Show B BLOSSO ming MINO AS THE ROSE OSE I 1 T THAT iian llan an once C e bar barren barron r en stretch of country north of kaysville Kays ville usually denominated the sand band sandridge ridge bids bida fali fail fair to become one of the finest and most productive sections of this thid territory last lut season seon large largel crops of mall small grain and aad lucerne were produced there without irrigation I 1 and this thia season the broad strips of deep green which form a plea piea pleasant sint bint contrast to the pal pale hue of the sagebrush indicate the triumph of the tho thrifty farmers who have un der dor taken to convert that fater sterlie lie ile lle ridge lidge into fruitful fleida fields itye can be seen there no now W 11 six bix IX feet high and headed out nin fin finely ay und wheat over four feet high which in about three weeks with weather like the present will be i lipe lioe I 1 pe for the harvest not a propof drop of water except that which has flopped from the clouds has touched these crops it is true that the spring of 77 has hash been much more prolific of rain than most previous years but the fact has been demonstrated that many MADY supposed worthless wastes can be successfully cultivated and that food lood forman for fon man and beast can be produced from them in paying quan ties lies acahal A canal will no doubt at some future time be constructed for the benefit of that locality ideality and then we shall gee sea ogden ind and RAys maysville ville connected by a succession of farms orchards aud and gardens and dotted with handsome dwellings many of which will be the country lesof the business men of ogden nad salt bait lake utah is capable of sustaining a large population and i J ii a a few years its desert places hk lias has been remarked once or twice before will blossom as the rose |