Show I tur tue jewa 1 I I 1 I 1 i I 1 cem cye I 1 SS regi regg PER WEST ettl EItl UNION rine congressional j HOUSE 1 tho house houm in committee took up tile tiie post ollice appropriation bill palmer who has charge ut of the tiie bill remarked that since the abolition of the franking privilege tile the postmaster naster general was willing to have havo lave the tile appropriation reduced a 1 I million and a liala an amendment was officered ered and ind adopted increasing the item for forlet letter barrien by one hundred thousand and allowing their employment in places where the population is ii twenty thousand within the delivery an unsuccessful nude to increase tile tho comment eom com companion penion lent of ietter letter carriers tr rier 4 adjourned jour ned EASTERN 1 anna ALnA 1 miny yv the tho joint committee to elect an orator to de deliver dellver livera a eulogy on the tile lato late tto ito XV VH 11 Sew seim rd leavo lave lavo agreed upon tipon charlws charley franeis francis I 1 MI adam aifred alfred A giol ord tho tilo oldest member of the tiie stock exchange died tied lied today to today day there is 14 great excitement among the tho wall street treet operators at the atha venue hotel over theall tile alleged ered eced 1 corrior corner in western We terii teril union was freely bid jay gould it 1 13 bel bei believed coved to bo be short the tile body of jacob 3 cenap nap a brooklyn saloon keeper leeper was found this tills evening inho place which had llad been closed for some weeks berido liim was a dog adoc feed ay iy tile tilo tile irest arest of the flesh having been eaten from the body ST louis at moberly mo at 2 yesterday am A L da avis vis attempted to force an entrance into hito the room of mrs pullam a 3 milliner she warned him tode todo to de but lie he forced forcel the door when sho she shot him hio dead 4 coroners jury J exonerated lie lle her texas the tile united states border horder coin coln commissioners and alid attaches arrived here hero to day they will resume the invests gation raglon gat ion lon of the mexican depredations at tills joint at once proceeding dill alonz along aloia tilo til lorder as demands deriu may i require t AI nany HANY S the tilo pollute defeated t 1 io 0 to tp gl 62 4 1 resolution in lit oppa tio ti JL n to the tile government purchase of tho tilo telegraph line paris advises advices state that tin an indictment luas lias been found glicr agil against list fremont by somo some of or liis 1118 associates nv who I 1 to held heid him to negotiate memphis aphis ganam sanam and el pao paro railroad bonds in the european market and that the trial will come off oil shortly ly A havalia otter letter says nays thata that a number of spanish slave owner owners held a meeting mcton in that city recently recent to colial consider der the means of anticipating the tile inte intentions lotions of the home government on the tiie subject of slavery A proposition was made to have lave the slaves ke placed replaced with contracted COOIl coolies ev and that money be raised for this object the tho meeting was not favorable to the emancipation project and broke up without doing C anything dennite definite it is stated that the extortions extort ions in the tile harbor masters master department of this tilis port which were exposed a year ago ai ale are 6 again being practiced upon ship owners and others button N 11 harrison harrlson harhi harri ion coun counsel cl for the S samana company says pays thi that dut lit hundreds of letters letter arc received baily haliy daily dally from flom parties desirous of emi enil gr grating to st domingo the tile company intend to keep their matters I 1 private i ate ato until the result of the clec deel tir tion 0 1 is known CirIC CHICAGO AGOG G at AViu kegan ill ili yeste yesterday day das christopher haftl lauerty erny erty who killed 01 omeara m in thi thy 4 city in august last la st while the tile latter was servin serving g a warrant for his arrest for assault gault sault and who obtained a 1 I change of venue to lake laker couil county ty was found guilty of murder in lit tile tiie the first dip div degree gree grec the tile punishment was fixed at death gov glov beveridge has refused to commute the sentence F from roni n 1 I new york F special it luc appears that simmons trio trie the murderer of duryea was not released oil on bail ball as stated last evening the braud fraud grand jury july in oyer and ind und Teri terl terminer niner ulner having I 1 ving found an indictment of mur murder der in tile tiie first degree in time to plesent this outrage 0 of justice CANADA 5 judge canon carron lias has accepted tile tiie lieutenant governorship the local parliament will be convened immediately to consider the tile ilece necessary z irvle legislation entailed by the tiie burning of tilo tile court house WESTERN sas say FRANCISCO 5 the tho p primary election passed off on vera very 1 guy quietly I 1 though in lit several wards the tile contest was sharp and there was wu considerable sid erable drumming up of voters it nyada was a square night fight between the two factions p of tile tilo gorham party I 1 a roa rea result uit not yet known all alt all ail old man tried to drown himself today to day das at north Poin point tand and when wilen rescued said liis ills ill lii two daughters dalig liters abused liim hini and lie lle iid ild did lid not wish to live any longer his name could not be ascertained work on the tile texas pacific P R P R will be commenced within a week AbundA abundance neg hed wimin aimin of rain I 1 is falling in all sections of tile the state from north to south southa there are no floods but tile storm Is not yet over and it 13 14 is 13 still raining in lit this locality every evey night and day the epizootic has bas broken brokon out amongst the tito horses at gi gilroy lroy iroy troy A kaa lia larga rge tobacco manti manufactory factory about to be established at gilroy 5 A vigilance t committee with about members has juls been beell organized at spring springs since the murder of evans they ulvy have notified several parties in that vicinity that they trev must ill lit themselves or find oilier quai quart terri ersk at once EUROPEAN OART carr 5 the steamship Jr arillo ajro is still here 1 the british Britis li consul demanded a writ wit of attachment against llor her tile the captain and anti onni cers on the watch at thet me arher colli coll slon faion with the lie lle aie aio held prisoners on board a spanish marh mari of iyar war pending investigation the crew arjundev cunder ar g guard liard biard and aye ayo not allowed to go the spanish authorities ho have cx rillo deela that she shows show no kigns of having havig been beeri iii in collision their belief ai M eho sheh Is innocent lo 10 LONDON mo at tit tiie tile a trl trial triai al of robert bowies bowles today to day hie lie was yva i s acquitted tho vict couns conniel el forthe for tile prosecution proven tion in his opening speech said it was iiii im hie lile io doubt that helas guilty the tile foreknowledge by iv tho tiie degen defor danhof tho tilo ninn niAn manner tier in it which the firm fh ni disposed of londs of hir bir mr lak iak lag lort bort tho the prosecutor amounting to and of the securities of mrs gates gatea and mr gardner garanci in va value over oooo F few wele nvere examined among alidon rag H t tra nars gates gatea 01 rho tile deputy recorder in pui sur gumming timing up slowed that other of the firm were responsible for the mccur deposited MADi madri badino in the engagement between the folee and the tile royal loyal troops at asdall place called diaga aga in the north it t i 4 officially announced that 2 00 insurgents were killed and antl liow rules rifles including ind C eight hundred of the ton toil patent a large quantity of ammunition stores tores and NO prisoners were i captured mig elg eighty eights of or the insurgent t surge begged lyp lip geil for amnesty atie atle s athe 5 tile the shocks on ill lii tho the p island of samos samol sa in os continued four days there jias lias been great deA der destruction ruction of life and proper property tiie the number of victims is is yet unknown lonio 5 the Britis british li court will go into mourning for a r short time for the nowa dowa dowager t cr mill elii empra of brazil ST ung inq 5 3 ahe the official giat Vial gazette in an arti article 1 on tile the movements of russia hi in A ala xia asia aia ia contrasts tiie the with which great britain views the gro growth etli of tiie tile united states s nv with t tile the jealousy lealou jea louy louw with which she watches the crowth growth of bf russia and says pays that are aie simply beside selves with anger and concludes article by ky advising the british government to take tako no more notice not ieti leti of tilo tile progress of russia than she does of that of the tho united states State cs tile tilo russian neet hect fc Is conr it the baltic and will anvill soon C ail ali all ill for fontai til 0 mediterranean 4 lord As gt on Is seriously ill 1 anicetta ani betta har has recovered from hia hla l illness the proprietor of the tile nev icv newspaper lims has leen been sentenced fo to four months imprisonment for publishing an international intel national circular 5 5 in the tilo cortes yes berday a republican member proposed an amendment to jile the port rort rico abolition bill extending til the e protis provis provisions loti to cub cuba dy and providing that tit tilo slaves alid and not the itlie masters shall receive tho the indemnity the cortes will consider the tile amendment amendments A band nand of carli carll 49 ide ho lie RE R R depot at the tho town of villa franca begot I 1 in n til tha province pro vince vinco of guiou eoa coa yesterday I 1 PARIS panis G Pta bayonne colker Cow cod lewys sa y a the spanish forces have haxe as yet gained no substantial advantage over the tile insurgents in tilo tile pro Th vinces ices i t 11 IT 6 parliament as ws asem smila em bled today to day tilo the queen in her 11 er speech firs first t alludes to the tile milon maion 11 of sir bartle baltic enere frere for ticy tiler sup pies ples slon sion of the tile slave trade in east i africa the tiie deel dech decision sion slon of tiie tite william in lit tile tho san juan b boundary to dar darl l is touched upon par parliament lament will be asked to provide for tle tie tl pay pan payment illet lilet of tile geneva awards the tile queen cs her acknowledgments to tile emperor of germany and ind the gen eva arbitrator arb itrato rs for foz borki A treaty for the tho tion of criminals hat been concluded with belgium concerning the movements of russia in central asia the speech says sass correspondence lia ha 4 i pa parel passed rel rei with a 1 I view to ft the tile boundary line of the tile northern fron lier of afghanistan in order to cp cn sure auro tranquility in lit cen pen central arlo arho Pape raon on tile tiie matters mentioned will be laid before parliament the estimates for the tilo financial 3 year sear carwill aull tuil soon bo be presented to the tile co commons 11 although 0 tho the harvest harve t lias 1118 11 18 been to ome fome omo extent deficient ent the tile genera general I 1 condition of brim Brit minis ainis aill alil 4 ea satisfactory A measure will bo submitted atan at an early day doy settling tile the question of university sit hit education lucati Oll oli in ireland which will bif formed 1 th a careful regard to tiie the rights and consciences of all other legislative subjects of import inci NJ wiil will ill be VC presented ted during tile tilo set ses session mor mox AUSTRALIA melburne 4 nie 1311 tish sloop ark fik lias three vessels enra enga engage ted ged din in 11 kidnapping Id to be mold gold avery 1 dc bedis dil DIs illel 7 icv idy r prop r n OV A p nir sir is ii A white write from eity chy I 1 july lafit luth ft as follows 4 jwo wo send solid for your I 1 cx soine 1 imperfect beel bee beci bee bce i batched hatched in lit till L territory orv thab they appear to hatch with there these olic olie yellow 0 i 1 ow particles attached to their w toes 1 and tubes and when ahei 1 they tiley tiie the trio particles c i ott oft tile tiie tiley tiles generally take tile tit claws 3 with them the p perfect workers s seem ceato to count them wortlie wort lwe lUe Q and t carry carrs r r them out by lis lly 2 ang with ith them into the tilt all nir birthey thes th They Y seen geem to iava a delre daire to worl wo rk but do to not make much li headway cadway thero there aro arc many of theo thee inutile mutilated cited toes and yellow at tilo ho mouth ortho hive ilive quite a percentage of ourlie our bees cs aie arc idt in thi till 4 way in ill july juls enclosed ed with this tilis letter we find lind several mutilated bec bee avith a pias plas of yellow liel liei pellucid lucid parti particle particles eie cle mixed with shining black blaek speck iii all ill appearing ip to thi unal unai 1 ted sted eye eyb to bo bh of no specific form br or ter er ta iid ild i n this in liard h a nd ve vve called upon gur friend jfe J angus annual the ole entomologist tle tie he remarked ed that he lie had bittl himself ober cd da a fungous growth oh the legs legai of wild bees which h might of f a 81 similar milar nature then tilen on searching 0 liis 1118 coriou 5 collections a specimen was shortly found haying having the sup posed jun fun zt attached by the tilo naked eye ve vve brought brou glit gilt then the bear lean it it and lo 10 the th evonder vonder the tile nature of tile tite tilee aliese c before particles is at once manifest there were in thlu theao caa tvs two 1 0 pairs paira of club d bodie bodle each pair 10 i conjoin eaf tr toa to a blac blae blacki granule by j jointed ped bells theo eso cur cui curious cullous lotis ious lous objects tim aio at onca once recognized uli the tho pollen ii collell il lasses masses called N of our OUT common oftener known as dis slik grass gnass or milkweed sec see olace book dook of botany page ago cut 4 the bee beo llad been in tile the floN flowers vern vein of af tit the e mill arnd arid iid lid touching w ith a bristle tho the the said black gland giand ifill i or granule is excer ill lil 5 and the nia nil were torn out from their 1 now vf action aa 6 coli coll concerning t the tho lie lle plant is 9 in lit accord the afi in of ot nature thie thee polton mashe massei i eail can llever ina isa d reach the sti stigma gnia and ud ertl erti fertilize lize ilze etile the but thie the insect draws them forth and aud probably inita in iti it I next movement lit til ali thrusts rusts them thoai into f tiie filea af the la oye oyo ve next turned ta ill lil tilo tile p a uail upil of mr vrr mB uca beeb bees taid aid ald tir anro not liot surprised to filid tile tiie paltiel pait palt lel iel L accompany hig or adhering to them to be of the tho samo same nature as ast those liose already tle they were in leed deed iced ina bad condition for study being broken and bru hru bruised mcd and iriti gid lpyd it in i eon con contusion 1 by 3 ti alio 10 I 1 long iong ong J journey I 1 gey icy I 1 in ll 11 thi the mailbag mail mall 11 ba bar bag g 4 F few evv othe lie lle particles retah retained led theli thele form complete but enough were found to pil able us ils to exactly ex form and to conclude beyond a shade of doubt that they were tho tile of s probably pro baldy baidy of Torr tile the tiie tho common that region M of country T this I 1 ils lis blooms bloomy in july juls alliy allty tilo tile month lilor ith poci apeci nied fied jil ill tiie file letter leafer above quoted as tilo uie time for tiie fhe file the bees beds of utah to stiffer froni this impediment 1 tie tle the tho usual forni forna of oc polle nhi nii granular and whatever ia M gathered hi lit tho bristle joints odthe of the lioney bao beo ja s of if foi fol coure couro itse liso earlis caily ca eaily eally |