Show r ylo Tio tho worm Work in st eoala and the keglon nouna bound about 1 tui tub ST lious Mis missouri souil eeb feb ath 1877 n editor jaws thip like other large cities has its beauties of architectural skill and artistic artl arti display 3 but not being an adept in the sciences I 1 will leave others othera to elucidate them many of these noble edifices whose towering spires attract the admiration of the multitude only being nurseries whence arise many speculative theories that have be clouded the human understanding and almost made it impenetrable to the bun ban sunlight of heavens beavens he avens avena divine law A belief in christ and the bible is argued philosophically by the divi divines fies of the day asa as a necessity of good order and self government if the dead letter aids how much enore inore more good could be accomplished through the living oracles yet these divines declare the living oracles a nonentity and of no worth from kom their reasoning we must assume they are not lonest honest honest other motives being at issue instead of saving the souls of men to read of a single pew rent reaching the fhe ehor enormous price af puts an one 6 in mind of paul ot new testament ment celebrity prophesying that in the last days men would make merchandise of the word of god and use it to tickle the ears of their constituents the living oracles of which aleh we are bearers to the people owing to and tradition meet mek with comparatively little gueci guess ss at the present time but we know ultimately they will explode this thia corruption and conquer proving in g tu to mankind their genuineness and worth president stuart ii 1 i a ma man n of real worth exercising hi himself myself in a live ly manner mauner to aprea 1 the truth ardt j he be desires through thu aid of the mis sion slon sio narles aries to gileni other testimony to the people boblo of the four r aur states over which he presides em he left this city six weeks aku agu the last we heard from him ho io had bad baptized five person sand organized a branch miles from here lapre him it 1 is Come boys we are minus his capacity to act y band sand B and ja B middleton Midd leton loton leave the north for morgan and green counti tres ei to try to open opu new fieldson fIeld fields sot of labor bor bro bio stuart writes lecture Le clure cluro to the people of bt st louis which I 1 h have lve done to the best of in my y ability t fo to well filled houses one olle person has been added to the church by baptism since my arrival va feel feet encouraged to bear te testimony to the people of zion hen her prophets and the laws of god from heaven in our d day A burman jahrman president of the tho brauchli bran brAu cli ell is active in his duties the fa few v saints hero are very poor A sabbath school has been organized the e children attending are highly gratified speak of zion and their jia itA innocent souls leap for joy jy I 1 promised to distribute some catechisms catechi sms asa present I 1 hope they have been warded forwarded tor my heart mourns the fallen coa ega of humanity I 1 have to exclaim claim cro 0 god nave have meroy mercy on theli E maycock haal haft joined E chack hael haek ett ott preaching in bates county and neighborhood elder feicks of chae cache cownty county has arrived arrive d here from staunton tonj he reports favorably vor ably he leaves tomorrow to morroway morrow accompanied compa compan nied led by mellard cummings of sotir city for his big former field of laur where he had preached several limes times having many of meeting houses I 1 advised them te to foaud secure the samland same bame and as I 1 expect P stewart here before long I 1 would go and assist them to declare the restoration of the everlasting gospel respectfully WM whalley WHAI whal LEY uey JACKSO JA la switzerland nna rna Germ nuy t ON SwItz switzerland eiland elland january 15 1877 dear deaf aunt camilia camilla my misson so far thanh thank godi gody god has been unmolested except to bave have the finger of scorn pointed at me and bang being laughed at or perhaps having some one call after me and such like trifling yet yet yot annoying thi things rigs iam ram I 1 am working as traveling elder in the bern and jura sura conference where father has often travelled where he Is yet honored I 1 where his name is yet held in high esteem having faithfully performed his duties many are the times isit I sit sib and contemplate on the friends pleasures I 1 ac X I 1 have left behind antho in uhe the peaceful vales valea of ephraim where to a certain extent we can worship god as our consciences dictate without reproach or molestation yet on tho other hand knowing that I 1 have been commissioned eom of the almighty to proclaim his hia holy word to the nations I 1 cheerfully submit and cast my cares on him realizing if I 1 do in my y part he will perform his some of our people and others have an impression that it must be exceedingly cee enjoyable to go on a mission to preach the gospel but if they hey were out here a stranger in a strange land how soon would they change the tenor of their views visions of family and friends of the comfortable home they hadlie hadjie had left ft to come hero here to things not as they had pictured them in the minds eye but quite the contrary those whom they left here many years ago as relatives and old time companions pan ions because of their belief turn up their noses and are at any time ready to politely invite them to leave their houses this kind of circumstances suddenly change their ideas of a mission arys life yet all along I 1 have enjoyed my mission 1 I 1 could not say it has not done me good in this short time I 1 have learned many things thines I 1 never should have learned at ho home e many a lesson have bave I 1 been ta taught UT h t since I 1 came here and I 1 feel to praise eralso my heavenly father that he found in me a fit subject to help roll on hla hia mighty work in these last days my twelve weeks stay in mussen etc was very agreeably spent I 1 soon had a host of acquaintances in one little village ej niederau nearly every family is either named maeser or holds some relationship itly lyly my german was very limited and could express my wishes and de desires to say nothing of con iver aing with the people many came anxious to hear something of of utah onland but when commenced to talk faith repentance and aud baptism to them they were in a great hurry had bad to cail call an BO so and BO so or t go so and so this presented present ed no gr great greal eat encouragement tomy to my first attempts my dearold grandfather in his year did all he could to further my comfort and felt somewhat downcast when I 1 ud him good bye my dear aunt jaima jalma and hei her children likewise strove to make bake iiii aire alre my visit as pleasant as possible god reward them for it IL since august 21 1876 1 I have been here herein in switzerland I 1 fia ila nind find d the saints everywhere very kind always w a s ready to do all that lies in t their thein hein heln power to make us feel at home they are all poor yet kind my advance in the language has been as they tell me here rapid and I 1 now can give vent to my feelings to a considerable extent ex teat much easier than at first switzerland is a fine country td look at when clothed with natures richest robe I 1 ifould could not live here however 1 I 1 am rh well and have had bad the very best of health since I 1 came here and I t want to keep it that I 1 maty may work and not lie dorm dormant ant on the hands of f the poor saints remember me kindly to all MAESER palestine valestine be re peopling and signs of the end at a moment when all eyes are turned to the east it cannot be unimportant to learn that after the slumber of ages palestine is awakening to new life and israel is actually returning to its shores in such numbers and in such a way as they have never been known to do while in the former instances whether under pagan christian or moslem masters they were equally the subjects of extortion oppression and contumely now they are beginning to hold a position of comfort independence and power this remarkable change la Is in itself significant and the whole movement should surely be watched by the student of prophecy with eager and expectant attitude the great importance of the day in which we live arises from the very general agreement amongst commentators who talco take the historical view of prophecy that the period tf of 1260 years yeara af 0 f papal arid mohammedan temporal power 14 i now fast expiring at its termination the jews are to return beform before their conversion to their own land in very considerable numbers dan xii 7 rev bev xi 3 etc it may be asked are there any signs as yet of the commence commencement ment of this momentous event A residence of some years in the holy land and an intimate acquaintance with what is now passing there leads me unhesitatingly to answer that such there are the last four or five years have witnessed the return of the jews to palestine from all parts but more moie especially pec ally lally from russia which has been aito alto altogether C ether unprecedented the hebrew population of jerusalem is now probably double what it was some ten tea years yea ago in 1872 and 1873 such numbers came to reside in saphead one of the four holy cities of the jews in the mountains of galilee galileo that there were no houses to receive them and build building n g was for a considerable length of t time im e carried on all night as well as all day this be it remembered in me tife east indiere where the night is emphatically the ti time melin in which no man can work great accessions still continue daily and whereas ten years yeara ago tile the jews tows were confined to their own quarter in Jerusalem the poorest and worst they now inhabit all parts of tile the city and are always ready to rent any any house that is to be let notwithstanding this happy change want of accommodation still bel bei being 9 felt building societies have bee been n formed and many of their 81 simple simpie m pie tenements are now rising outside the city to the northwest north west moreover the jews in palestine are certainly acquiring possession of landed property in the villages and country eoll coli districts I 1 believe the hebrew population of palestine proper must now be stated at 30 of who whom more than half reside in Jeru jerusalem saleal this is without reckoning the jews of sidon bey rout and damascus all within the limits bathe af the land of promise probably some or more three causes have in the providence vide ilce jace of bod mainly contributed to bring oud out about this marked return to the land of promise first nem new newland tand land taws laws affecting palestine pe secondly bondly new laws of military ber ver ser er vice in Ji thi thirdly ralY new civili bation throughout the wast east 1 As regards the new land lams laws la ws in turkey formerly nong none but or subjects of turkey turkeys could hold bold real property in any part of the ottoman empire some nino nine years ago however a most important alteration took place in june 1867 an imperial gave to all subjects of foreign powers a right to purchase landed property in their own name it was a part of that marked improvement in n the positron of or foreigners rs in tui tul ey which dates from the time of ib crimean war yo no sooner wa the law posed pu sed than many began to purchase plots j of ground for building in III alid and arOL aroe around ird the tile principal towns toils of pale paie seline feline at tt first drat men found it hard to believe that safe possession would be guaranteed and that jews who but a few years before vere were greeted in the public streets with opprobrious names and shameful ill treatment would be allowed by the haughty edans to become in peace the lords of the soil but as time wore on and one villa nilla and cottage after another arose outside the walls wails of or jerusalem wil wll where brethe the owners jived in sac eal safety lety new confidence was inspired and more became desirous of possessing possession pos a d portion of sacred ground in tj the e country districts whole villa villages gesl with lands around them to the extent of over dunes or acres have been bought lands which 1 though from year to L 0 year unimproved jn in any way and cultivated with the least pos poa possible amount of labor are immensely productive owing to the extraordinary fertility of ane the soil already land in the neighborhood of several towns has ehor enormously increased in value vilie to my knowledge one plot of ground close clese to jerusalem was sold three years ago ngo for twenty times the tho sum which was paid for it sometime some time previously by the owner this increase in value has arisen from the right of foreigners i to purchase real property p or tyr 2 inthe second tecona place new laws of military P service cr ca in t rt Jus fussier sio sia coming into operation shortly after the promulgation of the new now real properly laws law in palestine e itne have greatly tended to lead israels weary saps back to td their own land formerly inK they were not as a body compelled to take arms but were allowed if they chose to pursue their usual peace peaceful ful rul avaca avocations now however this ha hascall all ali been changed russia has been beebi ever since tho the crimean war preparing for tho the next great groat struggle against turkey and part of that preparation has been the introduction in 1874 of the german scheme of military service bervice which aich forces all the jewish population in her dominions to antor the army all jews throughout russia are now required to be enrolled and drilled at the age ago of twenty one israelites are singularly averse to the tho military cailing calling they have therefore taken ala aia alarm rm at the terms of the new system moreover they are especially dis inclined to fight for russia in that country they have havo suffered much in common with all who differ lifter from it at the hands of the greek church many persecuting laws have been passed against them more especially in poland now in palestine they are still entirely exempt from service in the army A trifling poll poil fax tax amounting 1 I 1 belleve believe to about a maleedy maj eedy fou four r shillings a head bead is taker taken from jews jewa and christians in syria in lieu of their liability to conscription p they have therefore decided to leave russia when and how they can this is not easily managed for such are the despotic laws of that state that in many cases cabes their preparation for departure would be aground bearground for ment still great numbers of them are now arriving in in jerusalem and they already form a very new element of wealth and influence in the holy city during the years 1871 to 1874 every steamer from russia brought her large quota of hebrew passengers and those whose business it was to meet travelers at jamma jaffa and conduct them to zion marked with astonishment the great crowds that came by these ships this state of things it is said still continues I 1 have myself repeatedly heard ff from om their brethren in jerusalem and from turkish officials in that city who were in a position to know that the russian jews in a body have ever since the adoption the german system of military service in 1874 anxiously sought to leave muscovite territory and settle inthe in the holy iland liand they can hot if they would escape all at once the stream of e emigration mcgrat 10 n however is now slowly but seq steadily 11 flowing towards ein Bin manuels land and will there is every to believe continue to flow themore the more epe speedily edily as the dark war clouds now impending settle down on europe till russia is emptied 0 a Reb hebrew tew tev population that probably numbers one third of thew the tho whole liola nation of tile the jews the number of jews |