Show local and other matters FROM sai SAT dalit emigration by a private telegram from new york we learn that the next company of emigrants to utah will leave liverpool on the inet american fork bishop ii E harrington of american fork gave one of his pleasant calls this afternoon he represents all peace there and excellent promises of good crops conference this morning elders john taylor and george Q cannon with others went to farmington to attend the two days daval meet lagat at that thab place president young with several seve rale rAIE elders eiders ders is expected pec ted to td attend tomorrow to morrow ex expected p C ed elder eider albert Car rIng don bon wife 1 f and son and elder arta arts D you young g are expected to arrive here on sunday eve evening ning hing bishop john sharp is expected to reach homo home on monday evening next Progress progressing irig home hoine made shoes are being turned out in large quantities qu an at bowes rowes big boot store and more hands have been recently engaged that a what we want to see employment for the workman and good coverings for our poor feet r even so the nasal tones of the lively auctioneer are wafted wafred on the summer a air ir and the bargain hunter walseth eagerly into the place prepared for his feet and pockets and sagely expend eth his cash for sundry goods at from 25 to io 60 50 per cent above the prices charged iri fri stores for general merchandise be and the auctioneer out his tongue and his cheek and serenely win keth apropos early next week gould and Dillon the railroad magnates will be here that will be a good time to touch them up on freights if the rates on bullion and ores was reduced to a living price business would revive here and the railroads would have more business chos going to talk to them on this question show them the advantage to the road roads a that a their only tender point Cal cai Calori orical caI cal an 11 warm ye so says tho the shining asunto sun today to day as he poured down his glittering beams on every bald head exposed the principal item of news on the streets was its very warm but ca lorien as it is at salt bait lake frisco aw araway away ahead the thermos ther mom is up to 94 deg in the shade and stocks are rising with the mercury this thia makes things doubly warm on the coast travelous Gra the city fathers are grading east temple street and fulfilling the scriptures ma making ki ug the rough places smooth and t the he crooked places straight exalt exalting I 1 ng the hollows and depressing t the he hills thereof right when folks grumble about the streets give them the business port portion lori of town is being well fixed and hud all israel will eay any amen 21 pleasant grove john browns body lies iles moldering in the grave so sings the street youngster but we saw john brown the steady bishop of pleasant ing through the streets of our city this morning and body and soul went marching on the bishop reported his diocese in good order a general uprising of crops in process and no signs of ye pesky grasshopper all of which is good to hear deseret telegraph company at the regular meeting of the stockholders stock holders of the deseret telegraph co held in the office of president brigham young this morning the following gentlemen were elected officers ot of the company and members of the board of directors brigham young president daniel ja H wells vice presided wm win B doul dougall al secretary james jack treasurer brigham young daniel H wells feramorz little edward hunter john sharp heber heben P kimbal KIm rim balI ball james jack wm B dougall an and george reynolds members of the board of directors silk sine today to day mr paul A tier tien showed us some very fine flue specimens of cocoons very large french annuals he informs us wat oat bat hat last season a number of moths alt pit the cards and adhered to the boards in mr zarr lees lers b barn arn where the eggs were depos deros deposited cited an and lad iad pad no protection from cold they hatched batched out early in the season and the worms in absence of mulberry leaves actually fed for some time on lett iett lettuce tice lice yet the cocoons aro are unusually large mr Seli Bc ettler hettler will have about cocoons this season of which are french trench annuals and of the we tuscan variety the latter are about the tho best known that alleged assassination A full report of the investigation into th the alleged eged attempted assassination of the new york herald commissioner will be published next week the victim anxious to keep up the sensation sent a message to the mayor yesterday asking for the stenographers transcript of the proceedings themes the messenger and the style in which the message was delivered were equally offensive the mayor felt under no obligations to comply with the demand of the so called commissioner and would not parley parlay with the person who represented him but he sent word to the correspondent that before publication li the report of his hii the correspondents evidence should be submitted to him for ex examination now look out for an indignant outburst from the man witha slit silt litin in his vest and a pin scratch on his bis manly buzdum 11 assault and battery this morning there was a case case of assau assault it and battery from sugar house ward before justice mrs homan was the party complaining and arse amree Hemsley was the party accused the quarrel really grew grow out of the tho ehe ewe ot of cattle pol poi poisoning sonin 9 mentioned in the NEWS a few days dayh since the affair having occurred beyond the corporation limits and it being clear that an assault had been committed the justice had no alternative but to hold the accused in a nominal bond to answer to the grand jury it transpired in the evidence in the assault case that mrs mm homan got up from her bed on the night of the stock poisoning and went out in her night clothes it is stated beside that tracks of bare feet were found the morning after the poisoning in the vicin vicinity tty of the stock we learn that in addition to the wayco narl nw tr edward He hemsley maley that died last sunday another horse has also died leaving him without a team the cow belonging to mr air job hemsley hembley hein Hern sley bley which as heretofore stated was sick from the effects of poisoning has also since died this poisoning case is of the most demoniacal charac character torand and demands a searching investigation at the hands of the officers of the law if such investigation is not had bad then there will be a reprehensible neglect of duty somewhere such cases should not go as the public safety demands the punishment of sach such fiendish fiend lah acts georgia and alabama A A conference of the north georgia i orgia and anti alabama conference of the church of jesus christ of latter day sal sai saints ants was held at haywood valley branch commencing april saturday 1877 present elders jmorgan thos E murphy james T and W C wightman ightman VV in the morning after singing and prayer eldera Elde elder rJ J morgan addressed the conference elder brewerton followed speaking in regard to the principles of he the t gospel and bearing very strong to testimony as to the same results fo following howl now as anciently and of t the he W faith falth IN required on the part I 1 of elders to overcome the difficulties necessarily encountered in preach dinv inv the tha elder murphy y made a few appropriate remarks on the necessity of repentance and obedience and bore his bis testimony meny that joseph smith was a prophet sent of god elder J morgan spoke of the condition of the people of this portion of the country which necessarily resulted from the perversion of the gospel by sectarian teachers dismissed with singing and pray er at 2 p m conference convened and after singing and prayer elder wightman addressed the congregation briefly bearing his testimony to the truth of the gospel yel yei as revealed through the prophet oseph joseph smith elder lisonbee spoke on the verse of the 1st chapter of romans illustrating the difference jp believing the bible nible B ible ibie when shut and in believing the things contained therein and showing in a very clear and forcible manner that revelations given to the saints of old would not suffice for saints of orto otto today to day elder J morgan spoke from the doctrine and covenants and the bible showing in a 4 brief but impressive manner tha that t the coming and reign of christ would be an actual personal coming coining and reign dismissed by singing and prayer on sunday at IQ a 8 m april conference convened and after singing and prayer the sacrament was administered administer edy eds after which the authorities of the church were presented in regular order by elder lisonbee and unanimously sustained alnea with uplifted hands elder J morgan then presented the presiding officers of the several branches of A orth georgia and alabama who were unanimously sustained elder J morgan forgan A addressed the congregation in a lengthy discourse co urse dismissed with prayer conference convened at 2 pm after singing and prayer elder lisonbee spoke at considerable length showing that the gifts and powers of the gospel were promised 0 only on condition of faith and obedience to the ordinances of the gospel and that the ordinances could be legally administered only by those who were called as were the apostles A p 0 ties of ol 01 old oid ds showing that water ba baptism p is essential and the tho mode to be immersion elder brewerton spoke of the trials and difficulties experienced by the saints elder morgan made a tew tow brief re remarks markL dismissed with singing and prayer i at 7 services commenced by singing and prayer elder wightman addressed the congregation brother felix bore his testimony to the gospel as revealed through the prophet joseph smith brother john J barbour spoke in relation to the circumstances under which he embraced the gospel elder brewerton addressed the congregation conference closed with singing and benediction ay by some seventy five members from the three branches organized in chattanooga and flazon counties north georgia hy by elder J morgan and the branch organized in de D a kalb county alabama by elder lisonbee besides the meetings were attended by many manri from mom rom i a distance who seemed to be be attentive list listeners enem 1 MORGAN presiding buos J eara BARa ourt clerk erom MONDAYS DAILY dally JUNE 18 railroad magnate s jay gould and sidney dillon billon arrived at ogden yesterday excursion party the members of the norden Nor deuna deria s glee club and nd their friends have been at Lake lakeside aide alde to day expected expect ed tlde ILde Car can rIng wife and alid son el elder eider der arta D young yo ung and bishop john sharp and son sun william are expected to arrive home this evening at the walker hons zachariah chandler JH deis 0 lewis arid abd S 8 cobb of michigan arrived frog from the east last evening and are staying at the walker house at kaysville Kays ville today to elders erastus snow and F A richards of the quorum of the twelve and the recently appointed presidency of the davis county stake stakes have been at kaysville Kays ville completing an organization in that ward base ball in the game between the rough bough and beady heady and deseret clubs on saturday on washington square Squar esome some bome very excellent little more practice by the bough and and the desprets deb Dee erets will have hava to look jook to tp their laurels the score was 20 to 11 musical bouquet brom prom daynes 4 fc son boo we wo have number four of this periodical it has haa when he is absent m alone words brel by H malbon malban in music U by jos joa J daynee eairy fairy poly polsi ka kaj 0 J thomas 4 beautiful rain bain 11 thorough bass and harmony conyl womans comans exponent for june 15 pont contains ains the W worms will A few reflections B R B S reports womans comans voice to salt lake city patriarchal marriage manufacture and storing grain diary of joseph smith letters f from rom nawi haw W J alian allan islands lands le suffrage convention in new york A protest unison runaway marriages etc Return edi edt by letter from one of the missionaries with the party accompanying elder A F mao donald we learn that elder montgomery of ogden traveling with the company received a tete gram from his wife informing him that one of his children died after be he left and that some of the others were III ill whereupon he concluded to return home and did so accord angly home again elder 0 D brinton of big cottonwood returned from a mission to the eastern states on wednesday june he left this city on the soth of 0 october e t 0 1 1876 his labors were mainly m al n 1 y ber in a pennsylvania Pennsyl under the direction of elder henry growl grow where he baptized several people lie he also aisted family friends and relatives in canada iowa new york and new established and appointed A post has baa been established at eisenor Ei hevier bevier county utah with john 0 ostland as postmaster the following postmasters have also been appointed for utah henry A martineau county I 1 evan edwords iron city iron county geoage 0 crane kanokb millard billiard county john batty to qu erville rane hane county harpers magazine for july contains A naughty little boy sleeping snow SHOW banners of the california alps wreck of the fishing boat mohawk valley daring the revolution westminster abbey the cloud A beautiful charity A woman hater northern Nor thein islands dawn with the longbow birda birds nests I 1 rests stronger than death barnaby pass emma or my fathers min kin auf our civil service amura amurata th 1 IV V editors easy chair drawer Di dwer iwer p and literary scientific and histo historical cical record I 1 fares from liverpool to ogden adults 12 years old and upwards 14 between 8 9 and 12 years za 9 between 5 and 8 17 7 as be tween 1 and 5 za los ios under I 1 byear year adults are each allowed pounds or 7 stones and 2 pounds of luggage free and those between 5 and 12 are allowed 50 60 pounds or 3 stones and 8 pounds free no free luggage is allowed to those under 5 all extra luggage will be charged eight cents or four pence per pound from new york to ogden no one will be permitted to take any luggage over these amounts unless they have money to pay for its transportation from new now york as it will not be paid for by this office nor I 1 by y elder VV 0 staines SL iines eines at new york there being no funds at either office to pay for over oven overweight weight millennial star may 28 jordan wards wands yesterday president A M cannon and counsel lors lore D 0 calder and joseph taylor of this stake visited the jordan d an wards and effected several organizations heretofore the four settlements in that locality have been under the supervision of one bishopric located in the west J jordan or district each district has now a separate organization in north jordan samuel bennion is bishop with archibald frame first counselor and joseph joserh Harker barker second counselor west jordan archibald gardner bishop james jamea turner first counselor and john T hill second counselor fort horniman herriman james crane bishop daniel danil M bowan first finst counselor an and d charles crump sec see ond counselor south jordan william A bills bishop ensign I 1 stocking first firs t counselor and henry beckstead secord counselor high water this morning we received a call fram D 1 p skidmore esq representing g the wa western oil Corn company pany fany ofal of louis this house honse is well weli well known in the west doing a healthy business all the way to california we ioa loa rn from mr rp that mach damage is ip being in the of by high waters the flats in that tha t vicinity being inundated I 1 rhe the che omaha smelting smelling sm elting works and theu road shops are p partially a r US I 1 I 1 y much damage is being done to property on both sides of |