Show local and other matters erom WEDNESDAY DAILY fr FED yeb ja i 11 4 fog A little littie more fog or thick haze this mbeni ng J st valentine chiq 14 s sL Valen alen aien twos day dayo generally a hard season on post office clerks clerk confirmed it will be seen by our dispatches that the senate yesterday conf confirmed irined L P luckey secretary of utah returning we understand that four returning mission missionaries ariew arlew from australia have arrived at ddn han ban francisco franciseo and they may be expected to arrive here herel in a day or two ogden junction immorality it is reported that the case of lie le baron charged with immoral conduct een cen duct duci now in the city jail jai 11 involves some circumstances of ta a most atrocious and revolting character birthday the dinst will be the anniversary of the tho birthday of the great iveing IV hing ton we understand that it is intended to celebrate the occasion in this city by making it almost if it not quite a general holiday all the leading stores and places of business will je closed repairing che street crossings A correspondent writes as fol lows gol 1 I am glad to learn that the city council has appropriated the delinquent taxes of parties in aleth ward to repairing the streets and side walk walks sin in th atward orsome of them badly need lithe litho crossings of several of those streets which debouch into south temple street for instance two or three of which are perpetual nuisances when there 4 14 auy any mud about 1 1 missionary this morning we received a call from elder edward cli clifft fr of mount Pleas pleasant ant sanpete San pete who was compelled to return from hia mission in nebraska and iowa jowa on account of ill lil health he is still afflicted with a severe cough an and d chills elder W F Reynold reynolds sw who resides in the same p part art of the territory returned with him nimi those two elders labored di diligent i ly while in the states holding a great many mec MCC meetings having had bad n no lack of bf opportunities to td preach to the supreme court the ses session don of the supreme court of or today to day convened at 2 pm judge boreman delivered deliverer ari an opinion in the case of tho mining alining co wo vs J no H patrick affirming the decision of the third district court with costs AU S commissioner was ap api r pointed for each of the following places logala woods cross and leeds on the motion of judge sutherland chairman h a irmen irman ot ol the examining committee com cil eil tt eee lee mr nirl scipio A kenner was admitted to the barof the sup reme court jealousy T chis his morning a couple of young men were before justice 1 on a charge of engaging in a fight light the evidence showed ab owed that the quarrel grow grew rew row out of a love affair affairs aa as both youths were wore paying their addres addresses beg seg to oneda one damsel yusei Insel the latter received a ring from one of her admirers other in a fit of jealousy pulled it from her finger when the lads aads next ed the tho other to toi fight which he readily did giving the challenger the worst of 0 it tho one who took th tho tin xin ring was find 15 and the other 0 o improvement societies E iders elders joseph II 11 parry and wid H A woolley have been on ft A visit to county in the int interest 0 ot r mutual improvement they held meeting sit itt at tit grantsville Grants ville on saturday evening and organized reorganized re a society there held meeting at pine canon ou on sunday afternoon w here where a good association on the tame evening 0 they met with the young people of 01 boele city and effected a ro of a society leaving elder woolley at Grants grantsville ville elder parry came eastward to pleasant green point of the tho mountain west ani ic acor r an ao elation inkie inkle avith a membership of from twenty nive five to thirty at all tho the places named those young brethren fou found n d a goo good d spirit prevailing and lind had great pleasure in speaking to the young people on the tho important subject of mutual ina lna improvement P count county y william brewer brower writes from Hennefer ville summit county february 11 aa as follows our mutual improvement association so has haa succeeded far beyond our anticipations we meet twice a week and an excellent spirit prevails one improvement was td the effect that ft v made a resolution tiomi to start oar dances at two pm and close them at 10 pm which has proved a 4 complete success A ii has also created a feeling of unity among the young men they are improving in talking most of them occupy occupying in g their full time association now numbers 33 the officers are as follo follows ws president 1 P pasted councilors councillors counci lors gre ire robert b A jones tones and william turpin secretary william brewer treasurer wellington Bl chins we have a day and sunday school in good order we are having an unusually mild winter the stock on the range aro are doing well A few grasshoppers have deposited their eggs b bud but u I 1 ilis ills ag thought therease ther there eare are not e enough no ah to do much damage considerable a sid ide erable ra b 1 fali fall I 1 grain was put in and good health prevails 2 1 in illinois we have perused a letter from elder NV Jones dated at galva henry county 1111 iiii illinois nois nils he says bays as 8 by inquiry from the farmers I 1 learn that for years past illinois has nut not raised enough small grain to give back baek the seed that is put into the ground the wheat raised is of a very inferior quality the breads t of the state are chiefly imported from frow kansas and hod other states the consequence is that many farmers are obliged to sell stock to buy seed grain potatoes are per bushel and of bf most I 1 inferior a quality to be brief the principal or chief products of state stale are corn and hogs durio dario 9 the last year many nanny farmers in section have lost many or all their hogs by what is known as hoc cholera the times hard times 12 the land has ceased ased to yield of her products the ce new ner land when tilled is equally as bad so that the tho welfare ot the farmers depends on om their stock and corn and their stock of course are all fed by their corn crop I 1 am dm f free Q e to aay gay that one slight deviation in the season sor a grasshopper war 11 uch buch as utah ufah has experienced for one year would envelop this pait part of the country in a famine in inroy n moy roy iou lou v a farmer in utah with twenty ac acres acrea res of good jand land 4 better than the fi farmer triner here with 60 or SO 80 acres acice 11 mormonism in tt illiams burgh IT no Y the organization of the latter day saints at williams burgh is 15 years old L until three years ago the membership ivas was over at present it has diminished to tho the members live in greenpoint Green point newark iro Ifo hoboken boken new york and williamsburg services are held every sabbath in american hall hull no ito grand street williamsburg at 3 pm and two elders from utah ocea occa lou lon iou the object of these meetings is stated staled to be to remove popular prejudice the no churches in this part of the country for utah is the central point to which they all aspire to go it is a principle of their creed to gather there as soon after conversion as possible as many maos prin privileges not permitted here may be enjoyed in utah ode one privilege is that of having a plurality of wives the williamsburgh Williams burgh members belong to the poorer classes As soo soon q as they amass sufficient funds they will emigrate to salt lake bake city it has been re ret rei i bently stated that special delegates bad had been bent sent out establish to par manent local organizations of the latter day Saint saints fc bu bul but the truth ia is that missionaries baya bava been sent for years to the of tile th 0 atlantic states stated U preach and ind establish brach esi ssi aih dih ekit 4 church the tha policy is really as old as the church itself the tho missionaries come here at their own expense P b because it ia is their theory that it is wrong to make merch merchandise indish Indi dise disa sd of I 1 lie the gospel after arter a mission tour of six or eight months they return to utah and their places place s are filled tilled by others JN A Y tribune y atho 1 ogden municipal election we tha thel undersigned undersigner under signed hereby certify that the total number of votes p polled 0 lied at the municipal election held in ogden city feb lelh leth 1877 was one thousand one hundred and twenty one cisi 1121 1121 ll 21 and thattie that the following named persons received tho the number of votes hereunto affixed to their names resper respectively viz MAYOR lorin norin parr pam farr illg ilig 1116 elest elesa WARD F A brown 4 1 W I 1 1 I samuel JO A alderman SECOND wand WARD walter thompson 1110 ilio ALDERMAN THIRD WARD IVARD I 1 john reeve I 1 I 1 councilors councillors COUNCI LORS C W penrose lozi 6 1071 robert joseph parry 1717 job blu Piu gree grep 6 1103 barnard white hr V M BLich buchmiller miller wm carroll ri nya vya critchelow 4 scattering 22 blank n 1 JAMES TAYLOR I 1 city recorder WALTER wanter R THOMPSON OMPSON Tm THOMAS lAs ras do DEE der clias CHAS IV PE PENROSE nrose franr FRANK do GILES GILE jaun H BESTALL W M coor COOK ogden Jn junction cion F fob feb cb 13 city council the city council rn met t last evening mayor presiding A petition of wenry henry snell for the privilege of quiri quarrying yIng limestone from a certain location northeast north east of the warm springs referred to the committee on public grounds A like ilke petition from morris devana E vans was similarly referred petition of 3 john ohn sharp and 4 enty one other residents of the bishop bishops ward for the privilege applying the delinquent taxes taxed that locality to repairing the and sidewalks rhe the rho tuna suna amm of 50 aas was vas appropriated aa as asked A of dr S B youn young to attento the du duties ties of or city an quarantine physician for 50 month was accepted and appropriated to be drawn by him at the rate above mentioned the committee on fire depart ment recommended that ap appropriated abed to be distributed rata to the members of the brigade brigado ne cording according to the eer ier i rende fende rendered redby by each since them fo appropriation was made for a similar purpose the committee to whom was referred the petition of thomas J and J 1 R jones for the privilege cutting ice from a certain sweep the e east ast side of the river jordan jarda D recommended that the prayer granted adopted tho the sum of was appropriated to pay to W ellerbeck eiler Ellet beck for service services as superintendent of waterworks water works for the tho half sear year vear ending jan 1877 of tho tuo city recorder for the jast month was appropriated artio ruo rno mayor in his hia capacity as a 9 su of waterworks water works was authorized to purchase such supplies as vire necessary forthal for that department part melA nela ment of the corporation Adjourn adjourned ol till tilt next tuesday ev eLling evening at 7 from FRUM DAILY red eed 15 german band thet tiia german military band were to give live a con ogden last exen even evening igi sl A i 1 from irom 1 bear beau lalle lalie justice istle AV P ef of laketon rate Late town towo ti bear lake valley jalu is in the city W A little more there thare IV was war ai a liht fall of snow in t lie the valley I 1 yesterday evening ald nid aid aad today todar to day dar some more beautiful genial and pleasant piea pien sant saat weather r given to the tha J jury h this thi s 1 morn ing the jury in the suit of cora conway vs jeter clinton et al a we were re cli cil charged arged by the district court and the case given to them for a ver diet prophecy last evening by invitation vi of the farmington improvement pra pro association elder david mckenzie delivered a iee lee ture under the auspices of that thab or on prophecy there was a large and attentive audience returned from australia I 1 elder isaac groo who has haa buen bison for seme in e t lime time m a in australia on a mission lon to that part of the world reached home yesterday elders eiders john young and charles charies burton who have also aiso been to the same part were expected to reach home homo today to day returned brother william bramall travelling velling tra agent for the NEWS has returned from a successful business trip through 11 the settlements of tooele thoele and cache val wal valleys leis he informs us that he was treated with uniform courtesy jj in every place he visited fbi for which the brethren have our thanks y past memories next week the anniversary of washington birthday will be celebrated throughout the country nothings it things political dont take a decided change for the better it looks as if genuine republican institutions in thib this part of the globe will soon become like him one of their first most sta staunch tinch and pro prominent mineRt founders a matter of memory instead of an existing fact could the magnanimous washington look upon matters mattera laa las a they ri now oare are and see the glorious principles of human freedom for fop which himself and revolutionary fathers fought and struggled trampled upon and set aside be he would probably feel talat hat th the pres present eilt generation of his countrymen had bad so degenerated as to be unworthy of the great blessings that had been placed within their reach but are fast last passing from their grasp an impostor and scoundrel last night a young girl about abou t sev ear enteen years old called at the city li hall and entered complaint li against a ft fellow giving the name of dr gerron gerrod aged about fifty who sh she e alleges lias misled an d seduced her gerron claims to have hade dived lived most of his bis life among hmong the walla walla indians Ind lams laas and to be a medical practitioner after the indian fashion he has been traveling through h the territory earr carr carrying yink his hia nostrums strums no with w ith him and lecturing in part indian costume he met the complainant whose nameless name nam elsS eiss is S E B But butterfield Orfield accorn at corn creek and persuaded her to accompany L him 1 m I 1 in P n his wanderings at first she be ga gave e no heed to his entreaties until she was adal advised ed to do so by a woman living at corn creek he performed a kind of mock moek mat mst rimon lal eer ceremony e me n y between the two with a promise to go through the form in proper order at some future time she of course has banals discovered that he is a miserable im pos torand realizes now her position of shame bhame we wo understand that gerron gerfo n does not deny the charge preferred against him his defense being that he intended marrying the girl ha he was arrested last night and placed in jail jall |