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Show t The Salt Lake Tribune, Saturday, August 22, 1964 g Nikita Praises Friend t Top Italian Communist Dies World News Scenes In Crisis-Tor- Yalta Friday, eight days after he had fered 4 stroke. He was 71 years old. Cyprus n 21-- More THE SHOOTINGS were the first serious breaches of the cease-fir- e that followed Turkish air attacks against the northwest corner of the island 11 days ago. ; One Greek Cypriot was killed and a Turkish Cypriot police- man was seriously wounded in separate incidents around Paphos, western Cyprus. A Greek I Cypriot spokesman said the Greek Cypriot was killed by Turkish Cypriots while working on his farm. Turkish Cypriot beadquart- era said Police Inspector Mas tafa Ahmet was shot in the hack in Paphos. ; The Greek Cypriots also ported unidentified twice penetrated Cyprus - re-- 'Khrushchev was accompanied by First earlier to spend his vacation here. l Oiisfl SWITZERLAND, ZERMATT, U.S. Secretary Aug. 21 (UPI) &t Defense Robert S. McNamara terhorn peak. A c c o mpanled by six friends and mountain guides, McNamara left for the Hut, traditional stop for Matterhorn clim- 3 for group was planning to Meave the "Hut at dusk for thd climb to the summit l over the northern ridge and the return over the southern ridge. The woolens dress slacks wrinkle-shunnin- . baseball gloves wall plaques 2.00 7.98 Syroco deep pocket glove. Leather top grain cowhide. 5th floor toys STUDENT leaders here sched- tiled a massive new anti-gov- erament demonstration for Sat- urday and pledged to continue until military demonstrating ; government is ended in South Viet Nam. They predicted as many as 20,000 might turn out for the new demonstrations. weit-'e- d wall modern plaques, umber decorated with colored fish or birds. 3H4xl 0" size. 4th floor gift shop bras Vi 1.00 Famous make white cotton bandeaus with circular stitch cups. Sizes 32A to 38C. 3rd floor salt laker bras school shoes. street floor men's shoes . A similar demonstration took place in Saigon. There some 500 university students marched on President Khanhs office after a stormy, ! hour-lon- g rally during which the denounced leaders ; students Khanh as not worthy of being I the leader of the nation. Laotian Arrives reg. 6.00 to 7.98 reg. 3.98 to 6.98 boys windbreaks sheets 3.00 1.00 It. weight cotton jackets 4n tan, blue, navy, green or red. Ideal for school. Sizes 8 to 20. 5th floor boys Floral, stripe, some solids, all first quality, slightly soiled from display. Twin or full. 4th floor domestics - Vi Nylon acetate-cotto- jersey, also some dusters. Sizes 10 to 20 and 1272 to 2216. 3rd floor daytime shop reg. 6.98 reg. 14.98 to 25.98 boys slacks tablecloth set jr. dresses 1.49 2.00 Vi purpose checked tablecloth plus 2 matching bench covers. Of vinyl for easy cleaning. Fits 5' or 6' table. 4th floor domestics All Vi snow suits he suggested Vi ihat the meetings purpose is to force a reluctant United conferStates into the condi-'tion- price 3.90 Young men's casual slacks In wash-wea- r fabric. Broken sizes 28 to 38 waist. Short sleeve woven print shirt, cotton gab or flannel slacks. Broken sizes 4, 6, 7. street floor town better dresses women's shirts women's blouses 1.00 1.00 - : OSLO, Aug. 21 (UPI) King Olav V Friday denied that his only son. Crown Prince Harald, planned to marry a commoner, a move that could end the Norwegian monarchy. 1,100-year-o- THE PALACE announcement followed five days of discussion ta the Norwegian press that the handsome, prince might forsake his right to the throne to marry a commoner, or remain a bachelor if he is thwarted hi his marriage plans. Sv lent group. and to 1472 cotton In shirts with e In excel- collar Sizes 8 to 18 -down 2072. prints. 2nd floor dress salon famous slip muted prints for school King Says It Isn't So price fabrics foot stools Wash-we- ar fall. Vi batik prints dark and - Hassock type or round foot stool for your finished needlepoint. 15 onlyl (nylon-Dacro- ester). black. Navy, white or Broken sizes. r necklaces women's dresses with simulated mother-of-pea- e necklace; length lb. Reg. 59c lb. chocolate or vanilla nut fudge, creamy and delicious, a treat for the whole family. so. mezzanine candy 2.00 Reg. 3 50, Aquamarine shampoo for normal, tinted or size. bleached hair. Special plastic street floor cosmetics 22-o- z. 88' men's neckties 3 for 2.49 street floor men's furnishings 2.99 Reg. 4.50 to 5.00, short sleeve cottons from a famous maker. collars. White and some colors. Spread or button-dow- n Sizes 147z to 17. street floor men's furnishings rl with colored beads. if perfect 8.98, 66x90" 4.00 if perfect 10 98, 80x90" 5.00 All cotton cellular construction, Ideal for summer or winter. Nylon binding, decorator colors. Slight Irregularities, bargain basement Assorted fabrics, styles and colors in solids and prints, misses' and half sizes. 100 boys' jeans cotton jeans with double knees. Reg. 3 for 5.00, Our own Atleigh brand in blue only. Sizes 6 to ,12, slim and regular. '' , bargain basement 10-o- z. 2nd floor lingerie street floor jewelry bargain basement reg. 8.50 set reg. 3.98 reg. 5.95 to 10.95 reg. 3.99 reg. 1.25 pr. all weather coats tumbler set maternity wear girdles men's slocks heel lifts Orion Men's full length coats of cotton poplin with zip-oacrylic liner. Solid shades of beige or black, also olive plaid. Sizes 34 to 46 reg, 36 to 46 long. set Include 8 tumrock. blers ond Gold and blue Grecian key design on clear glass. 4th floor china c. brass-plate- I- - d Vi price price jamaicas or cabin boy's trousers in black or blue, with Helanca front. Sizes 6to 20. lycra spandex regulbr and panfie styles, some long legs. White and colors, 3rd floor maternity 2nd floor foundations Cotton broken sizes. , .2 pr. 5.00 . Casual cotton slacks, belt-- , loop style In brown, beige, black. 29 to 42 waist, leg lengths. bargain basement , V i I s 3rd floor art needlework Vi I ,f 4th floor fabrics 3.98 set ff Reg. 1.50 values, stripes, solid colors and underknot motifs, all first quality. Excellent selection. 2.00 pearls beads,-matine- 49' wovenaire blankets plus fedstox aurora-colo- r poly n prints, styles. In reg. 2.00 1.00 Taf-red- mostly tailored sizes 32 to 38. and reg. 3.99 to 6.99 simulated make slip of dark in Sizes 10 to 16. colors street floor sportswear 3.00 Famous Assorted button- white, sizes 30 to ,36. 3rd floor salt laker lingerie dress shirts bargain basement 9 price if reg. 3.98 reg. 6.00 39' yd. bargain basement campus reg. 17.98 to 39.98 reg. 6.00 to 16.98 s & lace Lastique stretch chemise with Reg. 5.98, bottom snap closing. Ideal under sports clothes. Black or n shampoo 1.00 reg. 1.79 to 3.59 reg. 98c yd. Vi boys slack sets slocks self-be- lt 3.98 stretch chemise' nut fudge reg. 3.59 reg. 2nd floor young colony pr. Dainty embroidery on white cotton, hemstitched border. Assorted patterns' and colors. Gift boxed, 4th floor domestics bargain basement campus Kzswitprsissa 6.98 to 7.98 Transition fashions in prints and solids, darker shades for early fall. Sizes 1.00 pr. price 3-- 7. . & 4.98 pillow cases Toddler sizes 2 to 4 In cotton corduroy or poplin for boys or. girls. Also boys' styles in sizes 5th floor children's ence on Indochina which ington considers undesirable at this time. i Speaking sto the press at Orly Airport, Souvanna Phouma said that representatives of the right, neutralists and left factions are meeting here with a view to solving, or at least trying to solve the Laotian imbroglio. necessary for the conference of 14 powers to .take place, Souvanna Phouma said. reg. 3.98 & - j- Lycra-Banlo- Long or short sleeve cotton broadcloth in 3 collar styles. Most sizes 6 to 20. Young men's short sleeve all wool sweaters in stripes and solids. Broken sizes. street floor town b 1.00 price stitched patterns 3rd floor & men's sweaters three-factio- reg. 17.00 to 27.00 X boys' dress shirts . Reg. 1.98 to 2 49 pr., with finished and hemmed edges or, hemstitched for crocheting. Work in lazy daisy or cross a v'z pr. 1.29 stamped pillow cases bargain basement reg. 1.79 to 1.99 ' price reg. 2.98 Wash 'n wear Farachex cotton with boxer back, tab front. Char blue or char olive, sizes 2 to 7. 5th floor children's O Washington Poit Co. Premier PARIS, Aug. 21 Souvanna Prince Phouma reached Paris Friday morning n to attend the Laotian summit conference scheduled to open here Monday. . Reg. 279 00, new, fully automatic sewing machine. 4th floor bernina sewing center for alterations) reg. 17.95 to 19.95 reg. 10.98 to 14.98 casual dresses (slight charg 179.00 sewing machine Men's summerweight pleatless slacks; also some pleated style. Many colors. Most sizes 30 to 42 waist. Name brand dress shoes, black side-ti- e style in sizes 672 to 12 D width. Popular I.; nrrz. - 2 pr. 5.00 price 5.98 -- dress slacks men's shoes , Reg. 7.98, three shelf vanity fits over any toilet tank, chrome finish, extends 772' to 816', shelves are 24x8"; also chrome finish towel pole with 2 towel rings, 2 cross bars. 4th floor notions reg. 5.99 to 9.99 reg. 13.95 reg. 2.00 . bathroom organizers street floor men's sportswear reg. 21.50 mili-vtar- WE WILL SEEK the 4th floor draperies . 5vKw.S.sWa reg. 4.98 off Reg. 98c to 2 98, Philippine mahogany shutters: 6x17, 6x20, 6x23, 6x26 6x29, 6x32, 6x36, 6x39. shutter hardware, reg. 1 .49 set 98c set blends of Dacron polyester and wool, pleatless g Men's dress slacks in good color selection. Sizes 31 to 42 waist. 21 set 2.47 valance & 6" width shutters Novelty tweeds, checks, solid colors, some wool with mohair and nylon loop. Good dress and suit weights, good variety of colors. Shop early. An estimated 2,000 (UPI) students marched through this ancient imperial capital Fri-da- y y shouting 'down with of amid signs government stiffening Buddhist resistance to President Gen. Nguyen Khanhs .one-ma- n rule. t ON ARRIVAL, curtains lt 4th floor draperies Vi price - set 39.95 springs ance. 2.39 yd. 4th floor fashion fabrics I Reg. 4.96 set, printed rooster or scarecrow pattern, set includes pair of 30x36" curtains and matching 58x11" val- reg. 16.95 to 20.00 Protest Khanh A. Imported, service for 8, ideal for reg. 4.98 to 5.98 values - &, cran- Spring filled Cavenway mattress and matching box springs, cotton stripe tick, edges. Twin or full. 4th floor draperies ' Al-tpl- 13.00 pre-bui- White stone dinnerware, in sparkling white 47-prim shaped with traditional Swirl border. .everyday use. 4th floor china 5th floor boys' hop -- NAM, Aug. table lamp Colonial styling with brass base mounted on marble, berry font and shade-i- n grape design ,20" high. 4th floor lamps 14.95 14-o- z. THE GROUP left after a long wait in McNamaras hotel for kbetter weather. When the rain kfcontinued, it was decided to go anyway since Thomas Biner, McNamara's personal guide and an experienced forecaster ot weather, thought the weather would be good by Saturday morning. : HUE, VIET 4th floor lamp mattress 5.00 14.88 pole lamps te .Two styles: contemporary cylinder syrene plastic shades orl brass pole and traditional Florentine antique white and gold shades on brass pole. dinnerware cotton jeans by a famous manufacturer. Blue only, well Heavy made for long wear. Broken sizes 12 to 18 slim, 12 to 15 regular. ur : O ht over-knig- bers. radio with case, earWestinghouse pocket size phone, battery. Low cost operation. 4th floor records & radio reg. 29.95 boys' jeans 11.98 transistor radio DBS 0 5-li- reg. 3.98 experienced less Comparable values 3.98 to 4 98, big selection of recordings by top artists, including dance, vocal, western. 4th floor records & radios fr6 planned Alpine climb of the high Mat- . 1.47 popular records reserve the right to limit guontities park Sorry, no phone or moil orders, no loy owoys or c.o.ds. oversize parking stalls with 2.00 minimum purchase. 2 hours in our parking plaza, your choice of standard or . . 6 entrances directly into store , . . extra hours 20c each. for his price scuff-resista- nt Originally published at 4.95 to 15 00, Various nice gift editions of books on art, birds, medicine, wild flowers, many others. 4th floor books 100TH ANNIVERSARY YEAR brave Friday rain to 7 IboBtain Vl educational books on sale Saturday Defense Chief Defies Rain, Starts Climb pouring set out n Reg. 6.95 doz., Wilson golf, balls with vulcanized cover. 5th floor sporting goods . aircraft air- - doz. 4.95 Wil-Wi- tations earlier this month for a preparatory meeting next December, the Italian Communists were reported to be willing to attend. He had cpme to the Soviet Union four days 8. golf balls ON PRACTICAL QUESTIONS of dealing with the Chinese Communists, he was thought to have had a moderating influence on the Soviet leader. He had for a long time opposed the Soviet proposal for a world conference of Communist "inviparties, but when the Soviets issued the Associated Press Wlrephoto Leader Palmira Togliatt! key figure in ideology war. half-bel- East and West Togliattl took ill suddenly on Aug. IS while visiting a camp for young pioneers in the Crimea. 4 price tennis shorts Reg. 2.95 to 4.95, Wilson white cotton twill men's tennis t. shorts, zipper fly, adjustable Broken sizes 22-35th floor sporting goods , between peaceful coexistence and y , He had, been a stanch supporter of Khrushchev, notably pn his policy of side. Cypriots on Turkish Cypriots. tale Saturday torry, .no mail or phone orders, no c.o.d. or lay away we reserve the right to limit quantities. On w anti-Fasci- st . , spjQGDraO uGoflones Togliattl, the leader of the largest Communist Party in Western Europe, was an important figure in the Peking-Moscoideological dispute. THE PREMIER EXPRESSED his deep sympathy to Togliattis widow and called the Italian leader an outstanding member of the international Communist movement, an un. . . and a great friend bending of the Soviet Union, the agency reported. .Luigi Longo, "deputy leader of the Italian Communist Party, also was at Togliattis bed- - YEAR I SOVIET PHYSICIANS AND surgeons were assisted by Prof. Mario Spallone, Togliattis personal physician who had been flown in from Italy. . Togliattl underwent delicate brain surgery Thursday, according to the announcement by the Communist Party in Rome. the agency said. prus northwest comer confirmed sighting two Turkish warplanes flying over the area Thursday afternoon. In response to a U.N. appeal, Turkey said Aug. 12 it would suspend reGonnassiance flights for the time being. But it warned it would keep - close watch for new attacks by Greek 100TH ANNIVERSARY ' Deputy Premier Aleksei N. Kosygin and leading member of the Soviet Communist Party, immediately confirmed by the United Nations. Swedish U.N. troops around Kokkina on Cy- THE CEASE-FIR- E had also been broken Thursday with fighting near Kitma, in southwest Cyprus. ' ; suf- HIS DEATH WAS ANNOUNCED by Tass, the Soviet press agency. Tass reported that Premier Nikita Khrushchev, intending to visit arrived at Toglhis friend of iattis bedside only to be told that death had come 40 minutes earlier space Friday. A spokesman said the overflights were in northoverflights and two west Cyprus. He had no other shooting incidents were reported details. In tense Cyprus Friday. THE OVERFLIGHTS were not By Associate Pres NICOSIA, CYPRUS, Aug. Tass said he suffered a brain hemorrhage against a background of general arteriosclerosis. New York Times Service MOSCOW, Aug. 21 Palmiro Togliattl, lead-e- r of the Italian Communist Party, died in Gunshots Shatter Calm 2 pr. 1.25 'Women's Goodyear or soft cushion lifts any size, any lift, put on your shoes at this special price Saturday only. i downstairs shot repair 14.88 to 16.88 ut bargain basement' girls' knee-h- i 35' sox Reg. 79c stretch Orion acrylic rib hose' In favorite length. White, pastels, darks. Sizes bargain basement 5-- 6, 4, knee-h- l 10-1- , f |