Show FV E M j A rj R j 4 1 ar 4 i W ELDER I 1 I 1 J 0 fhe temple t round arid I 1 0 t 7 i r 1 l vy Y jeorga F GIBB 1 i r f IF belto E EEl ya to 61 0 o to tb see bee the ifie work of I 1 sang fin it Is today to day and to the uplift and reeling feeling tha ii a eare care being manifested among ebl etl everywhere here throughout the territory for tiie the advancement en of his church an d on the marth earth in my visit south to attend exceedingly i in bebing thel tempie Templo term tern binl bini bh sh george georke IU it is W ik pure puro and ana white a anthe tf driven riven snow judth vi and ia dt cu 48 ele eie gannt garit in ni design and there therb JW is a mahi mabi manifest fest feit propriety Pro and iti its adrane ments finish eye aie x hibit italene abd arti artl stio ski skill llor or the highest orde rynd it Js clitis td lex let and beautiful fu 1 l 40 ants foni the borth with ck basaltic lava iava t tala taia Y J s I 1 q n tiko 1149 he ba nd 1 alq U 4 jt hae bae bao relieved e if eye eve d Jinde edl edi yo tafe ont ent U P ae menes benes e iti F and aud arch oro ore 1 R ard ibi ig ipps bakie I 1 I 1 1 I andA n pw oMer oner e arx W as i P lse epe ipe to a e UV sid ET A arvi lot 10 th ofin iut lut bacia af tho the desert ns ment or igner the de it y t jtb ith thi qiu mac a ni daitai fa ital itAi bis his 4 nd af tha hattei 0 d da av wen b pie e eu pany X p yng yby brethren ethren who were efe ith experienced a acred of joy abd clemn ev ere ene hial bial tik deusa tio n 1 Y sacred cpr portal F ta va 4 41 L 11 tivi livi tot ift aenid f 6 k d W lipa g ra 1 u n d s uh yub of alii is ili i helth bi god bind kind t a tj of belyen ai 1 that is gotai wh I 1 wot hot ridal euprea lib iab a v hearity hen Hea lity for fon A it ig in ha tHoe U uli III J F V W I 1 11 bp ili 14 the td 16 U t 1 luat thib hilos ordinances of dod god hig are to T be b va per r formell which alq h ld bereit ltha avd happiness da na ehu dol ial angim jlyo aima I 1 nelt velt eit elt fa rejoice flu fiu iek rek d thu thi tia ur in brane ter ithe hamor namor namer our abher and god od 4 Q f list camme caine to mah mab ian lan pete county a place dedicated and set apart jlko like th ground has hes been agam afelt rejoice ta 6 ihei spirit and aud feeling that were manifested among the ren ten in lui that of lee leo country i f everybody seemed desirous to com cohl meace the work of build building hig the tho temple when of theone to be erected bere here my joy wa still greater and I 1 nin hin indeed very happy for thet the privilege of meeting mt mth b I 1 you ou of taking part inthis dedication of listening to the prayer of brother brothen Brot bei hei pratt watt and the remarks of youg all ail bf by th of th the tho clug of bf which have ther then meaning aud and ought tb lin lence epee our hearts and and und lead us to take a deep and aid abiding interest int lu the great and important things that are are arv going on in im bur our midst in list I 1 p and nd around about up us they ara are things in which thie the a angeld t 1 g el A an and aso abo a nd i iti n W III t alv j d L J ia i 3 i god our father is interested and all ail the ancient t prophets and holy men nig nii n of god dod that bavo ever aver lived i air feel imite interested in these theme thing which we are now engaged in abd aad all au stand ready to approve ofru wa works if we go to work with hil ill our hearts and with nit nik 61 alt pur souls we can accomplish if Il within the time the president has riven given hs bl yes ye ewul venture to say we can do it in fir two and a half years instead of three and a half haf years yeam if it we can lay aside our narrow contracted ideas and feel that we are servants of the thic living ming god that we are operating and operating cooperating co with him and with th the q huly holy holy boly priesthood behind fobe the yeli yell veil for the accomplishment ment orthis jobje object ct then the power and blessing of almighty god will wil be upon u and be bd within baand us and we wo will viii feel fiel like ilke i g giants glants lanh lana i refreshed with new pew wine nud lud and t the li a work of God will roll roil on lloil will arise arhe abd and the glory C god riu XIU aiu kiu r rest upon hen her 1 I my say amen to td the pra brother patt and to the ibe re remarks of president Yo young tink tinh and atiat T say god bliss our president and lils jila counselors delors god bless biess t the tho e T welve twelve and god bless biess the presidents J and nna bishops and every everi every good man that ean fean can kim amen 0 |