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Show ' 26 Grid Duel lead took over the second-roun- d in the American Golf Classic .Friday, 7 VENTURI, making one of the great comebacks in sports this 7 year, shot near perfect golf with 66 for a a total of 137 over the Firestone Country Club course. Collins, who exactly a year ago had an operation for removal of a spinal disc and who three weeks ago withdrew from the Western Open because of an aching back, added a 67 to his opening round of 70. -- to a 7-- 1- r , - AraocUted Press Wlrephoto Championship Form? WEBSTER, MASS. Kenny Dabbs, Omaha, Neb., won the oveiv all title In National Ski Jumps, but missed on this opportunity. 73. Masters The champions round was ruined by four three--pu- tt greens. British l Gal Golfer Ties Course Mark TONY LEMAi-thOpen champion, had a 71 and ALBUQUERQUE, N.M., Aug. was even par after two rounds 21 (UPI) Marilynn Smith tied her course record of 68 Friday at 140. the 18th to take the first round lead in Lema three-putte-d green, spoiling an otherwise the Albuquerque Ladies Professional Golf Assn, tournament steady round. e que Open three straight times. Miss Smith, who plays .out of Jamaica, set the course record in her final round in the 1963 tourney when she finished two strokes behind Miss Wright. Ruth Jessen and Sandra Hay-ni- e FAVORED THE Mickey Wright layout unbelievable to had almost blew an PGA 70s on too fop tough again proved Paradise Hills champion Bobby Nichols. Nich- 86 after an 'argument 'with a the 6,814-yar-d ols shot a 75 the first day and television earner aman. Miss Country Club course to tie for Wright has won the Albuquer- then followed with a 77. 7,165-YAR- D ar , back-to-scho- ' 68. Arnold Palmer, the opening-roun- d leader with a 68, soared By Associated Press NEW YORK, Aug. 21 the-firs- one-strok- second. Finley Quizzed on Yank Sale ll cent which in has bolstered social activities, causing a defibigger than THE YOUNGER set can be nite fashion awareness. A Sears, Roebuck A Co. execufound wearing the latest shifts, skimmers, A lines, full skirts, tive says: natural waistlines and drop CUSTOMERS HAVE m o r e waistlines. , money in their pockets, have A few. years' ago there was a greater exposure ,to fashion lag of a year pr more between magazines, have traveled frew o nr e n s and girls dress quently and have therefore befashions. Today the styling of come more sophisticated. Style both is simultaneous. ; has become very Important These words apply to both THIS STYLE awareness of both age segments of the family child and mother, who is generhas been aided chiefly by in- ally more conscious of daugh- Col. Dean Witter . . . Believes in more OTC regulations. creased disposable Income, ter's fashions than her own. 4 Today in Intermountain Business Financier Favors Security Rule Changes Col. Dean Witter, senior partner of Dean Witter A Co., San Francisco, believes more exchange-type regulations should be extended to securities traded , THE CHIEF executive and founder of Dean Witter, member of the New - York Stock Exchange, Friday visited Salt Lake office personnel, headed by Manager Calvin P. Gaddis, and local business people. that a part of the increases in prices on the exohange results from the influence of purchasing investors, inby institution-typ- e trusts (muinvestment Saints. cluding tual funds) pension trusts, founCOL. WITTER said a part of dations and the like, he said. the failure of HE SAID THESE investors for securities to respond to price increases the last 24 months several reasons do not buy rested withy the fact they were shares of over the- counter not traded, on nationally regis- stocks. However, he believes there is ample room on the tered exchanges. It is the opinion of many New York Stock Exchange, American Stock Exchange, Midwest Exchange, Pacific Coast Exchange and others for listing of shares now traded OTC. ... Some of these companies would not qualify, of course, because of the number of shares' out, assets or other reasons. he But many would qualify, said. He also talked with N. Eldon Tanner, second counselor in the First Presidency, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter - day -- COL. Sys-j.te- - trading Joseph Rosenblatt . . . Now honorary board chairman. Stock Pilots Set Events fonight all-tim- "42" USES f ENJOY AND PRIVACY OF YOUR OWN YARD with Kevin, Mont. Worlds TOP QUALITY CHAIN LlNII FENCE NO OBLIOATION Poymsnt First Puymsnt In Nevtmbir v Your Only Guarantee of Quality "Utah's Only Manufacturer of Chain Link Fabric" AMERICAN FENCE CO. Salt Lake City - 513 W. 8th South, Orem - North - State Ogden 999 Rlverdale Rd.-, EL 223-528- 6 EX - - MR. SCHEPMAN, executive vice president of the Salt Lake d Eimco since May, 1963, succeeds Utah industrialist Joseph Rosenblatt. Mr. Rosenblatt built the company into a mining machinery enterprise known worldwide and expanded it to become a leading manufacturer of processing equipment for many industries. City-base- MR. ROSENBLATT announced last November he was going into active retirement." He now becomes honorary chairman of the hoard. He said he will continue with Eimco in an advisory capacity but plans to devote most of his time to other financial and civic interests. MR. ROSENBLATT took over direction of Eimco operations in the early 30s. In addition to being the worlds largest manufacturer of underground mining rock loaders, Eimco is a major designer and manufacturer of filtration equipment for metallurgical, chemical, food and paper industries, and machines for water and waste treatment. AN END TO DUAL listing In many cases, he said, would tend to limit markets and in cases 6f the Pacific Coast Exchange, it would deny a later trading hour to some securities listed on the New York Exchange. He praised the progress made by the local office. He said there was no immediate move on part of Dean Witter to expand past its present 50 office complex, largely centered in the WesL in the area and with some offices in New England. Detroit-Chi-cag- Ale)-- . o WE INTEND staying largely a western firm at this time, In recent years the firm has he said. His' conclusion about progress been producing heavy construcof the market: tion equipment. Securities trends will precede MR. SCHEPMAN, a native of or follow business. And business Kansas, is a chemical engineer. looks very good indeed, particuFollowing service with Standard with chance of further tax larly Oil of New . Company Jerseys reductions. Technical Service Division, he joined Eimcos research and development organization. Dr. Murland F. Rigby, Rex-burHis next assignment was to Idaho, has been named work with Eimcos Process Enof Federated Securia director gineers Division in San Mateo, ty Insurance Co., j Calif. 1 i f e domiciled firm, it was announced Friday Asks Seat by Harry F, NEW YORK, Aug. 21 (AP) Stout, president. Chase Manhattan, the nations The Idahoan second largest bank, Friday ap- succeeds to the plied for listing of its common board seat once I stock on the New York Stock held by the late Exchange. George E. Ken-- 1 GEORGE CHAMPION, Chase dell, Ogden. Dr. Rigby, naManhattan chairman, said the of Newton, Cache County, tive bank believed the stock exreceived a B.S. from Utah State would a broader change provide and an M.S. from University market for its stock. Chase Manhattans stock now University of Utah. He holds an is traded a M.D. from Louisiana State Uni- Doctor Joins Board g, Bank market made mainly over the versity. The Rexburg physician is a telephone. Most bank and Insurance stocks are traded in this former president of the Idaho Chapter, Airterican Academy of market General Practice,- - and a memIF ITS application Is ap- ber of the International College proved, Chase Manhattan would of Surgeons. be the first commercial bank He also is a former Rexburg to appearpq the exchange in city councilman and past presi10 years. dent of Radio Station KRXK. Rail Stocks Gain in Dull Trading Day - Nickel Plate and the Norfolk A response. The Pennsylvania, Western Railway merger a sixth most active stock, gained to 34 on 46,500 shares. green light, the stock of the 1 Nickel Plate rose 2 at Friday The Central tacked on 1 ticker tape posting a 3,620,000 to 53. . share turnover, one of the lightShares on the American Stock THE NORFOLK A Western est of tee year. Exchange staged a mild adto 137. The Pittsburgh vance in eased moderate trading. The RAILS AND airlines drew the A West Virginia railroad would most actively traded issue was spotlight. rising be leased by the Norfolk A Canadian Superior Oil on a turnprices were a welcome change Western if the Nickel Plate mer- over of 43,300 shares. The stock from Thursdays mild sell-ofclosed unchanged at ger is made final. but changes were small. The Pittsburgh and West VirThe industrial averages hardat 42. It OF THE 719 Issues traded ginia gained 3 276 rose, 211 declined and 232 ly moved. Altogether, 551 stocks traded at 44 during the day. had advanced and 448 fell bewere unchanged. Volume rose TWO OTHER lines with a slightly to 1,280,000 shares from hind. Com- merger pending, the Pennsyl- 1,100,000 on After the Interstate Thursday. merce Commission reversed it- vania Railroad- and the New Most stocks self late Thursday, giving the York Central, got a sympathetic moved higher on good volume. - the party-goe- r. (our Ginger Special to The Tribune NEW YORK, Aug. 21 Appointment of Berne A. Schepman as president of the Eimco Corp. was announced here Friday by the Ogden Corp., the parent firm. r. C New York Times Service NEW YORK, Aug. 21 The stock market fell into a familiar weekend pattern Friday, Materials Only or Materials and Installation Ne Dow Berne A. Schepman . . . Named president of the Eimco Corp. Official Wins Eimco Helm, Rosenblatt Plans to Retire y Car-Cra- ft BITTER doesnt believe, however, in elimination of dual listing of shares on various exchanges, suoh as a company whose shares would be listed on both the New York and Pacific Coast exchanges. He was asked if such action might not make more room for stocks of companies now ? st if to 11 years old is 25 -- Anti-Tru- V r:? Racers Wait Drag Duels MISS WRIGHT, the top money winner on the womens pro tour, had her argument with the camCHICAGO, Aug. 21 (UPI) -- ARTHUR C. Allyn, owner of eraman on the r fifth White revealed the Sox, Chicago the U.S. De-- , hole. She had hit a poor second , Investigators for at the same time that he had and the partment of Justice quizzed own- been questioned by Department shot into a tree-weThe biggest program of the Figures in Merger er Charles 0. Finley of the of Justice representatives ear- photographer kept his camera even she is summer after asked scheduled Saturfor grindingCINCINNATI, Aug. 21 (AP)-W- alter 'Kansas City Athletics for two lier. him to stop. day night when the annual W. Candy Jr. will behours Friday seeking informa- - Both and protestAllyn Finley Summer Championships are come board chairman of Bultion about the projected sale ed the fact that subwere they held for dragsters at the Salt of the New York Yankees to locks, Inc., West Coast departAiling L.A. Hurler Lake jected to a federal interview to Raceway. ment store chain, after comColumbia JoBroadcasting President American League Receives Injection Record holders from Cali- pletion of its merger with Fedseph Cronin. erated Department Stores, Inc.', 21 fornia will LOS ANGELES, Aug. tangle with Utahs Federated I CALLED Cronin on the (UPI) announced Friday. Sandy Koufax, star Los top dragsters on the program. Oriole Medic Says phone, Allyn said, and told Angeles Dodger pitcher, reRALPH LAZARUS, president him I didn't like to have to ac- ceived Registration starts at 4 p.m. of Federated, the nations larganother cortisone injecBoog Not So Bad count to the Department of Jus- tion with elminations scheduled at elfor left est department store chain, said his sore Friday BALTIMORE, Aug. 21 (AP- )- tice, and that wed better do 8 p.m. Admission for this one bow team but the the merger is expected to be said physician contendThe Baltimore Orioles, something to change the stupid the program will be increased to completed Aug. 29 and Bullocks major leagues top winner $1.50 track officials said. ing for the American League image were developing. will become Bullocks-Magni- n was a little better. pennant, got a glimmer of hope said his telegram proFinley AMONG THE top drivers com- Co., a division of Federated. 'Friday from a doctor whd said tested vigorously the fact that Monday now will be the earwill have two in from the West Coast will Bullocks-Magni- n that Boog Powells wrist injury it now becomes to liest Koufax, who has won 19 ing necessary be John Mitchell of Burbank, operating divisions, Bullocks at doesnt look as bad as inci- - be interviewed by the games, can pitch, according Calif., who holds coast I. Magnin A cated originally. strip rec- Los Angeles and Division of the Department of to Dr. Robert Kerlan. Co. San Francisco. at ords in the D Fuel dragster BUT THE final word wont Justice. Koufax had been scheduled to class. He has recorded 188.66 be known until Monday, when Barometer Booms in his injected HAD THIS been handled in pitch Thursday night, but the miles per hour Powell is to return for another the manner that the president swelling and tenderness de- Chev. dragster. The LONDON, Aug. 21 (AP) .' examination by Dr. James Jim Miles of Burbank will be British motor industry, often of the American League should He was midweek. at veloped Brooks. in A Fuel Altered class, and regarded as a barometer in have handled it, it would not unable to straighten his left After looking at an - Graham of Pomona, achave occurred. Your recent judging the nations economic and Dodger Manager Walt Shipley taken through bandages, Dr. tion in the sale of the Yankees arm, will have a blown Chrysler trends, Is enjoying Its biggest Calif., Alston decided to go slow in Brooks said that the in A Fuel .competition and is another concrete example of postwar boom. his star. machine of Burbank will slugger may have suffered your not being qualified to rep- handling Latest prod action returns a small chip in a bone in his resent the American League as have a blown Chrysler in the A show that between January left wrist at Boston Thursday. president" Belinsky Stays Firm, Fuel division. and June some 1,035,981 TRACK officials had the shut- cars were produced. Spurns Hula Order down area paved for Saturday LOS ANGELES. 21 This is almost a quarter of a Aug. MAKE IT A DATE! million more than the first six Bo Belinsky indicated nights program. (UPI) months of 1963 and exceeds the Friday through an attorney that BOWL-SWIM-D- INE he had no intention of reporting total output of 1961. to the Hawaii farm club of the INFORMED estimates earlier AT BEAUTIFUL RANCHO Angels on this last day of his this year suggested that prowould and grace period pursue duction in 1964 could reach the case with an appeal to the I Clean, whalasama 1.650.000, but the industry now baseball commissioner. atmosphara needs only to match output of Another Figure 8 race and Most modern facilities , ALTHOUGH the the second half of 1963 to hit peridriver a car by sports e record mark of od in which Belinsky was to re- to break the track record will an friendly, helpful attendant 1.800.000. neither the turn the expired Friday, regular modified gighlight Always apen lanes Hawaii team nor the parent An- program Saturday night at the Oreat for dating or family Buys Motor Hotel stock car races. gels expected any action would Hava year g reap eating at SPOKANE, WASH., Aug. 21 be taken. Until suspension jis A PORSCHE RS, driven by Rancho . . . Inquire at the The Big West Oil Co. of (AP) desk far all detail. enforced by Hawaii for failure Laurie Leva, will try to crack Montana has purchased the 68 to report, Belinsky technically the record of 14.28 seconds just unit Desert Caravan Inn motor RANCHO LANES ..is active and able to receive before the first race at 8:30 hotel here, Big West's presi: , p.m. at the Fairgrounds Speedsalary, dent, Robert G. Hawley, conway. Trials will start at 7 p.m. firmed Friday. Mel Andrus and Dick Card, NO PURCHASE price was anN virtually tied for the point nounced but the Caravan Inn, championship, will be the rac- ers to watch. The main event situated on a bluff overlooking 1950 at a will be for 35 laps and the the city, was built in cost of more than $500,000. 8 20 race for laps. THE SAFETY Figure Big West Oil, with headquarAbout 50 cars are expected to ters here, has Its refinery at be on hand. par-fou- New York News Belles Herald Good Dress Business turn per her mothers. - The bells, will echo loudly in the cash registers of ST. LOUIS was unable to get merchants selling girls dresses. t its offensive moving in half' except for .one pass THIS IS A and is growing play from Charley Johnson to Joe Childress. The play carried rapidly as the population of to the Colts 11, and Prentice girls 3 to 11 years of age exGautt scored on two runs. Jim pands. In recent the extra Bakkens years industry point attempt has undergone an evolution in was blocked by Andy Nelson. The Colts scored next and took fashion awareness which has dethe lead for the only time in the veloped a tremendous alertness on a drive in to vogue and style. game, 10 plays. AS MANY FATHERS already know, mom is not the only memHill went from over Jerry ber of the family who Is hep to . the two and Jim Martin the latest Paris has to offer. , According to Department' of The Cardinals went into the Commerce 'statistics, the dress dressing room with a 13-- 7 lead wardrobe of the average girl 3 s after Dale Meiner intercepted a John Unitas pass and returned . Chrysler, UAW Talk to the four. Two plays later, NEW YORK, Aug. 21 (AP) -LJohnson passed to Sonny Randle for three yards and the score. ynn A. Townsend, president of SL Louis scored twice in the Chrysler . Corp., said Friday third period, once after Dick company negotiators are workDean recovered a fumbled punt ing very hard to achieve a new wage contract with the by Alvin Haymond. Bill Thorn- United Auto Workers Union. ton scored from the one. ft TOWNSEND SAID he hoped ST. LOUIS scored again on an that auto industry pacts with run by rookie Willis the UAW expiring a week from Crenshaw after Pat Fischer had can be replaced.with-ou- t Tuesday set up the score by picking up a and major disturbance to opblocked field goal attempt and erations. running it back 35 yards. He did not comment ThursBaltimore scored once in the or at a news connight day third period on a pass ference Friday on UAW from Gary Cuozzo to Ray Berry postponement of selection of a and again in the fourth on a strike target among the big pass from Cuozzo to Marv three auto companies. Woodson. The action, by the UAW International Board in Chicago Thursday, was coupled, with criticism of the three companies as narroW and selfish in bargaining talks. Townsend called Chryslers proposal fair and liberal. benefit game. Venturi, fully recovered from a muscle spasm in his back, missed two fairways and one green in his brilliant round. Venturi and Collins needed their sub-pa- r performances to e lead over hold a Mason Rudolph. Rudolph shot Chicago Tribune Here and Thef e in Business 30-2- -- --Finance .. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 21 (UPI)-T- he St Louis Cardinals took ad vantage of two Intercepted passies, a fumbled punt and a blocked field goal to, defeat the Baltimore Colts, Friday night in the Cardinal Glennon . Markets UPI New York Times Chicago Daily News AP Venturi, Collins Tie for Classic Lead With Colls By Associated Press AKRON, OHIO, Aug. 21-- U.S, Open champion Ken Venturi and ' big Bill Collins, a couple of guys ,who fought off back injuries, Mines ,r Cards Take One Minute Sports Page a , ... The Salt Lake Tribune, Saturday, August 22,' 1964 Generally f, 19. - |