OCR Text |
Show yy yf y ,Fyp1 t y .r ir (pr'TlpriprTy"'y-jr'x- ' ,ipi''y'y 'T'iyyTgfiiiinrn; - .r pir ui'( w1 w1 W Wir w w1 MrnrPyi W t. The Salt Lak Tribune, Saturday, August 22, 1964 20 List of S.L. County Districts - , Its Your Vote: Heres Where to Register for Election Checking the Channels Vara t. Mugleston, 135 Gotti Ave. Salt Lake County registration 124114 Mrs. Jacqueline Brown ,1344 Rich' St. erds folagents are located at the Ill Lola B, Anderson, 31 Hartwalt Ava. 133 Lora R. Hansen, 431 Washington St. . lowing addresses: 134 Geneva Yates, 22S Montrose Ava. Baseharb'Jakes On Drama in Deeps 135 By Richard 0. Martin THIS SHOW is pretty drama- tic its certainly not a comeTribune Staff Writer ABC-Tis going all out for dy, he snapped. Admittedly, but its g excitement, mys- it mainly had damned well BETTER be adrenalin-inducin- g acand tery drarpatic! tion in Voyage to A few moments later the irrithe Bottom of the in my home. v, tation1 vanished from his lean, sernew Sea, a deeplylined face, and he was ies for fall starable to make a mild joke about Richard ring the series himself. Basehart. I dont mean to Its a modern-da- y story, Imply that the he explained. series wont sucEach week we have some ceed in all of sort of national or international these essentials, but when I met catastrophe to contend with, and so far weve managed to solve Mr. Basehart in Hollywood recently he was get- them all. ting his own vicarious thrills BASEHART, as Adm; Harri-ma- n from a novel of international esNelson, goes adventuring pionage and intrigue by John on the Seaview, an experimen le Carre. tal atomic submarine of adAn actor of international re- vanced design. Most weeks hell nown, Mr. Basehart long has be by David Hedi-soaccompanied been identified with serious drawho portrays the subs ma, from Shakespeare to the commander, Lee Crane. i best efforts of modern playExplaining that the series will wrights. When I asked why he have vague overtones of James had decided to plunge into a Richard Base hart . . . Becomes television melodrama,1 he didnt Bond, Basehart said: submariner for ABC series. hide his annoyance. Its an enjoyabla sort of escapism. The interview took place at a Key-Tu- ne spot on the 20th Century lot The slightly built called The Moat. A huge re- survivor of a crash and a plane wall encircled a large five Indicate Beit Bet noon. Gun Brothers, ordeal in the Canadian with,, taining day of duster Crabbe, Neville Brand, pool of water, and a mock-u6 a.m. wilderness, phoned his wife from Ann Robinson. (2A hours). a submarine was moored at the his Summer Semester. hospital bed Friday to tell 2 p.m. edge. he would be home within her 6;S0 a.m. 4 Top Star Bowling. (Hour show). S Popeye. BASEHART was called for a a week. 2:30 p.m. K a.m. 5 Saturday Matinee. Overland shot, and he boarded the mock-u- p FOR PETER Pruess, 1412 E. 4 Weekend Farm Show. (Hour with Tim Holt. Telegraph, warily as a zealous stage- 17th South, his bid for survival ' show). show). (Hour hand hosed it down, giving it the meant five Captain Kangaroo. (Hour show). days without food, 3 p.m. 7:30 am. appearance of having recently wandering exposed to the chill Wide World ABCs of 4 a Buff n Beddy. (Color). Sports. been underwater. Finals of the National AAU nights of Saskatchewan. 8 turn. Water Polo Championship from Other stagehands, out of camMr. Pruess was aboard a 1 Hector Heathcote. (Color). Los Angeles, the era range, laboriously agitated 4 Cartoon Festival. Box engine plane piloted by single from Akron, Soap Derby wooden pad5 Quick Draw McGraw. Ohio, and a repeat of the 1963 the water with big his friend, George Mueller, 34, v world's championship Demoli- dles, simulating waves. 8:30 a.m. 2495-5t- h East, when it crashed 'M Fireball JLL-tion Derby from Langhorne, Pa. (90 minutes). 4 Magic land of AllaKasam. Three takes later Basehart into Lake Athabaska, near Ur. Mighty Mouse. came ashore and the interview anium City last Saturday. 3:30 pjn. 9 a.m. f 2 Democratic Credentials Commitcontinued. MR. MUELLER was killed inDennis the Menace. tee Hearing. 5 a CBS Sports Spectacular. "The 4 Casper. Asked how he was approach-- ' stantly. 5 Bln Tin Tin. International Horse Royal the character he portrays, he The two men were en route to ing Show. a.m. t 9:30 Most of all Im trying a camping and fishing destinaB Fury. ) replied: 4 p.m. 4 Beany and Cecil. to human being out of tion in the north woods when the make a 2 Matinee Movie, Part H. Falcon 5 Bop Bogers Show. in San Francisco," Tom Conway. him. And it takes a bit of do- plane went down. 10 a.m. (Hour show.) ing. STRUGGLING WITH his seat S Chronicle. Bullwinkle. (Color). . Basehart admitted the pres- belt, Mr. Pruess foughthis way Bugs Bunny. 4:15 p.m. CBS Hews. sure of a television series is free of the sinking plane and f Between the Headlines. 10:15 ajn. greater than that of a motion pic- swam the 200 yards in icy water 4:30 pjn. Dlssy Dean. 4 Stagecoach West. (Repeat, hour ture. Asked if he preferred the to shore. 10:25 ajn. show). stage, he said: When he was found by a S Baseball Game of the Week. 5 Dan Smoot Reports. search party Thursday, he was Philadelphia PhlUles vs. Pitts-- 9 IT DEPENDS on If the play. burgh Pirn tea (About 3tt 4:45 p.m. shock, exposure and hours). its good, the stage is the most suffering S The Mnnlon Forum. bruised ankles. badly of a But medium '10:30 a.m. all exciting 5 p-a Boso the Clown. (Color), HE WAS reported in good conBill Dana Show. (Repeat). bad play creates boredom. The 4 American Band stand. (Hour 2S The "So Youre Go- classics are most satisfying of dition Friday by hospital. offia Film. Special show). Ining to Be a Freshman. all. Perhaps, if we can keep cials in Uranium City. 11 a.m. formational film for all 1964 Democratic Credentials CommitMrs, Pruess said sh(,had concollege freshmen, produced by this submarine rolling, I can go tee Hearings back to that Id like to do some sidered going to Uranium City the University of Utah. 11:30 5:30 p.m. to join her husband, but had Shakespeare." a o Major League ajn. Baseball. Balti- S a The Lieutenant. (Repeat). more Orioles at Chicago White 4 a Politics with the Woman's changed her mijid when he told Sox. (About three hours). . . ' '4 Bock her he would be well enough to Touch. , v y and Hie Friends, 6 pjn. come home within a week. NOON 4 a Special. "Atlantic City: Con.4 Frontiers of Knowledge. The vention City. , Shrinking Sky. 5 To TeU the Truth. action-adventur- globe-girdlin- n, Air Survivor To Return During Week In Youre in Tbp p f 5. I -- 12:30 pjn. f- ,4 ' ,4 e 1p.m. American Golf Classic. show). Picture for v 6:30 p.m. Trails Westy a Saturday 2 The Joey Bishop Show. (Color, repeat). A butcher traps Joey ' In a refrigerator for a comedy (Hour audition. The Lawrence Welk Show. After. 45 aa The Lucy-DeComedy Hour. (Repeat). , ' contract 4 5 S Kennecott 1 Copper Corp. to conduct tailings tests in the Great Salt Lake was 2 r tentatively approved Friday by 4 the Great Salt Lake Authority and sent to the office of the Utah 2 attorney general for final ap--l proval. . HOWARD churches throughout the 7:80 pjn. "Stats States as they launch a seven-da- y a Saturday Movietime. with Douglas FairSecret, missionary drive in Utah banks Jr. and Glynla John. Sunday. (Two hours!. a Summer Playhouse. THE YOUNG people will meet 8 p.m. Saturday at 6:30 p.m. at First Guntmoke. (Repeat). 9 pjn. Assembly of God Church, 57 E. The Defenders. (Repeat). 13th South, said the Rev. Peter 9:10 p.m. Pilot, host pastor, for an orientaKCTV Newt. Weather, Sports. tion meeting. 9:30 p.m. The young people will start a Tbs Price Is Right. canvass Monday of 9:40 pjn. Premiere The a t e r. The Red homes from Ogden to Provo. At Danube Peter Lawford, Janet each home they will leave a copy Leigh, Ethel Barrymore. (About of the Pentecostal Evangeli3 hours). cal, weekly publication of the 10 p.m. Weekend News, Weather, Sports. Assembly of God Church. E. t 25, 1907, he mar- ' I-- r i 44 S. Sth West. I 328-838- Registration information can be obtained also by calling the Salt Lake Tribune Information ' Service , 355-751- L 1 Mrs. Parn Websr, 124 Roberts St. . 3 Vonatt Shatter, 143 Herbert Ava. 4 Blench Short, 114 Harvard Ava. I Mr. Clara 4 Alois Karren, 44 Bryan Ava. St. J. Roberts, Ult Roberta J Plata Schott, 450 Cleveland Ava. 4 Bertha Russell, IMS Denver St. Mary L. Johnson, 444 Harvard Ava. h East. Varna Marshall, Luclle Babbell, 734 Blair St. . 11 Mae Householder, 314 E. 4th South 13-- Nan Jonas, 443 ParkSt. h 14 Vsrs Donaldson, East. 13 Becky Thompson, SIS Brawnln Ava. 14 Elizabeth Butler, 455 Roosevelt Ava. 17 Mrs, Virgil Coulem, East. 11 Mrs. Edward Campos, 733 E. 17th , South. 13 Ada Bateman, 134 Brownlnd Ava. JO Opel Stroh, 1230 Lake St. 31 Catharine Pater. 973 Lake St. 12 Helen Mery on, 777 E. 9th South. 23 Ruth Christensen, 734 E 7th South. 24-East. Eileen Pitt, East. 15 Mrs. Alice E. Bruno, lOlt-llt- h 34 Mrs. Iris Martin, 1113 McClelland St. 17 Elsie I. Parker, 14S4 McClelland St. 24 Leathe Clark, 1211 E. 17th South. 24 MarJeen Max field, 1244 Sherman Ava. 30 Mildred W. McRae, 1134 Laird Ava. 31 Mrs. Grant Gragerson, 1267 Yale Ava. 33 Rosetta Palmer, 1214 E. 7th South. 33 Mrs. Harvey Salley, 1477 E. 9th South. 341304 Lslrd Ava. El Merle Hansen, 35 Eva Helner, 1347 Roosevelt Ava. 34 Mrs. Helen G. Campbell, 14 II East., 37 Alice N. Cannon, 1447 Kensington Ava. 34 Patricia P, Romnay, 1577 Sherman Ava. 14 Emmeline P. Halllday, 1451 Princeton Harriet . K. Robbins, 1542 Yale Ava. Grace Bowman, 1511 E. 9th South. Mra. Gladva Gale, 144S Herbert Avt. 44 Blanche S. Kelly, 1771 Harvard Avt. 44 Lucille Egbert, 1324 Colonial Circle. 44 Mery Louise Bult, 1744 Logan Ava. 44 Mrs. Baa Gardner, 1990 Browning Ave. i 47 Gertrude Diehl, h East. 44 Mrs. Katharina Gilbert, 2009 Princeton Dr. 44 Peggy Stephens, 2374 E. tth South. SI Mrs. Norman East. Ruud, S3 Jane Ostlund, 2205 E. 17th South. 53 lone M. Davis; 2775 Comanche Dr. SS Mrs. Ethel 4(odge, 2341 Sheridan Rd. 54 Lucille C.u Richards, 2579 Village Circle. 54 Mrs. Beryl Grant, 1162 Jaren Clrda. 6S Lillian Carlson, 15 Hollywood Ava. 44 Eva D. Hogan, 244 Ramona Ava. 47 Katherine Jacobsen, 1914-t-h East. 44 Mrs, Gertrude Hagerty, 343 Costs-vlll- e Ave. 44 Mra. Twlla Humphrey, 1 East. 74 Arllna Foota, 401 Hollywood Ava, 71 Nina Rvtting, 2345-5t- h East. 73 Helen Paloukas, 2622 Park St. 73 Myrth Eckman, 2994-- 8 th East. 75 Bess Olsen. 2444-4t- h East. 74 Mary Wright, 2294 Windsor St. 77 Agnes M. Bolto, 1 997-8- 1 h East. 74 Esther Parr, 845 Garfield Ava. 74 Louise C. Taylor, 954 Wilson Ave. 44 Mrs. Wlnnlfred Brooks, 1994 McClal- land St. 11 Mrs. W. Ernest Young, 121$ Ashton Ave. 12 Dorothy T. Ferre, 1215 Wrkway Ave. 44 Mildred Foster, 2457 Jasper St. 45 Gwen K. Record, 439 Crandall Ave. 44 Joyce R. Poison, 984 Crandall Ava. 17 Glenni Moffatt, 2910 Judith St. 47-Mae B. Stocking, 1330 E. Clay- bourne Ave. 44 Marie Nussbaum, 2915-14East. 49 Gwenyth Thorru 2644 Dearborn Sf. 94-- lna G. Cannon, 2513-lSEast. 41 Ruth B. Hutchinson, 1364 Westminster Ava. 42 Zina Clark, 1114 Westminster Ava. Nellie M. Earl, East. 44 Zitelle M, Snarr, 1662 Dswnlngton ' Ava. 45 Beverly Quinn, 1544 Westminster Ava. 44 Lola jean Richards, 1782 Monte Vista Circle. 47 Florence O. Jorgensen, 1710 Ramona Ave. 40 Edna S. Butler, 2244 Hannibal St. 44 Kathryn S. Cra croft, h East. uby M. Blake, 1575 E. Parkway Ave. 101 Helen J. Strlnoham, 2960 Hartford Street. 1M Juanita D. Skolmoskl, 1877 E. Mary Dott Way. 103 Mariorle P. Parry, 1753 Hlllcrest Ave 144 Dorothy B. Coombe, 2067 Crystal Ava. 145 Erma W. Berntson, East. 107 Gwen K. Johnson, 2085 Hollywood Ava. 104 Mrs. P. H. Moreland, h East. 109 Mrs. Grant Evans, 22S1 Blaine Ava. 110 Julia B. Goodwin, 2387 Redondo Ava. 111 Ardlth B. Millar. h East. 113 Rosa Rassmussen, East. 113 Batty Jo G. Wirthlln, 1704 Wasatch Drive. 114 Beverly Evens, 2549 Wilmington Ave. 115 Nadine W. Evans, 2835 Glen Oaks Drive. 114 Lucille H. Spencer, d East. 117 Mrs. Edward Vetter, 2600 Maywood Drive. 125 Lillie Manning ,227 S. 2nd West 127 Arlene Snow, 402 Jefferson St. 44 41 42 Kathleen Burt, Mrs. Roeetta Peteraosu 1277 Stewart St. 153 Mary ,L. Boulton, 1042 S. 13th West. 154 Margaret H. Wollaton, 752 Cheyenne 152 - Idyltie Farnsworth, 474 S. Redwood Rd. 154 Doris Barton, 130 Glad! ola Dr. 171 Helen Robbins, 252 Quince St. 173 Mabel H. Burgoyne, 351 Wall St. n 174 Mar lor la G. Keddlngton, 214 S. Rd. St. ITS Lana J. Nelson, 452 WaH 176 Carolyn J. Kunz, 170 N, West Temple 177 Ann M. Davit, 259 W. 2nd North. 174 Thelma Millard, 325 W. 5th North. 174 Erma W. McArdle, 225 W. 4th North. 144-T. Willey, 624 W. 2nd North. 182 Lilly T. Larsen, 815 W. 1st North. 183 Rills Gleason, 823 Ouray Ava. 115 Hanna Crookston, 433 W. 1st North 184 Mrs. Della Rudy, 445 Chicago St. 187 Mrs. LaVon Raid, 543 N. 9th West. 18$ Roberta C. Brooks, 1010 Debonair Dr, 184-L- ola Thompson, 777 American Beauty Dr. 140 Thelma Ethel Syversen, 1341 W. 3rd . North. 191 Beatrice Freemen, 321 Oakley St. 142 Dorothy A. Russell, 1272 W. tth North. 143 Elizabeth A. Barnett, 455 Colorado St. 144- Echo L. Fettle, 157 N. 17th West. 144 Beverly J. Timm. 1175 Catherine St. 147 Beatrice Gltnn, 1300 Catharine St. 1142 N. 12th 194 George E. Hardwick, West. Dr. 241 Rowans Parry, 1071 Capistrano 203 Mrs. Loren Bohnar, 1073 Taffeta Dr. 245 Judy Lynn Prince, 434 W. 14th North. 25 Gray Ava. 211 Norma C. Taggart, 212Ava. Anthon Ahlrlchs, 130-l213 Florence Sparry. 150 N. Main, Apt. 24. 214 Rhea B. Maw, 1423rd Ava. 214 Edna R. Anderson, 44 D St. Ava. 214 Mary Alice Cannon, 217 Marlorie M. Wlgglnton, 277Vk E. St. h Ave. 214 Helen L. Morr, aria A. Grundvig, 525 E St. 221 Annette Scherbel, 74 E St. 222 E. H. Johnson. 144 D St. Avt. , 123 Ora M. Simmons, 535-l- it 224 Joyce G. Johnson, 177 L St. 125 Mildred G. Evertsen, 221 M St. 224 Florence C. Johnson, 347 H St, 227 Bella N. Jacobs, Sit F St. h Ava. Cl to M. Spencer, lit Ava. 224 Solvelg A. Cola, 234 Ruth G. Rodman, 414 Aloha Rd. 23 P St. 232 Louise Calllster, 233-E- arl M. Baker, 138 P St. 134 Emily Pol lei, 76 $ St. 235lva B. Bishop, 11123rd Ava. 24 Vlrglna St. 236 Arlene B. Dargar, 241 Miss Virginia Horns, Congress Hotel, IS4 167 S. zel 244 J4S 244 247 241 250 131 251 253 254 255 Stale L. Borg, 114 E. Sth South Lysle W. Cotterell, 234 E. 1st South Venus Anderson, 24 sth East Irene Wagsteff, 303 E. 5th South Velma Austin, 431 E. 6th South R. Jolene Prickett, 517 Vernier PI. Mrs. Frances Cromwell, 417 E. 3rd South Virginia With am, 425 E. 2nd South Gladys C. Flynn, 425 E. 2nd South Cleo Riggs, 50 7Th East Mrs. Edna Duncan, 130 S. 7th East Mrs. LeVelgh H. Thomas, k East Mrs. Fay M. Tannar, 3103th East East Mrs. FV M. Tanner, Olivia Jorgensen, 532 Windsor St, East Bessie Martin, 241 East Eunice E. Nelson, h Maude G. Woolley, J42 Mrs. 254 254 254 154 East 265 266 247 264 Mrs Alta B. Black, 1154 E. Sth South 570 Douglas Emma C. Christenson, St. Aliena L. Bowen, 1231 E. 4th South Ella C. Ensign, 1254 E. 2nd South Melba P. Hill, 1436 Federal Way Virginia R. B roc kb ark, 1563 Sigma 164 Joy C. Heath, BS22 University 263 264 No. 12 DeMolays Go To 64 Camp Twenty-seve- n Utah youths will leave Saturday for a weeks 9 at the encampment Aug. annual International DeMolay Leadership Camp in Estes Park, Colo. 23-2- THE YOUTHS are members of the Order of DeMolay, a youth organization of young men, ages 14 to 21, The camp is designed to stimulate leadership abilities in young men and afford opportunity for study, work, recreation and fellowship. list - til ura "V,iiy 4Idn nr. 24 Mr. six dren and three w COLOR OR BLACK & WHIT1 HOME CALLS D AYS ONI-DA- sons, Y grandchil-Ramsha- ON ALL MAKES TUBES PICTURE Ain-- ai TOtsBO Olott Tgbsa INSTALLED and 114 Types Available FACTORY SETS SERVICE PHONE HU SXRVICB $295 WEEKENDS NITES EASY CREDIT Mr. Ramshaw has two daugh--, two 417 ty 1930. ters, 41 E. ir ried Adela Stauf-- I fer in Ogden. She died June 19, New 111 New Warranty 10 YEARS SAMI LOCATION 79 WARREN FACTORY SERVICE 4140 SO WEST TEMPI! at 10. 10:30 pjn. thority, said approval by Atty. 4 Big Movie. Two Smart Gen. A. Pratt Kesler was neces-ple, sary before the tests could be-- 5 Saturday Night Theater. - THE n&adio Log PUBLICATION will have an insert listing the locations of Assembly of God churches in central Utah. gin. Midnight Boiler 2 International (To Derby. The young people will Invite In any case, the tests wont ). all they meet to attend one of be started until the (Kennecott) 4 Shannon. k their Sunday services, the Rev. strike has been settled, Mr. 12:30 ajn. Pilot said. . 4 Manhunt. (To Watts said. 8:30 6:43 7:00 7:18 7:45 8:30 8:45 10.05 10:30 11:00 11:35 13:00 13:13 ). BEFORE FRIDAYS regular meeting at the Capitol, the board members made an inspec-,- tion tour of the new authority-- t sponsored highway under con-'- Z struction between Syracuse and Antelope Island. The road is coming along in Mr. Watts com-- Z fine shape, . . mented. t- - With This New PHILCO ' Instant Cold raf rigor ator, wb think wi hav ths bait in horn refrlgorator-froBXBr- s. would lik very much to tell you about it personally. Como in. You might ust b sur- W - THE AUTHORITY will meet by Invitation next Friday with " the Ogden Chamber of Com- What we are igerce to explain Z endeavoring to do In our entire program, Mr. Watts said. prised at what you can save by dealing with an Independent neighborhood appliance dealer. Win SS Saturday, August Z slgn-o(f- KSL CBS 1160 Peo- sign-off- Z Reeves, 2150 door-to-do- WATTS, Ogden, 4 executive secretary of the au 5 Ths News ;; - Edgar . Final Ruling with Birthdays sl rKCC Awaits A Church Maps Utah Drive For Members Special to The Tribune MIDVALE Jay Ramshaw, Midvale, celebrated Operation Utah, will be the his 86th birthday Thursday. 7 p.m. He was born S a Saturday Night at the Movies. keynote of more than 10 young in (Color, repeat). "Rally Round members of Ogden, Aug. Assembly of God the Flag, Boys. 20, 1878. On July United Tailings Test: Leah JACOB WEILER, acting Salt 134 Clara A. (Morgan, 124 W. 7th South. 134 Cleora Anderson, 430 Fremont Ava. Lake County clerk, announced Shay, 1175 S. 8th West. 143 Paulan M. MacMartln, 937 W. Sth that his office will be open from . . South. 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday to 143 Eva A. Pack. 1041 Euclid Ava. 144 Martha A. Paterson, 1296 Pacific Avt. answer inquiries of citizens de- 145 Gladva Lark, 252 Pueblo St. Nell la Pack, 867 Concord St. . Im tired of bathing in the siring to register. Telephone 146 14a Doris M. Howard, 1210 Illinois Ava. 149 Louisa K. Smith, 1174 S. Illti West. stream I want a stall shower numbers are 3 and EM 1400Utahna Cr. 1W Clrda East S Isabel Hardcastte, 4698 S 300 West Veda A. Vincent, 310 W. Pioneer Ava. 419 Oise Hetander, East. S. 2475 41WA LeNore Jenkins, 272 N. 300 East 42S Ruby S. smith, 51 S E. 9400 South East Am C. Garstner, 2524 E. 2410 411 Bernice T. Clayton, fl5-7t- h East 421-South Rosemary M. Falrbourn, 452 C Karan E. Dali, 2553 E. 3210 South 282 JoAnn A. McPhle, 3050 3. 2450 East 423 Bonnie K. Green, 4750 Jada Dr. 241-11200-20Ards W. Ltatham, 2720 E. 3000 423 Grace B. Johnson, East South 424 Mabel Tufts, 4a Galana Dr. 283 Kath loan E. Reese, 3024 E. 1445 425 Florence S. Jonas, 2134 E. 70th South South 4 25-0 East Margaret T. Rudy, 244 Ruth 3041 Robinson, 5 Rale A. Ergkeon, Metropolitan 425-East Way 41 Mrs Phyllis Tltal, 9942 Barium Lana 313 Barbara P. Hauler, 3375 E. Grao-to- 42-Pearl Sullivan, 450 E. Statics Ava. Ava. 427 Donna H. Taylor, 282J Carolo Dr. 244 Mlonon Cummlnas, 3520 Alva Clrd 424 Bessie Nelson, 2871 E. 737J South W. Hall, 0 Colllna, 244 East Evergreen 430-C441 Gertruda F, Menuen, 2780 E. Mil 147 Naomi D. Jenson, 2130 E. 344 South South 117-Msry A. Warren, 3671 - 2210 E. 432 Kathorlno Carlson, 2234 E. Crook Rd. lea Ruth B. Parry, 2047 Lincoln Lino 434 Moms Smith, East 344Monf E. Adame, 3944 Momlns (tar 434 Jennie L. Huff, 12334-70- 0 East Dr. 440 Annette A. Jansen, 1440 4. 12600 294 Thetms B. Panale, 3735 Klmbary South 041 Mrs. Ell i Swon son, 1216 S. 1700 Way 241 Mrs. Darla N, Barney, 2401 EverWest 043 Mra. Varna Lloyd, 13225 S. 1700 West green Ava. Mrs. Loots p. Lewis, 14590 4. 1700 243 Mrs. Mary C. Mix, 3332 El Serrlto 04 Wnl Dr. 243 Mary Louisa Swanson, 3444 Terrace 44 Mrt, Mtycn C Ingram, Si K. Norm View Dr. 0 L Batsman, 1400 W.7400 244 Catherine J. Walther, 3321 . 2740 South East 413-Sally Ashworth, 8935 1700 245 JoAnn Y. Ramey, 3050 Birch Dr. WOt s y 147 Joan Wamock, 2441 Delia Dr. 034 Louisa Jorgensen, 1224 S 2700 West 194 Alberta J. Roberts, 3975 . 3210 East 4S Naomi P. Hansen. 1050 S. 1700 West 300 Eula Romnay, 2111 Sahara Da. 01 Jean M. Herrscher, 4660 Holly Lent 44 Mrs. Agnes Milner, '20041ft tttla 4553 R Hdladey, Wtlllngton 40 Naudynt Swenson, 27 Main 471 Mrs. Loons Paterson, St. i Lark MS Mali Ida W. Cahoon, 4661 3. Chapel 474 Mrs. Evelyn Burrows, 4431 Fair bourne Ava clHa 304 Marylyrwi H. Pace, 2314 Olympus Dr. Morgan, 4731 Atwood Blvd. 1305 Mrs. Soren Barrett, 4351 Shirley Lana Gillosplo, 5 Regal St. 474-D- orla 305-5290 S. 2nd West 0 Spencer, Lola Mldgeley. East 305-Davies, 433 W. 5300- - South Mrs. Margaret 1Knudson, 3114 Cor-- . 5,f2ca 401 Barbara B. E. 4400 enet Dr. Brunksr, South 304 Mrg. L snore t. Nagle, 3154 Live Mrs. Viol M. Ltvorttn, 4941 Naylor 33 Oak Circle. 307 L tone A. Taylor, 4114 Wander Lana Si-- El Hleolnson, 18 W. 5300 South 307-Bitty J. Davis, 4989 Nanlloa Dr. P Carter, 5813 S. 124 West ryl R. Knowlton, 3245 Oakdiff Dr. -SB. Holder, 24 W. Velley Dr. hlrley 304-E- dlth T. Ferguson, 949 E. 5600 South Martha J. Thor sen. Ml W. 4400 814 Mrs. Janoen Ward. 1641 Wlnward Dr. South 311 444--Lou Shlrlev Langlols, 5991 Lakeside Dr. S320 MontroaS St. Naylor, 311-D. Leah W. Hilton, 430 Knollcrest Jonas, 62949th East 41 JI1-Marilyn Ballsy, 5759 . 1059 East 314 Mrs. Brett Paulsen, 6463 Sumac Wap Tww- - 5763 Undon St. 311-Virginia Chapman,- - 5795 Conway 443 Blaine Crapantor, 6450-3r- d East 492-Rd. Maxwell, mis S. LtStsvlew a Emma B. Walker 217 313 Myra P. Rlppllngar, 1404 Baywood Dr. 328 Glanoaki 114 Gloria C. Alton, 1104 Moor Dale Lana J15 LeVerne F. Millar, 5005 Highland Dr. 494 Pearl Reading. 22 W. 4400 South 314 Alice H. McCune, 4017 Harper St. rtdr 2341 fcRtdwocd 317 Augusta J. Bullen, 2050 Walker Ln. 314 Vlrglnl R. Silver, 4190 Holladay 494Srah White, 1540 W. Russett Ava. Blvd. E T Dl1' ,IS' W 3251 114 Margaret 3. Larsen, 5281 Holladay "South' Blvd. lry B. Wanda I, 3140 S. Redwood 314 Thera Whiting, 4541 Highland Dr. 321 Mra. Fern Lyman, 2352 Oakcrest Ln. JOl-- Vlla Jacobson,' 1472 W. 4180 South. 314 Elnara H. Musa, 3414 Aurora Clrda Margaret H. Slack, 1544 W. 505 324 Mrs. Don Buohncr, 4353 Zarahemlt South. Dr. 124 Ruth E. Mahoney, 3911 Parkview Dr. ?? K4 ? Johnson, 4211 S. Mackey Dr. 327 Naomi D. Hansen, 3594 E. 3700 South 501 Mildred B. Garrard, 4920 I. 1250 324-l- lso S. Wtghtman, 3061 Plateau Dr. WtSf 334 Allca R. Drechtel, 3201 Skycrest Cl. SOSiA Alone C. Mlsbech, 4034 S. 157J 333 Calrle Maurlno Timmons, 3343 Bor-naWest. Dr. N- Coifs, 3887 W. 4700 South. Si 335 Lucy W. Smith, 1620 S 4th West West. 337 Milllcent Reynold .?l,nck' 5347 s- t, 64E. Truman M.ck.y. 175 W. 5400 South. Ava. 507 4648 S. 3200 West. Williams, 330 Lyda Boyd, 234 E. 2100 South 305 W. 3650 South. 334 P loronce Inskoop, 441 E. Truman 343 Market St. Ave. 314 SM20 West. rol A. Ipton, 42 W. 27th South 341 Garde Drews, 248 E. Whitlock A VOL 344-E- ldo D. Miller, 352 Borrl Ava. 343 Betty Jean Whetsel, 22 E Ave. 344 Mrs. Mary M. MeAffee, 180 E. South-gat- e Ave. 345 Martha R. Larson, 2433 Adams St. West. 350 Venice W. Babcock, 3134 S. 2nd West. I1S-Ltllan T. 352 Mrs. Laura Oldham, 3016 S. 610 West. 514 Mrs. Ethel South. 354 Marian J. Walton, 110 W. Silver Ava. Blanche A. Nelson, 398 S. 356 Malvina E. Dust, 3112-3r- d East. 3200 West. 357 Virginia Howard, 143 Helm Ava. 515 Hattlo L. Woodbury, 354 Virginia Gillette, 406 Penny Ave. I860 S. 3600 West. 360 Mrs. Ray Julander, 4514600 East. 515- A Norm D. Ryan, 4053 I. Acord 361 Bertha Poole, 204 E. 3900 South. 33 Frances G. Wilson, J35 Garden Ave. 516 Way. 34 Martha M. Hardman, 546 Leland Ave. 316-- Colleen Kofoed, 329 S. 3600 West. Nina Buckner, 435 W. 3500 South. 366 Frances M. Llsonbee, 741 E. 3120 517 Roweni T. Obert. 4715 W. 3650 South. South. 367 Janice B. Whitton, 3669-7t- h East. 510 Elvo Haslem, 374 S. 5200 West. J67-R. Lloyd Barnes, 720 E. 3530 South. 514 Elsie R. Ma R. Blood, 5247 Sunshine 364 Flora J. Graham, 594 E. 3635 South. Dr. 364 Elizabeth G. Josle, 4201 Normandie 514-Marat C. Rush ton, 310 I. 5200 Lana. Weet. 364A-lo- an B. Thomas, 744 E. 42S5 South. 120--Edn B. Wlllet, 4400 W. Sth South. 371 E. Theone J. Bennett, h East. 121 Mrs. Robert E. Jonas, 5440 W. 3500 372 Dorothy Dart, 1000 Mlllereek Way. South. 17 lorla Y. Nelson, 1180 Rldgadale 521 Mrs. Delvtne P. Hymis, 3541 S. Lana. 635 West. 374 Lola B. Ludwig, 1234 Lorraine Dr. 523 Isabel R. Fairbanks, 4047 W. 4833 375 Marguerite M. Jackson, 1391 South. 4074 514 Beverly Andersen, Way. W. 460 Vi Joyce R. Stevens, 4113-11South. East. 374-Delores M. Mechem, 1087 E. 4025 S25 LeVerd Korol, 5336 S. 4210 West. 524 LuDean South. Saarla, 4751 4 4520 West, 274-524 Mrs. Dtlflno Sanchez, 4006 W. 4061 Joanne P. Orton, East. 177 Edna Maurer, 1550 E. 3970 South. South. 324 Ruth Leonard, 410 S. 4060 West. 378 Annette M. Smith, 0 East. 530 Mrs. Marcus M. Parry, S04 W. 374 Nelda Wall, 1621 E. 3115 South. 5320 South. 380 Nola M. Fisk, 1518 E. 3150 South. 4474 W. 5211 531 381 P. Beckstaad, Batty 1740 P. 3015 E. Joy South Owen, South. 382 Mrs. Kezia H. Hood, 1808 E. 3170 So. South, 33 Natalie C. Day, 1605 Mlllvreek Wav. 53 Judith A. Bliss, 4604 W.S. 525! 4170 West. R. M. Holmgren, 1995 Slggord 53! Ruth Matthews, S567 537 Mrs. Helen James, 4541 W. 5780 MS Vida V. Sorensen, South. 1450 E. Forest Hills Dr. 534 Mrs. .Clair Pullum, 4151 W. 1700 346 Alda P. Brown, h South. East 347 Jean S. Arata, 1841 London Plana Rd. 545 Margaret- - Adamson, 3340 I. 7540 391 Jean Thurber, d West. Ave. 194 E Use Bedont, 575 E. Center St. 544 LaPrele Mathews, 3231 S. 8000 West. 196 F lor Is P. Cola, 260 S. Allan St. 547 Evelyn Underwood, 834 Powell Ave. 197 Allca Juretlch, 426 E. Canter It. 548 Ma lorla B. Day, 23 S. 560 West. 194 Faye Drake, 74 Coolldge St. 544 LeRee H. Pthrson, 3044 S. 4560 194 Rave L. Hokanson, 545 Hoover St. Wvst 400 Betty Jex, 123 E. 4790 South. 551 Helen B. McCarthy.' 4174 W. 3150 401 South. Peggy Ferguson, 136 E. 7200 South. 403 Mery Leona Oattesen, 335 E. 7100 So. 551 Mrs. Eugenia P. Daa, 301 S. 400 404 Edna P. Jensen, 7104-90East. West. 406 Pearl G. Crux ford, 1071 E. 7200 South 355 S. 4000 West. Mary Cosslett, 407 Verenetta Meyer, 1421 E. 6860 South 557 Mrs. Mllll 2S54 S. Chrlstofterson, 404 Marcella 6450 Downs Meadow Urry, 100 West. Way 409 Paulina A. Hobbs, 1545 E. 7200 South 570 Edna M H. Bowden, 2280 N. 250 410 Mrs. Una J. Hathaway, 0 Watt. East . Wlllerdsen. 4043 White 0 Irena P. Ssinsbury, Mrs. Bessie G. Whatcott, 3205 South 274 R. Joyce P. Larson, 3113 474-- Vtle 276 277 BARGAINS IN . USED REFRIGERATORS PHILCO Exclusive DVornlng Breaklaet New Farm Newi SAMI LOCATION OVER SB YEARS INDIANA AVE. IRAND-NE- KCPX II Morning 13:00 Local News KSL-- 100. D- U:35 Roadshow Afternuun-Evsni- 13:05 Road Show 1:30 What's New - IOA- p 8:00 News, Miller 9:00 News A Flair World New 10:00 ABC New News 10:05 Harvey Ellsworth Ballads . 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PHItCol Round-U- World Newa Breakfast Show Saturday, August 1358 Wost Indiana Ave. 3223961 13:05 Jerry Norden 6:00 Lucas, News 6:05 Will Lucas 7:00 ABC News 7:30 World New 8 Tmc KUtR- FM . 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KMUR-II- 34 Hours Dally Music Newt 14 KWIC-1- 570 . a.m, te Sunset Haws Madam .. 1 Sound KNAK 1240 Hours Dally Music Haws 14 a.m. to tunaat MusicHaws Sparta K9IC-14- C0 It MOP-13- 71 Daytlmo Western Muttt Newt KSXX-4- 31 4 a.m. t |