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Show ii i rrnVrapaiillirrilT1lirirr''Tfl'11' ii ylf T qni ii'in Ti' for Edge O '. v' By John Monney , Tribune Sports Editor The brash and unbeaten Minnesota Vikings-- and the resurgent, vengeful San Francisco 49ers clash in the University of Utah football stadium Saturday at 8 p.m. The crowd is expected to Grosscup will be quarter- above 21,500, and if the impetus backing for the 49ers and Ron carries over until Saturday's it VanderKelen directing ' has in other years, thetadium ing attack. . , will be pretty well filled. But both coaches indicated BOTH COACHllS, Norm Van therell be no holds barred and Brocklin of ttevikings and Jack no player withheld if victory can Christiansen of the 49ers, stuck be snatched. with selected earlier in THE VIKINGS, with the ex- the lineupswhich means Utahs BOTH, TEAMS need all the' wek, uberance of youth as befits a preseason victories they can get, team opening but its fourth sea to boost season ticket sales for son of National League footbi their regular NFL games. play, are slight favorites to befit ALTERNATING WITH Grossthe 49ers in the cup will be George Mira, the sengrid.'dassic. But the San Francisco crew, sational Miami scrambler, while in its best physical condition Fran Tarkenton will switch with e have shoppers in two years, jireathes a new VanderKelen in the Viking quaruntil noon Saturday to purcould make the confidence th chase pro football tickets at terbacking. West Coasclub a spoiler in the With Grosscup in the backfield the Mint Cafe and the booth westerndivision race. will be veterans Bernie Casey on the first floor of the Tribat the flanker, J. D. Smith at e B0TH CLUBS arrived Friday une Building, ' but the fullback and Don Lisbon at halfernoon with the Vikings tak-a-n ticket office Will be open back. Billy Kilmer is expected unscheduled'.workout in all day for their convenience. to spell Lisbon during the game. the 49ers work and afternoon th$ THE MINT CAFE will be WITH VANDERKELEN in the open Saturday at' 7 a.m. and Viking, backfield to start the iNo Radio, TV The Tribune Building office game will be Hal Bedsole, the 7? There will be no television will open from 9 a.m. Both USC great, at flanker, Tom Dar-so- n of the Viking-49e- r game Satuiv at halfback and rookie Darwill close out their sales at day night in Ute Stadium. noon, with any remaining rell Lester at fullback. e to the tickets being-takeOne of the more interesting ing under the Mights. Rain in whifch will be duels of the night, though, figures offices, Minnesota forced cancellation of open from 8:30 ;a.m. until to be fought up front, with Bob the workout scheduled there. veteran time. St Clair, the game But there appeared no such The gates to the stadium will 49er tackle, matched against weather problems to mar Satrookie Carl Eller, the open at 6:30 p.m. urdays game. There will be reserved and defensive end from Minnesota; open The forecast was for rising general admission tickets The stadium gates will arrivat 6:30 p.m. for the early temperatures and clear skies, available at the 8 p.m. will be available and tickets als en Rohde and Dave Parks. Backs, Bernie an about for just perfect at game time. football game. ' D. Smith, Lee Grosscup and Don Lisbon. early-fa- ll Nk Tickets Yet? er Get cm Last-minut- field-hous- field-hous- 265-pou- sive aces on the line, left to light, Bob Poole, Bob St. Clair, Len Donohue, Bruce Bosley, John San Francisco 49ers, wholl play the Minnesota Saturday at Ute Stadium, include offen Vikings Thomasf Casey. 4 U Jt Sports Mirror by John Mooney ' V',- - T1 it VJ-- ' s Ay' rjot 4 asSJ Tribune Sports Editor f y -- M yr .... - , ';l4 I A f ' . not just showmanship that keeps the team with throwing the football around. But a lead its r This is the main difference we note between the professional and college sport. A team with a lead in college will put the, the game forward pass in the locker room and try to until time runs out. , J i f , ' i, , 4 ' V Its been mentioned that 43 per cent of the football games in the National Football League last season were decided by a touchdown or less. jJitL A ' . 1 , v- - av a? - , I4 044i ' ball-contr- FREQUENTLY, THE fourth quarter of a college football game has about as much excitement as the final minutes of basketball game with one team playing keep-awaNot so in thp pros, where the quarterbacks throw about half the time, no matter where the ball happens to be on the field, or what the time clock indicates or the scoreboard reads. Of course, the professional game makes for more 4-- makes for the exciting finishes, but its v r; t cIa if A-VAS- ; tl' 1 & J I - I aJ'h-- 4'I At k A T - ' h mmuim rAV ' HK'1 K necessary, too. is U'x ll'iX-'-- A - v fC ex- The fact that a team leading by a' couple of touchdowns may find its pass attack backfiring and getting points for the opponents, is noted by the purists. As long as teams will pass, there is the opportunity for the defense to intercept, or cause a fumble, and gain possession. So why pass? fi'A; u ; citement. It Vi I 4 $ There are good reasons for the college coaches playing It more conservatively. The first and foremost is the lack of the excellent pass receivers, and great passers in the college ranks. ,r h --i-- , Pros Cant Run All the Time The pros dont pass just from choice, either. There are two reasons for passing, even with the club leading. The offensive team of the Minnesota Vikings at 'a drill in the University of Utah stadium Friday had linemen, left to THE FIRST IS the necessity of passing to move the ball, because the huge, mobile defensive alignments cant, be pierced frequently enough to sustain an attack only on the ground. The second reason is the knowledge that no team really can stop its offensive momentum and feel safe. QUITE FREQUENTLY, young quarterbacks will get an early lead and elect to play it safe. But, all of a sudden, thfc momentum is lost and the rivals get a head of steam and, take the play away, and frequently the victory. Ev Shelton lost several chances at national basketball titles by putting the damper on his offense and trying to stall. The same applies to pro football. So the pros have solid thinking, in addition to appealing to the crowd reaction, in throwing the ball, deep in their own territory, with a lead on the scoreboard, in the fourth quarter. WE LIKE THE thinking and hope some day the Colleges will have sufficiently adept receivers to have more confidence in the pass, and that the defensive linemen will become so big and powerful that no coach can order a ground-hog- , the clock for a quarter. attack to eat ball-contr- for Grosscup A Break as one of the four 49er quarterbacks, was a great break for Utahs Lee Grosscup. And it came right at a time when the young man needed a shot of encouragement Baltimore Chicago New York Detroit Los Angeles Minnesota Boston Cleveland Washington Kansas City 75 75 69 64 63 47 48 5) 62 62 61 61 57 56 49 46 1 - J 66 76 76 .615 .610 .575 .508 .504 .500 .463 .459 .392 .377 . t LEE TOLD US A couple of weeks ago, Im prepared for the worst, even though I feel my best and Im working my hardest. If I get cut, Im through with pro football. But I owe it to for one final chance to prove that I can myself to go all-o' play fdotMl. I want to play pro football more than anything else, he added. 'And, as pro quarterbacks go, Im young (27)., '' ' Actually, the 49ers grabbed Grosscup last year, when their . quarterback situation was desperate. Philadelphia Cincinnati San Franciaco St. Louli Pittsburgh Milwaukee Los Angeles Chicago Houston New York 13 13V 14 18V 19 27V 29 rain) Saturday's Probable Pitchers Baltimore at - Chicago Bertatna (CM)) v$. Horlen Minnesota at Detroit Grant (lb-9- ) vs. Aguirre , Los Angeles at Cleveland 2 -- D. vs. Siebert Lee (5-and Chance (14-(3-). and Donovan Kansas City at Washington Pena ) vs. Narum New York at Boston 2 vs. and Downing (10-5- ) Terry and Lamabe Monbououette . BUT LEE, AFTER being cut by the Jets and Saskatchewan, couldn't join the 49ers. Theres a rule a man cant play in the NFL If hes played in Canada after Sept 1. So Lee was out of a job, and about out of luck. .. But Grosscup is sold on Coach Jack Christiansen. "Yvct get ting a fair shake to make the ball club, he admitted. ' - Observation Ward Levin Nabs Win In Provo "Meet - I knew one thing, Id In throwing "iikcmi" lf velvet. i . hot to be m pro quarterback with iwcteufuf panel en tho lot Vogat y , e 3 , 75 44 54 55 54 59 58 .620 .557 .549 .537 .514 .516 .492 .443 .423 .328 68 67 65 43 42 59 54 52 40 " 61 65 91 82 Eastern Division Behind 7Vi 8 Vi 10 12Vi 12V, 15Vi 19 24 35V3 Runs Batted In Won 77 Arkansas Oklahoma City 72 68 Indianapolis 67 Denver Salt Lake City 51 Dallas Western 74 San Diego 74 Portland 68 Seattle 67 Spokane 63 Tacoma 52 Hawaii Lost Pet. 52 59 63 65 80 .597 .550 .519 .508 .389 .372 81 8-- 4, 6 10 11 27 29' Division 57 .565 .561 .519 .519 .500 .400 58 63 62 63 78 . 6 6 21 Vi Friday's Resorts Arkansas 6, Oklahoma City 4 Indianapolis 4, Denver 3 Portland 6, Tacoma 2 Salt Lake City A, Dallas 3 Seattle 7, San Diego 5 Saturday'S Probable Pitchers Portland (Flovd Weaver at Tacoma (Dick Estelle 4 Dallas (Dan Pfister and Cliff Davis at Salt Lake (Dick Scott 8 1:30 and and Cal Koonce 7:45 p.m. (First game Provo.) Indianapolis (Dave de Busschere 12-at Denver (Jay and Ed Hobaugh Hook and Clay Carroll at San Seattle (John Hawkins Diego (Scott Breeden Oklahoma City (Gerald Nelson at Arkansas (Morris Steevens Spokane at Hawaii. Did You Know You Can Buy y 'N' ' ' 'nJ V ' 3 S ' C, ,s V 'l VSN " , " AMERICA'S FINEST SPORTS ' CAR for ot Uttlo o $4,870.52? styling hits the mark! This Sky Hawk Dare-devnew Pedwin looks great all the way down from the vamp to the sleek new "deck top of the high-ris- e off the ground. Come in soon and make stitch just il etn SIX OF S runs came on a two-pl- y home run by Rex Wright, followed by a grand slammer by Gordy Kelson, both In the second inning. In earlier games Murray State Bank knocked Peterson Motor of Provo out of the tournament, ; OUR CHAPEL of Memories of Provo blanked Utah Power and Light of Murray 9-- Behind ' SPORTS CAR FANS vin Insurance used the home run to overpower West Construction of Murray, Friday night and remain the only undefeated team in the Amateur Softball Association state tournament 5-- - i Pet. National Laaaua Santo, Cubs, 90; Boyer, Cards, 89; Mays, Giants, 84. Amarlcan Laagut Klllebrew, Twins, 95; Stuart, Red Sox, 92; Colavlto, A's, 84. , , Lost New York 7, Chicago 0 ' Philadelphia 2, Pittsburgh Houston 3, Milwaukee 2 Cincinnati 3, Los Angeles I St. Louis 6. San Francisco 5 Saturday's ProoaMs Pltchtrs Jackson Chicago at New York vs. Kroll at Philadelphia --. Bork Pittsburgh (1-or Blass (5-vs. Bennett Milwaukee at Houston (night) Lemaster vs. Brown ) or Bruce Cincinnati at Los Angeles (night) ay (9-v$. Drvsdale St. Louis at San Francisco Sadeckl (15-vs. Marlchal (15-5- t (AP)-Le- Won Friday's Results Friday's Results Boston 7, New York 0 Kansas City 3, Washington Detroit A, Minnesota 1 Baltimore 4 Chicago 2 Los Angeles at Cleveland, (postponed, PROVO, Aug. 21 Pacific Coast League National League Pet. Behind Won Lost The retirement of Lamar McHan, : the crowd admires the man with style! Tribunes Baseball Scoreboard American League right are Hal Bedsole, Ron VanderKelen, Darrell Lester and Tom Wilson. Theyll meet 49ers on Ute field Saturday night. right, Paul Flatley, Wes Bryant, Larry Bowie, Mick Tingelhoff, Jim Battle, Grady Alderman and Gordon Smith. Backs, left to BUICK RIVIERA . Now In Stock Highlit for Immndiatn Dtlivnry Trodo-l- n the big jump to Pedwin's Sky Hawk. 11.99 Allowonto ARCH BROWNING BUICK Your Downtown Buick Dealer , EM 570 South Main 76 SUGAR HOUSE A' |