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Show li THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 12, Robin Hood Advenlures X. rARDON AND MARRIAGE. The black knight given a merry least In the greenwood, and declared that he had never bad food Which tasted better. The feast was not over before another knight came riding Into the forest Blr Richard of the Lea. This knight, when he was In sore trouble, bid been treated kindly by Robin Hood. 8ir Richard spoke to the black u Stood. By VELVA G. DARLING. TALKED to a new father yesterday ah, such a PROUD father, all It feel puffed out and swelled up with Joy in his young' son. "How doe to be a father. Jim?" I asked him. "Oh, it feels like no other feeling I ever experienced. I FEEL St IMPORTANT I As If I had really accomplished something worthwhile. And, funny, I feel as If I were the only man who ever had a son!- As If I had done something exceedingly special for which the world should thank me forever after. It Is a marvelous feeling!" And he is frank marvelously I - and clear- - peaking ung father. The fact that parents IX) get feelings6 which no one who hasn t been n parent can hope to understand. They feel so Important!" They are convinced that they have ace mp listed this the king?" asked Robin this is King Richard, the Yee. who has returned from the Holy land." I have heard much of Robin Hood And hie band, said King Richard, "and I came here to ace your . There wee more feasting and re- -Jolting." The outlaws liked King Richard, and were glad to have him in their midst Next day the king Lion-Hearte- d. said: . I grant you all free pardon, for you are worthy men. If you will It so. you may Join my service." The outlaws agreed to accept varl- pus offices which the king gave to! them, and In a merry throng went with him to Nottingham. There King Richard called to the sheriff and eeld: u Little John will take your place sheriff of Nottingham; for he Is a braver man than you, and will be more kind to the people." The bishop of Hereford wee called, and waa told that there waa to be Robin Hood and Maid wedding. Marian had fallen In love so deeply that they ranted to be married. Marten was very happy over the coming event, and so was Robin. The marriage was performed at Nottingham, and greet were the cheers of the greenwood men. Robin Hood and his fellows were lad be pardoned by the king, but ?heretowaa a strain of sadness when they thought that their merry days In Sherwood forest were ended. Tomorrow .A LHtle Saturday Talk Uncle Ray will be glad to send you free of charge his leaflet, entitled "Record of Aviation. Address Uncle Ray, In care of The Salt Lake Tribune, and be sure to enclose a stamped . envelope. , , , (Copyright, f 1030. Publishers Syndicate.) , . DUCKS TURNED LOOSE. ELIZABETH CITY. N. C. WOO mallard ducks, raised on the term of Joseph P. Knapp, New York financier, on Mackey's island In Currituck sound, have been released this fall Into the marshes and sounds of the North Carolina coast Knapp is the mov ing spirit in the proposed 10.000, ooo More Game Birds in America f (UP).-Approxi- Foundation. something simply marvelous something .that has never been done be- even fore on earth when their good intellitells them quite gence the contrary. Because of this feeling," they are the most hungry alive, human beings hungry for APPRECIATION. for FLATTERY. They yearn to be tola, by their offspring especially, how wonderful they really ARE! They want to be sun and the the rising silvery moon to their children. They want their descendants not to make a move, or think a thought that they dont know aU about, am sanction, and amem Parents and correct. are, in other ' words, just about the needing est things thst ever come attention from their Into anybody' life. They NEVER get enough babies. on being so On the other hand, though, why do parents insist toward trv etr chll' so childish, so entirely SILLY In their attitude PardrenTwhen In every other way they are quite normal and sensible? would ents who do no more for their children thian any kindly stranger do 'for them, seem to think thst their generosity la nothin, short of godcollegethey have accomplished lyl If they' send their children through of more fact they art doing no When as a matter In the matter of act on the They apparentlymust personal privacy, too, parent r barbaric. not be and premise that what Is theirs belongs to them exclusively what belong to the gone near by any other member of the family.aUBut th must know and wnd'hcr twut'althelr possessions, from thafleUer with the pink rib' bon around It to the newspaper clipping lying in they need Parents dont need flattery, I sometimes think, as much a dose of common sense and a feeling of JUSTICE in regard to their beings. Y'Meeda parent children who, believe it. or not, AREnumancome into his ey . th Papa little flattery and see that contented look U 11 the chest. You've hit on ons swelling of water on when you hit flattery for parent. They rental troubled It upl (Copyright, 1930, McNaught Syndicate. Inc.) ron Risk a Lesser" Help for Is LATEST MODES FROM THE CENTERS OF FASHION FOR THE FEMININE WORLD, j gq asayg Moods in Modes By ANGELO FATRI. Fut On That Coal. Many a mother is worn to a shred with- - the worry of making her son put on hts overcoat Bon hates that overcoat. It la so stiff thst it gets In bis way. so long that it flaps about his legs when he runs. So hot when be Is exercising. He hates that coat But he will take cold without itl Maybe he will, but I doubt It I have watched these young huskies who hate overcoats and I find that they rarely suffer from colds. The one that sniffles and sneezes Is usually well bundled up with a woolly scarf about his neck, thick rubbers on Ills feet and a stout overcoat over sweater, to ward off the cold blasts. The other chap wears as little as he can do with. He may be red about the tips of the ears, a bit moist about the end of the nose, but he Isnt coughing, and he doesn't sneeze. He hasn't time. He Is kicking a ball, racing after it, fighting for It, rolling over the lot after It, doing anything but standing still to sniff and shiver. If you have a delicate lad, wrap him well and take no chances, but if you have erne of those stout, hard-mu- s youngsters who cled, have never had a day's Illness In their lives, let them wear what they like and pay no heed. Dont weight his feet with rubbers unless there Is a fall of snow or slush a that tomes over his shoe tops. Put stout pair of shoes on his feet, warm stockings, good underwear, a wool Jacket, mittens, cap, and turn him loose. Rain wont hurt him, neither will snow. Fresh air. the more of It the better, will ward off colds. One of the causes of cold Is poor diet. Watch that and keep It well the coryza rate w as four times as high nied by severe coughing and expecFour toration? Does smoking In a temperamong those in the trenches. thousand five hundred were overex- ate way hurt? REPLY. posed to high, cold winds while 3500 Chest cough. were held in barracks. Again the rate Bronchitis means Inflammation among the exposed was four times Is a the bronchial tubes. The ooi that among the nonexposed. It and matter of common observation always present Is th symptom causes wet belief that getting the feet cough. There are many kinds of on to catch cold. bronchitis, such as acute and chronic, Some research done by Drs. Grant, tubercular, whooping cough, asthMudd and Ooldman showed that matic. bronchlectic. A diagnosis of bronchitis merely starts you on tho chilling the skin lowered the temperature of the breathing tubes In their way to knowing what Is the trouble. to The cure Journey takes up where tho upper stretches, thus tending 'cause colds. Various experiments on diagnosis Journey ends. lower animals have shown the harmful effects of wetting and chilling. (Copyright, 1930. by1 The Chicago Tribune.) The proof that some colds are the result of Infection he also gives. some perof Nearly everyone knows son who has caught a cold from contact with someone who Is affected. When a mother gets an acute cold her babv Is very apt to become Infected with It and. at times. It operates in the other direction. Colds traveling through a family from one child to another, or through a school from one child to another, have been noted frequently. There are a fair number of observations, some recent and some historical. In which some infected Individual has landed among an Isolated colony, whereupon the Infection has flashed through the local people like a heat lightning. And. finally, bacteria have been recovered from people with colds and used to Infect laboratory animals. Such experiments have been successExperienced travels have ful. The result of Dr. HUding's carried Daniel Green studies Is a conviction that the bataround the world and back. tling scientists can compose their difficulties and limit themselves to These little slipper, they fighting the enemy, for both are claim, packmore easily , . . right. stand up smartly among BRONCHITIS SYMPTOMS. strangers. J. T. writes: What are the symp toms of bronchitis 7 Is It accompa Cornfys Travel Far hard-playi- Z. C. M. I. balanced as to sugar and tat this season. Another cause is bad ventilation. Keeping children in badly ventilated rooms la enough to set them all to sneezing and coughing. It lowers their vitality and leaves them a prey to colds. Suggestion helps keep a child well. Keep telling him how husky he Is, If he Is, and say nothing to encourage a head cold. There Is nothing easjer for a boy than catching a head cold. He can take one right out of the air. And he can let It go by Just as easily by keeping so busy and thinking himself so well that It never touches his CwcdBdie (ftBaUd consciousness. But do not try to dress all the children alike. If there is a delicate one, him by making dont tiY to harden him go without sweater and exposing him to sharp weather. Deal with Come and see all the new him as he needs without overdoing Youll Just Love the esse. Telling a child he ought to cuts that like to ride in tnxMt Satan In. Gmt Mali Hast, miaa be hardy doesnt make him so. OrThem hlnr pullmans. Leathers and dering him to be well won t make has to have felta for children; gay kid, that way. Each of them and Irresistible chocolate none or what his nature requires, satin, or crepe for women!1 that for having frosted Eclairs that them la to be blamed on wished was Loads of suitable colors. kind of nature. It will please the most them, tndlscrimlnatlngly. W. A. EVANS DR. By fastidious appetite. Let the healthy youngster, run light Mail Orders Filled as to overcoats. If he needs one he will wear it. Guard the deUoate one, no he has been able to decide, there is ABOUT COMMON COLDS. .Usually he will help you, lor he feels between the two diseases. This Is the season for Interest In difference the need. common cold to arouse from Its If they are two, and not one due to the -. choice of causes. (Copyright, 1930, by the Bell Syndl- summer sleep and to look about for cate. Inc.) facts and theories on which to browse. The proof that colds are due to exHere are some, gathered from several posure he group as follows: Some GEISHA HOUSE RAZED. sources: comparative studies of the prevalence gel-sWasatch 475 HANKOW (UP). Dr. A. Hlldlng Is of the opinion that of colds were made among 8000 solhouse one of the finest and most coryza may result from exposure to diers. One group of 2700 were exm Inclement weather or from exposure posed to raln and cold In the costly Japanese style buildings your evergreens are. X presume that Hankow, has been destroyed by fire. to persons who have colds. So far as trenches; 5300 were held In barracks. HERBACEOUS BORDERS. matewith built was they are conifers. Never cut these The structure from rials entirely Japan and cost ( By Msd Chegwidden. back at all, but you may often to think a is Just over Incongruous It $200,000. the surface, by shearing that on tyle of garden planting will the ends of a child's when suit aU garden as It would be to dress just a you trimeither ls they should be given. Thank in May or this Do every person exactly fclike and expect hair, H. G. W, Pocatello, Idaho. you. thicker will encourage necesmust gust. them to look pretty. One A. Yes, the bridegroom always style to suit growth and you make them more gives presents to his. ushers, and they sarily choose the garden the. annual shearing, garden. of by symmetrical the slae and shape are always put at their places at the dinner. bachelor Large masses of perennials in bold D. B., Bprin grille, writes: "When group are advocated by writers on Indoors to get Q. Please tell me how much seeds that start one who forget may quite subjects, garden have plants ready for sale? I thought I year it would cost to attend Wellesmany, many gardens would HOT-TOASroom for but two or three of these might make a little pin money this ley eolle. J. N. MeA Salt Lake, bold group. And when they were way, as I have a nice basement with A. The minimum cost of attendout of bloom, how uninteresting the sunny windows. What kinds do you ing Wellesley college Is $850 a year. whole picture would be suggest?" would like to know on what In gardens where space is limited. A. You are starting something Q. efI the week tho following days It Is a far better plan to establish the which should bring you In more than day feU: March 17, 179 ; May 1, 1898, drifts narrow wish In The taste of Nucoa is exaedy I manufacturers and you long, money, little a perennials pin and October 22, 1902. Thank you. rather than In huge, wide groups. In success. L. D., Provo. L. Mrs. of out this way, as one drift pesses sometimes forget how wise what Nucoa is... a sweet, rich, February is very early to start seeds A. March 17. 1879. fell on a Monbloom, the other drifts in front or Indoors, for they usually get too long day; May 1, 1898, on a Sunday, and of to the be will peak behind coming the human sense of taste is. clean product. A delicacy. before October 22, 1902. on a Wednesday, may be planted outdoors. altheir loveliness, and so will conceal March they most 1 for best things, thi faded glory of the plants which though lobelia seed are very tardy Q. Please tell me who directed have passed. and need longer time Gloria Swanson In "The Trespasser. They make a product that Nucoa maintains the highBorne gardens are even tod email germtnators Y. T. R, Salt Lake. most than and to admit the plan of these drifts est margarine standard in looks similar to the best prod 'The Trespasser was directed I suggest petunias, marigolds ofan-aU byA.Edmund most plants are best placed in group Oouldlng. slnnlas, asters, verbenas, kinds, three to or places of two. side by side, America. Nucoa created this as being the Q. Please fell me if women are uct... only they make it cheaper. phlox and ageratuin triangularly. In this way even the nual annuals. . popularly called-fo- r most Utah. on in servo to Juries Including eligible subjects. largest And then it tastes cheaper. a few novelties also, and Mrs. A. F. D- - Salt Lake, superior standard. And lives plum popples, hellanthusee Why not try use? A. In Utah women are eligible and hollyhocks, need not be excluded educate people to their up to it. but are exempted, srnd hence are not from the smallest garden. a called for service. These large subjects will need watchful eye to keep them from overThousands of grocers sell only is shadowing frailer plants placed near If your sense taste second year they and every them; Nucoa exclusively, because wUl need dividing, when they will furacuteness perhaps average nish material for other borders and their exclusive trade wont new gardens. Edging plants, even In you have noticed those little have the smallest garden, may be used to anything else. greater quantities. odd disturbing flavors in the Q. Please tell me through ofyour the the when H organisation column QUERIES. founded, and ou now are Mrs. A. I K Balt Lake, Writes: Knights ef Pythias was using. margarine organisation. Nucoa is delivered to your We have some evergreens which something about tho Salt Lake. Or an oil after-tast- e. were so pretty at first, but now that Thank you. R. O. C, soa of Pythias, A. The are Knights they ara growing largera they was founded st grocer more frequently and sells The net-Toa- at Test Is Year I wanted cial brotherhood, 19 sprawly an not compact 1864, C.. D. February We that them to be. Bhould they be cut down Washington. you ttyNucoa faster than any other margarsuggest and four Margarine Test to make them grow bushy? I do not bv Justus Henry Rathbone of es the nrtnelp hot to Hot-ToaTskea of promote toast and spread liberst now at others, piece Test. .. .and gire it the like them th way they are ine. Therefore it is always fresh. and with Nucos. Notice how the good, ally all. and I suppose with each year they friendship, charitytenets benevolence. ovder the of The fundamental . will get worse." wholesome elemeots of this Jtlicmty In religion, obediHOT-TOA- ST Notice the sweet, rich, clean AND A. You do not say what varieties are "toleration begin to register on the taste buds and ence to law, loyalty to governs those wonderful little st the ment." Accepted candidates are ad-or THAT! TEST YOU TELLS flavor. baie of the tongue. Notice the sweet and vanced through the three rank degrees of page, esquire and knight. appetizing satisfaction ... the dean body Distributor OWEN WOODRUFE CO. Local bodies are known a lodges; and bloom" of flavor. the Is Lake supreme 529 West 2nd South, Salt the governing body City, Utah I. The . will prove to you that lodge. A SHINY NOSE DON'T Nucoa is UNLIKE any other margarine. about me something Q. Please tU NECESSARILY INDICATE the Senator from Sandpit and who he is. Thank yov T. C. A, Blackfoot, A SUNNY DISPOSITION Idaho. A. The Senator from Sandpit has But the purchsM of on, of contributed to The Balt Lake Tribwonderful BONO will He une for th past BIRDS WILL MAKS A BUNNY X, for-m- ei was and In old 40 April be year SPOT in your dining room. ly a character actor on th stage. Him name ta Hamilton Park. Potted Plants, Fern Stand, Ooldflrh, Aquariums, Bird Cases, Q. Please give me the name of the Francisco and scorta. of other appropriate largest newspaper In San gifts. and tho circulation. L. K. G., Las Yrgas, Nev. Make Your Selection Now In San A. The largest newspaper Francisco Is the Fxamlner. with at circulation of 183.027 dally ' and. a PoRTEyM-TONg- O Sunday circulation of 363,426. CAT FOOD DOG customis me If 'please it tell " Q. AND NURSERY SPECIALISTS "Hi Waller's Choice" ary for tho bridegroom to furnish 4$SFED . .Was, 4 West 1st gout and where, the fog present St How to Keep Well Z. C. M. I. Bakery The-Ktkur- a Dare You ha lm-the- m That Cough? it made for difficult cough from colds thst king oa, Jt combine seven sutjor helps. In ene It it lbs beat helps known to gised for quick relief, for safety. For milder cough n letter help may (do. But dare you take the risk when ny coufli Ib A ilful of omt duifff help 1 it not wise to w this seven-wale be sure? Creomulsion coete 1.2S e little more than most helps. But It eoeu you nothing if it fails to bring tha quick relief mi seek. Your druggiet guarantee it, Jie it for safety's sake. .cough ndi-nce- y CREOMULSION ( Sometimes 1 Think No n., ' ' knight, eaylng: Your majesty. I am here." The outlaws were amused when theyjMvd the words, Your maj- 0 OUR Chil Do Parents Need Flattery? Sometimes 1 ' Think Yes . Women ! CARE OF THE CHILD AND SPECIAL SUBJECTS OF INTEREST Tp JUVENILES Uncle Rays Gbrner 1930, Cogjftl for Eltticult Cold from nave you tried the i Au-Th- see TEST ? T 1 Food rud-beckl- of of inifomhon Perseaal ... THE tstte-center- Porter-Wslto- two-year- , j Pennsylvania Salt Mfg. Co. . tegr. f I.mIsIIIh Isms D. 29 Mertli Wscksr Prlve, Cklcagt and I |