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Show A Weather Forecast Local Metal Prices Friday and Saturday; little change in temperature. Thursday Temperatures: Max. SI; Min. 18 IDAHO AMD NEVADA Fair Friday; ttatur-da- y cloudy, becoming unsettled; normal. WYOMING Friday, Saturday, generally fair (Detailed Report en Fag 25) VTAB-F- alr VOL. 122, NO. 58. tm SkYSEinstein Appeals FIGHT SENATE VOTES CUBAN CHIEF For Peace; Greeting HOOVER OVER NATIONAL FOR U. S. Nears Riot In VETERAN AD WILL RESIGN Silence in Washing ton Interpreted as Lands in U. wrI'1 S. S. Oppose War. Change in Attitude. A Silver SJHe Zinc man in a wrinkled black over. coat, who lives in a world where light moves around Secretary Mellon Disputes corners and time can be turned backward, paid a visit to New Claims of Barkers; Would York today. The visitor, who arrived on the liner Belgenland Double U. S. Expenses. from Germany, was Professor Albert Einstein, the boldest thinkBy MARK SULLIVAN. er of our time, but he left his Dec. 11. The graphs, charts and mathematic WASHINOTON. books behind and brought in- raising by the senate of the approstead a plea for peace. He was priation for agriculture relief from greeted as riotously as if he had $25,000,000 to $60,000,000 Is lmmate-bee- n an ocean flier or movie raj compared to the mnount that will 8.19 .....Lite FIVE CENTS MILLIONS PROJECTS SOLONS DENY FOR HOOVER PLEA MINE LAWS little . TO SPEND SUM topsy-turv- y; Depart ment Fails to Deny Reports of Threat. WASHINGTON, Dec. A CAUTION Tribune Trlbune-Chlcag- o Leased Wire NEW YORK. Dec. 11. STUDENTS AGAIN LEAD DISORDERS U. S. State Appears mined lo ass Billion Dollar Congress By TOM PETTEY. (Salt Lake Lead Advises Caution IUTAHN URGES Tl,i,,l"r Flees Crowd; Urges U. 10.90c 30 PAGES SALT LAKE CITY, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 12, 1930. RUMOR Cooppcr " 11 (AP). Attention of state department and diplomatic officials in the capital centered egain on the Cuban situation, with the resignation of President Machado considered a possibility. Word that great pressure wag being brought to bear on the Cuban president to resign Professor Albert Einstein, famous was received in Washington creator of relativity theory, who for peace when greeted by by a reliable source tonight. pleaded New York throngs and refused to Gives Mackenzie Views of Associates at Ses- A. G. Huge Fund Available Soon to Give Work sion Congressional Group to FULL ACCORD LACKING Idle. Hundreds SENATE RELIEF STORM SUBSIDES Percentage Plan of Figuring Depletion Asked for Interests Seeking Change lnvol''ed ln the reall bl tUp be Everything is relative with the Herr!be Hoover Offers Doktor, and relatively speaking he tween the president and congress Is ln New York, but actually he got 'when it comes, as It surely will. The no farther than a Hudson river pier. 'Issue constitutes major politics and to Need for, Right there. In hi cabin, he stayed, is certain to be dramatic. The proj By HARRY J. BROWN, and his excursions ashore will beject that Is largest tn amount and A. G. Markemie, spokesman for Immediate Tribune Correspondent few and brief If he has his way and also most energetically pressed is an Lee S. Overman congress, who his nights will be spent bobbing on appropriation amounting to ap- the American Mining WASHINGTON, Dec. II As the toIn action caution nrgea looking toe waterfront until the Belgenland proximately $3,500,000,000 for war ward charges in present law govern- spokesman for the American Mining weighs anchor next Monday, bound veterans. This Is equal, roughly, to By r. M. STEPHENSON. congress, A. G. Mackenzie of Salt for the Panama canal and Cali- the entire annual appropriations of ing depletion calculation. before all would for Lake fornia. the professor's destination. congress purposes. It City, appearing today WASHINGTON, Dee. 11 Crowds annoy toe great mathema- amount to a doubling of the whole the Joint congressional committee on The emergency public (AP). tician and reception committees bore government expenditures for this Internal revenue taxation, explained go he Is going to stick to toe year. appropriktioa improvement him, tlie of his association, and attitude 8upport by opponent of the gov- discuss problems of space, fourth di- ship. Frau Einstein will remain Barked wa passed late .today by the the desire of toe substantial majority Solon by mension. ernment pf student demonstrations aboard with him, for, as she says. of its members that there be no dissenate m administration leadPapa Is so easily frightened by peo- Of Proved Power. turbance of existing laws governing gainst Machado also was reported Is for backed this The.blll purpose en undertook new. steps for s In the message telling of the move ple mine depletion.- At the same time, The professor shyly smiled his way In toe senate by Vandenberg of to have the president resign. In lie admitted, many mining interests harmony relief program. Caraway of Arkansas and through a barrage of questions, fled, Michigan. which are members of the congress Havana President Machado issued a The senate struck from the bill the some Is toe house In others. it news an and attack by toe statement In which he denied have been advocating direct photographers percentage reel men, was shunted ln front of a backed by Representative Wright West Obtains $5,000,(100 plan of reckoning depletion and, If provision giving President Hoover any Intention of tendering his resrival microphone and spoke a piece Patman of Texas and John E. Rankin toe committee should apply the per- Lee S. Overman Succumbs free hand ln the use of toe fund, on ignation. Meafor Colton-Oddi- e Intended for another hookup before of Mississippi. The house backers reState department officials centage plan or some other plan to motion of Senator Roblnaoo of. of immense for the Frau Einstein shooed the mob away appropriation these particular cases, there would mained silent, but the Impression to Two Attacks of sure Work. leader. Arksnsaa, the Democratic and led her puzzled, but no longer war veterans have proved themselves from no be that they considered a settle forthcoming opposition This end other amendment; includment of the smiling, husband to the comparative in the past to be resourceful and enhimself or hi associates. political Indigestion. ergetic. quiet of their stateroom. turbulence through a strictly politiThere is not complete agreement ing tn addition of $8,000,000 to the . On the present occasion. Congress- Special to The Tribune. cal move would be much better than of toe Amerthe among membership Fourth Dlmesion man $110,000,000 voted by the house, rePatman is taking early action WASHINGTON, Dec. 11 Five ican Mining congress concerning proan outbreak of open hostilities to Insure that toe bill shall come to WASHINGTON, Dec. 12 (Friday) quire teoonsideraUon at the leglsls- Averted. Question to the amendments the present million dollars for government. against the construction of posed . Lee 8. Overman, Dem- tlon by the house,' , Meanwhile, his interrogators wore a vote. Taking advantage of an inlaws relating to mine depletion. said IP) .Senator The department' silence was gen- Navy of North Carolina, died at 12 :30 The huge fund to be epent on 'a Department Consid- wrinkles on their brows, for their lay tricate and seldom used parliamen- highways across the public domain, Mr. Mackenzie. resolution ocrat, "The erally Interpreted as a change ln atvast public Improvement , program m. today after a short illness. about as much chance of tary rule, he is circulating a petition ln conformity with toe terms of the adopted December 4, however, does titude toward conditions ln Cuba. ers Renewed Search in minds had three throughout tbe nation, will become toe Herr Doktor's scientific among members of the house. Colton --Od die amendment to the represent toe majority opinion of Surviving are his widowN. and hauling ma8now of available immediately upon enactEdgar gets toe signatures of a Reports of Revolt of toe congress as ex daughters, Mrs. thoughts down to earth as their If he218, Northern Area, Mrs. E. C. Gregory and ment tnd final congressional . aptoe bill will automatically emergency public works bill, was the members jority, Current for Weeks. hands would ln landing the Graf come a tax conference held at Washington, at pressed of out Salismeans of both senate the the this Mrs. 'and ways aubert Hambley, proval Is expected by tarly next week adopted by afternoon, Washington on that date. Zeppelin with a fishing line. For many week there have been at the latest. Bponsori of the legisbury. reminds me of a Punch and committee onto toe floor of toe no motion of Senator Oddis of NeThis a ln As the a succession fit report and rumors, WHITE stated resolution, large The veteran North Carolinian had lation assert It will give Immediate HORSE, Y. T Dec. 11 (IP). Judy show," remarked the profes- house once each week until action Is vada. beof the all of them unsubstantiated by deIndustry mining majority had on it. ? ; After conference with a delegation lieve that tlie provisions of existing suffered a alight attack of indiges- employment to hundreds velopments, that a revolution against The rescue of Bob Marten and Emil sor in German as he and Frau Einof western congressmen this morn- law and the basis established under tion a week ago, but was able to re Ini the regime of Machado was Immi- Kadlng, who were lost for two months stein sat ln the ship's social room Present Papers Gi Republicans be stricken else ing, Senator Oddle agreed to offer an this law are ln general satisfactory turn to his office, only to everyone nent. Throughout this period, the In the northland, had renewed hope surrounded by Endowment. again. However, he had been thought Harmony Cohfertncai. amendment to the road section of toe and should not be disturbed. of you standing there Actually department maintained an openly tonight for five aviators who disap- aboard, all nature of of the tots aftuntil the toe to on Ai the Democratic storm la the road recovery Understanding bill, making a straight-layoapasserted attitude that conditions ln peared while flying to their aid. watching us so Intently. of toe ernoon, when he suffered a severe senate against Mr. Hoovers denuncof $5,000,000 for putting Present Position Will you define toe fourth dimen- - bill begins with understanding propriation the republic were little other than Although It was presumed Pilot soldiers bonus aot of 1924. In that the Colton-Oddiation of those advocating added rehemorrhage of the stomach. law Into effect, Summarised Briefly. normal. Robin Renahan and two 8eattle men, (Continued on Page Three.) blood transfu- lief measures subsided, the Republwith the provision that toe money (Continued on Fate Ten) Column One. of the He rallied after aconscious On numerous occasions, the em- who disappeared near Prince Rupert. "The position present (Column Four.) sion and had been icans went into conference to seek would be Immediately available, and American bassy reported formally to the de- B. C.. October 28. plunged to the botMining congress may be the evening, chatting with his during remain available until expended. physi- some manner of harmony and cosummarized briefly as follows: partment on incidents which press tom of the sea in their seaplane, it . .i He deemed it unwise to act on the "1. The congress believes firmly cian, Dr. Sterling Ruffin, and with operation. t dispatches generally Indicated were was learned the navy department E. N. Snow pf WashiEarlier, President Hoover commusuggestion of the president and seg- that the provisions of the existing his of a somewhat disturbing charac- Washington, D. C., was considering and InOverman nicated Mrs. Mrs. with Senator Watson of regate $5,000,000 out of the $80,000,-00- 0 law as applied to most of its mem ngton. ter. Each of these Incidents was sending navy planes back there to re diana, toe Republican federal aid fund, believing such bers are sound and equitable and Snow were at his apartment also. leader, ex minimized by the department at the sume the search for them. a desire tosend hi experts a would less stand chance of should not be disturbed. plan time, and emphasis was placed on Seven pressing was burWhen Woodrow Wilson to back Planes the adadoption than the making of an ad'2. The provisions of toe existing reports from the embassy when Indened with some of the greatest ministration contentions tip on the exditional appropriation. dividual cases could be described as Abandon Search. law seem not to apply satisfactorily a to confront ever president tent of toe necessity for relief legizla- -. The senate passed toe to some of toe members of the con problems returned to normal." Seven planes were withdrawn from United States, one of the men tlon. MADRID, Dec. 11 (IP). An earth- emergency bill having , it now goes back to gress. and a sound solution for their of the the search, toe last being the navy was five councils between Senfour and called his Into tie First Silence Watson called the conference of quake. lasting the house, carrying just enough problems should be found and ap at Ore., on Medford, planes Mellila reported shook The Overman. ator seconds, tonight. C. C. I. discord leaders Soon when party In Long Period. developed changes to Insure its reference to a plied. the way back to their San Diego base Rumor Says shocks, which occurred about midSenator Overman was chairman of In the Republican ranks. Some held unless the committee, '3. Be cause of the diversity of Tonight, however, for toe firstiThe navy department, however, or-- Will Follow Examiner's night, were preceded by subterranean conference to committee senate the view Investigate the Mr. Hoover Is should house to toe senate that accept willing time ln a long period, the state de - dered tlie Swallow, tender for the the members of the congress German propaganda. H was ln the have rumblings. It was not believed any amendments in the Interest of ex- opinion, consulted his party chieftains a to been have unable agree upon partment declined to comment on the naval planes, to remain at toe Puget resulted. war measures of before issuing the statement he did. Important damage Recommendation. pedition. The senate, amrng Other specific solution to be applied in these fight to put the situation. Even declining to reiterate sound navy yard. President Wilson into laws. He Others felt the party should have what It considered cases. its often repeated declaration that In Seattle a group was attempting EUREKA, Calif., Dec. 11 (flV Two athings, eliminated obtain and for helped passage given a more vigorous defense to the fought Joker which would have given toe to finance a trip north for a conditions were virtually normal. Special to The Tribune. earthquakes were felt hers today. president of toe espionage act, the Overman Democratic attack. Fundamental Principles to it transfer Considerable weight has been at- motor vessel, toe Magenlta, selected authority a. re12.59 was 11. at and The first m., Dec. The WASHINOTON, bill giving toe president extraorditached by state department officials, to search bays and inlets for a trace port Is current ln railroad circles that lasted 25 seconds. The second was funds from one class of works to an- Not Under Attack. Wataoa Aissra Hoover powers for the prosecution of so long as he expended It for American Mining congress Is nary The despite their outward calm, to the of the Renahan plane. A $1000 re- an early decision will be forthcom- at 4:29 a. m., and continued for five other, toe world the bill, and Cooperation. war, Clayton some Ofjsrty of the ln the named purposed of the opinion that fundamental prinmany rumors of an Impending armed ward offered for the finding, dead or ing from the Interstate commerce seconds. No damage was reported. bill. others. After the conference, Waluon called outbreak. Their attltuds appeared alive, of Sam Clerf, wealthy mining commission following the recomme- The first shock was also felt at Chico. of the present law are not un- many ciples the president and assured him of Tlie senate held that this provision der attack. to be summarized ln one officials as- man, who was with Renahan. spurred ndations of the examiner, and authorMany of these funda- Served on Sixteen cooperation by the party ln keeping ISTANBUL. Turkey, Dec. 11 (IP). ln effect made the bill a lump sum mental principles sertion that in a country where such Alaska salmon trollers to a search of izing the Denver & Rio Grande have been main- Major Committee. relief legislation' within bounds, but a situation had existed over so long the coast. Western railroad to acquire control of A violent earthquake was felt yes- appropriation, with discretion ln the tained through a long aeries of reveSenator Overman served on 18 ma- aim asking him 'to cooperate with a period, the occurrence of almost Two other fliers missing for the last the Moffat road, along with the lease terday at 11 a. m. at Erzlndjan, in president to place toe funds where nue laws, and certainly have a strong and was ranking toe party on tactics to be pursued In Turkey. Hundreds of he would. Not willing to do this, tlie tn their favor. Further, jor committees, anything could not come as a sur- three weeks, R. I. Van Der Byl and rights of the Moffat road ln the northeastern . for many years of the com- advocating the relief program. persons were injured and many seriate struck out this authority to presumption T. H. Cressy, supposedly were ma- Moffat tunnel. prise. of toe provisions of toe present member on many appropriations, Judiciary, Meanwhile, the aenate agriculture rooned at Thutade lake, B. C.. where Decision of the commission has buildings, including the governor's shift funds about, and ln effect di- law are not applied solely to the min- mittees Ambassador Refuses affairs. When the cemmlttee appointed subcommittee they were left by W. A Joress when beer held back awaiting action by mansion and telegraph office, were rected that the moneys be spent ln ing Industry. Any substantial change rules and military To Lend Credence. the amounts named by congress for In the basic provisions of the existing question of preparedness became an to study and report on toe Capper their heavily laden plane would not the courts of Colorado in a suit as- destroyed. Ambassador Orestes Ferrara of rise with all three aboard. Joress sailing toe lease of tunnel rights by The broken telegraph lines held the purposes specified by congress, law must necessarily be applied to issue his long experience on the sen- resolution to authorize distribution to de- thus Insuring a full $80,000,000 for affairs committee made the needy of 40,000,000 bushels of ate Cuba tonight said he could not give sent Indians to aid the men. the Moffat road. That lease hav- - back advices of the disaster, and taxpayers generally. For example, him military a valued adviser. He was ap- wheat held by the Grain Stabilization ' are lacking. The town of federal aid roads and $5,000,000 for one . credence to reports current In the, been upheld, toe commission, it Is tails stillalso bases of our of fundamental the ing was shaken. f ly Chairman Legge of the been rrePre public domain highways. capital that pressure had understood, feels that It may with Kemah law Is that line, drawn as of March pointed chairman of toe subcommit- corporation. tee of the Judiciary committee, whose farm board. In appearing before the 1, 1913, which segregates capital from brought to bear in Havana to get Back to Log Grave. propriety hand down its own decl have routed committee, said the board would have Machado to resign. Pilot Everett Wasson, who rescued sion. Income. That line applies to all tax- Investigation was said to to repurchase th: wheat ln the open The ambassador said It was evi- Marten and Kadlng, made preparaThe understanding Is that the com means all values prior to the lobbyists in Washington. It payers. C January mvket, ln order to maintain the dent Cuba's major difficulty lay ln tions to fly back to the grave, where missions decision will not require March 1, 1913, are to bo treated as Bom ln Salisbury, N. ' was 1854. Mr. Overman f, graduated present price level an economic situation which reflect- Captain E. J, A. Burke, Vancouver, toe building of the Dotsero capital. The American Mining con- 3, ed similar depressed situations B. C., aviator was burled. The rescued but that the commission, like the ex Trinity college, North Carolina, The aenate also sdded to the pubgress Is convinced that any effort to from school for two years lic Improvement appropriation measthroughout the world, and was ag- men said Burke, who was their pilot aminer, will point to the advantages uproot the present law will create ln 1874, taught and then became private secretary to ure a provision by Senator Couzens, gravated tn Cuba by conditions ris- when they ran Into a snowstorm on of its construction as a means of ex chaos and confusion. Governor Z. B. Vance. He remained Republican, Michigan, requiring the the flight from lower Liard pedlting east and west traffic ing out of toe low price of sugar. . Some Case Seem Vances successor, contractors to employ local labor and with ' Oovemor post to Atlln. B. C October 11, be- through a material shortening of the came 111 November 8, but withstood distance between Salt Lake City and Thomas Jarvis, for one year, after Subject to Unfair Treatment. Practical Martial (Continued hit Ten) Uncle Tom Reads Comics lo Children; Enlarged There are cases ln the mining In- which he resigned to begin practicthe ravages of starvation and the bit- Denver, and toe elimination of ex(Column Thrat.) ter cold for 12 days before he died. law ln Law Declared cessive grades. Salisbury. ing seem which subject however, dustry, Magazine Section, Added Features HAVANA, Dec. 11 GP). Amid new to unfair and Inequitable treatment, Member of EGGS FREE FOR NEEDY. SHES 90; BANS MOVIES. disorders by students, and with ruunder the present law. If one con- State 11 (fli.-Dec. Readers. for 11 Legislature. III, Dec. ROCKFORD, (P). HERRIN, Ready the III, Eggs mors buzzing through siders the necessarily city that complicated Marla who has show from Illinois the state Anderson, MaOverman was s member of the Bophia would President poultry soon adminhe structure resign. law its and of the chado today suspended constitution- never seen a moving picture show or now being held, will be distributed to not surprising that ex- North Carolina legislature ln 1883, XXITH a bag of laughs and chuckles, and a load at fun ready to dls- - istration, It Iscases al guarantees throughout toe whole eaten ln a restaurant, celebrated her the needy free of charge. There are exist which re- 1885, 1887, 1893 and 1899, during traordinary to of the the Uncle Intermountaih west, pense 90th Tom, youngsters 1500 birds on display. served as speaker "of birthday anniversary today. of Cuba. quire extraordinary treatment. Some which time he1895 soul and who the of reads the characters the genial funnyexplains he was the choice This Is tantamount to martial law, of the members of the American Min- the house. In Is on to comic hW KSL radio Is to He due station. arrive way page.. detoe Democratic caucus for the of and Is similar to the suspension themselves find ln this congress ing there promptly at 9 a. m next Sunday just in time to read the great United States senate, but was decreed In Havana and environs which new comic section of the enlarged Sunday Balt Lake Tribune to the position. They have presented their feated. He was president of the ended last month. Both were aucases to the committee. It Is believed children. thorized by congress after much dewill Democratic state convention in 1900 TO THESE OPPORTUNITIES! an examination that Impartial Tom been "Uncle to secured has The comics Tribune read the by bate, but whereas the first decree (Continued on Pag NlntUen) (Continued on Paae Three.) every Sunday to toe youngsters. He will read every comic page, exwas confined to the capital and for (Column Six) (Column One.) all of a the and time for the youngsters, provide merry plain pictures Something Different!colored! on Paac Pour) (Continued all of of Hcturaaqua thus task the that parchment and relieving parents every morning. Sunday Column On of Utah. ahoulnr th bum pioneer In addition, he will do it without grumbling, for he likes the task. . 000, while a year ago on this date By CECIL OWEN. landmarka. Utils nd beautifully The radio feature on KSL comes as a result of the new comic framed, aU for 13. Id 5 voiua, St 5 WASHINGTON, Dec. II (UP).-Fe- ars too member banks were In debt to Lake elchini frame theater ln of Salt o section of The Tribune. Starting Sunday, there will be twenty-twsystem by $768,000,000, for 13 75. For real slit ''tlpa" aea Olfia WILL ROGERS SAYS: for the soundness of the bank- theInreserve for ramllr" Column an nrrt Classified rollicking funnies an twelve great pages of colored comics, This Is the vaults of the reserve sysBEVERLY HILLS, Calif., Dec, ing structure of the United States tem, the report showed, there now Pair. t I Just one feature of the Greater Sunday Salt Lake Tribune which will 1L See by the papers thi morn- were allayed anew today by govern- repose total gold reserves aggregating serve Tribune readers beginning next Sunday. In addition, there is an enlarged magazine section, a full page of Ripley's "Believe It or Found A Tire! ing that the government la not ment officials and the weekly condi- $3,005,000,000. An additional $1,000. And rim (36x9 tire) loot If etr next Not. the worlds roost amazing facts; all of the feature writers of The1 going to purposely bump yon off tion statement of the federal reserve 000,000 in gold Is held by the treasury, 11 (IP). Mayor that Ewald was qualified for the Job, NEW Dec. Owner mar havw mjd YORK, Bewr, (Hah. denatured alcohol; system. with poisoned ad under Loct and by IderJttfyln. other banks and the public, giving , Tribune, such as O. O. McIntyre, Fannie Hurst, Kathleen Norris and James J. Walker took the witness remained unshaken. to let but firat are Ciaaalflad Pmc. you live, a host of others. going of the reserve system this country $4,000,000,000 of the , Resources they Just before toe mayor took the Pound Column make you suffer. the first edition of the Greater Sunday Salt Lake Tribune, stand late today as the first witness stand toe state rested. His testimony were shown to be at record high levels, world's estimated $10,000,000,000 gold Marking ' will be the Andree Diaries, the official story of the tragic flight of 8. They claim this new ingredient with the ratio between reserves and .stock. $4009 Home for $2709! for toe defense ln the trial of Martin was confirmed by Victor Rldder, publA. Andree and two companions into the Arctic wastes in a frail balattractive (1100 down and 0a ef mo they put in make the amell some- liabilities toe highest it has been. If this vast hoard of gold were ini sotoe leader of Steuben and J. isher dlvrict leader, Healy, Tammany brick home, livln room anttra width of loon. The flight started thirty-thre- e garlie since prewar days, except for a short, $1 bills and a man had started count-- 1 thing like a cross between years ago, and the party was and his aide, Thomas T. Tommaney. ciety. aleep-Ihouet, larae bedroom, (laaaed-t- n to and bad eggs. Going take more time in 1924. Tlie ratio today was $79 lng in 1492 at toe rate of one each wrecked in toe Icy vastness, wanderihg long and painfully, only and bark porch, cemont ha seare charged with accepting a On direct examination by Sydney men!porch and furnace. See Romoa. Want Ilian bad odor to stop thin new ln reserves for every $100 of demand second for eight hours daily without to die. Their diaries were preserved and found with the bodies this They 1927 to $10,000 bribe in help George A. Byrne, defense counsel, tlie mayor Ad Column 1. bunch of drinkers we got. They liabilities. a stop, he would have finished his year and will be puolished ui The Tribune. F. Ewald get a city magistracy. denied he had received any message will Just slide a clothe pin over Another special feature will be the official by the more than 8000 Job in 1892. A counter who began htsl team, Borrowings Under A Business for $750! from Judge George W, Olvany of rigorous their nose and go right' sfter it. ln task ln the reign of Henry VII would third selected football the board fiber a of Knute by banks, comprising Rockne, consisting Hiram hipI vantln Juit tha Hlckaf for Hall concerning the by prosecutor, special Tod't, Tammany All you will have to do is dilute A. W. tn Amer of a assets and bsinaa: Alexander, Taa Jones and Pop Warner. otnf lunchroom which at time became heated, the just be about finished now. and that there was any nRt.ptrlnf, 16. rwi with Jockey Club" cologne. ,.F i, titan, s banking system, were also at no comes at of cost The to in advance the toe reserve federal enlarged Sunday Tribune Reserves sysmayors testimony that he appointed regular channel of communication la Builneaa Op pa. Want WILL RCHjEWN Yours, ecord low levels. discounted subscriber. 90 Bills The cents a remains will month. price Ewald at toe behest of the Steuben between Tammany Hall tnd his ofSingle copies on Fas Tent -(Continurd or sell at 10 cents. jior member banks were only $257,900,- (Column Su society after he had satisfied himself Uice. Experts Back 'X Action. DEATH TAKES SENATE OKEHS U. S. SENATOR; DOMAIN ROADS ILLNESS BRIEF AERIAL RESCUE REVIVES HOPE . long-standi- FOR FIVE MORE ' ( ut ie QUAKES ROCK THREE PLACES ACTION SLATED IN SINGLE DAY - MOFFAT ROAD son-in-la- t ot - . cut-of- ed Greater Sunday Tribune Broadcast Set for 9 A. M. Mrs. FEDERAL RESERVE RESOURCES REACH RECORD HIGH LEVELS MAYOR WALKER TESTIFIES IN DEFENSE OF CITY JUDGE ent two-thir- . Vi |