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Show Teiephon. C Automotive 49 Automobiles for Sale FOUR TOURING, total prtca. 073 BUICK ,377 TON I I DODGE wt 1013 MOTOR TRUCK. WAS. 43,5. GENERAL W4 80 MAIN V rood rubbr, total price. PANEL, ceeb will bur. 0373 BRAND NEW FORD I hav. 1135 credit on any model. bell tor 150. Hr. 4304-- nil Will BUICK TOURING. Motor cood, new top end will deliver thou.Hudc of mile, of trouble-fre- e transportation fur only 103.' ' BGTTERILLS, 33 RO. BTATE FORD 1 li'3 WAR 434. TRUCK; motor overhauled. New tires, stake body. he best buy in Utah. 430 80. BTATE. I 47 Trucks, Tractors Dodse trurk: as 0515; now 0873. 034 80. panel Main Was. 3393 I iJ7"f-TO- w . 48 Automobiles Wanted nc bridfjT WE PAY HIOHEST SPOT CABR PRICES POR LATE MODEL CARS. no malting or red tape. Cor 7th So . Main We pay spot cath for clean. Tata model used cars Plenty money No delay. STOUT MOTOR COMPANY. COR , 1ST SO. AT STATE. W. 6316. CASH PAID POR GOOD U8KO CARS Bills At Singer. 630 So. State. Wee. 3374. discount on parts for elf makes of carl and trucks 651 So. State. Hy. 3544. CASH for used cars: complete battery aer-lcnew and used parte lor autos. 1318 8o. State. Hy. 8459. For Rent Unfurnished Houses 54 MOD'fIouseT'$?msTlMni!7w3fM tnent basement, newly papered. 453 4th E. COZY bungalow, hardwood floors, built-ifeatures. 1316 So. 2nd E. W. 66. r.'V mod., newly pap., clean, walking distance. Inquire 351 E. 4th Bo. 130 mod. home, newly renovated. 980 Yale. Call Hy. 3301-- J for appointment. duplex, bath, rear 346 West 6th So Hy. 3764-120 4 NICE rooms, g&s. 430 E and F sta lnq. 173 E st.. 4tU ave., bet Waa, 3019-- bunBEAUTIFUL strictly modern galow. near East high. Oumwood finish All hdw. firs., new furnace. A perfect Home. W. 4937-after 4 P. m. 3 NICE mod flats, cheap, only $14. also bricks. $8. IUK $13 Waa 166 small cottage, mod. except heat: near Eagle gate. 173 Canyon road. 6 RM modern. 618 N. 1st West, 117.80. Phone Hy. 1267. RMS., mod., sip. porch, gaa range, $203 Was. 6840-lino. 142 Mead ave. mod. with gar., furnace, newly 631 E. 31st So. floors. hdw. papered, STRICTLY mod. bungalow and sip. 348 I at. Call garage. Boren, furnace, 1715-. str. mod., tile bath and sink, hardwood floors, beautiful lot. garage. 144 eo 14th East. Hyland 6875. 3 5 RMS., clean. walk. diet. 121H Almond. 3 blks. no. temple. Waa. 9636-614 mod. cottage: garage. $.2 50 East lit South. Was. 8851-3 hike. 32. clean. aas range, mod., Hotel Utah, InqT 138 W No. Temple. modern duplex. $14. 1135 McClel 0 $ an da ve . Hy. 6076-- modern garage. 1400 MONTH, worth bungalow, newly papered 222 $30 6th East. brick bunmodern $36 STRICTLY galow. wired for electric stove: hardwood floors, water heater in furnace; garage; big lot. 351 Bherman avenue. mod. house, clean. 120 TO good tenant. M4 10th ave. Hy. 4653-- DELMAR AVE. mod. cottage, steam heal, glee, re- hdw. floors, janitor service. $37 50 mo. Covey Inv. Co.. Wag. 8471. 120-4- -rm mod. lino, gag range! partly furn, 1003 Washington at. Inq. 1006 3 OR 6 RMS., mod. 349 West 6th 8outh. Call frigeration Hy. 3764-NEW mod. duplex, now. firs., fur. gar , large lot. 344 Edith ave. mod , painted, clean, gaa and monkey ftove, lino. 429 So. 2nd E.. Hy. 7173-EAST 1583 80. 6TH bungalow, $35 sleepfurnace, full basement, glassed-i- n ing porch; will lease for one year at $30 $32.50. Call Wasatch per month, or rent 4135 or Murray 374-- J. 6 PM. house, suitable for two families. 442 So. 8th East. Hyland 1144-mod. gas. newly papered,4061-W-cleaned . 449 Debs place. Hyland $20. gaa LNlBUAL modem home. 7 rooms, with sale, heat If desired! for rent, leasa or8734-J, reasonable, at 1435 Logan. Was. W strictly moti. home. 5 rms.. breakeast fast rm., tile bath and drain, garage, bench. Hy. 3203-WALKINO DISTANCE E. 2ND SOUTH. . mod. mod. brick and FRIT8CH LOAN & TRUST CO. See Us at Our New Location. 166 E. 2nd South. Hy, 606, Wat 3o67. mod.: gas or coal for heating; $26. Was. 9S14-149 N street. strictly mod. brick; bookcases, $db $2o4-rm- fireplace, large sunny kitchen, furnace, gar 624 Redondo ave. Was. 4145. I id mod., sip. porch, nice yd. 944 East 4th So. Hy. 4163-mod. duplex brick, hardwood floors, furnace, cheap rent. 160 East 4th So. OO modern brick, sleeping range, furnace, porch, gas stove,603 coal Bo. 6th East Call double gaarge. Flandro. Was. 680, weekdaya. mod. boe. hdw. fl., 1. range, built-i- n feat. 645 Bo. 7th E. Waa. 4624-all modern IIVK rooms, basement, garage, 640 Marlon ft. except furnace. Lot 60x160 htreet $25 per month Call Fred C. Wol-ter- s. 128 South State. Waa. 23Q7. . p.ninr. olowt, hot. cold m- tr, ,uh mlt. lino 1808 Bo. and West. modern. clen. n.wl, Jlfl duplex minted Rc.r BBI g 8th Boutin , i.t CLEAN, modern room.. coI rue,. Inquire 943 L,8. t. WALKINO ' diet . 4rm- - mod,, ney t. cljmn nd ,.rm. 025. 333 E tti Bo, Hr, ,33. 336 NICELY ARRANGED room modern, full boMinent, taraw B rtf f I red. Inq. 381 No. mod. colonial burna-l- o. t;rw lMed-l-utrictly n .Ip. pch.. breakfa.t nook, lull baement. furnace, ,60 Blmpion ava. Hylettd 8045-brick, modern, furnace, hdw. flni garage 216 L at. Was. 8725-jgTft.RM house, clean, attractive doee . 76 West 6th South. In , str mod duplex, aas range, lino U5 Oar, full base 757 Ramona. H. 7201. arpM firebrick, atr mod , hdw. flra . inlaid lino . full basement, furnace, garage. $40. 766 Ramona ave. Hy. 7307. . ltW et. - 6'fiM. house. house, 32760 tie $15. 931 1427 tRicharda at. Lincoln pen.r mod , newly rng. enam.: lino., shades, turn., coal 109 6th East. Hy. 3363-Paved at bungalow. modern $36STR1CTLY sleeping porch, Holland fur144 Harrtaon ave. Hy. 3.M-nace brick home, furnace, fullr beiimcnt. hd floor., garage, ti'.r line. 033, 1149 Wilmington ate. Ht. J1&0 or HTrna. mod brk.. slp borch buJU-I- nlM-- J fcg- 4 HM lirr, 1 049 E 2nd Bo. Hjlnd Near Urgant mod.. 43 So Bth Junior high. 020. Hrlitnd ftn; modern, duplei. gumwood HO. 035 Uh. ggretr. ggj ryc. llnoljum. South 11th East. full barcincnt. elegn. mod., 018 bullt-lcupboards, stoves. 6j 4E.2n d Bo- Mw . 5'RMTbrtck. gtrlctlg tnod furnace. HT. l3-j- . 1349 Emerson. fir. arm time, egpenae man WHEN YOU MOVE- hire a reliable moving breakage: 111 Movlnr No fn classification listed and storage 608 So 3rd FaaL I25 rood $23 mod . 2, E. .3. -. 474 4 RMS gar. Doaulngtou. Inq. rear J2S 627 Downlngton. HOUBI Et. ,grge. gaWa.331. y a rd. g i r. mod 347 . 3 )rg ftrarlacw. furnace. 3459-- 3rd vt. Wag. 1 nralT raprrrd. g.ragej good et. bgwment: near wJrool 4S3 3V 3 RMS and gin- - norch. 1". Slanlrr nl . 2nd E . ht. 5 So W 247, mod. lino .gaa rang. UbertT nn rk front Inq 319 E..jHh Bo, 4 aot , 0. A 'BARGAIN IB up credit. See pltce... clean West. tmokcagej; flrmlirr. LOVEIY mod. nr Achool. only 020 134 W- 4th North modern. "nFaly papered, walking distance 33 66 . Aonjv pena house earaxe mano and rabhlt 8704-VHM mod.. ol 1 J -- V J8ord $22. So 6h West. THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER Was. Furnished Apartments 01 2 DOWNING PURNI8HED DE LUXE AND UNFURNISHED. Furnished Apartments TluccTyTur n?TTf ihtTTvea tTga- 6 32 Fas t 4th So ut h. d u Its rooms, private bath, furnace heai adulta Keferenoyt. 438 So. 6th East. OR re I rA e. TWO If you a ant to live In the finest apt. hotel 58 modern duplex with 3 Furnished Houses the west, lust call over to 120 South 3rd Kent cut to summer rata. in varttr. East and see for yourself how sorgeoua 025 E. Bo. Temple, Was. 6765. within easy three apartments are. Beautiful lobby, tel- LOCATED Tear "a tala capital, out of the modern brick bouse, basement, ephone service, spacious closet and halls, talking distance ta town, smoky district. 6 rooms, with splendid screen porch, sat. 116. 753 Bo. 3rd East. colored tile kitchens and baths. Smiles furnace and and clean nicely aarsse; for made and doubles. furniture Special 70 Zane atenue $45 the new Da Luxe Apartment Hotel. Adult 56 Unfurnished Apartments UOOK Ar NOYE8. INC., only. Realtors. 19 East 1st South. THElENsiNGTON Wasatqh.IUL 8T. rRANCIB. 28 E. Broadway 3 room, 4 RMS Just what you want; neat. ckau. 6 rooms d! bed. 030. Inc. Ilhti, heat. W. 6364-reduced winter ratea. Hy. 4672-COZY, attractively furnished 3 and 4 room! HILLCREST NEW KEARNS APTS. mod, houses. Adulta. Garage. 49 K- 6th So. 4 and 3 rooms. 4 rm. front apts. beautifully turn., 4 RMS . modern, newly cleaned, close to school 42 Denver st. Frlgldalre. $45 up. Oar. 350 8o8th East. mod. beautifully furn., elec, retrig., THE COVEY VALUES IN CITY BEST piano, basement, gar. Was 3378-I urn. 1 and $58h6-rm- . 8 rooms, modern; overstaffed furniture, sirrctly mod. bungalow, newly . turn feood plenty heat. gar. 1470 So. Main. large dining room; close In; These apartments have Jana front outside; school district; plenty heati low rent 402 Hy 4S82-porches and glassed-i- n sleeping porches First ave. mod duplex, 7ront and back uorchea, All apts. have beautiful porcelain electno or unfurn garage 1090 So. 4th East. furnished without any addirefrigerator SHUBRICK APTS. HALF furn. cottage for rent, near Eagle tional post. Tbeae ante, are all in excel-leOats 234 Canyon rd No car fare. condition and you must sea them to Tht moat coovament homelike apta. to city, reas. rent. 3 and 3 rrea . completely appreciate lust bow nice they are. mod bung., hdw firs , full cement and newly furnished, elee ranges tod re b ase. 7 56 Rouse ve It ave W as SoUS-J- , frlveration 74 W 4th So COVEY INVESTMENT CO $50 bungalow, nicely furn. piano, 236 East So. Temple. 6671. War st furnace, Hy. 6261 garage, paved NEW DOWNING APTS. ROBERTA-PiCCADILLY 5 AND houses, nicely furu ; garage, 130 and 136 So 3rd East $35 $25and 1427llth Last Hy. 4122-M- . 3 and 3 rooms, including Unen. dishes, Unfum. and furn : best location, all mod. . ludoaed sleeping conveniences. Office 454 Bast So Temple. sliver Frlgldalre, Wilton rues, overstuffed $204 NICE rms., 3 mod 53 So. State, resr. furnture. telephone service, garage. Weekly porch, gsrsge or monthly rates. Maid service if desired. or mod. furn THE NEW HARRIS unfurn, rent cheap 40 to $70 per month. Adults. to party turn Refs Heat. Waa. 8727-- J Absolutely the most unique modern sot $20 NICELY turn. 3 rooms, private bath. TWO BLX:K8ROM UNIVERSITY. in city; 3 and I rooms; new colored fixtures 300 East 4th South. Close-In-. strictly modern brick and glassed-Iin bath; elec, dlahaasher On paved boule4 room apta., sleeping porch, aarwge. Real cosily furvard. W block from Liberty park. Nothin! ATTRACTIVE, a real borne liner. 634 So. 6th Eaet. Hy. 4274. tip. porches. $3& and 137 60 314 7tii East. nished Waa 3567 Hy 3609 WHEN YOU MOVE save time, expense and NEW CUMMINGS APTS. $42 50 mod. brick bungalow, full breakage: hire a reliable moving mao. . elec, rge ; excel, cond ; gar. 603 bsmt fisted in classification No ill Moving 33 50 up. 3. 3, . apts Frlgldalre, ave. Browning Inq 660 Hollywood ava and Storage. furn. and unfurn. 416 E 2nd So. W 9643. mod. brick cottage, furnished, I at Hy 4353 CARLTON HOTEL APTS. good furnace, piano 7t nicely furn. mod house with garage. 941 E Out of the smoke: modem, bested I. I MO East South Temple. Was. 664. 13ih South. $37 60 Call eves Mid. 217-and 6 rooms. 930 E 3rd South Hy 7341 Beautiful large rmi . well furnished, private bath, lobby accommodations. Rates 3 OR 5 large, well-furrms. bath. o. a. PRINCETON. Four-roofor 5 $35 mo. $40 and Call 668 So. 4 E fum . Baa heat. COR. 6TH E. AND 1ST SO. permanent guests. per 8 and completely furn. apta.' WILL lease my beautifully furn. home, or modern in every respect. Excellent condi- Also tion. Fine location. Garages. Your In- - $50 and up. rent by the month. Finest location. 1673 Was. 3000. avenue. spectlon aollclte d: Hyu 6676-NEW SPENCER STEWART 3 Vale FAIRMONT. RMS . bath, newly decorated. 1013 Lake 40 B. '5TH 80., four-roomodern Unsurpassed finish, dec. and furnishings: at. Hy 3764-apt., In every respect. Excellent condition. Your very roomy and homelike; furn. or unfur- 4 RMS , mod , well furn 7 close "tn. Inq. 25& Inspection will bo worth while Reasonable nished 740 E. 3rd South. No. West Tempie or 663 E 6th So. rent. Oarages. Was. 2636. Was.. 3900 $23 apL nicely furnlahed, gas. light, SEE the new Barnhart apts . furnished or heat, phone. Oarage If desired. 661 So. 59 Furnished Rooms 2nd East. Hy. 3161-unfurnished, at 704 E. Broadway. oiT the least money rm. fn town HOWELL APTS 255 E. 6TH SOUTH. BLT DORIU8 APTS . 653 First eve 4 and 6 3 rooms, bath and sl&plng porch, light, Everything new and up to date, steam rooms, strictly modern, new fixtures. G E 164 B. S. T. Apt. 4. Hotel nr Utah. room Real homes. heat, and heat. rory all garage. plenty Frlgldalre, light. refrigerators, 10271. Wax Was. POOO-FURNISHED rooms In family hotel, runnlna $33 50, EXCEPTIONALLY THE KESSLER eater, homelike atmosphere, renter of APTS . m warm, clean, mod like home. $3 to $5 A week. city, lust 11s. apt , lights Incl.. gar adults. 235 6th E apty. 244 No. State Was. 6081. 265 So. 1 st West. Hotel Trel apt., 3 bedrooms, nicely decorated, $42 50 apt . second floor, adults. IN beau- Pearce Apt.. 211 E. 4th feo. Hy. 3400. private home, unusual front room,3463-plenty of hot a alar, good heat. 333 1st 157 7th E Hy. eve. Was. 7034. tifu!lyfurnihed . modFURNISHED and unfurnished 6 569 Eaat 1st 8 CLEAN, convenient h. k. apt., close In. heat, ern In every way. SUMMERHAY8 APTS. Large, sunny rms.. die bed, sip, porch. 318 W. N. Tempi gas, lights, everything. 15. Was. 6470-PRANCI8 APTS strictly modern. 113 1st ate. $30 mod. apt. Kitchen furnished Frlgldalre. 467 E 4th So marm. modern rooms at 265 Eaat Waa. 4854. 864 So. 1st West. CLEAN, 2 rma.. private bath. h. w. $20 UP Close-I- n 1st Bo.: $3 6 00 per week. Was. OOOD6ELL APTS . 4 nice rms., elec range heat, clean, quiet. 331 1st ave. and refrigeration. 732 6th East st. front rmM mod., gas furnace. Reas. GROUND floor, 4 rms., bath, heat, screen Clo-- c Was. 504 5 In 121 1st a ve 16 mod. apt., gaa porch, garage. 125 Hat. Vk 6367-E. room, aultable for two. privata en733 FRONT 2nd So. Hy. range. SMALL apt . neatly furnlahed Close In. 3 trance 41 4 th East. Hy. 1396. 3 ROOMS, class porch, bath. coal, gas Reaaonab1. 368 W. 3rd No No. 21. Baa newly decorated. 24 range, $15; furn.. $20. 440 E. 7th Bo. DONE APTS.. 338 1st ave. Light, well fur- $20 front room, Wasatch 6910. nished. newly decor 3 and 3 rma . Frtgid-alr- e, South State. Was. 4873. dls. bed Nr. business dlat. Was. 5903. DESIRABLE room at No. 10 Ethery apts., UTAH APTS., 150 W. Bo. T. 2 largo rms., 105 1st ave. Was. 4642-bath, kitchen, heat and gas, $25. KEARNS APT . $50. front sunny PLEASANT front rin, with alcove, for 2; $46. QUINCY APTS . 166 I at Was. 8997-apt. , beautifully furn. 2 60 6th Eaat. mod, apts. Frig., furn or urf. efr. mod jprlvate family 616 K. 1st So Was 8851-duplex, nicely furn., 612 8 4TH E . mod. apt . $30. Ask CRAIG Furn rms , with or without bath $47.50 666 East 2nd South. Hy. 3674-for Mrs. Brown or call A. FILLINGAME. Hotel service. 104 Flrat Ave. Was. 3280 mod. furn apt.; gas heat: $20 up. Homebuilder. Hy. 7809. Bkfat. Driscoll apt . 23 No. 1st West. Close In. WELL heated rm. In mod. prlv. home. 88 O at. was. 3552-R- . APEX. 144 2nd ave. 4 rms , strictly mod , WENDELL Aots. Modern in every respect it dpaired. Frlgldalre, steam ht . vacant next week. Was. 9946 NICELY furn. front rm. No. 15 Grace apta. 304 W 1st North. $36 up Inquire No. 1 Louise. 101 1st ave. overTHE RITZ Beautiful apts COMMUNITY APTS. staffed furniture. Frlgldalre: best loca- ABOVE the average. Room In refined home. 1st class In every rggpect. 612 E 2nd 6o Unfarn. apt., large living rm.. dlsap. bed. tion; rent very reasonable. 435 E. South gag range, elev. service: nicely furn. lobby; Temple. room. $3.60 wx up. 6oc. 75c night good 46 E. Broadway, apt. 408. $25 month. 260 W So SANTA CLAIRE. 252 6th Eaat Hotel Main. Central Nicely furn. ROBEDiXt APTS., 660 Bo. 6th East. 3 apt.: good heat, elec refrlg : $32 60. Gar. LG, rm . iHF U ' heated, well furn., nr. 7081-Nrooms, bedroom, dining room and kitch- NICE . furn , at the Delphi. Mod-er- n If desired 1026 K. 2nd So Hy. apt en. show, and bathroom, south side, tight In every way. 2 5 1 So. 4th E ast BEAUTIFUL newly furn. room, bath adj. apt, automatic heat.. $36 and $40. Waa. 6660-p r vatc home: garage. NARVEX APTS, 8 rms., bath, steam heat. WILTSHIRE ARMS NICE, warm, sunny, front room in private gas x 330 E. 3rd So., only $30. furn end unfum : tile 527 East 2nd So. Walking dlat. decor, Beautifully family. $37.50 gaa for cooking, light, phone shower, automatic heat, refrlg. Above ENJOY the conveniences ana service ol Included: hot water heat. Modern good bath, smoke Convenient location. 234 1st ave. tho Hotel Little. 165 So. Main. $30 mo 40 P at. condition Hy. 8766-38 "3rd Eaat. 3 rms., O. 8 APTS-OLIVE up. New lobby and lounge riLLMORE-UINTAfurniture, good heat I OR 2 rms. str. mod. No 4 Louisa apta. modCor. 2nd West and 2nd So. 101 lit ave. Waa. 78R3-em apts : dean and attractive. Waa. 7834, $165 RMS furn. 255 East 2nd E. So . 2nd Bo Was. 3000. $104 rms.. furn.. Rivers. 365 KEITH APT HOTEL. 121 E So. Temple. niceRMS , sun rm all outside windows, dec, rm.. also hekp rms , day or wk STAATS modern with Frlgldalre newly and glassed-i- n porches. 47 West 5th Bo. ly furn., heat, ydults. 87 F at . Apt. 1 60 Booms in Hotels 2 RMS. nice, clean: gas. light furn. $25 BERNICE, corner 1st no and 6tb E.. 329 East 3rd South. cor, apt., front rear ochs. fly 6426-new overstaffed furn., clean, BELL-WINroom HOTEL STRATFORD apta. Unique . . 318 Ut ve. 630 E. 1st South. quiet, homelike. Ideal arrangementa 169 Eaat 2nd So. Wag. 1983. Beautiful out-alPlVA On of most desirable front apta. of TWO eouth rooms, private entrance, every a rm Hates that will p e aae you. 27 60. 6$0 8. 3rd East. thing furnished. 4 rms. and aun rm.. automatically heat0 BLOCK WEST OF P. O. ed. south exposure, with every mod. con- PIERPONT APTS , 8 rooms and bath, $22.60 LAKE3. HOTEL. . rm. I apta $25 and $30 month. 153 Plerpont st. venience, oak floors. Frigid., fine location, to $25. Was. 4104-Everything furnished. Hot water heat. cor. 3rd ave., I it. Reasonable. Bee It UTAH APTS., 150 W. So T. Strictly mod-er- n Sleeping rooms $3 to S3 per week, 84 rma. Waa. 2310. 30 In with town. rooms rent suites. Cheapest private bath, newly papered. VACANCY France apts.; hdw. firs., tils CAITHNESS. 84 B at. 3 rms. first floor; LINCOLN HOU8E, 68 E. 1st So 150 clean, 325 W 4th North. Was. bath. Frig. sterilized rooms at 35c, 40c. 50c day; new furn. or unfurn. Was 8107-- J or Was. 904 8996-management; new features throughout; steam heat; private 4 NICE rma. and gt. In porch. $37. Like a MOD 2 anf $24 apts; 262 floor; reading, writing, large lobby raam Last 8th South. up. bath, gar.; real home. See It at 444 4th East. Hy. baggage rms. : best baths, barber shop. WELL furnished. 2848 apt. Frlgldalre, TUXEDO HOTEL. 44 Bo. State. Waa. 10295 767 1st ave. elec, range. $45. Was. 7002-On of the nicest family hotels In city apt . No. 5. $25. gas heat, prlv. bath: room So. Rms. and apts.. prlv. and detached baths. mountain air: beautiful view; quiet home CLAIRMOUNT. 448 E. 3rd. 13b up. H 8778 for quiet people, avail. 17th 686 3rd ave Pl8 close in Classy fur Weekly ft tes. 4 50 up: dally, fl A lovely, HOTEL ROBERTS. 116 NO. MAIN STREET. PRESCOTT. 675 E 2nd. So St 57 modern Furnished Apartment beautifully furnished Special winter ratea. Rooms without bath. $22 60 mo and up apartment, tn class A house. $100. See cusRooms with private todian or call Was. 660, bath. 30.00 mo. and up. Was. 6736. Ultra-mo- d class furnishing. high apt., apt . new and UP to date: $43 Up. . or unfurn. El Vigo. 160 So. 7th E. 61 Housekeeping Booms Adults. 125 6th East Was. 8317-3 RMS. strtctly modem, furnlahed apt TWO or three mod rms ; screen 'poreTT new overstaffed fur 263 W 6th North. apt., modern, newly cleaned; coxy and comfortable: nlture: heat: decorated. 270 N 2nd West. $23 mod., clean, nicely furu. 576 walking distance; on car line. 655 Bo UINTAH. So. 2nd West Was. 9968-2nd West. mod. Cor. 2nd West and 2nd So.. CHARMING 3, 3 room apta. LARGE, nicely turn, room, h. k., heat. gaa. apts.. nirefy furnished. Was. 7 834. W. 3000. $27Hdw Mrs60 heat, bath Adults 609 Park st 124 So 0h Eaat. $4 week. lights 644 K. 1st 8o. TRENTON. Suappy ainiie $16 mod. front apt . clean, nicely HEATED ltv. of bkf. kit., cloaet. It., gas. room, kltch.. apt., apta., consisting 6797 st. 632 Park Hy. wk, 416 E 3d 8 Hy. 647-- J Un . bath. nook. bath. $37 50; front, $50. Frig- - furn. Idalre. Was. 7561. 525 bath, heat, gas. hot water apt., ground floor, privata batb. incl, 407 E. 3rd Bo.. Apt. No. 6. walk, dial. lights, gaa. phone, garage. 339 W. 6th N. ATHEN- A- Attractive mod furnish d apta. 68 North 2nd West st well furnished 2 TO 4 rms., well furn . close in. Prlv. $30 up VACATINO uy $26 modern duplex, private bath, basement, bath. 320 W. 6th gp. W. ,8780 R. OIBBON8 APTS , 247 EAST BROADWAY, garage. 354 E. 17th South under new management. These nice 3 5 RMS. kit., mod. Also sip. rms.. and apts. have been thoroughly STEAM heat.. apts.. kltch79 et . bath; up. Furn. or stove ht. 232 E. So. Tem E street Ideal for couple: $ 18 to $35 renovated, made strictly modern with 2 rm. front sr. floor. ONE and Ugbls, Phone, close heat. and art gaa refrigeration They HILL NEW CAPITOL gas. heat; reas. 135 B at. in. Furnished apts. rent $40 up; unfur-nishtattractively furn., Oen. 135 up. Oet a choice apt, today. Electric ultra mod. RMS . alp. porch, kitchenette, bath. refrlg, elec, Wranges, up abovt the $3037 2East North Temple. all at. 47 .60. 417 3 and 4 rooms, itr. mod., sraokeu BLACK8TONE 1. 2 OR 3 housekeeping mis ; coxy, mod, garage. 74 Wegi HiLlcrBST Lovely aka. Frlgldalre. gas ranges, piano, clean: No. Temple. Was. 8969-$8. $12 60 868 So. 4th East. hath: Apt. inq Waa. 5384-4 rms. $18 PAYS for htatrnjrbt. ass. phone, front SNOW APTS. . luiurlou.lT furnt.hed: ULTRA mod : 50. 526 8. 5th East. ingle; garag,$2 Frlg aUo unfurm unfurn. Plccgrdr Alro adultg. ante.. 113 So. ltd Ealt LINCOLN 'TOURIST CAMP, 1195 So Main. furnished cottage, $16 80: also 3 rms., 4473-R- . pantry, closet, $12.60. 1 rm. $8. In court. . 8trlctly modern cottages. Hy. furn ; kitchenette; 333 nlcrlg 56 North 2nd West. OAKWOOD apt . 571 6th Eaat: 3 and clean; frcehlr painted. ,33 So. Main et. Us . gas. and kitT closet, dls. mod, rum.: Frlgldaf ire. $35 up. Hy 1723 LOVELY front; beet, lt.ht. gar. phone, t tRM e I. II nen, he 1 1 turn. 412 E. 2nd So gerage Incl.; 033. 349 E. Mt South. apt , heat, light, gas. hot water, garage. 447 Pugsley st. Wa. 7399-bath, also WALKINO distance; nealr papered, com- TWO rooms and kitchenette, 820 3rdave. smaller apt 4 RMS., nicely furn Hardwood floors. Near apt . with hghti; 014 pletely furu. Adulta. 3 RMA., furn for H. K., hdw. flri . At 334 Bo. W. Temnle. university. Garage. 114J East 2nd Bo. private te hath. $22. 751 2nd East. hratTHiot alp, porch. 5( 032 water, furn . RICHMOND HOTEL APTS 70 Eaat No. Ttmple. bath. 740 Browning ave . apt. 4 NICELY furn. 2 front rms, gas. light, heat The piost convent-n- t 866 Eaat Bo. Temple. 25. lucL apta tn city Enjoying gpacioug lobby NORMANDY. 125 let ave. Beautiful aultee elevator ana phona service. modern, Frlgldalre, 140 aud 147.30 TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rmg.. gtrlctlg2380-completely furnlahed. $30 $0 $45 me rata 662 Wag. McClelland 8C garage. Maid service If desired HOIJ.YWOOD. 234 E. 1st 6 , 3 or 4 r . mod , TWO housekeeping rooms, uear gas plant. SEAGULL APTS. 030 050 to . rent close reas In. 1st 877 West South. front: o. a. furn.; gas for aril furn,. Select 033 refund onTj months. $20 FURN. I. hskp.. hot water, heat, near cooking. $26 to $35 215 No. W. Tern. Close In. VADNAIsTtFfB.. e. 2 147$ E 9th Bo. Hy 279-front apts , beautifully furn.. h, JEast WARREN APT., 605 2nd K.3 rras , mod.. heat. 33 W. 7th South. $10 UP, 1 or 2 rihs , gas or coal ranges, bath. dou . or gin.. w.H hg.tfti 1 fl- Jiy. ,189. Hy. 6828-p!v. JighU. 659 8rd ave MOTEL. 307 E. 3nd Bo. APTS. CUMBERLAND WOODRUFF BINOLE APT., heat, hot water, gas. Tighta, apt,.. 03 W to 0, we,lt On, and home-like and 45 E. 1st North. apt Good heat eom-forfurnished. everything aaa. Uun Included. Modern. Car hotNice t. water, close in. Nono better for rms.. newly cleaned snd papareZ 8 MOD ipur,! 385 So. 2nd Eas t. ara ge and ghts. 1j8 No. 8t h West. front apt., down.talnq ... h.nt. BE& the new Barnhart apartments FurONE Ursa front room And kitchenette. Just ii,ht fumlh.d Ml South w,t T.mpl. are the last or unfurnished nished Ihev 2 month. cleaned. 601 E 3rd South I AND 2 rm, . o. furn . front apt.. . word In home comforts. Priced to gell 3 HOUSEKEEPING rms . with bath, electric Light, heat, phonf. 3,3 E So T.mplf. Come up and let me show you. floor. 651 Laka st. BARNEY BARNHART, lights, on fsft STRICTLY mod . 4 rms,. hot ground Hyland 4037-- J Seventh East at Broadway. heat, garage. 13,5 So. 4th E , Hr. 4046-BEAUTIFUL " mFcuIlougOptsT' j ar it. , 130 57 Broadmoor apt. (new) Auto Parts, Top, Tires 51 Unfnrniihed Houses 54 J. til 6M wtch m iPhone 12, 1930. 29 : mimiiiiHtmmiumifiniiiiuiiiiQmmmiiicjiyniiimiDiwumMintiminimnmntmniDmiiiiiimamtmiiinnninimitiafF 4ROOM krlck,tndern except heaTrTlDo-lium- r basement. garage. modern coopt lor 400 end cow, good-alae- d lot; or will cood running condition, tell. 623 Dniu ave. Inquire Murray 677-- TOURING, O. 1C. machartlcail watch THE GUMPS 61 Rooms Housekeeping VERT aarm front apt. nlahed, modern, lulta; beautifully furgarage. 338 8th Eaat Unfurnished 52 RM&, r ment. 74 Rooms modern, gaa rahifOiTnrSaawy 117 I. 7th egouth. 63 Board and Room bMarTMtel We 69 North State spectallM tn down rooms aud real food, properl; aerved e Wl1 I0t)lO. homelike, cloae tn. EXCELI.INT board rm . well heated. In 230 Bo. 8r Apt I. Smith Apta. Last. NICELY furn. rm. . hot air heat, h. sotl $3 o. jasSL waterjiarking BUSINESS women or teachers, exrlus. home. 3 blka. U , 2Q. IW B 13th Hy. 8343-- J well heated, board $15 LOVELY front dedrta Was. 8041. 3B 0 alreet. REAL home with lota of hot watar and heat, fluent meals. 879 2nd ave 30 CLEAN, rma.t excellent board; rtaa. 123 V Wgi 7035-- J BOARD and r. In private home. $25. good m al: close tji a 33 Can rd W. 7761-ROOM for gentleman, everything modern, cL meals. 663 K. 8th Ho., Hy 63I9-1ST class board, room, downstairs" 437 E. 9th So. Hy. 2568-8TCAII MEAT EXCEPTIONALLY O Ckn $6-50. HAWTHORNE, 41$ E 1ST KO OOOD board and room, cloae In, reason- able price. 117 1st ave. Wss 5615 H. 3 geod meals dally REAL home Mr gents, $30 mo. Parking apace 721 t HU So. TWO gentlsmen for room and board. 946 So. 7th Eaat Hy. 4310-home, heat, PRIVATE hot evster excallent meaUi 73 K. 2nd Pouthj Hy, 360. li and rm lt front steam FIRST CLASS board, n d IS. 434 E So . MANOR HOUSE $30 up. 674 K. heat, gar , 10.50 T m pie, W is, 8096. bath. Single1strm.So connect 1QQ66. t ONLY $1 day for home-cooke- d meals and good rm. 136 Bo. 2nd East, W. 9776-- R ATTRACTIVE room, best meals, private Jiome, garage. 6O0KIatBo W7J98-- MEALS POR'HOME-COOKE- WEEK 7 A 3 REAL HOME ROOMS UFT. 4719-- ONLY MUST HURRY 007 E. 1ST 80., WAS GOOD board snd tov . home rrlvliegea, 830 mo. 623 E. Ht So. Was $734 PLEASANT room and good meals, reaaon-abl- e. close In. W, S780-- J 343 E 2nd So. comfortable home, FOR 3 people. 3 9 Denver. cloaejtn li dsy. Hy. 7309-J- , OOOD board and roem. close In. no car meal, fare. 3rd Fawt 60 So Was 6848-- SPECIAL Reasonable Price for good board. 137 N. 2nd W nice room Wga.. 7886-WFLL furnished heated room In private 145 8 5th Eaat. if rd hetneboa deal red, FIRST-CLAbd. rm , close In. steam 343 2nd 16 to $6 week. heat; INOLBflIDE for dtecrlxxilnatlni. 943 S. 1st South.. Hr 7203. and lut. Children's 64 Homes Kir BEST CARE given am. children by day. wk. 3QJ 3 8th South. or mo. Hy. 79M-NURSE wishes children to boaid. Infanta 7273-Was taken. WILL care for children In my well heated home, good environment. and. Travel 71 Hy, 7662. Retortt rwUiooerValntg. IC SIAjGES WINTER EXCURSIONS TO ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS IN EFFECT NOW OTHER STAGE 4fERMANENtpV The Maytag Inurmouutain company gives to over one thousand employment It la a chain atore oraaniaation. giving a good chance for advancement to IU employees. Owing to the expanslou of the Provo store we ran use a man in the Pleaesni Orove, Payaon. following places: The Nephl. Epitraun and Mt Pleasant. men we select must ba capable of making 160 per month For appointment, write Mr. Lambert, car of the Maytag Shop, 214 West Center street, Provo, Utah. Ms StatiMi SERVICE DIRECTORY OF SALT LAKE CITY 112 86 Painting Papering CoWajN (TaT South West ATTENTION Attorney Bedbug Exterminated nRfta'Otare WlrSlN' f t Gamenter Work Pictures and Training J wt U5 Plumbing and Heating a" Cement Work Schools Carpet, Cleaning Printer and Binder cknWr?' BARBER COLLEGE Roofing China Fainting rate. BARBER COLLEGE Berries Salesmen Wanted Safe and Lock Work Floor Finishing HoorTItric Wasted Kale Stove and Furnace Repair rrr Fluff Engs Repairing Foot 0tte and Scenery Sign Watch Repairing iNfP'r-- r Fnrnitnre Repairing General Repairing im Window 8hade Hat Female Wanted Key Fitted KAvsifvrTtirKpiioito;ritDo3wo 106 LINES to Grand Junction, Park City, Tooele. Heber. Qrwntsvlll?, Ccalvtlle. Business-Professi- onal V; f and clierotsL $60 DOLLAR per r oo nTiuunVrrnnT g .papef Temple Phout Waa 4111 lng. painting. price Hy. 212 4 CLOSE out 1930 wallpaper, Ac roil. Sava oo INC. UNION ASSAY QPP1CE. South West Temple P O Box $446 paper, help pay work Samples Mid New patterns wholesale. H 7496-ITlaCK M DFABON-Auay- ers and chemWaa. 1214 LOWEST PRICES. BEST WORK P.mtiTlgt ists. 165 South West Tempi Due (o Increased Christmas business, we papering, cleaning. Pearson Hy. 1365. Can use two heat appearing men looking SPECIAL fur a future References required. Must Papering rms. $6 to $8. ResuUf be able to work 0 hours per day. and embossed paper 972 Yale H. 12fi3r Permanent If qualified. About 137 per week to PAERHANOINO, 30pria"mpea lurn start. Apply 626 Clift bldg. W. R. Duke. Hy 4r70-J- t SALESMEN wanted to sell new Idea in JOHN HANKS, nsmodeflng. woodwork, plas-erlW. jnd South 033 Atlg. bldg. washing machines. Prospects furnished, Estlmatw paint., isigr.. work. concrete free delivery and good commission. Apply tee. Guaranteed Hy 4243' betweeri 9 and 13. O'LoughUn a. 130 8o. 39 PAINTING, PAPERING, CLEANING. REAS. Main 8t. 'TfiotiMT' Mil. BECK. HY, 5603. 108 F 34THJ30. 6LDE8T RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AOOY ARCH U RICK. FOR better paperlug. oil clothing, paintBTROCK'8 J$ I W 2nd 8o Was 6000 433 MILTONAVt HYJ0.IO ing. kal. etc., reas., call Bliss. W:?S94J SOLICITORS--can use a rew good men. U8K LOVlNOER'S TNBE0TT0ID8 for HANK8 killing DECORATORS. PERSONAL ATMyers Mcanera and Dyers. 114 .Bdwax BEDBUGS ROAOH DOOM for ROACHES TENTION TO DECORATING OF ALU TEN men to sell Magic das gaao- Was. H14. 819 So. West Temple St. K INDS H YL A ND 4539. Equals line. t 3o a gallon. g7t 2nd ave. t PAPER 1 room day 118 ano fumUb OTPOR For young, ambitious man with car. 90 PPtr Hy 60el Call before f a. as. Good earnings Splendid adv. Hy 6137 WANTED 1 or i"'nten for retail sales work. CARPENTER work, cement work, plajterlug, M Permanent connection. Reasonable earniremodeling, etc. Cali Was. 6991 See Mr. Seymour, between ng possibilities. PlCTURXVn picTureTra alter, jne oftho Estimates J W Qoodfetiow, W 622$-lOjm d 2 today. 43 E 4th So i.rxr.i and moit coaiplata Un,. of pic- ,. ture. and frames In the cltr Ann.trona-tn.berTWO live boya with truck to hantfle Xmas WC remodel homes, build garages. Prices 1 W 1st So Wai 4311 trfyi.rtjglit now. 610 E. 1st Bo .Hr vf 719 - w , reM Estimates, plans free. Wat. 1347 f? the Dooticn aou taool llaTedheit WILL do carpenter or cement work for nice 7114-R- . today, describe your qualifications tn a heater Call Hy. Situation Wantcd-Ms- la ad 60o bee and first cTasa carpenter, P Cu MB fN rep r p t rts and fixtures pf line for a ad) Ask a clerk to etr REMOD all kinds Call us and we will send yuts work cheap. repalr.y 768 Bo. 6th E Hy 3907-R- . you word rour ad at Want Ad Headooar a reliable plumber. Ketchum Builder ter The Tribune 145 Sq Main nupply. 780 West 4th 60 240 So 8tata Was. 6411. 76 for Men REflPONBIBLI plumber; all klodsof" plumb Lean; to be V tele gV ap tC en g inearf0 ing, heating, range ewmectlona, furnacg Earn to bectn 2000 60 a year. eollg. $125 per hr A. R Lyman, H. 7837. AMERICAN I ELEOKAPH COJaLSOS, REPAIRS, las fittluc. colls, water jarkefi 401 Regent Building. insta!.; $1 per hr. Lundberf. Hy. 6069-Insl ruction in all angles of telegraph and teletype Lectures on elementary electricity, 92 Kng 110 theory of plant construction, vacuum tubes naoi, wort and wheatatone bride. Commercial tech- 6!lArNdrcoio7rr...or.d, trease stains removed 0De Orients nic and railroad transportation. Thorough merrl.l prlnllnx 335 Edison. Waa 1801. Initruotione on teletype printers with full Navajo rugs Frank Martin. Was. 7271 DISTTNCTIV course la theory prlntln,. outek arrelc. Wert and operation. Classes ROMNEY HUG CO Not ohaapAat, but best. Oriental. Chlnesa, dmst. ruga. Ref. Coop ern Prlntlna Oa . 33, g. W Tem.. W 3433. mqrning. afternqon and evening. Furn., Dlnwoodey. Z. O. M. I. Was. M07 117 MQLER BALt LaKK Carpet Clf. Expert work. M. Atherlcy. mgr. 436 So. 1th K , Hy. 2611 BAHRl?rtrR?SoFTNa and ASPHAL'f WIIN-CUI- S. Special inducements to next five students earn while you learn. Standardized wholesale and retail. FSTTMAT0 S 98 school, with transfer privileges. pt 119 rnEK UTAH BOILDYRH' SUPPLY CO.. street 484. Wett 4J . ..MPsoN. club RA( Firing UTAH Roof 4th Boutb. Wasatch Cement Co customer, know lessons. UTAH Hy. 6367. 1766 Harvard $v u for reliability. CallQur for ire. animate. Waa 100 L 41 4 Templeton. Spec, rates to students. Earn while you 97a Collection jearn; positions guaranteed. 161 Regent at. STANDARD Asphalt Shlnale Roof Col or wrlU us. savaa ou tnon.e ATTENTION young men Before enrolling foR qufrkreaulls, pliorvg Ertlm.tea fraa. Cash or In a barber college, Interview gee. Bar-bar- 's So. Slate W TO.TI; Hr. 031,. EquUsbla Adjustment Bu., 205 Bnaton It. term.M, union. Labor Temple. 9 a. nLto 73 m. ROC PINO MATP.HIAU OP ALL KINDI', 98 Deteetives RUBTROID PRODUCTS. SALT LAKE BARBER Ool,LEO WHOLPRAI.P. Leara the correot way. Posltioo guar RJE8H1NaUNa conk. TCRidS tfvttTlnd u tr faT and pffv at 1 nveatJ g sllon ARRANGED. 167 South West Tempit. anteed. for lawyara, corporations, banka, Individ-usl- s KKTCHUM BTTILDERW BOPPLY. by oxpor. criminologist. Male and fern, 740 Wert 4th So. Was. ,411. 34 Bo. Btat 78 assistants. Herbert Lclchtor, Hy. 1470. deteo-tlv AMERICAN Deteo. Assn. LeglUmaU 119 8XtHj?i5r6RT5VVAlSAntmrrcnrt gvo. 401 Cont, Bank bldg. Woo. 8621, Works, Ino.. Coshocton, O. Million dollar concern selling high trade calendars, adv. COMBINATIONochangeo cleaned. adJusta ed. C. A. Fowler, 62 W. 3rd g. Was. 498f). specialties, desires salesman, Nevada, east. 100 Calif. Big selling season starts after Xmas Eat. accounts. Address J. H. John SAND and 120 llkh jour wn son, 879 27th St., Ogden. Utah. mochtna far rent cheap. V. Heymaoaon. IfsckV CaTcn to West Broadway. Wt otnre conn.; work gua r. L. W. Maddox. H 668 79 cleaned and repaired. Worlq 101 FURNACES BY highly recommended percentaae cook, H. 4925-guaran., prices reas. Jnhn-ohotel or boardtnf house. Box Trib- ROMNkY fvenapruMfromnurol'm une. terlaL Baautlfiil In da.lxn and workman 121 Shoe W. T. Krt, freo. hlP. WM 4807 333 CLERICAL work, printing production prepriceiTreaS ferred, driving pus or truek long disO. IC. SHOE BHOP, 4)4 go tance. 0t-Beat refs. Consider temporary 102 8peoialiat work. Box Tribune. . . .. Pfcll ... 121a YOUNG man attending school wants part or cal chlropodlw t. 601 Ju Ate B. Waa. 3794 full time work or for board and room. American Tel. College. Was. 6368 . DR. B, L. BLACKHAM. ghfropodist and fool cfjArT5WfRS6frr,iTKf7rRirHTRm It. 30 rra. Wa,. HOk BlON Lrrrtita. tic. speoUTiet. 1115 Deseret Bank B Waa 3786 JAPANESE school bov asms home. Willing to work. Plyne 1285, Oeden. 125 103 EXPER bookkeeper, with B. A In account-tn- g. desires position. Box OOoiTWATCaEP AIR Tribune. urasEBTSnisarstftsr M. BURBAUOH. 164 BO. 8TATB Williams Furn. Rep. 766 E. 4th Bo. H. 420. TEMPORARY or permanent position by DEPENDABLB watch fapaUrtug. accountant with credit and competent L D. 103b traffic experience Tribune. kar. 313 Clift Blda. . mlddle-asedwants RESIDENT, married, PAIR waVhing msrh,, vacuum, bicycles 125a clerical work, temporary, good refereuoea. W call, deliver, 8. 11th E. Hy. 3111. Hr. 6947. YOUNQ man wishes any Ind of work. Beat 104 fiHADt-8- , any cooralxer quantity; hln-e- st Cleaning of refs Was. 7314. C C. Dickinson. materials: lowest prices In wasU. ALL kin ds of iia ts renovated; au Its cleaned, For grade Waa 796ft. 848 Btata. quotations, 80 Chris the Haucr. t70 Ba 0taia. pressed. Help Situation Travel Opportunities ALPHABETICAL GUIDE Male Help Wanted Do you want to make some extra money Wag. 4286 for Christmas? Then it will pay you to Novelty Oo,. 337 Bo Atif call at 620 Clift Bldg., between 6 30 p. m., iu ask for Miss Stewart. YOUNcTWIm, 4. collnlot,. enrr- - MATTRESSES remadeT f uxV tt p hoi Ietle type, to complete group of young Bait. Lake Mattresa Mrs Co.. Wna Mattre Repairing 125b Weather 8trlpi ,Bo.M .ft Am? wa,. RAW SON CO.. fo( wir waallMr itrti.,. Waa. 4033. A Ulah WMh&aUoJL N Atial . Bide, ... , covering western states going to 111 and for tha winter; permanent, fasStorage Moving Announcement! cinating position; special bonus, transCOACH SYSTEM Mr. Dodgeworlh, portation. expenses. Te mpie Bqu a r a ho tel. REDMAN offers most dependable service to nearly E 10 126 sales people, Xmae PERSONALS decorated specials. last sellers, small deevery important city. Modern coaches, VAN STORAGE CO. posit req. Apply 0 to 11 a. m. upstairs, comfortably heated for winter traveL has remarried and la trying to 114 Regent gt. Excursion rates still in effect. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE husband get possession of your child. Write of Rock Bprtuis.,9 6 55 Cedar City .....8 0 00 RELJAIMJE girl for general housework wire A. P. Johnson, attorney, lUuo, Her 1$ AS Veisi ..... 11.66 Cheyenne BTORAO. MOVING, Must have references. Cal between hour We n red Tour help. 15 00:Loe Amiles .... 76 00 Denver r a. m. 1544 Yale tve. Hy. 7783. PACKXNG BlUPPINti. Kansas City ... 28 50 Ran Dieio WILL give anyone $8 who will send me tha 17.76 different. For more than Something 81 3ft Sat Francisco . 27.00 8ALE&LAD1ES of Herbert C. Cloasrd correct address we Chicago have given year thirty 219 now Call Xmas Beeson bldg money Terminal who served overseas with me In France perfect satlafartton to cur pair rma. Bervire T7 W. South Temnle. Phone Waiafeh 1X60 Competent meld. Must be over 26. Ref- unequaled In every deportment RuaoeU Hogan, Rt, 4 Bos 484, Portlouda by mea ex. erences. Cal! Hy. 1133-Ore. PIC&WICK-GREYM0Upert in tnelr lint, W pack aod ship anyND SINGER to work with composer as duet thing anywhere. ANYONE knowing of or holding legal doai act on radio broadcast program. Phong Wasatch 14421461 manta of Willard Fackrell deceased, Tribune with Mrs. Annie FsckrelJ WilWoods Grose, Utah. Phong Bountiful d son, WrtMAH FOR HOUSE WORlC Call Hy REAL SERVICE Promptnasa, aafat 45-3. Bountiful exchange. 3619 last, A MARRIED coupfe. vlsl tins L , new aedwrt . are all A GOOD massag stimulates body, herveag" NURBROIRL; full time. References. Ap-n- ly leaving 26th returning Jrd, wish two f doing muscles. Phvstea! culture taught by exround trip 617.60 each, ho hotel at 114 East 3rd South rnlture from $0 and shipped pert. Trained under doctors. Waa 67W-Box LADY, tietp In sates department. Good pad'. 11 Refereaeeg exchamed. expens'. 231 So. 3rd East. parts of the world. Trlbunt r t e 81 bl d In k. y 3JMfc jr. j3tpnriywor WHY suffer with sore feet! Price reason- KEYSER FIREPROOF PRIVATE sedans to Los Aneeles and DenFf thepoeilion you seek is uoi Mated Here able. Dr. W. F. Compton, chiropodist ver on Mondays. Thursdays and Saturtoday, dercrlbo your quallncatlone tn foot 171 specialist. Waa, 6066. 360 Scott bldtj at Bo, West Temple. STORAGE CO. days Situations Wanted ad 60e per line for DR. W. M. Mason, foot gpeciahst and sura a Ask a clerk to help enu 033 Weal nd South SEDANS OOING to 1X8 ANGELES, DENad) Waa oT33 ar 3733 csl c hlropodlst. 606 Judge B. Was. 794. word your ad at Want Ad Reodouarter VER. SAN FRANCISCO. Cheap. Woe 4000 of fie, Waa. J."or raa.. Hr. 1831. MADAM The Trlb'ine. 14A South Main all advisor; reading dally. . and be conrlneed, cheapest and best fur- - 230 East Nellie, Broadway, apt, t. Anlture 81 A, Moving. Schools moving. and Colleges MRS. BALDWIN. Some hew lighton every Employment BEFORE you store your household goods 2 Bo. was. 163 4j prees ng question. 43 1 etc, gel our prices; stalls, $8: automobiles MADAM test reading free, Pack and 312 E. BELL, advlecr, Male 74 storage, II and up Wasted 6216-THE UTAH HIGH SCHOOL 08;hipopen Broadway. Was. furniture anywhere. We charge lese and haul fret. BROADWAY WARFHOU8F PROF MATHEW KELLY. Mahdeen apt. ONE responsible man in everMowiTarid OF BEAUTY CULTURE rear Community Market. Wag, 0610 47 Bo. 3rd East; SO yrs. expeGence. Health city over 1000 $opulaUoD to represent Chicago outdoor advertising company In J A M TRANSFER, mqvtng. packLna. ihip-pin- g leva and business advice. Waa 4351. , 811 Chft Bldg. Was. 8370. handling and distributing free samples $16 per month Long dlst trips W 1695 H 4491-- J MRS ERICKSON JUSTICE, questions an course and aimanars for uationi) advertlher. swered. advice given 156 N Main, apt 36, $30 per month F1CKERINQ course... TRANSFER OO,. W 4016 W from houi to bouae. Nothing to sell. Can Permanents by graduates. $3.76; handle hah, tda., heavy mch.. Turn., aafeg CONSULT Ms asm Patsy, adviser, resdlnaB be handled in aparw or full time: experimarcels free 74 East th South. Waa 1053, daliy. round Year ence not necessary. onpor-tuuilWrite for catalog. Viators welcome. Patent Attorneys Men selected must hate good ref126a and Bath erences Write today, telling all about Massage 1OMA0 As THOMAB . rai.. yourself and tnctooo a 3c stamp. MUTUAL. marks Drawings. Beasoo Hdg. AVaa. 1293 Vaa Bo. W. Trm p! QUISH 164 East Erie Street. Chlr ago. Ill ( 6094. Hrs ll to 6 P. m. Mias Walker. SCHOOL OF BEAUTY CULTTRR. THF WE can use several men who are honest BA1TLA CKJrK Sanitarium. 3le judte and need money Requirements sre will- BEST IN THE WEST, No other vocation bldg. Woe 8898 Reducing massage, elec lliird Catalog on rrquc&t ingness to fotlow our tnilruettons and so profitable Was 1660. treatments Doctor and trained purser. from coast to coast HoorJExrg Thompson Bldg work. Clothes knowr Employment and nationally advertised. If you mean NEW TERM. MAS6AUE, stimulating, alcohol bathsTeieev New clsseea Enter now. treatments. Rm. 314. 33 E, 1st So., 10-business, call at once. Homeland Tailors, free. Gooding col Wewlevan. 7lx 404 McIntyre Bldg. men Catalog MASSAGE and bith. Oet a rearone. Rose ' J4 Female Situation Wanted write. IK 6 WEEKS Baker, 331 Brooks Arcade. 266 So, Btate STUDENTS ol UnivrH.r o! Uth. We MOORE-KARAwants housework; food plain cook. 127 SCHOOL WIDOW want to meet some young men Interested 48 W Brtwy, rm. SHORTHAND 4468-- R H y lend Dressmaking Tailoring I 8668 W. 20. Mrs. Moore. 4 In working their way through college. WOMAN work wants bj will not This is something trial Interfere enced. good worker, ea e specialty. dreasrasklng. Draperies with your college work. Call It) person 311 82 Dancing Schools 671 Princeton qre, CURTAINS. 20c or.; quilts, 26c; bed spreads, given, Hy. 4837-Season bldg,, ark for Mr. Rorell 6597-Call 16c. and deliver, Hy. for dolls, children, ChrUtmaa dov INFORMATION leading to employment st rrlv.t. IrMOO., 40c. 01. Tip. ballroom CARS rf children, day or night; food ref- - SEWING eU tesy Call Hr. 4036. 123 Mi So. Main, upst fairs clt.ilc Write for c.uiot wm 4013 Was. 7i65. 124 So 4th East erenceg. SADIE BALDWIN. drcfSes, CoaU, remodeU a JACKSON'S. 334 Eo.tTrd So. b.llrt. Up. fVo men for ioesl company; sood propo-Reas. 433 E. 2nd BoTw. 7324. I 4 school work LADY Ing YOUNG guar. wishes rgw b Invest no on; attending ment crobatlc itj dg. Br.lnn.rV rliu fox trot nd In privatg home for board aud room. Was. ALL kliids of gening. Cali HT162S. 833 8 MEN with cars for wstablishfd terntorlea w.ln Thur... p m Clx or prlv. In.tr 2764. So. 4th East In Utah, Bevler and Carbon counfVes. HOUSEKEEPER, Permanent work, good pay for workers. 82a good cook, wishes work in Learn to Swim Wtl. 6438-- J 127a School of Dressmaking Fuller Bhish To . Continental Bank Bldg . ' city. Reliable. room 202. after 8 p. m. $10 FULL COUHPEiryou dont awlm Tn NURSING. clfsuliK. ironing; da fine laun- WANTED--40.00- 0 DRESBMXkFRS In U.TC PAY two Prof Thornton. lesions. DONT WANTED-Cleaniworker. competent ng dry solicitor! with cars by home, set ready lo actual dressmaking while Warm Springs, Wqs. 1733. 4764-Apply Oem Cleaning Co, 77$ K 2nd Bo earning from Sadie Baldwin, day and eva XUiig cleaara 4J3 & 2nd Bo. Waa 1624. Phone Wasatch 6287 744-14- $ WORLDS OftEATEflT I. Broadway MOTOI4 California T & ls LINES t Help Ilia iafMSV"ir shoRttiard iiArmrs,oM7a rm irmn Big Sale Now Going On HATES AND INFORMATION Per Issue 1 5C Daily Ads Sunday Ads. ... 1 8 Ads. ...12V4C Ads. ...lOViC Per Per Per Per Line Line Line Line Ada will be billed for actual lines ooed . No ad leas than 8 lines. Please check first Issue Of Foul 0d ooafy tu at oaoe of axif error Charged ads ahonld bo paid Within seven day of last tnaoruon. 411 adg art tubpvt to rrfbone gtaod-arO- a of elaMtfylne. caaaorafcip. ky Peru les and resulattona BHONB AND COUNT!, BrNYICl P.11- ,- a m to 13 Bilrtnl.hi a. m. to 10 . a. , Baiurrt.r Sunda, i a. m.m toto 1010 m. p ol Holidaia I , i AOK POR rRU "What to Ba, to Man POLDER Sou, A t Pm" WASATCH 590 |