not ngi thed thedo esimAn their then aparis hearts to beccone pure and righteous have no busineau to practice ift itt for it cannot i abe be practised practiced acceptably before e god on any apy other principle trin irin elpie ciple than t hat that of purity and righteOUS righteousness therefore no wicked ifju stor or impure person can maya ent enter er into nto the law of 0 celestial i or plural marriage martlage without inc incurring u the dis pleasure leasure Ie asure of the ho almighty and his own condemnation before unless inless he speedily repent of ot all hie impure epure motives and designs A man that is not honest in ha heart who does and impartial mp artial even as 00 god and impartial m a 1 ji iantria e an and d before heen been he tere into nto tho the ho arg practice of that principle he be needs to ropen learn wisdoms mt get th the eSpirit spirit of god gods to get got under standing in relation to the purpose that godl goa th has in v view lew in regard tc to this principle that be he may go into the practice ol 01 it understandingly that blk his heart and mind may be set upon in righteousness it is a difficult matter matters I 1 am aware 10 lo dia dla be between tween the actio accio actions dif dit f a man and the principles in which he professes to believe A corrupt 1 ungodly hypocrite can do more in bryin the zhe mIdst of a people in a given length ot of time than a host ol 01 upright men can do good send an au elder to preach the gospel among the na dons and let him degrade himself dishonor his priesthood and calling and he will bring more re reproach h upon the m se dented anted by nim aim than twenty good men could remove because people deop ie generally look at the man main to judge him by his acts would be righteous judgment but to condemn the gospel or the saints because of his acts would bo be unjust yet the cause he ml misrepresents suf fers fera wrong because of bis his connection with it A mans acts may justly be considered as re resulting from his big principles P les leg I 1 we judge a treeby tree by its arul fruits 0 the fruits of the gospel are good he that bag baa actually embraced the gospel will do dor good only so far aa as he may err or depart hence it is dif ficula to ae parate separate a mans maula mana actions from his principles there is no difficulty however in this matter to those who always bear in 14 mind that evil and corrupt pg practices are not the result results sot of obedience to the gospel but of desobe diance di ence and of the perversion of the truth if we would keep this in ju our minds we would not cast blame biame upon the principle principles 3 themselves when vve iye we bee see or hearod hear hean jor men who should represent them ado wrong I 1 but we would rather baythe say tho the man iha has hab departed from fro his hij principles and gout into error it is ho he th that tat tit lis its detective through not riot practising f be professes the principles and holy holland hoi hol yand abid he be himself himsel ifould become so too teo if he would bul but practise them it is precisely BO so in relation thour to our domestic domes tle iio relations wesee we see fro trouble troubie uble ubie an families occasionally not any ar ihan than jn bine bina sioe Js efam families i leaffa 1 there la Is no reason why 1 there should be any differences between the husbard and wife or husband anu wires in the midst of this people if it all aro are disposed 16 to obe obey V the principles and doettl doctrines iles ties of the gospel it is only b oy y the practice of triese principles that thal we ean can avoid avold mhd taj oc cu cur eur i in families famili br among mankind we in must larn and oby correct dt principle bi or we will wilf ever doza in lur at inibig and lon ion rion and in antano nim 0 one ne towards another where differences exist in families they ih ey are ard traceable directly to some ca causer caused usel J X wani want to impress upon the minds of my my he hearers arerA that the cu se ot of such sueh sueh auch evil is not tra traceable deabie deable id td the tho fhe practice of ans any principle which god ihas thas reve Teve revealed aled tou touching chang chAug heso hese these matters hut ut to the nonobservance observance non 0 tle tie tham them and ana this is true in relation to eyed everz every principle of the gospel it tit is the he fault of the thi man some bome tindes 0 the woman and of ot botts bolts bath put ife never er the fault of ot ae he principle uwe the principle la is correct great ennobling and calati calculated abed to brini bring joy j a atlon alion and rev peace xe ii it w e would mut put observe and practice it s we should but in order to do this we must get wisdom and understanding der standing thise by many are acquired only long we begin as as alid children alldren ren nen we have to IQ learn precept by precept line ildo after jine An elierd here a littie little attiq and una ethere therea a little which is ado boog 0 O provided we pro tit tik by that whid W we learn mn aln must be just tj so iso aiso also puo must wouita iu in relation imbese matten matteo mat terp i il must be just one wards 6 adot aDol adother another hei her also forbearing 9 and patient cultivating largely lar that christian attribute c called me charity in order to get along peaceably with our neighbors neighbor sour bour our brethren and sisters slaters as well weil as us without wi with thour our ands and children nye yve ve are all ail impei impel fecto we have to learn leann by py littles as we pass pasi along dg profiting bit times by braat that which we suffer i r yet yot t often the same pame ekre errors when hen heu we wo fin tin es overcame lna ina in adult ul that ha hou bou id be but set down as via an example for future time if possible never allowing ourselves to ila lla caught jn in the ibo same predicament mell meri A again by bythe the experience we gain morne borne veople people nave have supposed that thai the doctrine of 0 plural lural a sori sort of superfluity or xon ron noh esen esben p sen seu lit to the ilou liou or exalt exaltation a tio ILI of mankind in other words of the saints have baid said and 17 believe belleve that a man mau wl thone one wife sealed to him by the authority of the priesthood for time and eternity will receive an art exaltation as great and glorious if he la in faithful as he possibly could with more than one I 1 want here geenter te enter enten my solemn protest against this idea for I 1 know it is false falser there where jano blessing promised except upon conditions audgo and aud no blessing can be obtained by mankind except by faithful compliance with the conditions or law upon which the same bame Is 11 prom promised bed the in marriage arriage of one woman to a man for time and eternity by the sealing power to the thi law of god is a tal fal fulfillment fulfilment filie ii t of the celestial celistial law joal p L marriage in iri pirt gartand par tand gilld ii IX good so far as asit goes and a baar boar ras rab as a man aman abides thebe these |