Show u 33 ma ebe M asi an E S sun mon lut tue wed tim thu fri sat 1 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I 1 12 13 aa 14 14 15 JQ 16 17 18 19 20 10 21 22 23 24 25 26 96 27 28 f ailis the tha estimation in which these mefa meff medicines doines leines are held bald b ty v the pub ve lica steadily increases their demand they act directly on tho system removing all obstructions athe atho tho spring sot life ilfe t purifying the tho bloed bind and totally eradicating liver Ilver complaints pain ia in tic tac tho 0 eloe and general dle de billiy bilby sod god cod everywhere 5 cents per box or pot wa FOUND A NUMBER u R R ot I 1 deeds d As for property AN aed red e dit din in P pleasant ie a s a n t degrove grove Theolyn erwill find tind them at this office daz d 72 D CHEW safi an mir mig hir ia MORT aa k 6 ryne rine FINEST bynest ST ring plug tobacco in tho wald ASK ro R 11 0 tarm tare KO no 1 i q fos ros V OR SALE SALU r ALL dealer mx IS rug PUG e ela ein r CO beson ERSOn YH HI tn aa t N I 1 epilepsy or fi fits ts samar SAWAn maas mAx ntine NT ness news thra ine iNz the great preat Nervo nerve Conqueror cures epileptic fits convulsion convulsions Eg spasms st vitus dance and all ail nervous diseases the only known positive tive and eure sure curo cure fon for Epilepsy athas been tested by thousands and has never been known to fall in a singie single case stamp tor circular circulars lars 8 giving evidence of euris curis cures trial package sree iree sei mei ssi picaso give namo dame or of ek express cypress press ollice W when en ordering medicines also aso send gend names and address ot of all persons subject to epileptic fits address dr S A rlyn moul nonn dox box vill 11 st joae joac jc c abl mo NEW advertisements LOST I 1 atho the tho state road about four our miles 0 ON south ot the city a parcel ff about eight yards of blaek black cloth and boma soma black yarn gleaso leave it at this office information WANTED ff IF the whereabouts ot of william wiliam hatch natch ki william bauce Vaa coJohn john it egilbert RG ilbert gilbert samuel beld B dallas aud and williarm Willi sRm it any of the tho above are living they will trill please communicate muni cate with the under undersigned undersigner signed forthwith T J FULLER clerk of soth quorum of Fe seventies provo city ctr NOTICE in tho mattoi mattei ot of the tho estate ot of 1 kina KIKO Decease Docca dj 1 I y 7 all persons hacins claims baid said estate are hereby required ired to exhibit the came same with the decory vou You chort ebors within ten months mouths after the tho first publication of this notice tome to me at my residence in salt lake city E R SMITH administrator ot of baid eaid estate fob 21 AD A J 1677 1877 wa 2 A A LL members ot of this thia quorum res idine idlor z A outside of salt lake city wishing to 10 lave have their names retained ned nea OB on the quorum Record records so aro ara requested to report immediately to the secretary Bc rotary by ormer order utts M beor Ster stary blary church historians Hist ortans I 1 rebr february uary usry lith im f tug fit X tamb aur IAMB to my place in sugar houma ward j a bay ba MARK nahe COLT about six alx months mon old star in in forehead fore forc head bead the owner can havo have it by calling and pa paying y ug expenses JNO D T mcallister suar busar house ward ESTHAY I 1 T HAVE in my po tho the following L described animals one white spotted HEIFER helfer branded 0 C J on right hip bip 0 one n rebia red rea yearling HEIFER in left ear if said laid aris atil mais mayg ard ara not claimed within ten days they will ifill bs be sod sold to the highest bidder on monday feb at 3 1 pm T W MORGAN district thoele tooele city tomie co coi utah feb lb isit 1877 elf ell NOTICE I 1 HATE have in my oll oil tha tho following described animals one red 11 hel HEI heifer BIVER fer fEK three year old halt crop off lett left ear car brand on ou left bern hern illegible ono red yearling white on face sace belly beily flank and tail tall no brands visible it not claimed before february they will be sold to the highest bi bis bli mer derat at 2 p m I 1 at aitho tho the pound in this city JOSEPH HORNE Dis strict district po u salt lake lale city feb 17 1877 daw el estras EXTRAS NOTICE HAVE in my possession slon blon the following yi 1 described tn one red STEER 3 or 4 years old branded on left shoulder Eh something like AH AR combined also H on left horn born crop ofa off and out ont ot of right oar car and slit silt in lefts left white hite belly one red COW 4 or 5 years old branded on iott loft horn born a block brand on lett left sade T halt cirolo over IQ it on left hip H R with an ex extension tension at the lert left r pant like the top of a figure 7 on iett lett t thigh ich f 0 T on right tight hip three notches out of under part uart t ot right oar car silt slit in left bush ot of tall nt off one whito white HEIFER 3 years old zed red 0 c irs hole in each ear cars upper hait half crop out ol 01 right branded on left hip E R R one red and iwhite white speckled STEER I 1 yes yee r old oid a block brand orand on lett left shoulder and H on left lett side crop off left lett ear earl bilt silt in right it said eald animals are not claimed before february 26 C 1977 they will bo te sold cold at public auction to tha highest responsible bidder SAMUEL BATEMAN district Gar gardiners gardinere diners mill west jordan feb 13 1877 iny INT xi OT oti 1 oie CIE territory ot of utah tin the probate court elin ekin county of salt lake lak J for said county in inthe lathe the matter of the estate ot of I 1 archibald livingston deceased all persons having claims agra aLra last the esta estate teof ot archibald livingston deceased decease dg are arc hereby notified and required to present the same lotho lothe ff ti said estate with the necessary vouchers n ot t her place placa ot of residence tenth warda ward it t lake latso city within ten months from sroul hi i date as required by law I 1 abed january d A U D 1877 ELIZABETH administratrix of the estate of archi da wit bald Livings livingstone toni tonj deceased ALlCOCK 8 POROUS plas it M I 1 E PS wc iss asle aste gor lor cafin heuy heui nuci ani abi go so avold miserable imitations Q U prest otee etee 1 I ani nil all PCs st nestr kerry yerk I 1 L |