Show in this thib thi city june 15 1877 of scarlet frev frer OTIS marcellus only duly f fon ton on of Marl li ind and mary hamitt aged 3 yeara jears 5 ald at alg residence loth ward sat lake late city thia this june at 3 dr EZEKIEL LEE tee la in the bal idd iud d year of his age aye tn union salt sait lake county counts mayem 0 of P pneumonia utu onia onla WILLIAM son sou ot 01 juhu john aid bid ald d hay V may hope llope budt r dil bil mide eded ho bo emigrated to utah with iho latter lattur day ay salins in 1 ke lived a good moral moan roan was a rood good and well res red acted by all u ho knew kneir him com cou sur star please copy june mit wit at thi residence of bc r da ugh ter nt it serc perc in the loth iva rd nt n I 1 thia this nis his city of old c oge cg dge e mr mrs ANN hoiten |