Show w ird ild from sundays daliy dally stile NEW sanele Sc nele claggett now that ilo lio has hns as been kicked out of tho the montana dv legateship is evidently fishing diligently for a t utah appoint men anent tand and to begin with he fills MIS t tho the presidential pre piC and congressional ear tar lar with the most moat barefaced and slanderous lies concertin concerning this territory v and the pe people ople opie d thereof if president grant were left entirely to his own motion tilo the probability li Is that lie would be iw I w inclined to act and J estly towards utah and its inhabitants inhabitant nut but the and arid political intriguer inari guer bent on mischief iiii mii chief and reck reek lessof lessor of tho the rights of their follow citizen and of the tile interests of either oither this or dr the cou country at large will not let iet him liim alone they pester aua and worry him and poison his hia mind with calumny concerning ofir our best liest citizens and concerning conce cence ming bing tho large jaio majority of our citizens mailing maldia him hini believe that mot most of tilo inhabitants s of utah are aiu ai alu u not worthy to live and are nit fit subjects for con cou congressional gressional and executive vengeance and goading 5 him on to somo como overt act which whether r they tell him sho feo or not would cover iii his presidential providential record with HibMa ceable disgrace anduri and bring f rig ona conflict between him min and berh perhaps ps congress on the one hand liand and the supreme rie rio court odthe united states on the iho other tarl Tars parson ranson aon son nai nal JS awman an ure urd urged ad ohi on the president to ta take ke action of this kind but alif pd and mek mck McKei mckel ean oan ln failed to accomplish anything thin by his outrageous of the the law lair lii ili brithe the ine Jre ids report of the conversation tion had by negley kegley claggett CI aggett and add tier Iler moett rift ritt with the president pre ident for the purpose of goading him if im to goad Congre samo sato goad utah lio ho after lie 0 ot kij dij gigantic antic antie proportions and jet out until tho pre pic deems seems beems actually forced to think eliat there is i an awful state of or affairs hero here and inconsistently enough that such sueh awful state of aurira lia has 4 been purposely bely instituted ted by the people peoble who ventured forth ferth into tills untracked do doert desert ert ort reclaimed it and mado it one of the most prosperous rou law abiding piacoa in the union it Is li an unhappy tiling thing to be surrounded by bad adv losi and of that f T elass clasa president lenar grant nt ha has s a num ler ber around him one olis gah cah hard hardly help heip sin smiling I 1 ifil g at lit suc su 1 ircy I I 1 U 1 aa as torribio torri terri blo bio condition of at lairs in ili utah 11 exclusion ol 01 all others except from froni tt a hare share s in iii the niches riches of utah viah lah ish slavery aver y almost as de degrading 9 rad ingal as t that of the blacks before tile tho war 11 cc a shame shama mit that our beautiful co country U geould hase have such a plague spot m at tah th which eveir everybody Vidy knol aro all ridiculous and absurd claggette Clag getts beastly cha of ofilio the children of this thi ibl territory ii i i contempt 1 i lulo luio and arid 1 w likely to meet him neam full fuli U in the fage fae at a aprile me vilen vilon h he w would 0 u I 1 1 I ra rather t h e r be ue excused x e use une d to 0 o tho apo appointment of a special eo cammi m li ion i lon OIL to investigate tile tilo af f airs naima of utah wo tle tie sligh est objection object ion if it li compo ett of sensible sober judicious men of j comprehensive views and di disposed po ed to look 0 ok at nunga things frankly and candidly aa as honorable and band mair fair minded american citizens citizen 3 it will bea be a very I 1 good thin but if it 13 X 5 eoln coln campot ed of or P buch such nrc ure brands a ai cla cia elett who seems unable to look at utah except f through his liia lii ili a highly bighley P colored s spec spee P cc tauivi tho tilo will be a faree farce and a utti nuisance sance ili in fact the appointment of sueh such elmi elzi a i enter senter slanderer and ind calumniator lator ai as he could hardly operate oti otherwise than as an insult and an butr outrage IV but let tile tilo commission come and welcome if it does lbs iti A work well and equitably congie coll Coli gues bues gies is tiiu tho president and the tiie nation na hoc HOW wili will abl obtain alix a far nar more lajore thorough and alid just view of the naf aff mairs lairs of dis bis territory than they ain kin hem mem to tonako at ee present resent re recent cent sent and answay anyway ay tho the result will vill be beneficial 6 AWAY the ille go journals report of troops massing sin fin towards 3 utah ia la explained away awa to mean moan that troop troops are needed edon on the plain i and towards the rio illo graude grande that no menace ii is ai intended towards utah and that tili there 1 la q no idea of pouring pom ing troops into this tills territory at present pre pie bent sent yo so oar far faran faras ws s the spending of money and the giving ofa of a zoetus to bubines bu sines 4 are concer concerned nied fied the advent adaven t of a AM few thousand tiou and troops would do something greenaa eks would beluie beinie to become moro more plentiful for tilo tile troops could not bo hero bere without I 1 W wanting Irli ting ome thine for which tha tile pa pay would naturally bo be furnA furnished leil icil by rood good uncle am wo we could tel tol tell teil 1 flim liim beforehand that it would besheer be sheer prodigality merely throwing ill ili money mones away needlessly sti stajl if Us his u unruly ii ruly boy bos ailko ChIg claggett gett and merritt and a 1 number of otil others err ers will persuade wim him eliat lle lie ought to do it and lie he will do 10 it all that wo 6 can do after protesting ag against aill i t the folly of the undertaking d der dor taking on his part pait LS to get our platters ready reads to catch alf an we ean can wilon wilen if it rains raina canh cali i |