Show A oure cure for elephantiasis r ir ilisan it old oid saying says gays the th london examiner that god goj never strikes with both hands also that poison where the devil has placed the polson poison god has provided an antidote these ancient sayings are still believed by many and certainly things occur now and again to prove that they are riot n ot destitute ortruth of truth for example in central america in columbia in the tropical valleys of the andes on the high table lands as weli well weil as on the low lying shores of the sea there id Is a loathsome disease called ele lasis itis ILl snot not confined to and class of persons although it is most prevalent among tho the poor and the poor of the negroes the malady is not only fearful and loath loathsome som e in the patient it is hideous to behold the members of the body become swollen with ulcers toa to a formidable size the hair drops onu off so do the nails the voice disappears and sleep ia is murdered for this most awful lils liis a cure has been discovered and used with the happiest results this is nothing ea eho eko a than eating the flesh ot of the turkey buzzard buzz ardor ardon or gallinazo gilli nazo a bird b 1 rd so filthy in its habits that the tho meat it produces has been refused by europeans were dying of hunger several odthe of the party who accompanied strain in his bis perilous explorations of the Is isthmus amus of da uday hie rie down to die and died didd because the flesh of this bird was too revolting to eat cat now the them g gallana allina zo abounds in ulo uio those sa parts indeed is the only bird that may ruy be s aid said to abound in the populous regions he is likewise the only scavenger now he will be elevated to higher uses and it is only fair that gallinazos salli galli as well ag as men should nise rise to higher things news has reached us from panama and carthagena of several cures having laving been effected of this thir direful plague by the use of the flesh of a carrion bird will look up and kii kil all ill who hate hato medicine mediel newill will be supplied sup bup plied with neav arguments |