Show LOCALS nill HILL the tito bill presented in the senate by mr logan and printed elsewhere olf in to toda days da sib nl EWH has bag mor for ita object the ai depriving tr of the people and legislatures of the territories of all voice in the judicial matters of their respective tive territory le M and the placing acing pl of them completely under the power of carpet ba bag C U S judges marshals and attorneys tor ness noys five in all in t this his territory it is in short all AH instrument for making legal the outrageous and evolutionary illegalities and un of tho the mckoan clique for accomplishing by law what that clique so determinedly tt it tempted to do in opposition to and in def defiance lauice latice of all law and justice us it is the very special legislation which the disloyal ring in thia till R city have bave all along alon aion 0 been endeavoring end ond ea to obtain and which they latterly have rene wedi aou nought ht with an apparent dete determination nathon to IL hivo hive v that m hort bort ort sort of judicial administration here or none at all either an nii nil autocratic judicature or anarchy ana ans relly either ubo abo abo lut lute rule or ab tolate ruin the title of the 1111 bill is a misnomer it ba L not a bill to promote justice but to compass extreme injustice that is the intond and design of its authors alders aiden and abettors abet tors tho the bill practically I 1 ignores no all territorial claIR Judie judicial fal executive and legIs tile tho the first section authorise author isei TJ R f mar hais hals to b bo the executive boffl i cells celis of nil all coarts courts held by TT B S jud judges es in the territories T the M second section authorizes U S attorneys attorn eya to pra all ca cases casee tried by V U S Judge judges 44 sueh such TT T T 8 marsh marshals als alq and and their jurors to be paid from toe the territorial treasuries a as taxed by b the TJ S judge ludge akst just what ye the ring are afner after Aft erthe the territorial tases taxes the third section places the choice and of jurics jurica in the hands handi of the V U S judg judges tp marshals and attorneys tag taw often insuring tho the conviction a and rid sentence entente sen en tenee tence of any person whom the rin rink ring may set heft its mind to convict vl lf and sentence no challenge allowed on account of sitting of previous term the court and not the jury to pronounce all criminal punishment ish ment the fourth section gives court nines fines into the hands of the judges to pa pay fees with tho the lie iio fifth section provides gor for fe f e curing costs by execution me cullon cution or attachment I 1 the sixta section refers to prosecution for marriage the seventh section authorizes authorize 8 the appointment by the judges of each district of county commissioners or examining and committing magistrates thus creating a new and numerous swarm of greedy carpet bagga in each Terri torri territory tort the territorial treas treasury rury sury to bleed for them of coure cour e the judges to fix the timea tim places and terms of court that is they hold court when where and how long they please US U S courts to have original divorce jurisdiction the tei territorial ri tru treasuries surles to bleed also for the benefit of certain carpet bag court reporters the judges to do the tax ing ng and tile tho people to pay if a T territorial maori t 1 legislature fall to make provision for all thebe theeo o fees dmd n and nd costia then the judges are authorized to dip into the congressional appropriations for said legislatures lu in such easie ca of course nothing would bo be left leot jor nor for the legi legislators daters da tors neither per diem norral nor mileage leare leage perhaps the best thing would bo be for tor conga congress in S to ampt accept back itse iti own own for the lelila leibla tures turea of orthe the tho territories orias and forbath legislators legi and judges to bear their own expenses ohp uses under suell a self seif sustaining policy the tile people would be lie more inalie imly likely to get justice justlee and the worth of their money the courts are places to be avoided as it L is much more mole mol moi e would they chev be ber under the operation of s bill if c cucit a bill law look out for an enormous iacre increase uso aso of taxation in the territories the end of which no man if such laws aa as this can be bt folsted foisted fai ted on tho the Terri tonie torie how long iong ili ill will it be before fil sll milar thin will be bedone done in the states and thun the whole theory anti and practice of local f FO folo elf olo I 1 1 government be overthrown and the people bereft of their rights be bv bound hand and foot and cast in the mire milre to be trampled under foot by their thein despotic masters this Is the natural outcome of such midi absurd and outrageous outrage autra ageous ous legislation legi dation and what would follow sueh buch a it condition of ti lings A terrible reaction in w which lii ill c h the insulted wron wronged gred and depol despoiled people would turn upon their tyrannical oppressors hurl them from their nata wata of unrighteous power and tear them into fa pieces power in the height of or the red hot fury tury ryo of their thor mft Indig indignation rila pila |